Billionaire Season 2 (4 page)

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Authors: Kimball Lee

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She raised her face to receive his kisses, her lips ached for his touch and at last he covered her mouth with his. He kissed her with a fiery intensity as his fingers tore at the satin laces that cinched the leather corset she wore. The corset fell to the floor and his hands kneaded her full breasts, his thumbs scratching over the hard pink nipples as she moaned and strained toward his touch. His mouth descended first to one stiffened peak and then the other, his teeth slightly grazing the tips before his tongue pulled steadily on each nipple and she cried his name and begged for release. His hand slid down her taut belly and cupped the burning mound of her sex, his fingers expertly circling her clit and fingering the soft folds that were drenched with excitement.

“Walden, ahhhh, chere!” she moaned loudly as he slipped a long finger inside her and felt her tight little pussy begin to spasm and clutch.

He stepped back from her suddenly, leaving her perched on the tips of her toes, her arms suspended and her wrists trussed tightly by the silken rope.

“Tell me you hate me,” he said in voice so low and lost that her skin prickled with goose bumps. “Say you hate every despicable thing about me, Abby. I want to hear it from your lips, say I don’t matter to you, that you can’t possibly love me, that no one can. You only want my cock, make me believe it’s the only reason you come back to me again and again.”

She’d begun to cry in earnest, her tears pouring down her face as he watched her struggling to free herself.

“I love you, Walden, I love you, I love you. You can’t make me stop,” she cried and stared into his beautiful gold-flecked eyes.

His eyes always glittered more green than brown when he was aroused and they practically glowed as he shook his head and moved toward her.

“I love you, too,” he said reaching for a condom packet, opening it, sliding it on in one swift motion. He lifted her ass in his big hands, lifted her up and held her with his massive erection poised at the hot wet opening of her sex. “I love you Alaina and I need you to love me.”

She gasped at the sound of the girl’s name on his lips but still she wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him closer and closer. She reveled in the sweet ache and the stretching, overly full sensation as his cock thrust into her. He held her hips steady as he drove into her, leaning down to kiss her, tasting the salty tang of her tears. He closed his eyes so he no longer saw her feathered mask or her beautiful dark curls. She was a blonde haired girl with haunting grey-green eyes who loved only him, a girl whose heart would never betray him.

“Stay with me tonight, please chere, let me sleep here in your bed,” Abigail pleaded with Walden. She was exhausted from so many orgasms that she’d lost count. 

He smoothed his fingertips over the tender swollen lips of her pussy and she flinched in pain. “I’m sorry, baby,” he said and he meant it. She loved for him to fuck her but it was always the same, his size caused her pain and they always went too far for too long. He helped her slide beneath the duvet in his big bed and he settled her head on the feather pillows and kissed her tenderly. “Sleep now, go to sleep and dream.”

Walden left her sleeping there as he climbed the spiral staircase to the roof. The hot summer night had just begun to lose its power to the yellow sun rising over the shores of the Mississippi. He stood naked and alone on the brick ledge of the rooftop searching the city below for a glimpse of the girl he loved.

“What the fuck nut-sack? You gonna piss off that roof or jump off of it? Fuckin’ asshole!” A bum staggering on the street below shouted up at him. 

“Go fuck yourself!” Walden laughed and went inside the glass conservatory. “God almighty, I love this town,” Walden whispered, as he lay on his back in the soft nest of a bed he had created from a futon and throw pillows and he closed his eyes and slept.

Chapter Three

“Get in the car, Alaina,” William said brusquely as they left the hospital and he held the door of his father’s limo open for Allie. He had stayed at his father’s bedside until the doctor assured him that all the tests were good and William the third could go home to Greenlea in the morning. He climbed in next to Allie and hit the button to raise the screen between the front and back seats so the driver couldn’t see or hear them. “Why the hell did you go to Walden’s club… his house… why the fuck did you go with him today? That was not a well thought out move, Alaina, no one knew where you were. Anything could have happened to you,” William said.

He was fuming mad, the burden of worry about his father had been lifted, at least for the time being, and he was more than ready to wash his hands of Walden and all his manic bullshit. But all through the long day his thoughts had returned again and again to the sight of his brother’s hands and lips on Allie and it was enough to push his bad mood to the brink.

“Anything? Like he could have killed me and buried my body in his backyard? Or anything, like maybe he could have raped me? What could have happened William? He’s your brother and I don’t think he’s half as messed up as you imagine. It seems to me the only person he would ever hurt is himself,” Allie said. She wanted to be pissed off at him for acting all He-man overprotective but she knew he’d had a terrible day, and besides, just sitting so close to him in the confines of the limo made her desire for him sky-rocket. Whatever little blip she had felt earlier with Walden was most certainly due to his distinct likeness to William.

“William, I’m sorry… I didn’t think about there being any sort of danger, I guess. He’s so much like you….”

“Well he’s not me, do you understand that? Answer me, Alaina. Do you understand that he and I are nothing alike? He is not me and I’m nothing like him!”

He spat the words out so violently that Allie’s heart ached for him suddenly. Here he was, the quintessential perfect man— tall and muscled, brilliant and gorgeous and hot and rich beyond all imagining, and still he carried the burden of his family’s past tragedies. He wore the memories of his brother’s childhood screams and lifelong pain like a war wound that never quite healed.

“No, he’s not. I don’t think there’s anyone else in the world like you, William,” Allie said and she scooted across the leather seat and curled up in his lap even though he halfheartedly tried to stop her. “Hey, you don’t have to worry about me where any other man is concerned, I’m ruined for anyone but you. I don’t know why this has happened so fast between us, William, and I know you think I’m young and ignorant in the ways of the world. I don’t have that much experience when it comes to what goes on between a man and a woman. I only know how I feel when I’m with you and I didn’t mean to put myself or us at risk.”

He leaned his head back, closed his eyes and exhaled deeply while his hands caressed her back sliding down to rest lightly on her narrow hips. She snuggled against the strong safe wall of his chest and sighed contentedly at how fragile he was despite all his strong words and bulging muscles and endless supply of power and influence and money. He was a boy in a man’s body, as fragile as he was powerful and that sealed it for her, she was in love with him and only him, and nothing could change that.

She’d meant to ask him about his involvement in Walden’s private club, what did he do when he was there? What manner of depravity did he indulge in and would he continue to frequent the club, pleasing an assortment of women with his marvelously skilled fingers and mouth and cock? She felt a violent jolt of jealousy at the thought and it was new and startling and potently erotic.

“Make love to me,” she whispered, her breath hot against his ear and then his neck as she unknotted his tie and the top buttons of his perfectly tailored shirt. “Please William, right now, I need you so much.”

“Don’t test me right now, Alaina, we’re nearly to the townhouse and I’m not in a good frame of mind. I assure you that sex is the last thing I’m interested in,” he grumbled refusing to look her in the eye since his growing erection was definitely providing evidence to the contrary.

“Oh, is that right, William Warfield? Well you’d better tell that to your body because it feels to me like it’s totally up for a little vehicular sex.” Allie sat up on his lap but turned away from him and pushed the button to partially lower the screen as she spoke to the limo driver. “Sir, um, driver? Would you mind taking us on a tour of the city? Just drive around for forty-five minutes or an hour, thank you very much.”

William cursed under his breath as she put the screen back up and turned her body to face him. He had already surrendered any hope of resisting and he’d unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants and her small quick hands slipped inside his boxer briefs and they both moaned low and deep when his erection sprang free. She closed her hands around its thick, heavy length, her gaze full of wonder as she stared up into the darkening depths of his eyes. Her hands moved reverently over his thick, pulsing cock,
would she ever have enough of this man? His face, his body, his sex— every part of him was seductive and overtly masculine and impossible to resist.

His mouth descended, claiming her lips in a raw demanding kiss as he lifted her and held her slightly above his cock for a moment. His hands were locked on her small waist, her long silky hair fell forward against his cheek as the kiss went on and on and she struggled to push her panties down to her knees.

He wove his fingers through the glossy length of her hair forcing her head back so that his lips were on her neck and then roaming downward to nip at her breasts through the sheer fabric of her dress. She moaned and leaned back, her hands on his thighs as her back arched, catlike and greedy for the lash of his tongue on her flesh.  He glanced up at the face of this amazing girl, it was a study of lustful need, heavy eyelids half shut, heated pink cheeks and lips swollen from the intensity of his kiss.

He held her so that her hands were free and she let them roam over the fine lacing of his muscled abs and up to the smooth hot skin of his sculpted chest. At the sharp bite of pleasure of his mouth on her swollen nipples she hurriedly unbuttoned her dress and pushed the straps of her lacy bra down and away. He growled with pleasure as his lips surrounded an erect pink nipple and he was met with her lust-filled cries as she clutched at his short dark hair.

“Do you like that, darling girl?” He taunted, raking his teeth over her sensitive flesh. His hands slipped under her and he lifted and then pulled her body down hard on the entire length of his cock, rocking into her with relentless pressure. “Is it too much, baby? Can you handle all of me, Allie Darling? Because that’s what I need, I need your body to belong to me, I need to fill you and satisfy you like no one else ever will.”

“Yes… yes, you do. Only you, only you….” She cried out as his cock swelled inside her, stretching and battering her to her very depths. The ropey veins and wide head massaged the tender tissues of her pussy, the thick root stroked her clit with an unrelenting rhythm until she was shuddering and seizing as her fingers dug into his rippling biceps and she cried his name over and over.

“God, Allie, you feel so, so good!” His arms circled her so tightly she could barely breathe as he roared his release, shuddering violently as he poured into her. He sank back against the leather seat with her hair draped across his chest and her sweet body clutched tightly to his as if he never intended to let her go. “What have you done to me, Allie Darling and how the hell am I ever supposed to get anything done when all I want is to be with you? And when I’m with you I want to be inside you and this heat between us is so fucking hot it has to burn itself out, right?”

“I hope not,” she said, her cheek rested against his sweat soaked chest and she felt that she could stay there for hours or days or… years.

“Come on,” he said, we must be home, the car’s not moving. He smiled as she sat up and fumbled with fastening her bra. Then he laughed when she said “Fuck it!” and tore the lacy bra off along with her panties and tucked them both inside the pocket of his suit jacket.

“Well, that’ll be a nice little surprise for the dry-cleaners,” he said, and smirked as he helped to adjust her dress.

“I’m sure Miss Hawkins goes through all the pockets in your dirty clothes before she sends them out to the unsuspecting public. I’ll just bet she could write a book about the illicit treasures she’s found in your pockets,” Allie said as he zipped his pants.

William leaned over caught her wrist before she stepped out of the car, “You’re not like any girl or any person I’ve ever met before, Alaina. You both intrigue and infuriate me. Don’t think I’m finished being upset with you, you did a very bad thing today….”

“I know,” she said, leaning down to flick her tongue over his luscious full lips, “I had sex with the indomitable William Warfield in the backseat of a limo and I enjoyed myself way more than I should have. In fact there’s no telling where I’ll take advantage of Mr. Warfield next.”

“Very funny. You know what I mean, wandering the back streets of New Orleans with a man you didn’t even know
going inside a strange building with him. That’s never a smart thing to do, Miss Darling, when you were a little girl didn’t your parents teach you to bite and kick and scream ‘stranger danger’?”

“Yes, they did, but I don’t consider your brother a stranger, and how did I know he was your brother? Because when he first spoke to me the sun was in my eyes and my brain registered the sound and the size of him as you.”

He winced and let go of her wrist as he moved past her toward the townhouse and she was immediately sorry that she had compared William to his brother once again.

“Listen, William, I could get all pissy and bent out of shape and ask you a hundred questions about what you do when you visit your brother’s club,” she said, catching up to him as he unlocked the front door and stepped inside. She reached up, forcing him to look at her, tracing the tips of her fingers along his strong square jawline. “The thing is, other than this roaring attraction between us, we’re practically strangers. You didn’t even know me a week ago and I got by just fine. I took care of myself and stayed out of trouble, I’ve always been on my own in a sense. I don’t want to be another person you have to worry about.”

“No, I didn’t know you a week ago and my life was moving ahead in what I thought was the right direction. No distractions, no complications, no life altering issues. But now I do know you, Alaina, and nothing will ever be the same again—
never be the same again,” he said and he sighed deeply, his warm hand caressing her cheek, his thumb grazing her delectably pouty bottom lip. “You’ve changed me… for the better, you’ve given me something real… someone real... someone to live for.”

Allie’s eyes filled with tears and words deserted her as the comfortable weight of his confession settled over her.
Someone to live for
! So they both felt the same way and the rest of the world with its ticking clocks and rules and measuring devices for true love could just disappear and leave them alone. They had fallen hopelessly in love in the space of a few days and it was as real and deep as anything either of them had ever felt before.


William may have thought it impossible for anything to surprise him, but he was wrong. Life had certainly dealt him a few surprises in the past week and it had all begun with the arrival of Allie Darling. God, he had it bad for that girl, the way she looked and felt, her hot skin under his hands, the sweet smell of her body, her singularly intoxicating taste.

His father’s health was precariously unstable and his brother had evidently fucked and then ditched his psychiatrist and none of it really mattered to William. And big-damn-deal, hadn’t he spent the better part of his life being his brother’s keeper and his father’s unappreciated errand boy? Where had that gotten him? He was president and CEO of Warfield Shipping and Warfield Consolidated Enterprises but he climbed that ladder on his own. He sure as hell hadn’t gotten any help from his father other than a nod of his head when the corporate board had voted William into power two years before. Hell, maybe William the third had pulled some strings behind the scenes or possibly it was just an unspoken rule that the eldest Warfield son took over when the father lost his will to lead….

“Hey, why the crinkled brow, are you totally lost in deep dark thoughts?” Allie asked as she slid into one of the tall carved chairs at the dining room table. “Wow, there’s a lot of silver and crystal and china on this table. I’m not really dressed for a formal dinner and do you know what each of these forks are for?” She held up a sterling spoon that had short prongs and gave him a lopsided smile. “What’s wrong, William?”

“That’s an ice cream fork,” he said absently and he shook his head to clear his thoughts. The pesky thoughts that refused to let up about his father and especially his concern that Walden had set his sights on Allie. “Nothing’s wrong, darling girl, it’s been a long, tiring day and honestly I have no idea why we’re sitting in this ridiculous room. Hawk! Tell Ginny to bring two trays up to my bedroom and what on Earth made you think I would want to eat in the formal dining room tonight?”

“Well I just don’t know, William,” Beth Hawkins appeared at his side and stood over him with her hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised. “I suppose I thought you might want to celebrate your father’s return to health and his surviving his brush with death. Or that Walden is back here in New Orleans safe and sound instead of crashing in some filthy opium den in Amsterdam or God knows where else. Mostly I thought you might want to sit down to a civilized meal served on your grandmother Warfield’s best china plates with this dear young woman.”

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