Bitch Reloaded (21 page)

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Authors: Deja King

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Revenge, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #Suspense Fiction, #African American women

BOOK: Bitch Reloaded
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"Enough about what he was wearing, tell me about the conversation."

"It won't nothin' too deep. Mike basically told Supreme that he knew his deal was up with whatever label he was on, and he wanted Supreme to sign wit' him. Mike threw out all these huge dollar amounts he'd give him. See, that's how I know my brother's so paid. That's why I don't have no problem hittin' him up all the time for paper and dare him to say no, `cause I know all about that money he was offering Supreme. You feel me?"

I just nodded my head yes so Maya could continue spilling the information.

"Uh huh, so yeah, Mike was tryna offer Supreme more money than what Bill Gates got, and when they finished talking, both of them left. And thank goodness they did, `cause I was loving seeing my boo, Supreme, but I had to pee."

"You haven't told me what Supreme said to Mike's offer."

"Oh, Supreme told Mike hell-to-the-no. So I knew Supreme had extra-long paper too, to turn all that money down."

"When did all this go down?" I could see Maya straining her brain trying to remember.

"Come to think of it, it was a week before Supreme got killed. I remembered I was listening to Miss Jones on Hot 97, and she made the announcement, and I was like, damn! I just saw him last week! But least I was lucky enough to see Supreme in the flesh. None of my girls can say that. But real talk, I cried when I heard he was dead. Are the police any closer to finding his killer?"

"Nope." But I am, I thought to myself. I didn't say a word as I drove Maya back to my house. She was so busy singing and rapping to every song on the radio that she was oblivious to the dark places my mind had gone after our conversation. I was always so positive that Nico was the triggerman in Supreme's death that I never let my mind go in another direction. Had the detectives who came to see me right after Supreme's murder been right? Was he always the intended mark? Was this about music and money, not revenge? I had to find out once and for all.

When we pulled up to the crib, Maya snapped out of her musical bliss and focused her attention back on me.

"Precious, you're not going to tell my brother about what went down today, are you?"

"You mean in regards to Clip?"

"Yeah, what else would I be talking `bout?" she asked, not having a clue how valuable the conversation that she overheard between her brother and Supreme was to me.

"Nah, I wasn't asking, I was making a statement. Don't worry, I won't mention a word to Mike about Clip. But you do need to be careful. That nigga left you in the Bronx, wit' no money, no purse, nothing. Do you really want a cat like that as your man?"

"I forgot to mention that I did use my purse and phone to go upside his head when he told me we still couldn't tell nobody about our relationship."

"But you said y'all got into a fight."

"Yeah, we fought wit' our mouths, and then I fought him wit' my fists, purse and phone."

"So what did he do?"

"Latched onto my arms all tight, then took my phone and purse before driving off." Maya smacked her lips and folded her arms like she was the victim.

"So he didn't hit you?"

"Hell nah. Clip ain't crazy. He knows I'd tell my brother and that nigga be dead. But he needs to give me my shit back. The only reason I didn't call Mike was `cause I didn't want him knowing I skipped school."

"I tell you what. Everything we talked about will stay between us. There's no need for Mike to know you skipped school. But chill on the Clip situation. He'll give you back your stuff."

"So you think he's right for wanting to keep our relationship a secret?"

"It's not about right and wrong, it's about getting what you want. You have to know what battles to fight and the ones not worth stressing over. If you're meant to be with Clip, then it'll happen. Relax, Ma."

"Night I'll follow your advice. But how we gon' explain to Mike why I'm at your crib?"

"I'll handle Mike. I'll tell him I'ma pick you up from school so we can have a girl's day. You can spend the night and I'll drop you off at school in the morning."

"That's what's up! You're the best, Precious."

"Hum huh, but you will be going to school tomorrow. Don't fuck around with your education, Maya. It's vital to have that street knowledge, but it's just as important to hit them books. I still regret not going to college, and maybe one day I will, but having your high school diploma is a must," I said, dead serious.

"Damn, I never really thought that deeply about it before, but you're right. I promise I'll get my act together and start hittin' them books."

"I'm proud of you. Now get out the car. I got moves to make. Nathan will let you in."

"But wait. I thought you said we were having a girl's day," Maya said with a frown on her face.

"That's what I'm telling your brother. I have some things that need to be handled, but when I get back we can hit the mall and go out to eat or something."

Maya's face lit back up at my offer. "Okay, I'll see you when you get back."

I waited and made sure Maya got in the house before driving off. I did have moves to make. First thing I did was place a call to Jamal. I hadn't spoken to him since he tried to go Perry Mason on my ass, but from the messages he left me it seemed he let it go, though the reception I received on the phone would be the only way I'd know for sure.

"Hello," Jamal answered.

"Hi, Jamal. It's me, Precious."

"Wow, I can't believe it's you. I'm surprised to hear your voice.

"My number didn't come up on your phone?"

"Honestly, I was in the middle of something and didn't even check it before I picked up. But I'm really happy to hear from you. After our last conversation, I didn't think I would ever speak to you again. I was completely out of line."

I was relieved to know that he had fallen for my performance, because I needed his help. "You were in shock. You'd just found out Nina was dead. I understand you were looking for someone to blame."

"You're a bigger person than me, Precious. I appreciate your forgiveness. So, how's everything with you?"

"It's coming along. But it could be better if you could do me favor."

"Whatever you need."

"Thanks, but I rather not discuss it over the phone. Can I meet you at your office later on today?"

"Sure, what time?"

"Around four."

"That works for me."

"Great. I'll see you then." After hanging up with Jamal, I placed my next phone call, which was to Mike. After the fourth ring I thought my call would go to voice mail, but then he picked up.

"What did I do to deserve a call from you?" The suaveness in his voice almost made me forget what I was scheming on.

"You're so silly. I wanted to let you know that I'ma pick Maya up from school and let her spend the night with me. I haven't seen her since she went back to school, and I thought we could have a big sister-little sister day."

"Maya would like that. She looks up to you. Personally, I think the two of you are a lot alike."

"Yeah, she's a little Mini-Me. I'm definitely gonna look out for her."

"How `bout me? It seemed at one time I was making progress and we had a shot at being together, but then you just backed away. What's up with that?"

"I was going through a lot with Supreme's death and I wasn't ready to jump into anything serious."

"I feel you, but what about now?"

"That's the other reason I called. I wanted to see if we could pick up where we left off, unless you've moved on."

"No, I'm still here. I was waiting for you to get it together and realize I'm the only nigga for you."

"Then how `bout tomorrow? We can start off by going out to dinner."

"I have a better idea. How about I cook you dinner?"

"You can cook?"

"Can I? If I wasn't in the music game, I would've opened up a chain of restaurants and been my own chef."

"Big talk. I hope you can deliver."

"Trust, you'll be impressed."

"Then it's a date. I'll see you tomorrow night around seven?"

"That works. You and Maya have fun."

"We will. Bye."

I couldn't lie to myself. I wanted to be wrong about my suspicions regarding Mike. From the first time I laid eyes on him at the club I felt some sort of attraction. It wasn't just his jaw-dropping looks, he had an authoritative presence. No matter how expensive the suit or charming the smile, there was no escaping that he was a straight-up thug, which is the only type of man I crave.

If I was wrong about Mike, then the possibilities were endless. But, if I was right and he was responsible for ripping Supreme out my life, then he would no doubt have to pay with his life. For my sake and Maya's, I prayed that I was wrong.

I was rattled out of my thoughts by the ringing of my cell. The call was from a block number. "Hello."

"Is anyone around you?"

"Nico, is that you?'

"Judging by the fact that you shouted out my name, I take it that you're alone."

I let out a slight chuckle by the sarcasm in his voice. "Sorry `bout that, but I was so surprised to hear your voice. But yeah, I'm alone. How are you?"

"Just keepin' low."

"Are you still in the area?"

"Yeah, I'm tryna tie up some loose ends before I head out of here. If you don't mind, I would like to see you before I leave."

"I wanna see you too. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning. You think we can meet tonight?"

"Tonight is good." I promised Maya we would hang out, but I really needed to see Nico for my own reasons. I would make it up to her.

"Cool. I'll call you around eight to let you know where to come. Make sure you're careful. I can't afford you being tracked by anybody."

"I got you. I'll be waiting for your call."

When I got off the phone with Nico, I called Maya. She was disappointed that I had to cancel, but I bribed her by saying I would take her shopping at Short Hills Mall. That ended all the huffing and puffing. I then finished running my errands so I wouldn't be late for my meeting with Jamal.

When I arrived at Jamal's office, he was finishing up a staff meeting. It was still somewhat hard to believe that the same nerdy boy with glasses that popped my cherry was now running Atomic Records, one of the biggest urban labels in the world.

"Precious, come in. It's so nice to see you." Jamal gave me hug and an innocent kiss on the cheek. When he closed his office door, he once again started with the apologies. "I'm sorry about what happened. I feel awful for accusing you of killing Nina. To even think you are capable of murder is idiotic in it's self. Please forgive me."

"Jamal, you've said sorry more than enough, and I accept your apology. So please stop. It isn't necessary. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one. Are the police any closer to finding Nina's killer?"

"Not yet," Jamal said as he sat down in his plush leather chair that had an unbelievable view of New York City as its backdrop. "Of course they're still trying to track down Nico."

"What about the girl you said they were questioning?"

"Oh yes, Talesha. She hasn't been able to assist the police any further. She never even met Nico. Some other woman that was working with them was also found dead by the Jersey Shore."

"Do the police believe the cases are related?"

"They've been digging deeply into their lives, and each of the women was shady, including Nina. Most of the scams they pulled were low-level but maybe they crossed the wrong person. Who knows? But it's hard to believe that I was in love and about to marry such a deceitful woman. Do you know that Nina also used to be a drug carrier? That's how she started dealing with Nico."

"What? So when did she stop?"

"Honestly, I don't know if she did stop. Although I took care of her, she always had her own money. One of the reasons I was so impressed with her was because she seemed independent. When I would ask her how she kept so much cash, she'd say it was from her modeling gigs. I was stupid to believe that, especially since I never saw her in anything but a few music videos, and we all know how much those pay. One can truly be blinded by love, that's for sure."

I was absorbing the crazy life of Nina. Her whole groupiegirl persona was an act. She was a straight street bitch, and that's why she had no problem pulling her gun out on me, ready to kill. But what was the act for? To get to Jamal or me? The more I found out, the more confused I became.

"Enough, about Nina. What can I do for you? You said something about a favor on the phone."

"Yes. This is extremely important, Jamal. I need this done right away and with discretion."


"I need for you to draw up a contract from Atomic Records to buy the rights to Supreme's masters. I need for it to look authentic with real dollar amounts that even the most music savvy business person would believe. I need them by tomorrow morning."

Jamal swallowed hard, and I could tell by his eye movement that his mind was spinning. "What's going on, Precious?" he asked seriously. He then stood up and walked around his desk so he was now standing next to me. Maybe he thought being closer to me would allow him to get a better read as to what was going on in my head.

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