Black Heart: Wild On (13 page)

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Authors: TW Gallier

BOOK: Black Heart: Wild On
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            "Vampires," a bartender muttered, and it wasn’t a pleased sound. He threw his towel down and stalked away.

            Attila didn't bother correcting him. Werewolf pride could be prickly at times. I guess getting nookie was more important, at least for Attila at that moment. Then the other three werewolves landed to either side of us.

            Woody dropped to hands and knees to my right, and started licking, squeezing and sucking on my right boob. Zeke claimed the left and went to town as well. Chucho slipped off the bar, moved up to my face and offered up his dick. I gobbled it down without hesitation.

            "Uummmggggghh," I groaned, climaxing again, just moments later. That excited my wolves, like my orgasms always did, and they redoubled their efforts. In no time Attila, then Chucho climaxed as well. "Mmmuuggghhh."

            Everyone shifted over one, and Woody thrust into my mouth, followed by Zeke mounting up between my legs. And it began again. I don't know how long we screwed, but they soon had me enjoying one orgasm after another.

            Yeah, sometimes it is great to be undead.

            One by one, the werewolves left me. Each was replaced by a club patron, so I wasn't left entirely alone. No complaints from me, but I was rather startled when a young Goth pulled his dick out of my mouth and stepped back before he finished.

            Antoinette and her all girl gang stood there grinning down at me. My blood went cold. There was no way I could fight Antoinette at that moment.

            "You did me a favor, Sable," Antoinette said, smiling wickedly. She placed her right hand on my left boob. Instant climax. Machine gun climaxes, in fact. All I could do was gasp, wild-eyed, and grasp her arm as my back bowed up and I let out a shuddering groan of pure pleasure. The unknown man between my legs, humping away, gasped and doubled the rate he was hammering me. "I could take you now if I wanted to. We both know it, don't we?"

            My head was spinning in a way it never did before. Her power was greater than I thought, far greater than Roger's had been. And Roger could manipulate me with shameful ease when he used his power on me.


            All I could do was scream the answer. Those machine gun climaxes were coming close to merging together. There was such a thing as too much pleasure, even for a vampire.

            "Yes what?"

            "Mistress. Yes, Mistress," I said.

            "Good girl," Antoinette said. She leaned over and her soft, warm lips pressed into mine. I screamed into her mouth, consumed by the most power climax of my life and unlife for the duration of that unholy kiss. "I'll enjoying bending you to my will."

            Antoinette removed her hand, and the climaxes began to slowly subside. The stranger humping me didn't stop, and I was grateful for that. Hard to believe, but it's true.

            Angelique leaned over then, and kissed me sensuously, "Antoinette said I can train you to be the perfect undead sex slave."

            The witch Lorelei replaced her. She kissed me, too, but not as sweetly as Angelique.

            "I can't wait to bespell you at Antoinette's command, and transform you into a sniveling, groveling piece of filth," Lorelei said, eyes narrowing. "You will pay for what has happened to me."

            "I'm going to take my turn with you, too," Lolita said. She alone didn't kiss me. She looked too angry. "I'm going to teach you how to be a street whore."

            Okay, Lolita's threat was the scariest of them all.

            Antoinette pulled me off the bar, out from under the mortal humping me. She held me on my feet by my hair, and all I could do was stand there and pant.

            "Since you did help me, whether intentionally or not, I am going to let you go tonight," Antoinette said. "It won't happen again."

            With that, Antoinette threw me into the middle of the dance floor orgy. There were some angry protests about my rude arrival, but that quickly turned to hands, lips, and dicks.

Chapter 10

            "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, you want any solid food?" Kale called from the door.

            I was sitting on the pot, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and trying to figure out how I lost control so thoroughly last night. All I had was voice mails from Dane and Gabe, saying they couldn't find me and went home. They sounded worried.

            "Just blood, thank you," I said.

            I enjoyed eating, even though the stuff didn't really agree with me. It didn't make me sick or anything, but my body no longer produced the stomach acids necessary to digest the wonderful foods I grew up eating. When that food came back out, it was only a partially digested black mush. Yuck. Even my urine was affected, coming out an odd greenish-yellow now.

            I know, gross.

            I had to poop when I only drank blood, too. If anything, that was even nastier. Enough said.

            "I'll need two full pints," I called. "I'm famished."

            It was five after four in the afternoon. The sun wasn't down yet, but it wouldn’t be long. I found it very oppressive, but I was awake and went ahead and got up. No sunlight was getting to that room.

            After I finished on the toilet, I took a quick, hot shower. There was something therapeutic about hot showers. The tension began to bleed away as I stood under the water, letting it hit me atop the head and cascade down my body. Then I soaped up, and rinsed. I took my time in the shower that evening.

            I frowned at my reflection a long moment after toweling off. My New Year's night ended at a tattoo parlor, where I got a new piercing. Though I've had several people say I should get one, I never honestly entertained the idea. So now I had one tattoo and one piercing.

            "You got a navel ring?" Kale said, stepping into the bathroom with my first cup of warm blood. I was fingering it, trying to decide if I liked it or not. "Pretty, but I didn't think you liked the idea of piercing anything other than the ears."

            Though Desiree had a navel ring, I had never paid it that much attention. I thought it looked good on her. She had a good thirty different navel rings, and some were rather elaborate affairs. She divided them up in everyday wear, working wear, and formal wear. Yeah, she considered navel rings part of formal wear.

            "Normally, I don't," I said. I accepted the offered cup, and took a long drink. I sucked half down right off, and it was a mega mug. One pint. "Mmm, good stuff."

            "Nothing but the best for you, babe," Kale said, giving me a hug. "So, what happened? Since we got calls from both Dane and Gabe to ensure you returned all right, I have to assume things didn't go down as planned."

            I drained the rest of the blood, smacked and licked my lips appreciatively, and then handed him the cup back, with a meaningful look.

            "It was a bizarre night, and that is how it ended," I said, indicating the sparkling, rhinestone navel ring. I slanted an amused glance his way. "I was so messed up I don't even remember the name of the people that convinced me to do this."

            "Drunk?" he said. He grimaced, and I detected a bit of fear oozing from him. "Vampires shouldn't drink."

            "Originally, it was pheromones that messed me up. After leaving the club, it was pot. Contact high," I said. "All the guys I was with were smoking it. That's some heady stuff."

            "Oh my God! A vampire on pot?" Kale said, amusement claiming his handsome face. "I don't want to be around when you get the munchies. Chomp."

            He leaned over and kissed me.

            "Ha! That's funny," I said. Tapping the cup in his hand, "More blood, please. Thank you." Then as he started to leave, "Is Desiree at work already?"

            "No, she's in the kitchen cooking dinner," Kale said. "You'll be happy to know she has the night off. Dane and Gabe are on the way over. Oh, and Sabrina called and is on the way over, too. She sounded stressed, and said she really needs to talk to you. So Desiree decided she needs to whip up a big dinner for everyone."

            "Damn. I should go out there and help," I said.

            "Give it a few more minutes," he said, glancing out the door toward the bedroom door. "The sun's still up."

            "Time to put on my face and get dressed," I said.

            While Kale heated me up another mug of blood, I went to work on my face. Makeup took less than five minutes, and then I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I was finished and looking through my closet when he returned with the rest of my breakfast.

            "Gotta love a woman that puts her clothes on
," Kale said. We both laughed. I never dressed last before being Changed. It wasn't entirely without some thought behind it. Gabe, for one,
it when I walked around naked and dressed last. He raised an eyebrow at my selections laid out on the bed. "Are you really going to wear a t-shirt that says 'Vampires Suck' tonight?"

            "Sure. Why not," I said, and grinned roguishly at him. "They do, you know."

            I watched him over my mug as I drank deeply again. The previous night really took a lot out of me. So hungry.

            "I think you should wear the 'Give Blood' t-shirt I got you," he said, and waggled his brows.

            "Oooo, that's a good one, too," I said. "But there is a chance I could get into a fight tonight, and I don't want that t-shirt damaged."

            Since it was cold out, and my nipples did react to cold just like a mortal woman's nipples would, I put on a bra. Then I pulled on the t-shirt and a pair of faded black jeans. I put on black running shoes and a biker jacket next. Then I finished out my outfit with the same hoop earrings from the previous night, with the little black hearts hanging inside them.

            I heard Gabe, then Dane, arrive while I was dressing. Even from the bedroom I could hear Desiree squeal with delight and greet them with hugs and kisses. Gabe especially, pig that he was, liked to come over just for all the hugs and kissed the resident women are always eager to give out. That, and it was almost a given he could get lucky with one of us. Vampires and fang whores are horny creatures.

            "How do I look?"

            "Delicious," he said.

            "Desiree is a bad influence on you and your word choices," I said.

            "You know, Desiree has a good eye for hot women," Kale said.

            I laughed. Was that supposed to be a compliment? Or just a fact? Kale offered his arm and I took it, and thus we went out to join the others. We found Dane in the kitchen with Desiree, peeking in pots, and Gabe in the living room checking to see what else was on TV.

            Gabe didn't like Desiree's favorite channel, the Vampire Entertainment Network. Don't think Dane cared for it much, either. The rest of us loved that godforsaken channel.

            "Hello, boys, have a nice time last night?" I said.

            "Funny," Gabe said, cutting me a hot look. "I froze my ass off in the truck waiting for you two. What happened?"

            "Umm," Dane said, looked at me guiltily and shrugged. "I was...

            "What's that suppose to mean?" Gabe said.

            "Werewolves and Antoinette," I said. Everyone perked up at the mention of Antoinette. They all knew she wanted her claws in me, and what that would mean for me. "I don't think she's involved with Timmy's disappearance. In fact, none of the vampires I've spoken with seem to be involved."

            "What about werewolves?" Kale said.

            He and Desiree both had worried eyes. I also had a known problem with dealing successfully with werewolves. They just don't seem to like me. Until last night. Except for Gabe, of course.

            "Mercedes and four of her wolves showed up while we were inside," I said. Dane began blushing. "Mercedes caught Dane, and probably screwed him half blind." Dane started and grunted, shocked to find out I knew. I grinned sheepishly at him. "I saw. I was up in the VIP Lounge, when Mercedes sicced her wolves on me.

            Everyone's eyes narrowed. Dane looked downright dangerous. Talk about make me happy.

            "They weren't interested in violence," I said, and shrugged with a sweet as can be smile. "Remember Antoinette? She was filling the air with Fuck Me pheromones. Big time. That's how Mercedes was able to seduce Dane so easily, and why I lost it with the werewolves."

            "Plural?" Gabe said. "You screwed them all?"

            "And then some," I said. I averted my eyes and headed for the kitchen, afraid to see if there was any disapproval in their eyes. "I'm a vampire, and they were rubbing me in all the right ways. We had fun."

            "Of course, I was left out in the cold. Again," Gabe said.

            "Sorry, Gabe," I said, starting to wash out my mug. "I'll make it up to you. Promise."

            "What are your plans?" Desiree said, looking me over. "Going shopping? I wanna go."

            "Shopping? Sounds like fun, but not tonight," I said. I felt Sabrina pulling up outside. I didn't have a link with her, but once she got close I could pick her out of a crowd with just my vampiric senses. "I'm going to my first Wild On run tonight."

            "What!?!" four voices cried in unison.

            I grinned wickedly. What was up with my perverse pleasure in shocking people in general, and my closest friends in particular? Had to be part of the vampire curse.

            "Someone go open the door for Sabrina," I said. They all just turned to gawk at the door. No one moved. Then she knocked and they all jumped. "What's wrong with y'all? Answer the door."

            Didn't matter. It wasn't locked and Sabrina just came inside. She was a little surprised to see three people heading for the door. Gabe didn't bother, and started flipping through the on-screen guide.

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