Billionaire Season 2 (8 page)

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Authors: Kimball Lee

BOOK: Billionaire Season 2
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“I want you and only you, William. I need you inside me… now,” she pleaded, and her voice was raspy and raw with lust as the wide head of his cock nudged into her pussy.

His hands caressed her back, tangling for a moment in her hair before they circled her small waist. He held her still and thrust into her suddenly, deep and hard, pulling her firmly onto his cock. His long fingers digging into her soft, willing flesh as he lifted and then lowered her body over and over in a merciless rhythm. She gasped at the hot shock of invasion and relentless motion as he drove farther into her sex hitting the sweet spot deep, deep inside that only he had reached. He tangled a hand in her pale tosseled hair and held her still as his mouth covered hers in a kiss that was relentlessly demanding and raw and fiery hot.

Her sex gripped him, tight and slick as a violent orgasm rocked her over the edge and she drenched his cock and shouted his name, grinding her hips as her nails bit into his shoulders, “William, don’t stop, love me, always love me, pleeeezzz.”

“Allie, Allie, darling girl, I love you so much,” He whispered, as his hands moved down to grip her slim hips, holding her steady, forcing her to take every inch of his cock as he jolted violently, pouring into her, emptying himself as he followed her over the edge of ecstasy.

Chapter Six

Walden drove toward the bayou with the wind whipping all the bad and uncertain thoughts from his mind. He wondered how he had lived without a car for so long and he felt bad that he hadn’t sincerely thanked William for the use of the Maserati. He’d always been partial to Ferraris in the past but he had to hand it to his brother, he damn well knew how to pick a fine automobile. He also had to give William credit for his taste in women, although the fact that they were both in love with Alaina Darling was certain to become a tragedy for one of them. Walden couldn’t remember ever having had an unkind thought about his brother and he didn’t wish him any ill-will now, but he did intend to go to whatever lengths were necessary to have Alaina choose him over William. He had worked it out in his head over the last couple of days and there were instants of time when he thought about leaving well enough alone, of letting things go on as they were and not rocking the boat of William and Alaina’s affair.

That was Dr. Eleanor Selig’s suggestion and after he had mulled it over for an hour he discarded it and told the good doctor to mind her own fucking business since she damn well sucked as a psychiatrist. Honestly he’d been surprised at her tenacity in following him back to New Orleans and she’d proved herself audacious as well by proposing that he become her lover rather than her patient.

“Walden,” she’s said as she wandered through The Cathedral eventually insinuating herself into the private sanctuary of his bedroom. “I’ve compromised my professional ethics by breaching the sanctity of the doctor/patient relationship, therefore I’m taking a break from my life’s work to give myself space to collect my thoughts. I must admit my lapse in judgment has had a surprisingly beneficial effect in your case and it’s blatantly obvious that the state of your neurosis is much improved. So, I’ve taken a leave of absence from the clinic in Lausanne and I plan to further your treatment informally. Secure my hands now, and let’s get down to business… oh, and Walden you may call me Eleanor if you like,” she said, and Walden smiled in spite of himself at the transformation of her formerly icy demeanor.

He’d done as she asked and secured her wrists to the silk rope that hung from his bedroom ceiling but he refrained from touching her alluringly naked body. She had undressed in a leisurely fashion, peeling off her expensive bra and panties as she spoke to him in her haughty intellectual tone of voice. Her use of the English language was heavily accented by her native French and Walden assured her that he knew a few choice French words too. Most of them he’d picked up in the seedier establishments of New Orleans and all of them were unconscionably filthy. He whispered them to Eleanor as he did her bidding even after she’d stopped speaking and simply luxuriated in the painful pleasure he administered to her.

She loved the thin canes he teased and stroked over her small high breasts and quickly stiffening nipples as her back arched and her body twisted. She gasped and begged for his cock when he suggested that she spread her legs so the supple leather of the quirt could reach her trembling bare pussy. He’d brought her to orgasm a half dozen times before he carried her, limp and whimpering to his iron bed.

“Spank me,” she’d whispered before he could tuck the duvet around her and he’d sighed and bent her over his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed. He cuffed her hands behind her back with nylon zip-ties and warned her not to struggle or her wrists would bleed. “Ahhhh, yesssss,” she moaned and her small tight ass rose toward the smooth leather paddle each and every time he brought it down hard against her creamy skin. “Enough, enough, enough! Fuck me Walden, do it now. Let me have your cock, anywhere darling, please, please. Anywhere you want, just let me feel you inside me.” She begged again and again finally grinding her pussy into his thighs, the rough denim of his jeans stingy her tender skin as she exploded in a final ferocious orgasm. “You bastard, you crazy cold hearted bastard!” She screamed as he cut the cuffs with a single smooth stroke of his razor.

“You’re welcome to shower or climb in my bed and sleep as long as you want, Eleanor. I’m sorry I fucked you before, although it was really great and don’t misunderstand my meaning, you are truly exquisite. But the thing is, I’m not interested in anyone except Alaina, do you understand? It’s nothing personal, I’m just not going to put my cock in anyone other than the woman I love and that’s that,” Walden said and then he ducked out the bedroom door just as Dr. Selig sent his favorite bedside lamp sailing through the air in his direction while she screamed all the dirty French words he was so familiar with.

As it turned out she stayed on at The Cathedral and took over its operation since Walden had asked Abigail to leave. Walden loved Abigail in his own way but he wasn’t in love with her and he could no longer stand to watch her mope around like a jilted lover. Sex was sex, pleasure pure and simple, why was that so fucking hard to comprehend, he wondered. It was the reason The Cathedral existed in the privileged world of upper-crust New Orleans society. It was all about fucking and coming and often-times pushing the edge of the envelope, but it was never about love and no one made any pretense that it was.

So Walden put Eleanor in charge and she had very efficiently called the locksmith while he explained to Abigail as tenderly as possible about his life’s mission to win Alaina’s heart. Abigail was Southern to her very core and she had stoically and quietly left the premises since the mere thought of making a scene for Eleanor or anyone else to see, (
air your dirty laundry in public, her mother had wisely preached) was entirely unthinkable.

Now Walden rode along with the wind in his hair, it was Saturday and he was simply biding his time for the next twenty-four hours until he would meet William and Alaina in the bar at the corner of Bienville and Bourbon. A quick trip out of the city on a gloriously hot summer afternoon and a chance to escape the drama of The Cathedral. That’s what he needed and so he was headed to the Bayou Teche to let his father know he’d fallen quite madly in love with Alaina Darling. William the third could erase that worry from his list and he could rest easy as far Liza’s daughter was concerned.

Chapter Seven

“Well, look who the cat dragged in, not that I’m the least bit unhappy that you’re here Walden,” Hannah said as she ran her hands over his broad chest and immediately began to unbutton his shirt. “God, you are as irresistible as catnip, that’s for sure and I do so need someone my own age to ‘play’ with. Come on in and tell me what’s going on in the city, I swear I’m practically a prisoner out here in the wilds these days. All my mother and your father talk about is “the wedding this and the wedding that” ugh, I’m bored out of my mind,” Hannah said. Walden removed her fingers from the buttons on his shirt and she rolled her eyes and looped her arm through his as she urged him up the stairs. “Let’s go upstairs, you’ve just got to see your daddy’s remodeling project. Can you believe he’s redoing the master bedroom to look like some sort of gothic bordello? It’s creepy is what it is, but maybe you and I should try out the new bed or one of the interesting looking tables to make sure they’re sturdy,” she said sliding her hand along the distinct bulge in the front of his jeans.

“It always shocks me Walden that your cock is so fucking big even when you don’t have a hard-on. And why the fuck isn’t it hard right now, baby? You used to love to fuck me anytime, anywhere. How could you forget all the nasty things I let you do to me when we were teenagers, and really it feels like we haven’t been together in forever, don’t you think? I loved the way you climbed up the rose trellis to my bedroom window when we were way too young to be doing such things. After that first time you just walked straight in the front door and up the stairs and you weren’t even concerned that my parents might wake up and catch us. That always gave me an instant thrill Walden, that and the wild glint in your eyes and the outline of your hard cock showing through your jeans when you climbed into my bed and turned me every way but loose,” Hannah said and her face was flushed as she stopped at the top of the stairs and lifted her lips to his. “Please, baby, come on, you don’t know how much I need your hands on me.”

“Stop it, Hannah, you need to set your sights on William if you’re so fucking needy. If I recall you used to shout his name at that strategic moment with my cock buried inside you, not that it mattered to me,” he said stepping back with a look of disgust that didn’t faze Hannah in the least. “I’m here to see my father and talk with him about some family business and you and I sort of wore out our welcome with one another years ago. I seem to remember your father threatening me with a loaded shotgun on more than one occasion back in the day. I’m sorry about your dad passing away, Hannah, but I guess your mother’s past her period of mourning now that she’s got my old man to keep her company. And I’m not going to fuck you so get your hand off my fucking cock and where the hell is everyone anyway?”

“Mother and your father are out walking the grounds trying to decide where we should have this dreary little wedding ceremony. Mae, your beloved maid who I like to think of as ‘the high and mighty bitch’ has the day off and once I move into Greenlea she’s gonna have the rest of her life off,” Hannah said as she swung open the door to William the third’s partially remodeled bedroom. “Here it is, fit for the Marquis de Sade, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree does it? Looks as if you and your daddy share a few of the same sadistic fetishes.”

“Fuck, the old man is sure to have another heart attack if he indulges in all this paraphernalia,” Walden said, he was both mesmerized and horrified at the array of bondage and pain inflicting toys his father had on display. “And by the way, you leave Mae alone, do you hear me? You speak one unkind word to that woman or if I hear that you even looked at her in the wrong way, the shit will hit the fan, I guarantee it. She’s like family, my father can’t live without Mae any more than William and I can, so watch your step, I mean it.”

“You’re right about me wanting William, but alas, it’s not to be. Use these on me, Walden, I promise I won’t scream or tell,” Hannah said, shrugging her shoulders with a look of resignation and holding out a set of steel handcuffs. She leaned forward quick as a flash to slip her tongue into Walden’s mouth and then she laughed and dropped to her knees to unzip his jeans when he turned his face away. “Come on, baby, let me have some pleasure at least. Don’t you remember how much you loved my magic mouth on your cock? And those were your words, not mine.”

“You’d really love that wouldn’t you?” Walden said, jerking her to her feet and zipping his fly. “I may be somewhat warped Hannah, but you are seriously perverted. That’s disgustingly sick, getting off by fucking your step-brother.”

“Oh baby, no! Is that what you think?” She said laughing as she picked up a small leather whip and ran it beneath her nose, inhaling deeply. “Don’t be silly, I’m not going to be your sister. I’m marrying your daddy, darlin’. I’m about to become your new step-mother. And you and William should know this from the get-go, I intend to fuck both my new stepsons physically and financially. You Warfield men are my weakness and I prefer to keep it all in the family, it’s just so cozy that way.”

“You are fucked up, Hannah,” Walden said. “My father has lost his mind if he intends to marry you. It’s a good thing I came out here today, I’ll fill him in on our history and you can bet he’ll cancel the wedding. You may not be aware of this, but he and I and William have a gentleman’s agreement, we don’t sleep with the same women. It’s an ethical decision we all made together.”

“Well, you can certainly spend your precious time waiting until he and my mother get back from their walk, but I warn you, they are slow as molasses when they get to talking about the wonders of the bayou and the history of the Greenlea plantation. Maybe you should sit down on the sunporch and give William a call. Although I doubt that he has cell phone service way over in Breaux Bridge and surely he wouldn’t want to be disturbed during his romantic weekend with Miss Alaina Darling. Oh, you look surprised Walden. Didn’t you know that William is proposing to her and most likely he’s saying the words she’s dying to hear at this very minute. Are you leaving so soon, baby? Maybe all this talk of marriage is just more than you cared to hear, drive safe, now. Bye-bye.”

Hannah walked down to the curving driveway as the Maserati roared off into the distance. She turned her pretty face up to the welcome heat of the sun, she loved heat, loved feeling that she could set the world on fire with a snap of her fingers. She turned her hand this way and that, admiring the gargantuan diamond engagement ring that Walden hadn’t bothered to notice. Ah, the future was so bright, she was marrying a man who was practically on his deathbed, well, actually she was marrying all those glorious billions that made William the third so delightfully attractive. The rest was easy with money to burn and those two gorgeous and obscenely fuckable stepsons her life would never be dull again. Oh yes, the future was so bright she would definitely have to wear shades.


“Good morning darling girl, did you sleep well?” William asked and hugged Allie tighter against him in the disheveled bed.

“Mmm, I didn’t get much sleep, but that’s okay, I am happy happy happy,” she smiled and stretched and wanted very much to slide beneath his big, rock-hard body and wrap her legs around him… But they had over done it a bit throughout the night and her own body was aching because of it.

“We should give it a break for today,” he said when his fingers instinctively traced a path down her flat little belly and she flinched and drew back slightly when he touched the tender, swollen folds of her sex. “I’m sorry, baby, so sorry. Come on, did you notice there’s a claw foot tub on the screened porch? Don’t worry, it’s facing the swamp so only the ‘gators and the wildlife will see you in all your naked glory. It’s a cool way to start the day, Allie. You can sink down to your chin in a bubble bath and watch the herons, egrets and spoonbills wading in the water as they hunt for a tasty frog for breakfast. I’m gonna have a shower by myself so I won’t have the temptation of your sweet body next to mine. Take your time and enjoy soaking in the tub and I’ll personally serve you some hot croissants with butter and fig jam and café au lait for your breakfast. Then we’ll go for a long walk and stop at the café to have blue crab fritters and oyster po’boys for lunch, and if we’re still hungry there’s bread pudding with whiskey sauce for dessert. Down on the bayou it’s all about the good life— good food, good friends, good times. Later on all that ‘nonfattening’ food can settle while we curl up together and take a nap under the oaks in those nice crocheted hammocks, how’s that sound?”

“You’re a smooth talker, William Warfield, what girl could resist saying yes to anything you have to say? Not me, that’s for sure. Alright, a bubble bath sounds good and it’ll be even better when you bring me a big cup of coffee.”

“Not to worry, darling girl,” he said, grinning as he pulled on a pair of soft blue jeans and crossed the rustic rooms to answer a knock at the front door. Abigail handed him a breakfast tray loaded with hot coffee and the goodies he’d described all covered with an embroidered linen dish cloth and she looked as miserable as he had ever seen her. “I’ll walk over to the café as soon as I’m dressed, Abigail, we can talk then,” he said and she shrugged and walked away barefooted and forlorn. “This place has great room service if you know the right people,” William said, handing Allie her coffee now that she had settled into the deep porcelain tub.

Steam and soap bubbles rose from the scented water and sailed through the wire-mesh screen on the porch to drift over the liquid green landscape of the Atchafalaya. It was a beautiful sight, Allie thought as she sipped from an old china tea cup and watched birds swooping and diving among the cypress and pine and sweet gum trees. William was an even more spectacular sight as he stepped out of his jeans and into the shower. She had never been so enthralled by a man’s body before and she doubted that she would ever see such a fine example of male beauty again. And that was the best part— he was hers, all hers, and he was in love with her.


Abigail watched as William and Allie tried their best to fit together into a single hammock strung between two ancient oak trees in her daddy’s yard. They looked so happy, so content in their new and blossoming love but it wouldn’t last, she knew that for sure by the look in William’s eyes when she told him about Walden and his unrelenting certainty that Alaina was the love of his life. The talk she’d had with William made her want to walk out into the deepest part of the swamp and let the current drag her under. That wasn’t likely to happen in the slow moving shallow depths but a ‘gator might put an end to her or a snakebite or some other stealthy and treacherous reptile. Allie was the one she should feel sorry for rather than wallowing in self-pity, any minute now she too would be on the losing end of love. And with that thought the buoyant sound of laughter from the couple in the hammock was lost in the roar and dust as the Maserati careened through the gate and into the yard and Walden stepped out.

“Fuck, I didn’t think he’d come out here,” William said to no one in particular as he left Allie in the hammock and met his brother halfway across the tree-strewn yard. “What the fuck, Walden? Let’s not get into all this bullshit in front of our friends. Alphonse runs a nice place and there are families staying in the cabins.  Abigail is watching from the cafe and she’s already heartsick over this obsession of yours.”

“I’m not here to start anything, Wills, I’m here to stop Allie from marrying you. Have you asked her yet or told her you’re in love with her? Those are lies, you know and it’s not like you to lie, bro. Don’t hurt her, don’t break her heart and mine at the same time. Can you honestly say that you love her the way I do, can you swear to that, Wills?”

“No I can’t say that, Walden. I can’t swear that I love her like you do and she doesn’t know about Father’s fucking will and his bizarre insistence that one of us has to marry her.” William said and he heard Allie gasp before he realized she was standing next to him. “Allie, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. Let me sit down and talk to my brother, trust me this once, please darling girl?” He drew her to him before she could say a word or react. He raked one hand through the honey-blonde length of her hair, the other hand pressing into the small of her back as she rested her face against his chest. He felt her hot tears soak through his t-shirt near his frantically beating heart and he knew he was going to lose her forever.

“I’m packing my bag to leave, do whatever you want,” she said and pushed away from the cold comfort of his embrace. She wiped hastily at her tear-soaked cheeks and gazed up at the brothers with a world of hurt in her stormy-ocean colored eyes before she turned and ran to the log cabin.

“How do you feel, Walden, seeing the look in her eyes when her heart is breaking? She loves me and she thinks I just told you that I don’t love her. But you know me so well don’t you? You know that I’ll give her up for your sake. After all, what have I ever denied you, brother?” William asked and he shoved Walden back against the Maserati when he tried to follow Allie. “You’re gonna fucking listen to me asshole because I’m ruining my life for you. Abigail says you’ve never been better, you’re not using drugs and you’ve given up sex and pain and self-mutilation and all the crazy shit that had you on your way to an early grave. You got your shit together at last and you saved your own life in the name of love. I wish I could be happier but forgive me if I just say good for you and don’t fuck it up.”

“I love her, Wills, you’ll see, I love her more than my own life. You’ve never cared about love or any woman in particular….” Walden started but he stopped talking when William held his hands up in defeat.

“Just get in the fucking car and drive back into town. I get it, I understand what it took for you to come out here to the bayou, how hard a move that was for you to make. I need to talk to her and make up some reason that she’ll believe as to why I’m giving her up. You see, I really do love her, she was the one for me. She changed my heart as well as yours but I’m walking away from her because I don’t know any other way to give you a happy life. Today’s your lucky day, Walden, maybe the first lucky day you’ve ever had and I want you to remember what it cost me to give it to you. Go home now and figure out how to make her love you. I’m going in the cabin to make her believe I only said I loved her because I had to.”

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