Bitch Reloaded (14 page)

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Authors: Deja King

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Revenge, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #Suspense Fiction, #African American women

BOOK: Bitch Reloaded
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"What did you expect? You got your face splashed across every station. What the fuck were you doing in Jalen's hotel room anyway?"

"I've been interrogated all morning and afternoon by the fuckin' cops. I don't need to come home and hear the same shit from you."

"If it wasn't for me you'd still be down there, so you need to be thanking me instead of poppin' shit."

"Thank you, but I got a lot on my mind right now. For one, I need to find out how Jalen is doing."

"Fuck Jalen. When are you going to comprehend that these little silly niggas ain't for you. I'm the only man that can take care of you right. Every time you get yourself caught up in some bullshit, who is the one that makes it right?"

I sipped on my drink, taking in what Mike said. From disposing of that body to helping me understand the ins and outs of this music shit now that I owned the masters to Supreme's music, and then this, yeah, Mike always seemed to be right there when I needed him the most. "I hear you. But what's up wit' your sister?" I knew my diverting from our initial conversation was going to piss him off, but my head was spinning and I needed a break from discussing that shit.

"I see what you doing, but that's cool," Mike said, rubbing his hands together as if trying to calm his nerves. "My mom's having some problems wit' Maya and asked me to step in."

"Step in how? Give her a lecture?" I asked sarcastically.

"A little more than that. She wants me to keep her for a couple of weeks."

"What about school?"

"That's the thing. She got suspended for a couple of weeks."

"For what?"

"Fighting and shit."

"How are you going to watch over your sister? You going to have her go to work with you everyday?"

"That's the thing. I was hoping you could help me out."

I damn near dropped my glass when I heard the word "help" come out of his mouth. I had a funny feeling that something was up as soon as I saw his sister greeting me at the door all cheerful. "Yo, I feel for you, but there ain't nothing I can do to help with your sister. I got mad other shit going on."

"Yeah, like fuckin' wit' soft ass basketball players."

"Here we go again!" I poured myself another round, wishing I was knocked out in my bed instead of going back and forth with Mike.

"Fine, I'll put it like this: Who got rid of that body for you?"

I was glaring daggers at that nigga, mad that he even brought that shit up.

"Listen," he continued. "I'm not asking you to baby-sit Maya 24/7. I'll drop her off on my way to work and pick her up when I get off. I'm asking for a favor, Precious."

Everything inside of me wanted to scream "no", but Mike had come through for me on more than one occasion. I would be dead wrong to shut him down. "How old is shorty, anyway?"

"Fifteen. She's really not a bad kid, just a little spoiled. With us growing up without our father, I tried to step in and give her everything she wanted. I might've given her too much. But besides my moms, she's all I have."

"I got you. I'll hold her down while you handle your business."

"I appreciate that, Precious. I hate to do this to you, but can you start today? I got this meeting I really need to get to."

"Is that the fuck why you had your attorney rushing down to the police station, `cause you needed me to baby-sit?"

"Nah, I swear that's not why. I wanted you out," Mike said laughing. "But on the real, you need to stay away from that Jalen nigga. Didn't that beat-down he received wise you up? He ain't for you." Mike kissed me on my cheek before walking out.

Of course when he opened the door, Maya had obviously been listening to our conversation and jumped when her brother caught her. "Oh, I was about to knock on the door," Maya said, trying to play it off.

"Whatever. Listen," Mike put his hand on Maya's shoulder letting her know he was serious. "I have to head out to this meeting, and Precious was nice enough to let you stay here with her." Maya locked eyes with me as her brother continued to talk. "I don't want you giving her no problems, you understand?"

Maya nodded her head yes, and gave Mike the puppy dog eyes, looking all angelic.

"That's what's up. So I'll see you two ladies later on this evening. Thanks again, Precious."

"No problem." I walked Mike out, and as soon as I closed the door Maya wasted no time.

"So, Precious, where we going? You tryin' to hit the mall or what?"

"No, I'm hitting the shower then going to bed. You need to go sit down and watch some music videos or something. But do not bother me, I'm tired as hell. If you need anything to eat, have Anna fix it for you."

"So you just bailing on me? I thought you was cool. Guess I was wrong."

"Guess you was." I grabbed a couple of items and headed to my bedroom. I could feel Maya burning a hole in my back as I took my ass upstairs. But I was too tired to care. I did plan on spending some time with her; it just wasn't going to be today.

I was so exhausted that by the time I woke up it was the next day. The first person I thought about when I opened my eyes was Jalen, and then Maya immediately popped in my head. I didn't even say bye to her before she left, and Mike would be bringing her back over here any minute. I knew dealing with her was going to try my patience, but I already told Mike I would do it, so I had no choice but to keep my word. Before I allowed myself to lose my train of thought, I picked up the phone and called the hospital where Jalen was.

"Good morning, Mount Sinai Medical Center," the operator chirped.

"Hi, can I have Jalen Montgomery's room?" There was a slight pause, and I assumed the lady who answered the phone was checking for Jalen's information.

"I'm sorry, but this patient isn't accepting any calls," she informed me.

"Well, I'm his sister and would like to know how he's doing."

"What is your name?"

"Michelle Montgomery," I replied confidently, as if the made up name was the truth. There was another pause this time slightly longer.

"I'm sorry, but your name isn't on the patient's list, So I can't answer any of your questions."

"There must be some mistake. I just want to know how my brother is doing."

"Ma'am, I understand your concern, but I've been given strict instructions. There's nothing I can do for you."

I wanted to reach through the phone and smack the lady, but knew there was no use in arguing with her. I sat in bed for a minute contemplating who could give me an update on Jalen's condition. I thought of someone who might be able to help me.

Ring... ring... ring...

"Hello," Nina answered sounding out of breath.

"Hey, girl, what's up?"

"Precious, how are you? I called you a few times yesterday but you didn't pick up."

"Yeah, I was really out of it."

"That's understandable. So, what happened? They were talking about you and Jalen all day yesterday on the news, but nobody seemed to have their story straight."

"Nina, I promise to fill you in but I'm not in the mood right now. Have you spoken to Keith?" I asked, jumping straight to the point.

"Yeah I spoke to him yesterday."

"Did he tell you what kind of condition Jalen was in?"

"He's pretty bad, but he's going to pull through."

I let out a deep sigh, relieved that Jalen would be okay.

"Did Keith say anything else?"

"Besides that you're bad luck and he warned Jalen to stay the fuck away from you, no, nothing else."

"Thanks for the info, but I gotta go now."

"Wait, don't forget my wedding is in less than two weeks. You're the only one who hasn't gotten fitted for your dress," Nina added before I had a chance to hang up the phone.

"Well, that's because you only asked me to be in the wedding a couple of days ago."

"I know it was last minute, but we still have to get it done."

"Fine, I'll call you later on to get the details. But I have to go now." This time I hung up the phone quickly, not letting Nina drop another word. I desperately wanted to go to the hospital to visit Jalen, because in the pit of my stomach I felt responsible for what happened. I couldn't shake that feeling.

By the time I got dressed and went downstairs, Maya was already there, sitting in the dining room eating breakfast. "Good morning," I greeted her, wanting to start the day on a good note.

"Hey," Maya replied dryly.

"I know yesterday I was in a bad mood, but I had just gone through some bullshit. I've got my rest, so we working on a brand new page. So let's try this again. Good morning!" I said extra cheerfully.

"Good morning, Precious," Maya said, putting some pep in her voice, whether it was sincere or not was irrelevant to me.

"That's better. Now, I have to run a few errands today. Are you rolling wit' me or you staying here?"

"Ooh, I wanna roll wit' you."


"Precious," I heard Nathan call out from the other room.

"Nathan, I'm in the dining room."

"Jamal is here for you," he said, entering the dining room.

"Thanks, tell him I'll be right there."

"Dang, who's Jamal? Is he sweet on you?" Maya inquired.

"Excuse me?"

"Just asking. You know my brother's digging you and I was wondering if Jamal was his competition. But then maybe it's the basketball dude, Jalen. That mess been all over the television and newspapers. You got a lot jumpin' off."

"I have to speak to Jamal, but mind yo' business and stay outta mine." With those departing words I went to handle things with Jamal.

"How are you feeling?" were the first words Jamal had for me as he followed me to the living room.

"I'm fine. Jalen is the one in the hospital, not me. I'm assuming that's what you were referring to."

"Yes. I had no idea the two of you were dating."

"We were in the beginning stages, but it's ended before it even had a chance to really begin."

"That's too bad, but I'm sure you'll find somebody," Jamal said sincerely.

"Enough about me, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to check up on you and ask about Nina. You know we're getting married next Saturday."

"I know, time flies. Can you believe I'm going to be one of the bridesmaids?"

"Yeah, when Nina told me you agreed to it I was shocked."

"It is your wedding, and Nina's not so bad."

"Does that mean you don't have any dirt to share with me?" he asked in a tone that seemed unsure of what the answer would be.

"Jamal, you can relax. Nina is harmless. She might flirt a little bit, but there's nobody else. She's in love with you."

A smile broadened across Jamal's face, happy with my report. "Thank you for doing this. I know you didn't want to spy on Nina, but I'm glad you put my paranoia to rest."

"Me too."

"I know you've got a lot on your mind, but I need to ask you about Supreme. Have you decided what you're going to do with his music?"

"I'm still figuring some things out. A couple of weeks ago I spoke to Mike about his thoughts since he owns Pristine Records. He's done very well for himself in this business and I wanted to get his opinion on how much I should ask for if I decided to sell."

"I can understand that. So, what did he say?"

"He told me I shouldn't sell the music, but instead put it out myself."

"What do you mean, put it out independently?"

"Yeah, or seek distribution with a major label but still hold on to the rights. What do you think?"

"Of course you know I want Supreme's music for a lot of reasons. But speaking to you on a friendship level and not business, I would advise you to really do your research before jumping into the music industry. It's extremely cutthroat, and while it's wise to seek knowledge from Mike, I would also question what his motives are. I'm going to leave you with that food for thought, but you know I'm always here if you want to talk. If nothing comes up then I'll see you at my wedding." Jamal smiled.

"Of course."

After showing him out, I got my purse and told Maya to come on so I could run my errands. I listened to Jay-Z's "Kingdom Come", rehashing all the bullshit that had been invading my life since Supreme's death. It was like a domino effect that wouldn't stop. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear my cell ring.

"Precious, here, your phone is ringing," I finally heard Maya say, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Hello," I answered, still halfway zoning out until I recognized the voice on the other end of the phone.

"You still want that Nico information or what?"

"No doubt."

"Night, so meet me next Saturday at twelve o'clock. I'll call you earlier that day to let you know the spot."

"Next Saturday is no good for me. What about this Saturday?"

"Do you want Nico Carter or not?" she said defiantly, making it clear it was her way or no way.

"I'll be there."

"Smart decision. I'll be in touch."

I didn't appreciate the way that bitch was carrying me, but my thirst for Nico was stronger than my anger over her behavior. I preferred not to do this shit on the same day of Jamal's wedding, but if I met the chick at twelve, then I still had a few hours to make it back in time for a three o'clock starting time. It would be tight, but I couldn't miss what sounded like a real opportunity to finish Nico off. However, if I found out this bitch on the phone was wasting my time, then the same knife I planned to use to slit Nico's throat with would find its way to hers.

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