Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (151 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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He watched her swallow hard and wondered if she would finally cry 'mercy.' So far, she'd taken everything he'd given, but each time he brought out something new, a part of him fully expected it to be the last straw, the one thing that she would refuse and then the game would be over.

“Go lie on the bed. You may choose if you like on your stomach or on your back, but once you've chosen, you won't be able to change your mind.”

She walked ahead of him and he watched her go, admiring the sway of her hips, the rosy shade of her ass and the stripes across her back. Judging by the awkwardness of her gait, he was sure her skin was still sensitive. This was going to be fun.

She stood at the foot of the bed for a moment and he knew what was going through her head. Which would be worse, lying on her sore back and ass or not being able to see? When she crawled onto the bed and lay, face-down, he knew she'd chosen the former.

Probably a good choice. If she started squirming, it'd hurt less on her stomach. And he fully intended to make her squirm. He walked over to the wall, feeling her eyes on him. Part of him wanted to tell her not to worry, but he quashed it almost immediately. He'd already given in once. She needed to trust him.

He ignored her as he reached for a set of scarves. Silk always felt wonderful—until it tightened. Most people didn't realize just how strong the fabric could be. Even though it was just as difficult to get out of silk as handcuffs, the psychological difference was profound. Silk was associated with sensuality, metal with captivity.

Courtney's pulse fluttered under his fingers as he picked up her wrist, but she'd turned her face away and didn't look back. It didn't take him long to secure her left arm. He gave her a bit of room to bend and straighten her arm, but not much. When he crossed to the other side, her eyes were closed, lips parted as whispers of air puffed out. Once he tied her other arm, he reached up to grab a pillow.

“Up,” he placed a hand on her abdomen, stuffing the pillow under her hips. Easier access and it would relieve the pressure on her clit. He wasn't sadistic.

He stroked her leg as he tied the last knot, her tension radiating through her tight muscles. His fingers wrapped around her calf, his thumb making small circles on her skin.

“If you can take it, I promise it'll be worth it. If you can't, use the word.”

She nodded to show her understanding, but didn't speak.

Vance's hand lingered a moment longer, then he stood abruptly. He cleared his throat as he walked to the trunks. He needed to focus. He opened two—no need for gags—and looked over his collection before making his selections.

He knelt on the edge of the bed, letting his shins rest on the bench. He still hadn't removed anything other than his jacket and shoes, and his cock strained against his zipper. His own pleasure would wait. He stretched out, propping himself up on his elbows. Without a word of warning, he pressed his lips against her pussy. The touch was almost chaste, but Courtney jumped as if electrified.

“Easy,” Vance whispered. “We've got a long night.” He blew lightly on her overheated skin and she made a strangled sound. “And feel free to be as loud as you want. The basement is soundproof.”

He shifted into a more comfortable position and got to work.

If the first kiss had been chaste, the second was anything but. His tongue ran down her slit, delving between her folds to circle her entrance. Her flesh was salty and hot against his tongue. He'd never refused to go down on a woman or done a less than thorough job, but it had never been his favorite thing to do. Something about Courtney changed all of that. He didn't know if it was her unique, exquisite flavor bursting across his tastebuds that made him enjoy it or if there was some deeper reason. Whatever it was, he found himself growing even harder as every pass of his tongue elicited a mewling sound from her.

He stayed away from her clit, carefully maneuvering around the swollen nub, close enough to provide pleasant stimulus, but not close enough to actually touch it. This lesson wasn't about the pleasure that could be found in pain, but rather the frustration that came from unfulfilled promise. As soon as he felt the muscles under his hands tense, he stopped, sliding back up onto his knees.

Courtney made a noise that Vance could only describe as halfway between a growl and a groan. He wiped his sleeve across his chin.

“You've already had quite a few orgasms today, haven't you? Even if you can't remember exactly how many.” He kept his voice low, even, forcing down any of the excitement he was feeling. This was what he wanted, the rush of power that came with control. “I don't think you need another one just yet, especially since you were such a bad girl.”

“Shit.” The word was muffled as Courtney pressed her face into the pillow and he knew she'd figured out just what he intended to do.

“Maybe you'll remember this when I give you specific instructions.”He looked over the items he'd selected from the trunks. Her clit was far too sensitive for any direct stimulation just yet so he hadn't brought a vibrator, only a couple of dildos. After a moment's contemplation, he selected one. This was one of his favorites to use on his partners after numerous orgasms. Its flesh-colored plastic was covered with small ridges and bumps, specifically designed to rub against the walls of the vagina. The more sensitive the cunt, the more intense the friction.

“Do not come,” Vance ran his fingertips over the still-warm flesh where his hand had left its mark. “If you do, there will be consequences.” He let the ominous words hang in the air for several seconds.

“Yes, Sir,” Courtney whispered.

Vance closed his eyes, savoring the unsolicited words. When he opened his eyes, he settled into a more comfortable position and ran the tip of the dildo down Courtney's slit. Her entire body shivered at the touch of the cool plastic. He eased the head into her, just past her entrance, and paused, waiting until she shifted. Whether she was trying to take it further in or push it out, he didn't know, but he twisted his wrist, sending half of the ten inch shaft into her.

Her limbs stiffened and he stopped, not moving, waiting to see if she'd be able to fight off what her body wanted. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she whispered into the sheets, muscles in her arms straining.

Only when he saw her relaxing did he shove the remaining five inches forward. Courtney's back arched, a cry escaping. Her head whipped back and forth, her hands clenching into fists.

“That's it, fight it,” Vance murmured the encouragement, unsure if she could even hear him. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He'd been fantasizing about moments like this for years. Courtney spread-eagle on his bed, unable to do more than writhe, cunt stretched wide around a thick shaft. She'd barely stopped moving when he began to move it, every stroke bringing a new curse.

He worked the phallus in and out of her pussy, keeping his strokes slow and steady. Each time he felt her nearing a climax, he would stop. Sometimes he caressed the insides of her quivering thighs while keeping the entire length sheathed in her cunt. Other times, he would completely withdraw it, her whimpers of protest making his already hard cock ache with the need for relief. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, only that he'd denied her release half a dozen times. When he set the dildo aside, its surface shiny with her juices, he was nearly ready to bring this to an end.

“You've done so well,” he leaned over her, running his hands up over her hips and sides, each flinch making the heat inside him burn even hotter. “We're almost done. Are you ready to be done?”

Courtney took a hitching breath, voice nearly breaking as she spoke. “Whatever pleases you, Sir.”

Fuck. Vance forced himself to think about anything other than the naked, trembling woman beneath him. He was so close that he had to sit back and clench his eyes shut until he'd regained control.

Vance picked up a smaller dildo. It was almost as long as the first, but smoother and thinner. Barely the circumference of his first two fingers, this particular toy had come out of a different trunk than the first. This one was from what Vance called the 'ass chest.'

He slid the toy into her pussy with little resistance and Courtney barely acknowledged its presence. She'd turned her face to the side and closed her eyes, no longer speaking. Vance moved the dildo a few times, thoroughly wetting the toy. He removed it, but still no reaction. It wasn't until he pressed its head against the little puckered hole that Courtney's eyes flew open. She whimpered, eyes rolling as he pushed forward.

There was less resistance than he had expected. He paused. “Seems like someone's already loosened this hole. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?” When she didn't answer, he reached down and gave her pubic hair a tug. Her hips jerked.

“Did you have something in your ass earlier today?” He pushed the dildo a few centimeters more.

She nodded frantically.


A faint red flush crept up her cheeks. “My fingers.”

Vance's stomach clenched hard. Had she done what he thought she'd done? “Did you get off with fingers in your ass?” The expression on her face answered his question, but he wanted to hear it from her lips. “Did you?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

He shoved the dildo a little further. “Tell me.”

Her voice quaked but she didn't protest. Rather, she did exactly as he asked. “I'd already come a couple of times and I started thinking about you and what you might do to me.” She closed her eyes as if she couldn't look at him while saying the words. “Imagining you were putting things
.” She faltered, unable to finish.

“Put what where?” He pulled the dildo back before pushing forward again. His heart was pounding, body humming with anticipation. He desperately wanted to hear her say it.

“First your fingers, and then your cock in my ass.” A flash of anger crossed Courtney's face, the fire making Vance's dick jump. He wanted her submissive, but, damn, did he love the occasional spark.

“Is that what you wanted to hear? I was fantasizing about you fingering my ass while fucking my pussy, then fucking my ass. I stuck two fingers in my ass and two in my cunt,” she snapped.

Vance shoved the rest of the dildo forward in one slow push that made her groan. “Yes,” he hissed. “That's exactly what I wanted.” He slowly fucked the toy in and out of her ass, ignoring her squirming to try to get away, the noises of protest with each stroke. He kept listening for her to cry 'mercy' but she didn't.

“Please,” Courtney began to beg, tears streaming down her face.

Based on the liquid drenching the pillow beneath her, he was fairly certain that it wasn't pain triggering the tears. Each repeat of the word sent a new jolt of desire straight to his groin. He flicked open the button to his pants and eased down his zipper. He didn't think he was going to be able to hold back much longer.

“Have you learned your lesson?” Vance gritted his teeth as he freed his throbbing erection.

“Yes, dammit, yes.” Courtney bent and straightened her arms, trying to release some of the pent-up pressure filling her body.

“And what lesson did you learn?” He pushed the dildo as far as it would go.

Her body shook with the intensity of the sensation. “Never lie. Always follow directions. Do what you say, Sir.” The words poured out of her, desperation evident in every word. “I'll pay more attention next time, Sir, I promise.”

“That's my girl.” He put his hands on her hips. “I'm going to fuck you now, while that dildo's in your ass.”

Courtney whimpered. “Yes, please.”

“If you can come when I first enter you, you're allowed to come. If you don't, you're not allowed to orgasm at all.” Vance dug his fingers into her hips as he positioned his cock at her entrance. “Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice was full of relief.

Vance snapped his hips forward and Courtney keened, every muscle instantly contracting as he sheathed himself in her wet heat. Her body shook as he pounded into her, driven to find his own release. The sound cut off as her body went limp and Vance bottomed out, the knowledge that he'd made her pass out pushing him over the edge. He emptied himself into her, ecstasy taking over every sense until all he felt and smelled and tasted was the body beneath him. She was inside him as fully as he was inside her, filling him until nothing was left but her.



The smell of sex hung heavy in the air just as it always did after hours in the basement, but this was different. Vance stared up at the ceiling, unable to look at the young woman in his arms for fear she wasn't sleeping. He didn't know what he'd say to her. Her cheek was on his chest, her hair tickling his skin. The hand on his stomach flattened and he closed his eyes. He'd seen the red lines on her wrists and ankles when he'd untied her and, before he could stop himself, he'd pressed his lips against each one. She'd still been unconscious so there'd been no danger of her seeing him, but just knowing what he'd done was enough to make him uncomfortable.

He hadn't even planned on staying in the bed. He rarely did. On occasion, if the sex had been vigorous enough that he didn't feel like moving, he stayed, but he always wrapped himself in a different sheet. There was no cuddling. But, when her eyes had fluttered open and her hand closed around his wrist, he hadn't been able to look away. When she'd whispered her request for him to stay, he'd nodded dumbly, unable to protest, unable to do anything but agree. Removing his clothes hadn't been part of her request, but he'd felt a sudden need to feel her skin against his.

Nearly two hours later, he still was unable to sleep. He'd never had this problem before. Then again, other partners had merely been a means to an end. Courtney was the end. Even as he held her, felt her breasts press against his side, he knew that he had her exactly where he'd always wanted her. Not just his bed, but emotionally and psychologically. She'd followed directions and accepted discipline. She'd addressed him as 'Sir,' even when angry. And she'd trusted him enough to do all of those things without using the safe word they'd established.

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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