Bitch Reloaded (22 page)

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Authors: Deja King

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Revenge, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #Suspense Fiction, #African American women

BOOK: Bitch Reloaded
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"Will you do it or not?"

"It's not that simple."

"Yes, it is."

"Are you saying that the contract I'll have our lawyers draft up, you'll sign?"

"I'm saying I need the contract, and what I do with it afterwards is still up in the air."

"That means no. So, who are you trying to convince that this contract is real, and why?"

"Jamal, the less you know the better."

"If you want me to help you, then I need answers; real answers.

I debated in my mind for a second whether I wanted to go there with him. I desperately needed that contract, because without it my plan would never have the same effect. "I believe I know who had something to do with Supreme's murder, and that contract will give me the ammunition I need to provoke them."

"But you made it clear that you believe Nico killed Supreme. Nico didn't have anything to do with the music business, so what is the contract for?"

"Nico didn't kill Supreme."

"How would you know that?"

"I just do. So please don't ask me anymore questions. Are you going to help me or not?" I could tell by the intense stare he was giving me that he had a strong suspicion I had seen Nico. I knew that would lead to more questions surrounding the death of Nina. Jamal wanted answers, but now wasn't the time for me to give them.

"I'll do what you ask, but one day you will sit down and answer all of my questions. You owe me that."

"Thank you. I'll pick up the contracts tomorrow. I really have to go. But thanks again." I rushed out of Jamal's office, not giving him a chance to speak another word. I had nothing more to say to him until I was able to get the closure I was seeking. I needed to be free of all the bullshit from the past and start my life on a clean slate. After tomorrow night, I hoped it would be the end of the past and a start to a new beginning.

After leaving Jamal, I picked up a few items from Saks, and then headed to the W Hotel in Times Square. I didn't want to drive all the way back to my house in Jersey or answer a bunch of questions from Maya, so checking into a hotel was the most convenient option.

I took a long hot shower, thinking about what surprises would present themselves in the near future. I wondered if tonight would be the last time I would ever see Nico again, and if tomorrow evening I'd be putting a bullet through Mike's heart. What I did know, was after closing this chapter in my life, I wanted to fall in love again, settle down and start a family; one that was free of drama and the street life. I no longer wanted the gun to be my best friend. I was a step away from completely losing my soul, and soon it would be too late to save myself.

By the time I finished pulling my hair back in a sleek ponytail, slipping on a metallic-colored jumpsuit with a wide black belt that cinched my waist, Nico had called. He gave me an address in Staten Island to meet him. I dabbed on some lip gloss, grabbed my Jimmy Choo Mahala tote bag, and headed out the hotel room. Luckily I knew my way around Staten Island, because the address Nico gave me didn't even come up in my navigation system.

The nondescript building was somewhere in the cut on a dead-end corner. The only reason I was able to find it was because I used to hit up this mom and pop soul food restaurant down the hill every once in awhile.

As directed by Nico, I drove my car down the steep hill driveway and parked in the back. From the short distance I saw someone peep through the blinds, and figured it was Nico. When I got to the door it was already ajar. At first I hesitated, but when I heard Nico telling me to come in, I felt more comfortable.

"How did you find this place?" was the first question out of my mouth.

"I still know a few people who got hideout spots."

"This is definitely one of those. Ain't nobody gonna find you here. But the inside of this place is nice," I said, observing the lush carpet, stainless steel kitchen appliances and huge open space. You would never think all this was going on from looking at the outside.

"Yeah, it's pretty official for what it is. But I'm ready to break out."

"Have you decided where you're going?"

"Yep, but don't ask me where. If you ever get yourself jammed up and they question you about my whereabouts, I really want you to be able to say you don't know. It's for your own protection."

"Am I gonna ever see you again?"

"I hope. I'll keep in touch from time to time. But if and when I get word that I'm able to show my face again, then you know I'm coming home. New York is truly all I know."

"Nico, you don't have to worry about the charges sticking for shooting me. If they do come at you, I'll tell them I made a mistake and you weren't the person who tried to kill me. I'll get on the stand and testify to that if I have to."

"I don't know what to say. Since I've been on the run, all I've done was think. Think about my life, the past, and of course you. It's still hard to believe that this how everything turned out. When I first got out of jail I was so full of rage and had nothing but contempt towards you. But there is such a thin line between love and hate. And in my heart I never stopped loving you, and even now I wish we could be together and start our life all over again someplace else. But I know that's not possible. I have to clear my name, and maybe then if you still feel the same way, we can try again."

"I can't lie, my feelings for you do still run deep. Just like I hope you've forgiven me for fucking up your life, I've forgiven you for putting a bullet in my chest. I don't know if we can ever be together again, but I do believe the police will find Supreme's killer, whether the person is dead or alive. Then you'll be able to come back and fight the charges they have against you for attempted murder."

"What do you mean, find Supreme's killer either dead or alive? Do you know who took him out?"

"Just like you don't want to tell me where you're going, this is something that I need to keep to myself. But if it all works out, after you disappear, the next time you call me I'll have good news."

"I know how you are, Precious, so I'm not going to pressure you. All I will say is be careful. Whoever took out Supreme is ruthless, and they're playing for keeps. I don't want anything to happen to you," Nico said, now standing within kissing distance. He lifted my chin and softly brushed his lips against mine. He paused, waiting for my reaction.

"Don't stop," I whispered. I didn't want him to stop. I wanted to feel what it was like for him to be inside of me again. Besides Supreme, he was the only man I ever loved. Being with Nico would numb the pain I had in my heart from losing Supreme, if only for one night.

Nico lifted me up and carried me to a bedroom in the back. We both slowly undressed one another, taking in every inch of each other's bodies.

The king-sized bed was so inviting. My warm body melted into the silk sheets. Nico's kisses trickled down from my lips to my neck, and when I felt the moistness of his mouth swallow my breast, I let out a yearning moan. Then he stopped.

I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me. With his fingers, he traced the faint scar down the middle of my chest where the doctors cut me open. I turned away. I couldn't bear for him to see what he had done to me. Pushing his hands away, I pulled him closer. "Baby, put it in. I need that dick inside of me now!" I moaned.

"Wait. Nico's fingers drifted down toward my legs, where he spread them open and buried his face in my juices. He used his mouth to fuck my pussy, and it was driving me crazy. I sank my nails deep into his smooth, milk chocolate, buttersoft skin. Right when I was about to explode, he entered inside of me, gratifying my every desire.

The way he rocked in my pussy with such ease made me reflect back to when our life together was so fucking lovely. We were the king and queen of the streets. I was ready to ride it out with Nico to the fullest, but shit changed. Making love with him again brought back old feelings, and while being caught up in his rapture, the sorrow encompassing my life vanished.

When we both reached the height of pleasure, we climaxed simultaneously and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Tossing and turning in my sleep, I halfway opened my eyes and saw that it was six o'clock in the morning. Although I wanted to fall back into Nico's arms, I remembered I had to take Maya to school this morning.

I quickly threw on my clothes and sat back on the bed, staring at a still sleeping Nico. He looked so peaceful laying there. I kissed him on the forehead and softly said, "I love you," hoping this wouldn't be the last time I would be with him.

When I arrived home, I only had enough time to take a shower. While I was getting dressed, I heard Maya knocking at my door. "Come in."

"Dang, you up all bright and early. What time did you get in last night?"

"About midnight," I answered, straight lying.

"Oh, `cause I tried to wait up for you but fell asleep around eleven. Where did you go?"

"I stopped through Brooklyn to see some old friends. Ended up staying much longer than I thought I would. So, what's up?"

"Yeah, I didn't bring no clothes for school. So since we `bout the same size, I wanted to borrow something cute, `cause you be rockin' nothing but the official gear."

"Well, I have some Juicy Couture sweatsuits that you can put on.

"I like Juicy Couture. What color you got?"

"Every color. Go pick out whichever one you want. While you're getting dressed, I'll have Anna make us something to eat."

"Thanks, Precious. I love staying here with you. You're like the big sister I never had."

"You never know, maybe it can become permanent."

"You mean that?"

"No doubt. I like having you around. But get dressed. I don't want you to be late for school." The idea of having Maya live with me was one I looked forward to. It was lonely living in this big-ass house all by myself.

It was obvious from little statements Maya would make sometimes the relationship with her mother was strained, and that was putting it lightly. Maya made it clear that she didn't like her mother's boyfriend, and even made reference to him crossing the line with her on more than one occasion. I wanted to mention it to Mike, but some men were extra sensitive when it comes to discussing anything negative about their mothers, so I decided to hold off.

Regardless, I could relate to Maya living in a household under miserable conditions. I had that relationship with my mother my whole life, having to deal with watching her sell her body to fund an out-of-control drug addiction. That is the sort of agony no child should have to endure. By the time my mother did finally get her life together and we had a chance at a real relationship, she too was ripped out of my life by the greediness of the streets.

"Precious, it's after eight. We need to go," Maya said as I sat in the kitchen, zoning out.

"Damn, you scared me. My mind was someplace else. I can't believe you're rushing me to get to school."

"I'm looking all cute in my outfit, I want to floss. Plus, I slept so good last night, I feel rested."

"I bet you do, but remember, you gotta focus and hit them books."

"I know, and I will."

"Good. Let me get my keys and we're out."

When I pulled up to Maya's school she was eager to get out. "Thanks again, Precious, for the ride, the clothes, and letting me spend the night. Don't forget, you still owe me a girl's day."

"I haven't. I'll call you later on. Make sure you stay in school all day," I emphasized.

"I will. Just make sure you don't forget about me."

I stared at Maya strangely, finding it odd she would even say that. "How can I forget about you? We're like family now. No matter what goes down, we're like this," I told her, crossing my fingers to show that meant we were tight. "Now get in there and kick some ass-not literally. I mean them books." We both laughed and Maya shut the door.

Keeping to my plans for the day, I headed to midtown to pick up the contract from Jamal. To save me the headache of having to park, Jamal left a message letting me know to call up to his office, and he would have someone bring them down for me. I did just that, and within a few minutes I had the envelope in my hand. I opened it and saw that he gave me three copies. I briefly glanced through the paperwork, and without a doubt they looked legit. When I got to the last page of the contract, it had the line that required my signature to seal the deal.

Securing the contract (the most vital part needed for my plan to work), I then stopped at a spyware shop and got the final piece for my scheme. I ordered a custom-made wristwatch that could do up to nine hours of voice recording. If Mike did turn out to be Supreme's murderer, after I got him to admit it on tape I would end his life. I would have the tape edited so only Mike's confession would be heard, and then send it to the detective overseeing the investigation. I don't like fucking with cops, but I had to do something to guarantee that Nico was never charged with Supreme's murder.

Needing to relax my mind and body for my encounter with Mike later on that evening, I spent the rest of day at the spa getting pampered. I had to relax and mentally prepare myself for what might go down with Mike. He was a highly intelligent and dangerous man. I had to be on top of my game not to set off any red flags.

When I got into the passenger seat of my baby-blue Bentley, I was prepared and ready for war. I had my documents neatly folded in my purse. At the right moment, all I had to do was discreetly flip a switch, and my wristwatch would begin recording. And of course, I had my bitch with me. When and if it was time, she would be ready to lullaby Mike.

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