Billionaire Season 2 (3 page)

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Authors: Kimball Lee

BOOK: Billionaire Season 2
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“Go ahead Wills, hit me again, you
hurt me and you wanna know why? Because I’ll let you, brother, because I’ll never raise my hand to stop you,” Walden said, lowering the bloody T-shirt from his face as he stepped toward William.

“Stop it both of you. For heaven’s sake William, he’s your brother and nothing happened… nothing serious, not any big deal to get all pissed off about. We should go to the hospital if that’s where your father is…” Allie said, placing herself between them and looking up at first one and then the other. “Come on dammit! I’ll get in the backseat and you two have to stop arguing. We need to be there for your dad and there’s no way Walden’s going to fit in the back seat of a sports car, he’s as tall and big as you are, William. Now let me get in and let’s go.” Allie said, she was so exasperated with the brothers she felt like slapping some sense into both of them.


“Oh my stars, Walden! What happened to your face? And your shirt is covered with blood,” Marilyn Trudeau cried, covering her mouth in horror. She was William the third’s neighbor and some nights she was his bedmate. She lived at Trudeau Hall, the estate bordering Greenlea and now she and her daughter Hannah sat in the hospital waiting room filing their nails and making themselves at home as if they’d actually been invited.

“William, how are you holding up?” Hannah hopped up and was at William’s side in an instant, reaching up to run her cold thin fingers across his cheek and plant a sloppy kiss on his lips before he could stop her. “Bless your heart, darlin’, I can’t imagine this happening to your daddy, he’s such a vital and virile man. It must be so terrible for you, I’m gonna come straight over to your place this evenin’ and take perfect care of you to ease your mind.”

“That’s not necessary, Hannah, this is Alaina Darling, she’s my girlfriend, and I have everything under control,” William said, but he didn’t feel in control of anything. He’d lost control as soon as he walked into Walden’s house a half hour earlier. He had actually hit his brother when Walden was absolutely right. Walden had made it clear that day at Greenlea that Allie was important to him. But William had written off his infatuation as just one more of Walden’s lunatic fantasies and in truth that was probably all it was. Still, he felt guilty, horribly guilty for simply shipping his brother out of the country and taking what they both wanted, which was Alaina Darling.

“Well isn’t that divine? Seriously now William, you have a girlfriend? You must be kidding!” Hannah said and her tone was colder than her hands as she stared a hole through Allie. She smiled a tight false smile and offered her cold bony hand to Allie, “I’m Hannah and isn’t that the most interesting news? William and I have been playmates and sweethearts since we were in diapers. I know absolutely every girl who comes and goes in his life and I’m sure I’ve never heard him mention your name before. I suppose that makes you the flavor of the week, what was your name again, darlin’?”

“Yes, you got that part right, it’s Darling, Allie Darling.” Allie said coolly although she really wanted to say,
Like he said bitch, I’m his girlfriend!

“Hannah, sweetie, hush, what a thing to say to William’s little friend. It’s so lovely to meet you Alaina. Your father is awake, William,” Marilyn said, giving Allie an equally icy smile and touching William’s arm lightly. “His doctor is in there with him now. Wouldn’t you and Walden like to go in and let him know you’re both here for him?”

“Yeah, we should do that,” Walden said grabbing a set of hospital scrubs from a stainless steel cart as a nurse wheeled it down the hallway. “Thanks, I just need the shirt for ten minutes, you can keep the pants,” he said, smiling at the shocked nurse who quickly recovered her wits and gave him a flirtatious grin as he peeled off the bloody T-shirt and slipped the clean shirt over his sublimely muscled torso.

“I’m Shannon,” the nurse whispered, “I get off work at ten. If you have a minute I’ll write down my phone number for you.”

“Shannon, thanks for the offer but take my advice, chere. Never give your phone number to a man who’s covered with blood,” Walden said and then he turned to William. “Let’s go see Father, Wills, and don’t worry, I’ll lie to him if he asks about my face.”

Chapter Two

“I’m Dr. Steiner and I assume you’re Mr. Warfield’s sons? Good, good, he’s doing well and he’s anxious to see his boys. A word of caution, don’t upset or excite him in any way. It seems he had an acute episode of Arrhythmia which is an irregularity in the pattern of the heartbeat. It’s basically a problem with what you might think of as the heart’s electrical system. Your father is adamant that he won’t endure surgery at this time and I feel that we can treat him with medication as long as he is closely monitored. I assume you have a well trusted staff employed at his home and here is a list of private nurses I’d recommend. Hire one or more of them and be sure one is on hand at all times in case of an unexpected mishap.” The doctor said and then he motioned for William and Walden to go to their father’s bedside.

“Well now, he was an arrogant prick, wouldn’t you say?” Walden said. “Who gives a fuck if Father objects to surgery? If he needs it to keep him alive we should fucking let them cut him open, fix the problem and get it over with. You and Father call me the crazy bastard, who’s crazy now? He just had a heart attack and he wants to go home and act like nothing happened.”

“Hush, Walden. Don’t upset him, you heard the doctor. I’ll talk to Father about the surgery and I’m sure there’s no way they’d send him home if there was a real risk.”

“Ah, my boys, how nice of you to come. Now get me out of this place, take me home before I die of anxiety. For God’s sake why did you let them bring me here? My agoraphobia is threatening to go into overdrive at any moment, thank goodness they have me on sedatives. Get me out of here, William, take me home right this minute. And Walden you look more rational than I’ve ever seen you, Dr. Selig must have done her job very well.” William the third said, and his voice was as strong and commanding as it had ever been.

“Yep, she did. I’m cured, Father, I’m just as fit as a fucking fiddle and I mean that seriously,” Walden said. “I’m done with doctors, I’m calling on my strong Viking blood to heal myself. And more than that, Father, I’ve found something that has made me want to get better and make my life a complete success.”

“Good, it’s about time. Now, when can I go home? Today, William, make it happen today. I hate hospitals and all these people with their incessant inane chattering and the place is surely crawling with legions of ghastly germs… And call my lawyer, William, have him come to the house next week there are some stipulations I need to add to my will. I want you and Walden there as well and I won’t listen to any arguments— it’s a nonnegotiable demand.”

“Do you really think you’re up to that, Father? Maybe in a few weeks…” William said, he was already mulling over the reason for Walden’s miraculous recovery which obviously was his infatuation with Allie. Now his father was going to alter his will and most likely add some eccentric bullshit that would have his sons jumping through hoops like a couple of circus dogs. It was all too much and not to mention that Allie had a bit of explaining to do about her careless behavior in so trustingly following Walden into his den of iniquity. It had been a bad, bad day to say the least. “Alright, Father, I’ll set it up for the end of next week. Can you work that meeting into your schedule, Walden?”

“Sure thing, bro. Get better, Father,” Walden said, leaning forward to plant a light kiss on his father’s cheek. “By the way, I’m borrowing your car Wills, see ya later.”


Walden had snatched William’s car keys right out of his hand and left the hospital. Now to the business at hand, he had to think rationally if he wanted his chance to capture Alaina’s heart. He fired up the engine of the Maserati and glanced at William in the rearview mirror. William had followed him to the parking lot demanding the keys back, but as usual he simply stood there pissed as hell and watched as Walden sped away.

You will not stop this from happening!
Walden thought as he laughed and rolled down the window so William wouldn’t miss it when he flipped him the bird.
Stay off the street drugs and rot-gut whiskey, get clean, stay smart and keep your mind sharp
, he told himself. Alaina Darling was worth it, she was all that mattered, she was his one and only reason for living. He fished his iPhone out of his jeans pocket, popped it into the Maserati’s sound system and turned the volume as high as it would go. God he felt good as the music played and he imagined Alaina’s sweet ripe body opening just for him. He seriously loved that angel of a girl like crazy and as far as music went— it didn’t get much better than the gravelly words of Joe Cocker.

Baby take off your coat, real slow. Now take off your shoes, I’ll take off your shoes. Baby take off your dress, yes yes yes. You can leave your hat on, you can leave your hat on, you can leave your hat on. Go over there turn on the lights, yeah all the lights. Come over here, stand on that chair, yeah that’s right. Raise your arms up in the air, now shake ‘em. You give me reason to live, you give me reason to live, you give me reason to live. You give me reason to live sweet darling
You can leave your hat on baby
Suspicious minds are talkin’, they’re tryin’ to tear us apart. They don’t know what love is, they don’t know what love is, they don’t know what love is. I know what love is

He screeched to a stop and left the Maserati parked halfway on the curb in front of The Cathedral. Abigail stood in the open doorway and the luxurious curves of her small body were beautifully outlined in an intricate red leather corset. A veil of soft waves of caramel-colored hair cascaded far past her shoulders and her smooth mocha skin glowed as the last rays of sunlight fell at her feet. Walden felt his blood heat to a raging boil as he leaned down to kiss her lush lips. Her desire for him was clearly written in the shocking color of her crystalline-blue eyes. Abigail was there for him, always there for him, unquestioning and unwavering in her need and lust and steadfast love for him.

“Get your mask, Abby,” he said, his voice was thick and low as he swept past her and bounded up the stairs to his bedroom.

A shudder ran through her at the course sound of his words. He was in a mood and she loved his delicious bad moods almost as much as she loved the man himself. She unlocked the iron gate where the silver boxes were kept and retrieved her feathered carnival mask and then she slipped into the old brass elevator that would take her to the top floor. He didn’t love her as much as she loved him, he wasn’t
in love
with her. Abigail was well aware that Walden Warfield wasn’t capable of that sort of love, the damage to his soul was too deep and too raw.

William called and told her that Alaina Darling had been in The Cathedral earlier that day so she knew from the anguish in William’s voice that Walden was infatuated with the girl. She wasn’t convinced that his infatuation would last or that he would stay interested long enough for anything to come of it, but it did mean that the sex would be rough tonight. Walden would punish her for not being the right woman or he would want to be punished for his imagined sins. Ah, Walden. In truth he was the kindest and most decent man Abigail had ever known, but his fractured past colored his world with a need for absolute control and pleasure with the sharp lash of pain.

Walden’s big body nearly filled the glass-tiled shower in his bathroom and Abigail drew in her breath sharply as she watched the steaming water wash over his bronzed skin. He was simply exquisite. From the chiseled symmetry of his high cheekbones, aquiline nose, strong square jaw and full wide mouth to the sheer masculinity of his broad shoulders, hard ripped abs, narrow waist and strong thighs. He was splendid indeed, but the most sublime part of Walden’s body was his cock. She might be able to break free of his tainted love if not for that oh so miraculous part of him.

He had been her very first lover and that fact had made him furious when he’d realized it. He’d sprung away from her and yelled at her to leave and come back when she was no longer a virgin. But she’d stood her ground and refused to go and it took all the strength and feminine wiles she possessed to make him fuck her that first time. He’d kept her with him and they’d stayed in his room for more than a week after he gave in and tied her to the big iron bed. That’s how she first experienced the act of love making— with her wrists and ankles spread wide and lashed tightly to Walden’s heavy iron bed. Her tears had flowed freely at the brutal size of his cock stretching and battering her newly awakened sex but she’d loved it so, and no other man had satisfied her since. He’d kissed her tears away and told her over and over not to look at him with such pain and love as he fucked her over and over while she begged him never to stop.

“I need a shave, Abby, get the razor and make sure it’s sharp,” he said rubbing the tips of his long fingers across the shadowy stubble on his chin.

Abigail felt the hot stab of desire and lust and unquenchable heat as his blazing eyes narrowed and his tone left no room for an argument.

“Ah, chere, you know I hate to do that. The razor, it’s not safe,” she said, even as she lifted the deathly sharp silver straight razor from its leather case.

He sat on a carved Italian bench in front of an antique Venetian mirror that reached from floor to ceiling and she knelt in front of him. She ran her fingers over the fresh wounds and ancient scars on his wide chest, the beautifully contoured muscles tensed under her touch and he pushed her hand away and nodded to the razor she held. She kissed his lips, her little pink tongue darting into his mouth and twisting and twining with his until he urged her to stand and get on with it. She bent her head quickly and flicked her tongue over the top of his cock tasting the droplets of fluid he couldn’t hold back before she stood and gathered hot damp towels to wrap his face.

Walden leaned his head back exposing his thick neck, the blue carotid artery pumping to the rhythm of his heart. Abigail wanted nothing more than to press her lips to the fine linen skin and feel the searing fire of his life’s blood, but he would never allow her that small intimacy. His eyes drifted closed as he waited for the touch of the cold smooth steel and he knew that Abby would still her quaking nerves and shaking hand as she refused to spill a drop of his blood.

Abigail lathered his chin and neck and steadily drew the finely honed blade over the tender skin of this man whom she loved with an intensity that filled her eyes and her heart with tears of longing. Oh if he only loved her, she would give anything to share his life even though it meant forfeiting the chance for normality. Loving Walden meant sharing him with other women, he couldn’t help it and of course he didn’t love any of them, it was simply part of who he was. And they would never have babies or a house with a white picket fence, but that didn’t matter.

Walden was compulsive in his use of condoms, not that it was a bad thing, but heaven forbid that he touch a woman without having protection on that huge divine cock of his. He was horrified by the thought of unintentionally bringing a child into what he considered a highly fucked up world. When he was alone with Abigail and he opened up and shared his thoughts he always spoke of his desire to have a vasectomy. That was the best course of action, he said, it would put an end to his fears of procreating once and for all.

He had even told William and his father about his intent to have himself “sterilized,” as he referred to the operation. But William advised him to wait, what if he met the girl of his dreams someday? He just might change his mind then and want a family. Their father had been beyond furious with Walden for even considering such a rash action. It was necessary for the Warfield bloodline to continue on into the future and he’d be damned if he’d give his youngest his blessing to have himself mutilated. Walden needed to stop thinking and behaving in such an irrational manner, it was tiring and irritating, William the third proclaimed. Grandchildren were a non-negotiable asset, and he damn well expected his sons to produce them whether they wanted to or not.

He thought. They both tried to run his life, his father and Wills were always trying to fix what they considered his “fucked-up-ness”, convinced they could make him whole again. They were so sure that Walden just needed to grow up, to pull himself together, to put on a suit and tie and he would be
! But what the fuck did they know? Had they been where he’d been, felt what he’d felt, survived his far from perfect childhood? Nope, not even Wills, he hadn’t suffered the brunt of abuse that Walden had known. Stella was their mother and they’d both suffered her staggeringly cruel rages, but only Walden had endured the years of abuse when she had come to his bedroom in the night and hugged him too close and whispered poisonous words in his ear.

“Sweet, sweet Abby,” he said when she’d finished with the razor and dropped it in the sink as if it scalded her hand. “Should I shave your sweet pussy, Abigail? You would let me, wouldn’t you?” He smoothed her wildly curling hair away from her lovely heart-shaped face, her huge doe-like eyes wide with love and yearning and the ever-present touch of terror.

“Yes, I would let you, chere, but you paid a lot of money to that fancy salon so the laser can keep it smooth as a girl scout. Why did you do that if you wanted to hold the razor to my skin?” She asked and he swept her slight frame up in his arms and carried her into the middle of his bedroom.

He smiled down at her as he reached toward a mahogany chest and picked up her feathered mask. “Put your mask on, baby. I wouldn’t hurt you, not that way, never Abby, never. I’ll only bring you a bit of pain with my body and only if you beg me to. You look lovely in your mask, angel. Now raise your arms for me, raise them high, that’s right, good girl,” he said as tears rolled down her cheeks and he secured her wrists with a silk cord that hung from an iron hook bolted to the bedroom ceiling. Angel, don’t cry, I love you more than I love my own life.” He knotted the rope tight jerking her wrists high above her head so she was forced to stand on tiptoe and then he kissed her. He kissed her forehead and her cheeks and her tightly closed eyes, licking the tears away and whispering in his deep smooth voice.

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