Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)
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The new butler has arrived. Your father wanted me to remind you to stay in your room until he notifies you.”

Jamie groaned and
pushed another button to find out where her father was in the house. The sensor found him in his study. She sighed. She couldn’t believe he’d ordered her to stay in her room. She wasn’t a little kid, but he still treated her like she was.

Jamie threw herself back on her soft
, pink, fluffy bed, her every thought was on the man who made her feel things she’d never felt before. His crystal-blue eyes appeared when she closed her eyes. Henry Roarke’s face was sketched in her mind. She still had a long time before she would see him again, but her heart raced at that thought. She was still a little mad at her best friend for interrupting her first kiss. The whole night she’d imagined how it would be to really kiss Henry, and she wondered how he would taste. Jamie closed her eyes again, knowing her dreams would consist of a certain blue eye man.


* * *


Henry couldn’t believe he was employed by the Wicked Moore, but he’d needed an inside man and he’d been the most logical choice. He glanced down at his wrist where the bright Blue bracelet lay, reminding him that he was a slave.

Blues and Blacks were born, the bracelets were automatically placed on them. As you grew you received a new one to accommodate your size. By about eighteen you would most likely keep the same bracelet until you died. It was the same for both the Blues and Blacks.

s, of course, held the best jobs and weren’t allowed to marry beneath them. Blues usually worked for the Blacks and weren’t allowed to marry above them. Whatever category your family was put in fifty years ago, was what you were now.

Henry's mo
ther worked for the Rich family. That was how he and Mike had become best friends. The Rich family wasn’t like other Blacks. They didn’t care what color was around your wrist. They treated everyone the same, and that was why Henry thought of them like family.

He glanced at the clock in the kitchen, and groaned
. He still had two hours left until he could leave and get ready to meet Jamie. Henry’d had a few girlfriends before, but never one who made him feel how Jamie made him feel in just those few short hours. He could still feel her soft lips as he brushed his lips against hers.

His heart fluttered as he thought of her, the sounded of her laughter rang in his head
. He didn’t believe in love at first si fa at firght, but there was something there that made him want her. A knock sounded at the front door, right on time he thought.

He walked to the front door and a delivery man wearing all brown held a package in his hands
. Henry smirked, he knew what it was.

For Mr. Moore,” the delivery man said as he handed Henry the package.

Thank you,” he said shutting the door after accepting the package. Henry hoped it would work, it was supposed to scare William. When he’d arrived at the Moore house, he was told not to go upstairs, that it was off limits. Henry’d found out that the mysterious Moore offspring was a female. One of the maids had told him that she’d arrived from boarding school yesterday.

That wa
s information he and the rebels would use. He walked over to the intercom, the informative maid had shown him how to use it. He hit the sensor button to find William. He was in his study. Henry, thinking about the mystery daughter, wondered where she was. He pressed the sensor again, looking for her location. She was in her bedroom.

He pushed the call button for the study
. “Mr. Moore, you have a package.” Bile rose in the back of his throat. He hated that he had to work for and be nice to the monster.

Henry sat the package on the table by the stairs,
and then glanced at the intercom again. If he could get one look at her, he would know what would hurt William the most. He quickly moved to the intercom and pressed the call button.

More orders?” a sweet female voice said.

There is a package for you and your father,” he said and moved away from the intercom. He walked toward the small table by the stairs and waited. He would find out who the Moore girl was. He heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs and glanced up, it was William.

Where is-” a sweet voice asked from behind the large man.

, William turned around. “I thought I told you to stay in your room,” he said in a demanding voice.

Small bare
feet were all he could see along with a silver anklet covered with little small charms. They were too far way, so Henry couldn’t make out what they were.

You know...I am not a child anymore, and I don’t like that you order me around like one,” her familiar voice said and he wanted so bad to see her face.

Jamie, I know you aren't a child, but you are still my daughter.”

Henry's heart dropped to his feet,
. He knew he’d known the voice, and now he knew she was William's daughter. William turned toward Henry and glanced at the waiting package. It was too late now to back out of his plan, and he wouldn’t for some girl. Even if that girl made him think of his ever after, and made his heart race when the thought of her.

William Mooru kWilliame picke
d up the package, took a silver pocket knife out of his back pocket and started to open it. Henry glanced up the stairs to see that Jamie had descended a couple of stairs. She was even more beautiful in the daylight, and her long red hair seemed brighter. Henry moved back a little so he was more in the shadows, he didn’t want Jamie to see him. He glanced at William as he heard the knife cut through the tape.

What...the hell?” William whispered, and then a scream filled the air.
. “Get to your room now!”

Henry turned his attention back to Jamie

She had gone pale, and she stepped closer to her father
. “What is that?” She stood just behind her father “Oh my gosh! Is that...blood?” Jamie's voice trembled.

William looked at Henry
. “Who the hell brought this?” he asked, anger dripping from his voice.

Jamie noticed
him for the first time. Her mouth slowly dropped opened, and her sweet gaze was drawn to his Blue bracelet.

A delivery man, sir,” Henry responded, forcing his eyes away from Jamie and her shocked dark green eyes.

I’ll be right back,” William said, as he walked away holding the box.

As soon as her
father was gone, Jamie looked at him as if her heart was breaking.

Jamie we should talk about this,” he whispered, but she didn’t do anything. She just stared at him, and closed her eyes. He watched her as her red hair shook, telling him no. “I can't,” she said softly.

watched her run up the stairs with her anklet bouncing on her ankle.


* * *


Jamie closed her door, and slid down the back of it.
Why did he have to be a Blue? Why couldn’t he be a Black like her?
she thought. Tears fell from her eyes, and she brought her knees up, laying her face on them. The one man to treat her like she was something, was the one man she couldn’t be with. Jamie's father would happily kill Henry if she continued their relationship. But could she walk away from him that easily?

She already knew the
answer, and it made her cry harder. Jamie's mind took her back to the box, and all of the blood, but she remembered the cow's head. That was when she’d seen Henry. He’d been looking at her, and not the opened, bloody box.


* * *


Henry walked out of the Moore house toward his car. The revolution meant freedom for his class, and for him. He wanted to be the one to do that, he wanted to be the one that took William Mly ok Willoore down. Henry wondered if he
now that he knew Wicked Moore was Jamie's father. He shook his head. He didn’t have a choice, he still had to do it. People were counting on him. His cell phone rang and he knew who it was. Only one person had the number.

Henry brought the phone to his ear
. “Hey.”

How did it go?” Mike asked.

He opened his car door, and
climbed in, closing his eyes. “Great. The package came on time.”

Laughter rang through the phone, and Henry just shook his head.

What did you find out about Moore's kid?”

That was the question he was hoping his best friend wouldn’t ask
. He had never lied to Michael, but he didn’t want to put Jamie in danger. Henry knew Mike would want to use her for the revolution, and he wouldn’t let that happen. He would have to keep her identity to himself, and only tell Mike what he needed to know.

William kept her upstairs the whole time.” He figured that his knowing the child was a girl wouldn’t hurt.

Ahh, a daughter. I wonder if she is hot,” Mike said, and rage burned in Henry’s chest. They had never fought over a girl before, mostly because they
like the same girl. But Jamie was his, and he wouldn’t let Mike have her.

I would say yes, you know what her mother looked like,” Henry said. Jamie's mother had the same bright red hair as she did, but she had her father's eyes dark green eyes.

Mike laughed, and Henry started his car
. “Or she could have taken after her old man.”

She didn’t, she was beautiful
. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about her since she’d walked away from him the night before.

Meet me at the club before it opens.” Mike had stopped laughing, and had a more serious tone.

Okay I'm going home now to shower and then I’ll meet you at the club.” Henry wanted to get the stench of William Moore off of him.

Chapter Three



had already called Emily and told her she didn’t want to go to the club. After she’d found out who Henry was, she cried, until her father had come to check on her. She’d wanted to know everything, and he’d told her the truth for once. He’d said that some of the Blacks and Blues were tired of the rules and had started a revolution. He’d been informed that they were gunning for him, and wouhenld use anyone he cared for against him. Unfortunately that meant
. He’d somehow gotten the idea that the owners of the
No B club
were the ones behind the revolution, but no knew who they were, just one Blue and one Black.

Jamie did
n’t think Henry would have hurt her, but he
own the club. She’d told her dad that she was going to Black Diamonds, and he’d sent two large bodyguards with her. She was use to ditching the guards her father assigned to her and didn’t think it would be hard to ditch the two that guarded her now. She stood outside of the club, and frowned. The building was quite different from the
No B
. Black Diamonds was a shiny and sparkly building. The windows seemed to be lit, and the door was sparkly silver.

shoved her hands into her black pea coat, and her fingers skimmed over the red card. She needed to see Henry again and ask him if it was true. She sucked in a breath and walked toward the door and approached the large man standing in front of it.

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