Bitch Reloaded (12 page)

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Authors: Deja King

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Revenge, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #Suspense Fiction, #African American women

BOOK: Bitch Reloaded
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"That's what I'm talkin' bout' right there. There is a time and place for everything. You can't be on no cowboys and Indians shit up in that club. How did you know I was going to be there anyway?"

"I know everything."

"Whatever. I'm taking Nina home. I'll speak to you later." I released myself from his grip and stormed off.

"Precious, wait."


"Don't be mad at me."

"It's a little too late for that."

"I'll admit, I was jealous when I saw you talking to that Jalen nigga. Before tonight, I actually dug his moves on the court. But seriously, I shouldn't have lost my cool in there. Forgive me?" Mike had opened his arms as if I would run and give him a hug.

"Honestly, I'm glad you knocked that nigga, Keith on his ass. He was a real pompous motherfucker that needed to be put in his place. But popping up on me like that and flipping out on the dude I was talking to was out of line. I'm not even your girl. You don't have rights to me like that."

"So why did you leave with me?"

"Because I was trying to keep the peace. But if you want to get technical, you followed me out."

"Oh, so it wasn't because you feeling me?"

"You already know that I dig you, but that's beside the point. Shit takes time, and running up on me like I'm rockin' your ring or some shit ain't the move."

"I apologize. I guess since I already know you're going to be my wife I conduct myself that way."

I couldn't help but laugh at Mike's comment. The arrogance that got on my nerves was the same thing that attracted me to him. He was so damn confident and that shit was sexy as hell.

"Call me tomorrow so you can let me know the next time we're going out," he added.

"Hum... so you think we still going out?" I smirked.

Mike just gave me his signature devilish smile and walked away as if he knew I would be calling.

"Girl, who is that nigga? He is sexy as hell," Nina blurted out when I got in the car.

"Just a friend."

"He gotta be more than a friend coming for you like that."

"Maybe a little bit more." But after Mike showed his ass in the club, I felt I needed to put the brakes on him for a second.

"He is straight gutter with his. He remind me of this other dude."

"Who?" I was curious to know. Mike was a rare breed. The only nigga that came close to him was Nico.

"Oh, just some guy I used to know a long time ago," Nina said, brushing over my question. "Precious, you gotta winner in him."

I ignored Nina's comment and jumped to something else. "Sorry, if I fucked things up for you and Keith."

"Girl, please. He had that shit coming. The whole time he was talking to me, he kept going on and on about himself. He was about to put me to sleep. Plus, that shit wasn't serious. I have a fiancee to go home to, just a little fun to pass the time."

"I feel you."

"I had a ball with you, Precious, even with all the drama. I can't wait to tell Jamal the story. He's gonna bug out," Nina said as I pulled up in front of her building

"Damn sure is."

"Call me when you feel like hanging out again." Nina waved bye as she closed the car door.

"Will do." I watched her walk inside and couldn't help but laugh. Although in principle this was a favor for Jamal, Nina always tripped me out and I enjoyed her company. I really didn't have any concrete information to tell Jamal. Nina was definitely a flirt, but maybe she didn't take it any further than that. It was hard to tell, and I only wanted to speak on the facts. I would no doubt be hanging out with her in the near future, because I was determined to deliver the good or bad news to Jamal before the wedding date.

As I was driving to Madison Square Garden to pick up the tickets Jalen left for me, I couldn't help but think about Supreme when the melodic sounds of Usher's "You Got it Bad" played on the radio. I thought about the time he broke up with me because I went missing for a day and couldn't explain my whereabouts. He was furious, thinking I was out creeping with some other nigga, but in actuality I was out murdering my best friend, Inga, and Nico's hoochie, Porscha. "But how do you tell your man some shit like that?" I asked out loud, laughing as I thought about the answer to my own question.

It had been over six months since Supreme was ripped out of my life, but it hadn't gotten any easier to deal with. Yes, I was going out again and giving other niggas a little life, but it didn't numb the pain in my heart from losing Supreme. When my mother got killed, I just knew nothing would ever make me hurt that bad again, until I watched Supreme die right in front of my eyes.

I would never get over Supreme, but it was time to kick it with a dude that could hold me down. I wasn't sure, but my instinct was telling me that Mike could be the one. He understood what type of chick I was and had no desire to change me, but as much as I thought Mike might be the one for me, another part of me was very reluctant. Every time I was around Mike, I felt as if he was hiding a deep dark secret. I knew a man like Mike did have his skeletons, but it seemed deeper than that. But maybe it was just my paranoia.

I started pondering what life with Mike would be like when I heard my cell ringing. "Hello," I answered turning down the car radio.

"I have some information about Nico that I think will interest you."

I didn't recognize the female voice on the other end of the phone, but she no doubt had my attention. "Who is this, and how you get my number?"

"Who I am don't matter, but knowing where Nico is does."

"What, you saying you know where Nico is?"

"Something like that."

"That sounds a little shaky to me. Either you know where Nico is, or your wasting my time and my phone minutes. I'm thinking you one of those silly chicks playing on the phone, but you running game wit' the wrong bitch."

"Before Nico shot you, you told him you didn't want to die, but he said you were already dead and he just came to take it in blood."

I took the phone from my ear and glared at it for a long minute. I could hear the girl repeating the word "hello", wondering what the hell happened to me. She fucked me up with that one, because I remember those words Nico spoke to me as if he said them yesterday and it still sent chills down my spine. "Yo', you made your point. Where that nigga at?"

"You know it's gonna cost you," she boasted matter of factly.

"Of course. How much you want?" I wasn't sure if the chick had heard about the million dollar ransom floating around on the streets, and I wasn't going to volunteer the information. But I had no problem paying it if guaranteed I could watch Nico take his last breath.

"How much you offering?" she asked, proving that yeah, she was holding onto some valuable information, but was definitely a rookie when it came to negotiating for that paper.

"I'll let you know when we meet to discuss Nico's whereabouts."

"Who said I wanted to meet you in person?" Her voice had an underlying nervousness in it.

"Well what, you want me to FedEx your money?"

"Nah, I just need to think this through a little more. I'll be in touch."

"Wait!" I yelled but she already hung up. She called from a blocked number so I couldn't even dial her back. My insides were burning up. My gut told me she knew exactly where Nico was-if not the precise location, then enough to lead me in the right direction. I kept replaying our conversation, trying to figure out what I said that scared her off. At first she sounded so confident, but when she realized it was about to go down, she froze up. I guess it kicked in that she was rumbling with big dogs and punked out. I kept my fingers crossed that the idea of having some real cheddar in her hands would motivate the girl to call back.

After picking up the tickets for tonight's game and running some other errands, it was time for me to scoop up Nina. Her wedding to Jamal was fast approaching, and I was somewhat relieved that I didn't have any scandalous news to break to Jamal. I was ready to focus on having my own relationship, and playing "I Spy" was not my specialty, especially when it didn't have anything to do with me.

Nina was outside waiting for me when I pulled up. She was on the phone with somebody that had her grinning hard as hell. She waved at me but stayed on the phone for another couple of minutes before getting in the car.

"Who had you cheesing so hard on the phone?"

"Oh, I was talking to Jamal."

"Why didn't you get in the car instead of standing outside in the cold?"

"I needed a little privacy because Jamal wanted me to talk dirty to him. I'm sure you didn't want to hear all that."

"Nah, you did the right thing." I never pegged Jamal as the type of dude who got off on phone sex, but then again, I never thought he would be marrying an obvious hot-box like Nina either.

"I'm surprised we're going to the game. I could've sworn you said you don't date athletes," Nina said, jumping to the next subject.

"This isn't a date. I'm going to a basketball game wit' you.

"Yeah, you're going with me because dude that got you the tickets is playing in the game. If he wasn't, you know I wouldn't be here right now."

"True dat. I can't front, he got my curiosity piqued `cause even after all that shit went down last night in the club `cause of Mike's crazy ass, the nigga still called. I had to respect the fact that a little thing like guns blazing in front of his face didn't make him want to forget my name and number. I guess all athletes aren't soft after all," I chuckled. "But enough about Jalen. Pretty soon you'll be a married woman. How you feel `bout that?"

"Excited. Jamal is such a wonderful man. He's so giving and he truly adores me, you know," Nina stated, making it clear it wasn't a matter to be debated. "Speaking of my impending walk down the aisle, I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I know this may be a little awkward giving your history with Jamal, but I would love if you would be one of my bridesmaids."

I glanced at Nina for a brief moment to see if she was serious. Her facial expression gave every indication that she was. I tapped my nails on the steering wheel deliberating my response. "Nina, first let me clear something up for you. Jamal and I fucked a few times when we were teenagers. Yeah, I have a great deal of respect for him, but please spare me wit' this history shit like dude was my first love, broke my heart and now it's killing me to see him wit' you."

"I didn't mean it like that, Precious."

"Then why you throwing around words like `awkward' and `history'?"

"Honestly, I just didn't know how you would feel being in my wedding since you had slept with Jamal before, that's all."

"Shit, fuck it being awkward for me being in your wedding `cause of my past dealing wit' Jamal. How `bout I barely know you?"

"Precious, I apologize. I've obviously gone about this all wrong. You're right; whatever you had with Jamal is irrelevant. Maybe the situation is awkward for me. I mean, look at you. You fly as hell, and whether Jamal wants to admit it or not, I'm sure he caught feelings for you. So maybe it's my own insecurity getting the best of me. But I have a lot of respect for you and I enjoy your company. I thought you enjoyed my company too, but I guess I was wrong."

Nina words seemed sincere, and I felt that maybe I came at her a little too harshly. Where I came from, you never gave a chick the benefit of the doubt, because they would disappoint you every time. I'd been thinking she was trying to say some slick undercut shit in regards to my past dealings with Jamal, but the truth was the shit was bothering her.

"I do enjoy hanging out wit' you, and I think you cool. And I would be honored to be one of your bridesmaids. Just don't have me in no ugly-ass dress." We both burst out laughing.

"Thank you, Precious. You have no idea how much this means to me. I'll have to find a way to repay you for coming through for me."

This was my second basketball game in less than a month, and I had to admit I was enjoying this shit. If you wanted to see any rapper or budding R&B princess, attending a Knicks game would for sure guarantee that. Jigga Man and Beyonce were front and center. Right beside them was Nas and Kelis. The more I looked around, I wasn't sure if this was a basketball game or hip hop convention.

After getting an eyeful of the industry elite, I focused my attention back on the court. Jalen had the ball and he was dribbling down the court and paused as if about to pass the ball, but instead he did a slick cross over and seemed to fly in the air as he slam-dunked the ball. The crowd went crazy over that shit, and so did I. As he hung on the rim, the sight of every muscle in his body rippling was making my pussy wet. I hadn't fucked in so long, and his 6'4", sexy brown ass was exactly what I needed.

After the game, Nina and I waited for Jalen to come out. Keith came out the locker room first, sporting the black eye he received courtesy of Mike. He gave me and Nina foul ass stares.

"Girl, Keith look like he `bout to come over here and beat us down," whispered Nina.

"He can play wit' his life if he want to."

"You not scared?" Nina asked in a serious tone.

Nina had no clue as to who I am. To be scared is to have no plan, and I always had a plan. It consisted of two shots to the head, I thought to myself.

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