Bitch Reloaded (16 page)

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Authors: Deja King

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Revenge, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #Suspense Fiction, #African American women

BOOK: Bitch Reloaded
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"Are you going to keep us standing out here? This cake is getting heavy. Come on, Precious, let us in," Nina said.

"Yeah, Precious, I don't know how much longer I can carry this stuff," Jamal added.

"Sorry. Come on in. I'm still a little surprised that you all showed up on my birthday."

"I hope you don't mind," Jamal said.

"No, it's a much needed surprise. It's either this or mope around the house all day."

"Well, we can't have you doing that. You're part of my clique now, and no girlfriend of mine is left to mope."

"Nina, that's sweet of you, but I'm not really the clique type.

"Now you are. Now let's go get this party started." Before we could get to the kitchen, the doorbell rang again.

"Did you all have somebody else with you?"

Nina and Jamal looked at each other and then shook their heads.

"Then who could it be?" I went to the door and found another surprise.

"Happy birthday, pretty girl," Mike said with a beautiful flower arrangement in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other.

"Did someone put out a special service announcement that today's my birthday?"

"If they did, I didn't get it, but I don't need to. I know everything. By the way, where are Nathan and the rest of the security?"

"It's Sunday and I gave them the afternoon off to spend some time with their families. They'll be back this evening, and Anna will be back in the morning. Speaking of family, where is Maya?"

"I wanted us to celebrate your birthday alone, so I let her hang out with one of her girlfriends."

"I hate to burst your bubble, but we're not alone."

Mike stepped inside, only to see Jamal and Nina, who gave him a half-ass smile.

"You're more than welcome to stay for the party. Two bottles of champagne is always better than one," I said, taking the bubbly and the flowers out of Mike's hands. "The flowers are gorgeous.

"Just like the birthday girl."

"You and Jamal go have a seat while Nina and I prepare the food and pour the drinks."

The fellas nodded their heads, though neither one seemed enthused about the alone time. Nina and I headed to the kitchen, and the questions kicked in immediately.

"So, are you and Mike getting serious? I mean, him showing up trying to be alone with you on your birthday. He seems smitten to me."

"Mike is cool, but we haven't gone any further than being just friends."

"Do you think if Jamal and I hadn't shown up today that maybe it would have?"

I eyed Nina. "I don't think I understand your question."

"Don't be sly with me, Precious Cummings. You understand my question. If you and Mike were alone today on your birthday, do you think you guys would have taken your relationship to the next level?"

I remained silent, putting the Jamaican food on the plates and opening the champagne.

"Damn, let me say it in laymen's terms; would you and Mike be having buck-wild passionate sex tonight if you were alone?"

"You over there feenin' for the inside scoop, but I have none to give. Like I said, Mike and I are cool... period. Now grab those two plates. I'm ready to eat."

"Before we go can I ask you one last question?"

Nina's tone sounded serious, but I decided to throw her a bone since they brought over some treats for my birthday. "What is it?"

"Have you ever loved anyone else besides Supreme?"

"Why would you ask me that?"

"Just curious. I'm about to be a married woman and wondered if he would be my first and final love."

"So Jamal is the only man you've ever loved?"


I seriously doubt that, but then again, Nina didn't really come across as the falling in love type. "Interesting. Honestly, I loved one other man."


"Nico Carter."

"The man Jamal said tried to kill you?"

"That's him. But hey, we can never choose who we'll fall in love with. Now enough questions. Let's go eat."

When Nina and I left the kitchen, we could hear raised voices. When we reached the dining room, Jamal and Mike were standing practically toe-to-toe.

"What is going on in here?" Both of the men turned to look at me.

"Oh, it's nothing. Jamal and I were just discussing business.

"It must have been awfully intense, since your voices were rather loud."

"I apologize, Precious. Mike and I had a difference of opinion with what you should do about Supreme's music."

"Do we really have to discuss this on my birthday?"

"Of course not, today is about you. Everything else is irrelevant."

Mike came over and took the plates from my hands and put them on the table. I noticed Jamal giving him the look of death. I was tempted to ask Jamal to replay their conversation in its entirety, but I wanted to spend a couple of hours not focusing all my energy on Supreme. He occupied my every thought for the majority of each day and night; my brain and heart needed a break. "Cool, because if only for the duration of the afternoon I want us to enjoy each other's company."

"Whatever your heart desires," Mike said, being all extra.

We all sat down and tore up the food. Then Nina brought out the cake she ordered from Make My Cake, located in Harlem.

"Precious, you have to make a wish before you blow out the candles," Nina said. I closed my eyes and wished for Supreme's killer to bum in hell, then blew out the candles, not missing one. They all applauded.

"What did you wish for?" Mike inquired.

"If I tell you that, then it won't come true."

When it came time for me to make a toast, I was actually enjoying myself. We all lifted our glasses and I looked at the three guests who I considered the closest things I had to friends. "I want to thank each of you for making this a wonderful birthday. When I woke up this morning I wanted this day to be over before it even started, but you all made it into something special. For that I'm grateful."

When the party came to an end, I almost wasn't ready for it to end... almost. I showed all three to the door and watched as they walked to their cars. "Nina, I'll be right back. I forgot something," I heard Jamal say. He jogged back up to the front door as Nina and Mike continued walking.

"What did you forget, Jamal?"

"I just said that so it wouldn't look suspicious, me coming back up to speak to you," he whispered as soon as he reached me.

"What is it?"

"I don't mean to bring any negativity on your birthday, but I care about you, Precious, and I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight without telling you this."

"Telling me what?"

"Be careful with Mike."

"What did he say to you?"

"It's not what he said; it's how he said it. He's dangerous, that I know. So just be careful. I have to go but we'll talk later."

That night I went to bed replaying what Jamal said. There was an underlying tone of fear in his voice. The eye contact he made with me when speaking of Mike was powerful. I already knew Mike was a dangerous man, but Jamal sounded as if he had established that Mike was not only dangerous, but deadly.

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Before I knew it, Saturday rolled around, and I woke up feeling anxious. As promised, the mysterious informant kept her word and called, letting me know where to meet her, which turned out to be the city. Since the wedding was taking place at The Plaza Hotel that was convenient.

As I got dressed, I didn't know what to expect from the woman I was meeting. Hell, I wasn't sure a woman would even show up. She he could've been a decoy for a big ruthless nigga. That's why I was going prepared with two nine millimeters and a knife.

When I got downstairs, to my surprise and annoyance Maya was sitting in the living room. "Maya, what are you doing here?"

"You told Mike that I could go to the wedding with you, remember?"

"Yeah, I told him to drop you off at The Plaza at three, so why are you here and it's only ten?"

"He had to go out of town and wasn't going to be able to drop me off in the city at three, so he told me to chill at your place and ride to the wedding wit' you."

Just like a nigga, always putting they responsibilities off on the next bitch like we ain't got shit to do but baby-sit. How the fuck am I gonna manage this? I can 't have Maya all up in the mix `cause I don't know what might go down. I could drop her off at the hotel, but then her hot ass might start turning tricks in there. She'll be better off just sitting in the car At least I'll know where she is and that she's safe, I thought to myself. "Night, get yo' shit. But don't ask me no questions and stay in the fuckin' car at all times unless I tell you otherwise. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

The first stop I made was to my storage spot. After all this time I still kept it. I didn't trust keeping my stash cash in my crib because too many people be coming through there. If my money came up short or missing, it could be anyone from the security to the hired help. I didn't have time for those guessing games. I knew I was the only one with a key to this spot, so if some shit was amiss, that was on me. I ran inside with a small duffel bag and got the one hundred thousand the girl asked me for. It was a far cry from the million I had floating in the street. But if the informant didn't know about it, who was Ito tell?

After retrieving the money it was time for me to head to the city. Driving from my crib to the storage took me over an hour, and I didn't want to be late for my twelve o'clock appointment. The closer I got to the city, the more I started feeling nauseous. I hoped it was jitters from being in the wedding and not an omen of my fate.

Right when I pulled out of the Lincoln tunnel, I heard the chiming of my cell. "Yo!" I answered. I knew it had to be homegirl since she had been the only one calling me from a blocked number.

"You got everything?" she asked, sounding anxious. I figured she was referring to the money.

"Right here."

"Okay, meet me on 42nd and Ninth."

"The bus terminal by Time Square? It's gon' be mad motherfuckers over there."

"I know. I'll call you in ten minutes and let you know where to give me the money."

"So we're clear, I'm not giving you shit until you give up the exact facts."

"I got you."

"Long as we on the same page. I'll be waiting for your call."

Since I took the Lincoln Tunnel, I was right by 42nd and Ninth. I pulled my car on the corner block, where I had a prime view of the street but was also discreet. If possible, I wanted to figure out who the informant was before we met. With the block not being as crowded as I thought it would be, there was a good chance of seeing her. I sat there with the radio off in pure silence, scanning the area like a hawk.

"Who you looking for?" Maya asked, letting her curiosity get the best of her.

"What I tell you before we left? In case you don't remember, I'll remind you. Sit there and don't ask me no questions. Ain't nothin' changed."

Maya started fidgeting in her chair, and I knew she was dying to play Twenty Questions, but I wasn't having it. Just then my cell started ringing, and it was coming from a block number. I stared extra hard, seeing if I could peep anyone using their cell trying to call someone. In those few seconds, I noticed five people on their cells; two middle-aged white men, a young Hispanic boy, an older black man, and a black woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties. I purposely didn't answer my phone to see which one would try to make the call again. My phone kept ringing as I tapped my fingernails, eyeing their moves.

"You not gonna answer your phone?" Maya asked, crossing her arms like she had an attitude.

I turned and gave her the look of death so she knew I meant business and would leave her hard-headed ass sitting right on the curb. I quickly gave my attention back to the agenda at hand. I peeped mouth movement from three out of the five people I was watching, which meant they made contact, so I scratched them off the list. The two left was the Hispanic boy and the black woman. My phone stopped ringing, and then it started again from the blocked number. I looked up to see which of the two was on their phone, and it was the black woman. This time I answered. "Yo, what's up?"

"Why didn't you answer your phone a minute ago? I was about to leave."

"I doubt that, especially since you want your money." I watched front a short distance as the black woman I scoped out yapped on the phone, talking to me. Homegirl was definitely a rookie at this, because her game wasn't tight at all. She was actually on 42" d and Ninth waiting for me like she said she would. A semi-pro would've held tight to see me in the spot first and watched from a distance to scan my moves before stepping on the scene, but she bypassed all that.

"Anyway, here's how it's going down. There is a telephone booth right at the corner on Ninth. Right beside it is a trashcan. Leave the bag with the money in the trashcan. Under the booth there is an envelope taped with all the information you need to get to Nico."

"Information like what?"

"The address to where Nico is staying."

"How I know this shit official?"

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