Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage (9 page)

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Authors: Cj Howard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage
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“Well, I’m flattered.” He smiled down at her. “You are one lovely looking lady.” He winked at her again and took another huge swig of scotch.


They landed in Vegas and Reed had to wake Daisy up and help her off the plane. Their limo took them to the Venetian and they checked into their suite. Anderson had gone all out. The bar was overstocked, the mini kitchen was filled with food, there were tickets to several shows waiting for them on the desk, fresh fruit and chocolate in various places around the place, and no end of champagne and roses everywhere. It looked more like a honeymoon suite.


Daisy squealed and ran to the bed and jumped on it. She had gotten her second wind and was ready to play with wild abandon in Las Vegas. Reed looked at her and laughed as she bounced up and down, and he walked over and planted his hands on her hips, pulling her to him and wrapping his arms around her.


She grinned at him and lowered her face to his, kissing him deeply and running her tongue over his, as his hands moved from her waist down over her hips to the very short hem of her shiny gold lame dress. His mouth and hers were both wet and hungry, but he shoved the bottom of her dress up over her hips, clamped his hands on her ass and buried his face in her crotch, focusing his hunger for her there. She gasped and moaned as he rubbed his tongue over the outside of her and then flicked the tip of it back and forth just inside her.


Reed groaned with desire, feeling his body stiffen, and he stopped tasting her long enough to pull her dress up over her head and throw it to the floor. His hands gripped her hips and he moved his tongue over her again, making her cry out with pleasure and clench her fingers in his wavy black hair. He moved his mouth up over her belly, kissing her and sucking on her skin, and his hands and mouth moved upward to her breasts, kneading them and pulling them to his ravenous mouth.


He sucked and bit at her nipples, pulling on them and running the width of his tongue over them and she leaned her face down to his, kissing his forehead and his cheeks until he lifted his face from her breasts and took over her mouth, kissing her with famished abandon.


He was fully aroused and he wanted to want her -- Daisy with her big fake breasts, her golden triangle of hair over the hot, wet core he loved to be in, her soft pink lips, her wild blonde curls, her sweet little ass, her pretty face and cute giggle… he wanted to want her, because he was scared that the last two times he had screwed her, he had closed his eyes and imagined she was Jillian.


He had never been more turned on than when he had been inside Daisy, imagining he was making love to exotic, stunning, beautiful Jillian.


Imagining his mouth was on her breasts, that the lips he was kissing were her dark lips, that the body he was clinging to was her curvy, delicious, petite body, that the skin in his mouth was her dark skin and the sounds of pleasure that emanated from his stripper girlfriend were instead coming from his incredible fiancé; a woman who wanted nothing to do with him and who had told him to his face that he disgusted her.


He didn’t want to want her. He did not want to imagine her. He absolutely hated himself for closing his eyes and pretending he was with Jillian while he was with such a hot chick like Daisy, who completely adored him and let him do anything he wanted to her. He had decided that it was only about control; that it was about having the upper hand, since Jillian didn’t want it and he was being forced to marry her.


He felt like his imaginations were a mental escape for him, to make believe that the only woman in the world who didn’t want him was underneath him as he was moving deeply inside her, crying out in pleasure for him and what he was doing to her. He was sure that had to be it. Some form or method of acceptance and control.


He’d done it twice, though, and the second time, Jillian had caught him in the act because Anderson had sent her to the pool house to find Reed. Anderson knew Reed was in the pool house with Daisy. Anderson sent Jillian in anyway, and she had caught him mid-coitus as he was imagining he was inside of her. It was the worst possible scenario, he thought. He didn’t want her to invade his senses like that, to make him want her so much that he closed his eyes and imagined her instead of the sexy little blonde who was constantly interested in pleasing him.


It was important to him that he keep his eyes open this time, every time; that he was used to because he was with Daisy and she could easily have been a centerfold model. Daisy worshiped him and he was her first priority and what she loved most was screwing him.


He wanted desperately to focus on that and not on the mysterious and alluring woman who had agreed to marry him. He wanted to block her from his mind entirely and not wish that he was lusting after her. Reed had made up his mind that this trip was going to be all about the gorgeous little blonde who was setting him on fire just then.


He pushed her back on the bed and she fell into the pillows laughing. She spread her legs for him and looked down between her breasts at him. “What do you want, baby?” She always asked him that, what did he want. Anything he wanted. He was so lucky to have such a smoking hot woman ready to please him anytime he wanted, any way he wanted. He wasn’t going to let Jillian into his mind at all. He grinned at Daisy.


“I want to see how many times I can make you come,” he said with a sultry smile. He buried his face between her legs and slid his tongue over the outside of her and into the deep recesses of her so passionately that she lost count of her orgasms.


He kept his eyes open and focused solely on her. When she couldn’t take anymore, he knelt on the bed and pulled her up to him, straddling his body, and sliding her down onto his stone solid erection, thrusting every inch of it into her as far as he could. He pumped himself into the depths of her body over and over, as he buried his face in her breasts and sucked hungrily at her lips and tongue.


He kept his eyes open. He called out her name. He pushed Jillian out of his mind and he screwed Daisy like it was the very first time, but he could not orgasm himself. His body wouldn’t seem to cooperate with him.. He had a full erection. He was where he most wanted to be, and it couldn’t have been any more erotic between the two of them just then, but no amount of her riding him like he was a stallion would bring him to orgasm. She laid him down on the bed and his erection disappeared down her throat; she sucked and licked, and kissed and teased, and he did not orgasm.


Reed growled to himself and rolled Daisy onto her back, laying between her legs and planting himself deeply inside her as she clung to him and he gorged himself on her hard pink nipples. Then he sighed in resignation and before he even had his eyes all the way closed, Jillian seeped into every part of his mind.


Her lovely smile, her beautiful dark eyes. The blue dress she was wearing on their first date. The feel of her body in his hands and her full lips as he kissed her. He imagined pulling the blue chiffon material off the full swell of her breasts and running his tongue over her dark breasts and nipples, the feel of her silky smooth black hair in his fingers, the softness of her rounded hips as he buried his arousal in her body.


He was rocked with desire and overwhelmed with passion as he moved within Daisy’s body, his eyes closed, his mind and heart pretending is was Jillian. He groaned and cried out as he moved faster in her, his pleasure mounting furiously as he lost his breath and his whole body stiffened and he was torn between not wanting it at all and wanting it more than he had ever wanted that moment with any other woman.


He cried out, thrusting himself into the body beneath him, holding himself completely in her as his orgasm hit him full force and he exploded with bliss, every nerve ending in him tingling simultaneously. He shuddered and gasped as the last of the liquid left him and he lowered himself onto Daisy’s breasts, his lungs heaving and his body exhausted.


“Oh my god, baby, that was amazing! You know,” Daisy said, kissing his forehead, “that’s the second time you’ve come in me. You never do that. Ever. It’s so cool that you feel close enough to me now that you can do that. I think it means you’re falling in love with me. Our sex life has never been as good as it has been the last few times.


“You’re just unstoppable! I love it!” She tilted his face up to hers and stared dreamily into his bright blue eyes. “I love you, baby.” She leaned down and kissed his lips and he groaned out of disappointment and agony.


She had shown him countless times how much she loved him, but she knew he didn’t love her in return, so she had never said it. Since he had been imagining he was making love with his fiancé rather than screwing his hot stripper girlfriend, things had gotten very good in the sack between he and Daisy, but none of it had to do with Daisy.


He rolled off  her and pushed himself up off the bed. Daisy watched him in utter happiness as he crossed the room and closed the bathroom door behind him, only to open it right back up and look at her.


“I shouldn’t be coming in you. I don’t want to get you pregnant. You did say you’re on birth control, right?” he asked, furrowing his brow.


She smiled at him and nodded. “Sure I am. I’m a stripper. It would be stupid of me to not be on birth control.” 


He nodded with a look of uncertainty on his face and took a shower. He had a problem. He was seriously lusting after the one woman who wanted nothing at all to do with him.


Reed couldn’t believe that Daisy couldn’t make him come. It was just sex. She was easily one of the sexiest women he knew, and that was saying something. He couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t come until he closed his eyes and thought about Jillian.


He shook his head and made up his mind not to think of her again. He was in Vegas to have a good time with Daisy and that was what he was going to do.


They went down to the casino and gambled. They ate, saw shows, laughed and held hands and had a great time. They drank and he did everything he could think of to be turned on by the thought of Daisy.


He slid his fingers up under her tiny dress when they were in a crowd of people in the dark shadows on the sidewalk outside by the Bellagio fountains and no one saw him slip his fingers inside her and manipulate her until she came three times, biting her lip and holding back her gasps of pleasure.


He leaned her head into his chest as she came, hiding her face so she wouldn’t give them away, and as she buried her face in his chest, he closed his eyes and Jillian was there in his mind, and it was then that he grew hard with need.


When he was in the shower with Daisy, washing her body and kissing her, he closed his eyes, and Jillian appeared under his lips and hands and he could not hold back the desire that engulfed him. He turned Daisy away from him and pushed his erection into her, eyes shut tight, hands reaching around to her breasts as he pretended he was inside Jillian, his hands on her body, and he came hard in Daisy.


He even tried keeping Jillian out of his mind when Daisy was sucking on his erections, but somehow he could not climax unless he closed his eyes, and he could not stand to think of Jillian’s mouth on him that way, her beautiful sweet lips wrapped around him.


Each time he had pulled Daisy up onto his lap or laid her back in the bed, or turned her around away from him and in desperate need he had driven himself inside of her, and with each deep solid thrust into her body, he tried to push away the need for Jillian, but it only exacerbated his growing addiction.


The only way he could come was by closing his eyes and imagining that Jillian was the woman he was losing himself in and he hated it.


It was making him miserable and cranky and Daisy noticed fairly quickly. She asked him about it and he waved it off and said it was just family business that he was trying to keep his mind off of. It wasn’t a lie, but he didn’t want her to know what was going on. All she knew was that this was a spur of the moment trip that his brother had given him as a surprise.


When Reed realized that the only way he could orgasm was to think of Jillian, and when he finally admitted to himself that doing it was the most intense pleasure he had ever known, he succumbed to it, and became insatiably ravenous for the feeling, for the little pretend world where Jillian was his lover and she wanted him to please her, and where she wanted to please him.


He came in Daisy every single time he made love to her, and it quickly became making love, because what he wanted in his mind with Jillian was not just sex, it was not just screwing and having a fling, which was what he had always done with Daisy prior to his involvement with Jillian. The result of that was that Daisy believed Reed was in love with her and he just hadn’t said it out loud yet.

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