Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1) (8 page)

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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1)
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“I did, and I meant it, but think about how much fun it would be. How incredibly great it will feel to have my hands all over your body.”

The intensity between us is outlandish, and I’m hoping she’ll break allowing me to make good on what I’d do to her. She’s flustered, having a battle within herself. She wants it, everything I can give her, but I know her type. She can’t fuck without feelings, but I’m sure as hell willing to teach her.

Quickly, she pushes against me and slides under my arm darting for the door. “I have to go.”

I gently grab her elbow and twist her to me. “Don’t leave.”

Her eyes harden into steel. “I’m a relationship type of girl. You’re a fling kinda guy. You’re sexy and impressive but I’m not interested in having anything to do with a person like you.”

I jerk back surprised. “Like me?”

She yanks her arm out of my hand. “You’re about spreading legs and splitting faces and none of that appeals to me. It’s not going to happen. Get that in your head.”

You know when you tell a kid they can’t do something…they normally go off and do it anyway. Well, she just declared one hell of a war against me. “Fine,” I snap.

Her top lip curls up in disgust and she jams her hand onto her hip. “What the hell are you trying to do?”

Her anger turns me on. It’s a fucking aphrodisiac.

“You’re a confusing little minx. You say you want nothing, I give you what you want and then you bitch about it. Look, when I come back through, let’s hang out. It’s your call.”

She searches me trying to figure out my motives. Problem is—I don’t wear that shit on my sleeves. My emotions are just that…mine.

“We’ll see the next time you come through,” she says slowly as if she’s trying to convince herself she doesn’t want me. She’s confused, still at war with herself, and I fucking love it. I’m under her skin and in her head.

Chapter 7


It’s been a week since I last saw or heard from Levi, which was when I sprinted out his hotel door after he got my blood pumping and my sex aching. He was so close I was scared he’d smell my arousal for him. I’ve never experienced that—lost in uncontrollable thoughts—but I had to fight my urges with an incredible superhuman strength I never knew I had.

I can’t believe it, but I miss him—his cocky, arrogant, pompous ass. Damn him for getting under my skin. He left the same day as our “date.” See what I mean? What if I had given in and had sex with him. I doubt I’d ever see him again. I’m emotional and for me sex comes with emotions. Yes, I’m that girl, but at least I’m aware of it and warn all dicks that try crossing my path. It’s the reason why I respect myself.

“Paige!” Mason yells from his side of the bar.

I snap out of my thoughts. Yeah, I’m at work and tonight it’s slammed. There’s a wait around the block. It’s Spring Break, which means drunk college students. Some don’t tip for shit, but others do. Bat my eyes and flirt some…yep, electric bill is paid. I know it’s a ridiculous way to think, but seriously, I’m like a stripper with my clothes on. I’ve understood that since the day I started.

“What?” I yell back.

“Where’d you go? We lost you. Come back ‘cause you are killing me here!”

There’s a line at the bar and it’s swallowing us whole. Why the hell Jim scheduled only two of us on Spring Break beats the hell out of me.

“Bud Light, please,” a familiar voice yells out. I look toward the sound, shocked to see Wesley, my ex, with a smug grin.

My stomach turns upside down and I think I’m going to puke although punching him sounds just as appealing. I’m not sure which one will make me feel better. Tepid, I slide the beer toward him and turn my attention to the next person waiting. I prefer not to speak to him since I have nothing very nice to say.

“Jack and Coke,” a lady asks.

Wesley leans back slightly and boldly checks her out. He’s always been an ass man. Those eyes of his have always wandered too much.

“So you’re not going to talk to me?” he asks, turning his attention back to me.

I don’t look up from squirting the Coke. “About what?” I answer flatly.

“You could say, ‘hey what brings you to town?’”

I stop and arch a brow at him. “Then that would mean I care,” I pause for a beat, “and I don’t. So what’s the point of small talk?”

“I’ve missed your smart ass, you know that?”

What is with people loving my attitude? I look to Mason who is already watching me, and mouth “Help.” He nods and I continue to go about my business serving the waiting customers trying my best to ignore the obnoxious ass in front of me.

“Come on, Paige. You can’t talk to me at all? I haven’t seen you in years.”

I don’t answer him. I haven’t missed him at all.

“What time do you get off work? Let’s go grab something to eat at the Greasy Spoon like we used to.”

I smile politely, “No, thank you.” I’m trying to be nice, but the more he talks the more punching him sounds exceedingly tempting. The last time I saw him, he was behind a blonde pounding into her as she moaned wildly. That image is forever scarred in my brain, marred into my heart, and etched in my memory. It sucks. He’s the reason I stand guarded, but he’s also the reason I hold my shoulders high and demand respect.

“Ok, so you’re not hungry. Can we at least catch up?”

“Paige, what time’s your boyfriend coming?” Mason says to me but glares at Wesley.

Wesley about spits out his swallow of beer and cocks his head. “Nice try, douchebag.” He wipes his chin. “But that act didn’t win an award.”

“There’s no act, man,” Mason retorts.

“How ironic I’m standing here talking to her and all of a sudden she has a boyfriend. I’m not fooled by that,” Wesley says then takes another swig of his beer. “And if she did, I feel bad for the poor bastard.”

“And why the hell is that?” I snap.

Wesley’s shit brown eyes darken and he leans forward whispering low. “Because, I’ll always have your heart.”

Do what?

“The fuck you do!” I yell. “Get the hell out of here.” Anger emerges and I turn rushing away to the breakroom before I let my emotions get the best of me.

Screw him. Damn him. Does he just think he can come back and act like everything is ok? Catch up…pfft hell no!

I’m pacing the floor when Mason sticks his head in the breakroom. “You ok?” he asks gently.

I jerk around fuming mad. “Why the hell do men do that shit?”

He steps in and grabs my shoulders to keep me still. “He’s gone. I hate that jerk came in, but I really need you out there. It’s too busy for just me.”

I exhale the scorching anger from deep inside of me. “Ok.”

He pulls the door open. “Yeah, yeah. Age before beauty,” I say beating him to his most favored comment. The truth is, he’s a year older than me.

The rest of the night remained quiet without any further incidents. Mason ended up getting the bouncers to escort Wesley out for harassing me, and oddly he went without a fight. Unfortunately, the whole thing made me think of Levi. It made me wish he was here like he was when he saw Blain that night and went all caveman on him.



Showered and changed, I slide into the bed staring at my phone. I’ve resisted texting him all night, but I just can’t stop thinking of him. The day he shoved his number in my hand, I stored it in my phone. I don’t know why, but I’m glad I did. Damn…I can’t believe I’m about to do this.


Me: Hi.

One word. One simple word and my pulse is out of control. But it’s late and I’m sure he’s not—

Levi: Paige?

Well, I guess he is up and I’ve just found out that my heart can beat faster.

Me: Yeah.

Dammit. What am I doing?

Levi: Thinking about me huh? :)

I roll my eyes smiling at the display.

Me: Shut up. Just haven’t seen ya around.

Levi: I told you I’m never in town for long. I left that night. In Maine now. U ok?

Me: Could have used you tonight. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Levi: That’s no fun. What for?

Me: Nothing. Anyways, just wanted to say hey. Sorry if I woke you.


I knew it. I should’ve known better than to text him. I should’ve just gone right on to sleep and started my day over. Now, my phone is ringing.

“You can’t just say nothing.” His voice is a drug I’ve been craving to hear.

“And why can’t I?”

“Paige, what’s wrong?”

Whoa. He actually sounds concerned. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“Ah, so something did happen,” he says sounding as if he’s getting up from wherever he was.

“Were you asleep?”

“Laying in bed. So what happened?” he asks. I’m hesitant. I started off wanting to pour out my emotions to him, but now I’m not sure what the hell I was thinking. “Paige, what happened?” he repeats.

I sigh. Screw it. “Let’s just say, I would have paid you to kick someone’s ass for me tonight.”

He doesn’t reply instantly. The line goes quiet and my stomach drops, but then broken silence. “I was the first one on your mind, huh?”

I laugh. “You’re egotistical. You know that, right?”

“Narcissistic would be a better choice of words,” he bellows.

“Whatever,” I roll my eyes. “It just would have been nice to see him knocked on his ass and spread out on the floor. Could have done it myself if I wasn’t working.”
Ha! Right.

“Promise me you’ll get in the ring and spread me out on the floor.”

“Ugh, you’re so…so…”
Disgusting. Self-centered. Self-absorbed.
“I’m going to bed. I have to work in the morning. Good night, Levi,” I say quickly, bothered by his insensitivity. I shouldn’t care. I did this to myself.

“Hey,” he jumps in before I can hang up. “I’ll be back through in a few weeks. Want to hang out?”

“Levi, are you asking me on a date?”

“Nooo,” he croons. “I’m asking if you want to hang out. Clearly a difference.”

I giggle. “We’ll see.”

“Good night, Paige.” His hum shoots a tingle, an urge of lust, straight down my back. I swear my eyes just rolled.

“Dammit. That was a bad idea,” I sigh to my ceiling. He’s in my mind, running through all my thoughts. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Why does he have to be so beautiful in all the wrong ways?

Chapter 8


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