Read Black Heart: Wild On Online

Authors: TW Gallier

Black Heart: Wild On (12 page)

BOOK: Black Heart: Wild On
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            "You are very beautiful," he said.

            I remembered him from the Crimson Knot, the night Mercedes caught me. Mercedes called him "Woody." She spent the night demonstrating her skills with a bullwhip. For the record, she's good.

            The four werewolves with Mercedes were tall, muscular, and handsome. My first thought was she bit a bunch of male strippers. They had long hair, fierce eyes, and sculpted bodies. None of them were wearing their usual dark suits, but jeans, t-shirts, and leather jackets.

            "She looks needy, boys. Take good care of Sable, as a favor to me," she said.

            "No. No. No," I said, shaking my head to clear it. My throat was so tight it was hard to speak. "I have...oh." Another werewolf started caressing my rump. It felt so good butterflies erupted deep in my belly and my chest tightened up, too. "No, I can't. I have to find Dane. I have to be with him at midnight."

            "Don't worry about Dane," Woody said, still stroking my hair. "Me and the boys will take much better care of you than that pathetic mortal."

            Attila was the wolf rubbing my tush. He was also with Mercedes the night she whipped me. He was the tallest, most over-muscled, and scariest looking. His black hair was down to his waist, and loose.

            "I'm first," Woody said. He was the lone blonde, with his hair pulled back in a ponytail. "Then Attila, Chucho, and Zeke."

            I felt a feeling of danger coming from Dane. That gave me the strength to push them away. Dane needed me. Then a second later the danger turned to fear.

            "Leave me alone before I bite the lot of you," I said, heading for the stairs off the VIP Lounge. Dane's fear was fading, turning to lust. If I had a gun I would shoot Antoinette in the heart, just to stop her from radiating lust and need so intensely. Then a vampire on another couch reached out and grabbed my left wrist. "Hey!"

            "Join me," he said. "I am Seamas and I've admired you a long time."

            He was the prettiest man I ever saw. Not the least bit handsome. Pretty. Girly pretty. I think he even plucked his eyebrows, and his long brown hair was styled in a decidedly feminine fashion.

            "Doubtful. I've only been a vamp three and a half months," I said. "Now let go."

            With his other hand, Seamas reached down and pulled his penis out of a waitress's mouth. My eyes widened and my mouth began to water. I swear Antoinette intensified her erotic power. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my lips around that thick shaft and go down on him.

            "She's with us," Attila said, and grabbed the vamp's thumb. He quickly, though not easily, pried Seamas's hand off my wrist. Chucho wrapped his left arm around my waist and cupped my left breast with his right hand. "You can have her after we're through with her."

            That was a mistake. They had me. I was so overwhelmingly horny I was going to do whatever those four wolves wanted to do. And then I wanted to return to Seamas and ride him for a while. And then Attila said that, and anger flared.

            "After you're through with me?" I said, and shoved Chucho away. I punched him in the throat. "Pig! I'm not some whore to be

            "No you're not," Zeke said, moving up close beside me and starting to stroke my back. He was the shortest, broadest of the four werewolves, but still sex feet tall. He also used the same aftershave as Dane, and I closed my eyes as I breathed in that familiar, beloved scent. "You are a young, beautiful woman, Sable. Strong and determined, every man wants you, every woman wants to be you."

            Deep down, part of me said, "Really?" Normally, I'd laugh and walk away if someone said something like that to me. But I was still too aroused to walk away from anyone. And seconds later I was surrounded by four horny werewolves, all caressing and nuzzling my body.

            The butterflies in my belly turned to molten lust and desire. The wolves were trying to get me out of my bustier top and pants. I let them touch me anywhere they wanted so I could concentrate of batting away any hands that went to my clothes' few fasteners, but keeping them away from the bustier's zipper in back was harder.

            Drowning in Zeke's scent, the vamp pheromones filling the air and eight talented hands constantly on my body, I was falling fast. I had to save Dane from Mercedes' dark lusts, but my body and own dark nature wanted to get lost in carnal pleasure. In no time those wicked wolves had me panting, head lolling about.

            Zeke pulled my chin around, and kissed me. I kissed back, hungrily. Turning to face him, he enfolded me within his thick arms and I groaned wantonly. I knew, deep down, I was being deftly manipulated and seduced, but I didn't care. I didn't care when one of them finally unzipped my top, and pulled it off my body while I was distracted by Zeke.

            "Dane?" I said, realizing he was highly aroused, too.

            I remembered Mercedes. He was not immune to her appeal. She was very pretty, I admitted that, but she was a werewolf thug, an enforcer for the vampire mafia, a
. And that was on top of being an alpha werewolf, and leader of the Trudeau Family pack. Worst of all, she didn't hide the fact she wanted Dane.

            "I have to go," I said, and wiggled out of that circle of werewolves.

            My link to Dane led my eyes straight to him. He was on the second level. The crowd half hid him, but I could see well enough to know he was with Mercedes. The alpha bitch was topless and hanging all over him.

            "Nice set," Woody said. How did he get next to me without me hearing him? Was I that distracted by need and Dane?

            "What?" I said. I hated it when they confused me. I had enough trouble.

            "Nice rack," Woody said. "You have an incredible body, Sable. So beautiful."

            We locked eyes. He wasn't playing me. I could tell. He meant it. Have to admit, I was flattered. What woman didn't want everyone to think she was beautiful? Then another wave of Antoinette's power hit me and the wolves, and we all gasped.

            The four wolves were all hands and lips. I writhed in their midst a long moment, slowly losing the desire to escape. When Chucho claimed my lips in a passionate clench I stopped struggling. A tremble raced up my spine when my body realized I was not fighting them anymore, and was surrendering to my own lusts and needs.

            I slanted a look up at Antoinette and gang. They were watching with smug looks on their faces as Chucho and Attila each claimed of one of my breasts and started sucking on my nipples. Was that ancient vampire focusing her power on me and the werewolves? Could she do that? Then I noticed that everyone else in the VIP Lounge was paired off and humping madly, vampire and mortal alike, so it wasn't just me.

            "So damned beautiful," Woody said again, pressing up behind me. I turned my head and looked up into his face. He was giving me the hungriest look I've ever encountered, and it stoked my libido to white hot.

            Reaching up, I pulled his face down to me and kissed him. I thrust my tongue deep into his mouth, and we started that sweet tango I loved so much. The four of us moaned and groaned for a while there, savoring the feel of intimate skin-on-skin contact.

            "Help me out of these damned boots," I said, panting. The wolves weren't moving with the sense of urgency I wanted, and I was getting frustrating. "Hurry. I'm going to explode or something."

            The sound of those two long zippers was music to my ears. My belly started to quiver and I felt my sex tingling, moist and hot. I unfastened my belt and pants, and sighed when Woody lifted me up, feet off the floor. Attila and Chucho could each pull off a boot, and then Zeke pulled the pants off my body.

            "You boys work good together," I said, grinning sultrily at them. They all froze, masks of carnal hunger on all their faces. My vampire pheromones were mixed in with Antoinette's erotic power, driving them wild with desire. "Strip. First one naked gets to have me first."

            That's the fastest I've ever seen any man get naked. Clothes were flying everywhere. Attila overbalanced, and fell over onto Zeke. Zeke cried out and fell into Chucho, who grabbed for Woody. Woody proved too fast, and dodged aside with his pants down around his ankles, so he did a header at my feet.

            While the other three cursed each other, Woody pulled his tangled pants and underwear off, bounded to his feet before me and ripped off his shirt.

            "We have a winner."

            "I'm ready," Woody said, eyes flashing triumphantly.

            "Yes you are," I purred, noticing his penis was fully erect and pointing at me. I took it in hand, gave it a little squeeze and stroke. Woody gasped and groaned. I leaned back against the cold steel railing above the bar below, and overlooking the dance floor. Taking hold of his hips, I pulled Woody in between my spread legs. "Mount up, cowboy."

            Woody reached down and guided his dick straight into me. I clutched at his waist when I felt him starting to spread me wider, pushing in deeper and deeper. I let out a ragged gasping groan, and my head rolled back. It was as close to Heaven as I would ever get.

            He made me lean further out, bowing my back, so he could suck on my breasts. Woody nibbled and sucked on my nipples, while pounding harder and faster into me.

            "Uuuggggh, yes," I groaned, loving the feel of him inside me. I dragged my nails across his back, digging in deep without breaking the skin. Not that he would've cared. "Just like that."

            I looked past him, catching Antoinette's eyes. The beautiful vamp was on her phone, looking more than a little pissed as she spoke quickly. Then she pulled the phone from her face, her gaze intensified on me, and my body exploded with pleasure.

            "Aaaggghhh. Ooooooh," I cried, my body throbbing with the most intense pleasure. "Oh hell yes!"

            Woody lifted his face from my bosom, palmed the back of my head, and kissed him. Kissed me so hard I felt it in my toes. A girl could lose herself in a kiss like that. To reward him, I started squeezing my vaginal muscles, over and over, and a moment later he cried out.

            "Yes!" Woody said. I felt him coming deep inside me. A thrill raced up my spine. "Oh yes!"

            "My turn," Zeke said. "Let me in, man."

            Woody pulled back, and pulled me back upright as well. He slowly pulled out, and leaving me feeling empty. And then Zeke grabbed my wrist and yanked me off the rail, only to turn me around and bend me over the rail again. A second later his cock thrust deep into me.

            "Ugh! Ugh!" I grunted with his thrust. "Faster."

            His thrusts were violent, battering me forward. Jolting my body with his every thrust. He grabbed a tight handful of hair, right at the back of my head, and yanked back. Forcing my body to bow backward dramatically.

            I felt my body go into that rush to climax. "Aaaagghhh! Oh! Oh!"

            Chucho grabbed me while Zeke thrust into me, pulling me back from over the rail, so that I was bent over at the waist before him. He batted Zeke's hand away, and buried his fist in my hair. As Zeke started swatting my butt, Chucho pushed his cock between my lips. I had no choice but to suck, working my tongue. He sighed gustily.

            "Fuck her," Lorelei said, standing next to us. I cut my eyes, noticing how happy she looked. "Fuck her stupid. Have fun, bitch."

            "Lorelei," Antoinette said. "Attend me."

            Chucho was getting more and more excited. He took my head on both hands, pounding into my mouth with abandon. Zeke was thrusting frantically, too. Both men were so close, and so was I. And then as Zeke, followed by Chucho, began coming, I felt my body cross the line yet again.

            "Uuugggghhh," I cried around the werewolf's cock. "Uuuuggggh."

            "Hot damn!" Attila cried, yanking me from between the other two wolves. He tossed me up onto the railing again, and moved between my legs as they wrapped around him. "I'm going to rock your world, Sable."

            "Promises, promises," I said, watching him with hungry, hooded eyes. I reached down and guided his erection into me, and he thrust hard and deep. "Ooooooooh."

            I held onto his neck with both hands as he pounded hard and faster than any of the previous three werewolves. After a moment, he pulled my legs from around his waist, and forced them straight up. I found myself even more precariously balanced above the bar below, legs resting on his shoulders.

            "Better?" Attila said through clenched teeth, happy humping away again.

            "Yes. Feels so…oooh," I said, feeling as if I almost toppled over the side. "Careful, I don't want to…Aaaiieeee!"

            Attila leaned more into me, and that tipped the balance. I went over the side, and he came down with me.

            "Oh shit!" Attila cried.

            It was a short fall.

            "Ugh!" I cried, slamming shoulders first into the bar below. My head was over the side, so whipped down and struck the side of the bar. That wrenched the hell out of my neck, but didn't break it. Vampires are more durable than that. "Oh, that hurt."

            The few people at the bar scattered with cries of surprise and fear. There weren't many left that hadn't paired off. Even though I was looking at the dance floor upside down, with my head hanging off the bar, I could tell the dancing had morphed into a giant orgy.

            Everyone thank Antoinette.

            Attila grunted, looked around, and then grinned down at me. I realized we fell from the second floor and crashed atop the bar without his dick slipping out. He looked real proud of that fact, and started pumping hard and fast. My eyes crossed.

            "Yes. That's it," I said hoarsely. "Fuck me. Fuck me. Ooooooh."

BOOK: Black Heart: Wild On
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