Black Hills Bride (16 page)

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Authors: Deb Kastner

Tags: #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Romance - Contemporary, #Fiction, #Non-Classifiable, #Fiction - Religious, #Christian, #Religious - General, #Christian - Romance, #Religious

BOOK: Black Hills Bride
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Chapter Twenty-One

rik stared at the flames, wondering how he would get through the night. One arm was right where it belonged—around Dixie’s waist. His other hand was tucked in the pocket of his duster, fingering the black velvet box that carried his life’s happiness within.

He shot a quick glance at Dixie. A gentle smile playing on her face, she watched the guitar players, singing quietly along with them as they led the group in familiar hymns.

She was a different woman than the one who’d shown up on the land three months ago. And he was a different man.

She wore less makeup, and her hair was worn down around her shoulders instead of in a fancy knot at the back of her neck. Her peaches-and-cream skin had been toughened by the weather, but in Erik’s mind, it only added to her attractiveness.

She was beautiful, inside and out. He didn’t deserve her.

But he didn’t deserve a lot of things. If God could accept him, could he harbor the hope that Dixie would do the same?

He shifted, and she looked up at him, her heart in her eyes. He nearly stopped breathing when the sweet scent of peaches reached his nostrils.

She smiled and reached for his hand.

“Is something wrong?” Dixie thought she glimpsed panic in Erik’s eyes before he shadowed them with his hat.

“No. Yes. I…” He looked away.

“Erik.” Her heart beat double time as she considered the possibilities. He looked like he wanted to bolt right out of the area.

Was that what he was trying to say? That he didn’t want to work for her anymore? Maybe God was leading him in a different direction, just as He had with Abel.

Panic surged through her. She tried to swallow, but couldn’t. God wouldn’t do that to her again. Not with the way she felt about Erik.

Her gaze darted to where John sat, crumpled up in his sheepskin coat. He wasn’t talking to anyone, but he didn’t look quite as uncomfortable as he had earlier.

Had he threatened more vandalism, that only Erik knew about?

“Erik, please,” she whispered. Not knowing was the worst.

“I…aw Dixie, I…” Again he looked away, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his duster.

But a moment later he turned back, looking as uncomfortable as she’d ever seen him. He stroked a finger down her cheek, then tipped her chin up to meet his earnest gaze.

Then he smiled, that firm, masculine smile that made Dixie’s insides dance. Turning her hand palm up, he placed a delicate diamond ring there.

Her eyes glazed with tears. She had prayed. But who would have known?


She closed her fingers around the ring, then turned his hand over, palm up, and dropped the ring back in his hands.

Seeing pain cross his features, she held out her left hand and wiggled her ring finger. “Will you marry me?”

She’d never seen such relief on a man’s face, nor such joy. Her heart bubbled over with laughter and love.

He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the movement. Silently he placed the ring on her left ring finger, then turned her hand over and kissed the soft spot on her wrist.

Eyes shining, he returned his gaze to hers and said the word they both wanted to hear.



It seemed like hours later, but was probably only minutes, when Erik kissed her cheek and excused himself. Thinking he probably needed to be alone for a little while, she turned her attention back to the bonfire, which, from all appearances, was a success.

Happy faces were everywhere, from the tiniest child to the oldest married couple. These beautiful South Dakota mountains really were a good place to come close to God and feel His presence.

She smiled and held up her hand, admiring how her diamond sparkled in the firelight. Once, she would have wanted a large solitaire, but Erik’s choice was so much better for the woman she was now. A small, perfectly cut diamond solitaire surrounded by diamond chips.

That he’d chosen it himself meant so much to her, especially considering that when he’d last been to town, she hadn’t been on speaking terms with him.

“Well, folks,” the lead guitar player declared. “It seems we have a young fellow here with a very important announcement to make.”

Surprised, her head snapped up, and she found herself staring right into Erik’s eyes. He’d removed his hat, and was jamming his fingers through his thick hair.

He looked down, then cleared his throat and locked his gaze with Dixie’s, determination gleaming in his eyes.

“I just wanted to say, um,” he said, then faltered.

Dixie’s heart nearly stopped. She felt his keen aversion to speaking in front of people, and it seared in her chest no doubt as much as it did in his.

He just smiled and continued. “I just wanted to say that I’m in love with the sweetest, most beautiful woman in the world. Dixie Sullivan.”

There was a collective intake of breath as her dear friends digested the news. Warmth lined her cheeks, but she didn’t care a bit. Proudly she stood and took her permanent place by Erik’s side.

“And this certified bachelor cowboy has agreed we ought to be a team,” she added, linking her arm through his.

Someone started clapping, a lone beat in the darkness.

John Needleson stepped forward into the light of the fire. His brows crunched low over his eyes, but Dixie could see his hands moving in applause.

John smiled and tipped his hat as everyone else joined in the applause for the couple. Erik put his arm around her waist protectively and returned the gesture, tipping his hat to John with his other hand.

Dixie laughed and wrapped her arms around her cowboy’s neck, taking pleasure in being warm, protected, cherished and most of all, loved.

“You didn’t have to do that public-speaking thing, you know,” she teased, planting small kisses along the rough, strong line of his jaw.

He tipped his head down so their foreheads met and their locked gazes were shadowed from the others. “Yes, I did,” he said, his voice low and deep, full of husky emotion. “I botched the proposal, even though I had it all planned out in my head what to say.”

She chuckled. “Seems to me it worked out okay.”

He smiled with her. “Yep.”

“Guess this means you’re going to earn your full herd of horses.”

He chuckled and pulled her snug into his arms, where she vowed in her heart she would remain for the rest of her life.

“I want everyone to know how much I love you,” he continued, his voice scratchy and rough. “You most of all.”

Her breath caught in her lungs as he held her close, savoring the words she’d longed to hear.

“I love you, Dixie Sullivan. I don’t always say what I feel. But I can’t keep this locked inside. I love you. I love you. I love you.”

Once he’d said it, it seemed hard to get him to stop. She chuckled and covered his mouth with her index finger.

“I love you, too, Erik Wheeler.” She chuckled again. “And now that you know how to
it, why don’t you start working on
me just how much you love me.”

He grinned and tipped his hat before covering her lips with his own.

“Yep,” he whispered over her lips.

And that was all the answer Dixie Sullivan wanted to hear.


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