Blaze (3 page)

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Authors: Nina Levine

Tags: #biker, #Romance, #second chance romance, #love story

BOOK: Blaze
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I moved my hands to the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head.  Dropping it to the ground, I ran my gaze over his chest.  My stomach was full of butterflies and my heart rate was picking up; J turned me on more than any other man I’d ever been with.  He’d packed more muscle on while he was away even though I would have sworn it wasn’t possible to fit anymore on him. 

He cut into my thoughts, “Baby, the way you’re looking at me is making me so fucking hard.  I like your eyes on me but I’d fucking kill to have your mouth on me.”

I looked him in the eyes for a long moment before moving my mouth to his chest.  My teeth gently grazed his nipple before I licked and sucked him.  I then repeated this on his other nipple, teasing him because I knew that this wouldn't have been what he meant when he said he wanted my mouth on him.  Once I was finished, I eyed him and murmured, “Is that where you wanted my mouth??”

He smirked before grabbing my chin in his hand.  Rubbing his thumb over my lips, he muttered, “This mouth was made for my cock, sweetheart, and you damn well know it.”

Smiling, I said, “I know, but it’s so much fun to play with you first.”

He raised an eyebrow.  “So, we’re finished playing now?”

As he continued to rub his thumb back and forth over my lips, I moved my hands down to his jeans and popped the button.  I unzipped them, and let his cock free, catching it in my hand.  “Yeah baby, we’re finished playing now.”

His reaction was fast.  He roughly pulled me to him, one hand sliding around to grip my ass, and the other hand gripping the back of my neck to steady me.  “Good, because I’ve changed my mind.  I don’t want your mouth on me anymore, I need to sink my dick as far in you as I can; need that sweet pussy of yours around me.”

J’s dirty words never failed to get me wet; I was so ready for him.  “Baby, I’ve missed your dirty mouth the last few months,” I whispered in his ear as he nuzzled my neck and kissed me.

“You’ve no fucking idea, sweetheart,” he growled, “After you have my cock, I’m going to treat you to my mouth.  And I promise you, no fucker will ever separate us again.”

He scooped me up and carried me to the bed.  His face had that intense look that I loved.  It meant business; it meant that he was about to fuck me hard, just the way I liked it.  He laid me down on the bed and I watched as he removed his jeans; there was nothing under them so he was now naked for me and what a glorious sight that was.  I drank him in.  J was only improving with age as far as I was concerned, and for a man that was pretty damn perfect to start with, that meant he was off the charts magnificent now.  My gaze was drawn to a new tattoo on his chest; one I hadn’t noticed since he’d been back.  I sat up and traced it with my fingers.  It was a circle but the line of the circle was broken up by numbers at two different sections, and the circle also wasn’t complete.  There was a swirly letter M in the centre of the circle. 

“What does this tat mean?” I asked him, breaking into our heated moment.

He looked down at his chest and reached for my hand.  Then he looked back at me; love shining out of his eyes.  Letting go of my hand, he pointed at one of the numbers.  “This is the date we first got together, your birthday years ago.”  He then pointed at the other number.  “And this is the date we got back together this time.”

“Why isn’t the circle joined at the ends?” I asked.

“Because I need the date of our wedding.  That will go in that gap and then the circle will be complete,” he murmured without taking his eyes off mine.

Holy shit
.  In that moment, I realised just how much my man loved me.  I reached my hand up and curled it around his neck, and pulled his lips to mine.  We joined in a kiss that reached right down into my soul.  My heart was completely his.  Our lives would forever be entwined because I was never letting him go again.

J moved onto the bed and gently pushed me onto my back while continuing our kiss.  His hands moved to my shirt and he pushed it up and over my head.  We broke apart momentarily but hungrily found each other’s lips again as soon as he had my shirt off.  I moaned when his fingers slid into my panties and found my clit. 

When his finger entered me, he groaned and broke our kiss.  “Fuck, babe.  You’re ready to go, aren’t you?”  He was staring down at me through lust filled eyes; eyes that I could get lost in for days at a time. 

I nodded.  Pushing my body towards him at the same time that he thrust his finger back inside me caused him to go deep, and it felt so fucking good that I jerked in pleasure.  Heat flashed across his face and he pulled out of me and ripped my panties off.

“Bra, babe.  Get it off,” he commanded forcefully.

Who was I to argue?  I did as he said and he moved over me so we were skin to skin.  His cock was hard against me; teasing me.  I’d gone without him for months and I felt like a horny teenager who couldn’t get enough.  I needed him now; all of him, in every way I could have him.

He held himself over me and directed his cock to my entrance.  I was wet and more than ready and he wasn’t in the mood to fuck around.  He thrust straight in, all the way, on a groan.

“Fuck, Madison.  Never again...never fucking again,” he grunted as he pulled back out and thrust hard again.

I wrapped my legs and arms around him, and held on for dear life as he fucked me.  J was a man on a mission and I, for one, was not complaining.  I squeezed my eyes shut and let the feelings overtake me completely. 

“Babe, eyes.  Need your fucking eyes,” he growled. 

I did as he said and opened them.  What I found nearly made me come right then and there.  He was fucking me hard but his gaze was full of love.  It told me that I was unequivocally his.

I gripped on to him harder and tightened the hold my legs had on him in an effort to get as close to him as I could.  There was a burning desire inside me to be joined to him in every possible way; my love for him had only grown while he’d been away.

As he continued to thrust in and out, I moved my hips to meet his thrusts and I knew I was getting close.  “J, I’m going to come,” I panted, knowing that he liked for me to wait for him.  Tonight, however, I knew there was no way I could make it.  He’d gotten me here fast.

He didn’t answer me; simply nodded in his frantic rush to get himself off.  This hadn’t been about me, this fuck.  No, this had been all for him and he was blindly pursuing his release.

I lasted another minute or so and then I lost control of my body to the pleasure.  My head rolled back and I shut my eyes again as it took over.  I came on a scream and everything around me blurred as I let it take over.  J was lost to me in that moment; I knew he was still pounding into me but the intense bliss I was feeling was all I could focus on. 

It wasn’t until I heard him roar, “Fuck,” that I scrambled to get my bearings again.  He came with one last thrust and then collapsed on top of me, his face buried in my neck.  I wrapped my arms tighter around him and kissed his neck.  We stayed like that for awhile.  I could have stayed there for hours but eventually he lifted his head and looked at me.  “Christ, woman.  I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life.”

“Never again, right?”

He looked confused.  “What?”

“Never again will you leave me for that long.”

Pushing up off me, he nodded.  “Never.”

“Good, because if you do, I might just turn into queen bitch from hell.”

He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. 

“What?” I playfully smacked him on the arm and pushed him off me. 

He landed on his back, grinning like an idiot and then rolled onto his side, resting himself on his elbow.  Reaching his spare hand out to rest on my stomach, he asked, “Just what would that entail?  You being queen bitch, I mean.”

I pouted, playing along; playful J was one of my favourites.  “Well, I would withhold sexual favours for sure -“

He starting laughing and cut me off.  “There’s no fucking way you would ever be able to last the distance so if that’s your sole method of driving me crazy you’d better rethink your plan.”

“Are you saying that I couldn’t go without sex?”

“Baby, you were fucking built for sex.  I’d give you a day but that’d be it.”

“I lasted two months!”

“That’s because you didn’t have my cock in the same room as you.  Your pussy has a fucking tracking device for my dick built into it, I am sure of it.”

Shit, he had me at that.  I poked my tongue at him and rolled off the bed.  “You’re right, I can’t turn you away.  But trust me, if need be, I can be queen bitch,” I said as I walked towards the bathroom.

“I have no fucking doubt, sweetheart,” he muttered, but I could hear the playful tone in his voice. 

Ten minutes later, I was clean after a shower, and exited the bathroom to find J passed out on the bed.  It was so unlike him to do that; he must have been exhausted.  I threw my t-shirt back on and headed out to the kitchen to get a drink.  My phone was on the kitchen counter and the flashing light to indicate I’d received a text caught my eye.  I smiled when I saw it was from Serena.

Serena: Good to have biker boy home?

Me: Yeah but I think I killed him with the sex...

Serena: That’s my girl.

Me: You getting any, babe?

Serena: Ha!  Next question.

Me: I miss you...

Serena: Well you did move the fuck away...

Me: Yeah...I did...

Serena: Ok, ok...I admit it, I’d move for a hot ass like that too.

Me: BAM!  Knew you’d admit it eventually.

Serena: We will never talk of this again. I’m still pissed that I’ve lost my best friend.

Me: Talk of what?

Serena: That’s why I love you. 

Me: Goodnight, honey.

Serena: Night.  Talk tomorrow.

Serena always brought a smile to my face; every woman should have a best friend like her.  We’d spent some time together last month in Coffs when I visited her and Blake but I wasn’t sure when we’d see each other again. Maybe one day I’d convince her to move to Brisbane.

I switched off the lights and made my way back to the bedroom where J was fast asleep.  Lingering in the doorway for a moment, I thought about our earlier conversation.  J seemed concerned about my father and how he might come between us.  I decided in that moment to do everything in my power to make sure that didn’t happen.  My relationship with my dad had often been a hard one over the years, and now that the truth had come out about his secret family and the way he treated Mum, I truly wanted very little to do with him.  J really was the most important person in my life and I resolved to show him that.

Chapter 1

months later


I checked the time. 



I wanted to go home, wanted to be with Madison more than any-fucking-thing in the world, but I couldn’t make myself do it.  Everything had changed; I had changed.  And I didn’t know if she could accept these changes.  And the not fucking knowing was driving me insane.  It was driving me to do things I never did.  Like not chasing her pussy like I fucking wanted to.


I craved her pussy like a man fucking possessed.  Craved those eyes of her on me.  Craved those lips of her; wrapped around my dick and every-fucking-where else on me.  And yet, here I was, at a fucking strip club, at eight o’clock at night when I should have been at home with her.

I reached for my drink and swung my eyes to Scott as he came towards me.  I nodded at him and then drained my glass.

His face creased with concern as he pulled up a seat next to me.  “You alright, brother?”

There were no secrets between us, not even where his sister was concerned.  I shook my head.  “No.”

“What the fuck’s wrong?”

“Marcus.  That’s what the fuck is wrong.”

“Christ.  What did he do now?”

I stood up.  “Need another drink to do this.  You want one?” 

He nodded yes and I headed to the bar to get them.  When I came back with the drinks, he took his beer from me and threw half of it back fast. 

“Figured this is going to hurt,” he muttered.

“Yeah, brother.  You could say that,” I agreed and followed suit.  The bourbon burned on the way down, just the way I liked it.  I slowly placed the glass on the table between us and then started talking.  “Marcus is a cunt.  Sent me into some situations when I was away that caused me to do things I never fucking thought I’d do.”


“And now I don’t know how to live with some of that.  And I sure as hell don’t know how to live with him in my life.  And to top that the fuck off, I want to marry his daughter.”  I stopped and reached for my drink again, draining it faster than the last one.  Eyeing him, my words sliced through the air, “You tell me how the fuck I do that.  How do I love a woman whose father I want to take a fucking knife to and gut like the fucking animal he is?”

Scott quickly reached for his beer and downed it.  “Christ, J.  What the fuck did he make you do?”

This was about to hurt but it couldn’t be avoided.  “Your father is a master manipulator; more devious than I ever gave him credit for.  I’m sure he has an agenda that neither of us are going to like.”  I paused and took a deep breath. “Marcus sent me to the Adelaide chapter, wanted me to deal with a suspected paedophile in the club.  I found the fucker alright and confirmed the dirty shit he was up to.  What Marcus failed to mention was that there was a ring of them in the town and that he already knew they existed.  He also failed to mention that the asshole was the fucking VP of the club and that he was standing in the way of a club deal to move some coke.”

“How long had he known they existed?”

Yeah, Scott was a smart guy.  He could already see where this was going.  “For over a fucking year.”

His face constricted in anger as he connected the dots.  “That motherfucker.”

I nodded but didn’t say anything else.

We sat with our fury for awhile before he asked, “He wanted you to take out the VP for him so they could move the coke deal through?”

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