Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1) (10 page)

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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1)
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“She’s contrasted. She looks sweet and innocent, then her music will blow you out of the water.” Blain laughs at her.

“Levi?” A woman appears beside me. As I turn I’m met by a blonde woman with one hell of a set of tits. “Oh my God, it is you!” And now that amazing set of tits are bouncing from her excitement.

“Yeah, it’s me. How are you?” I have no clue who the hell she is.

“I’m good. Are you in town for a few?”

“Um, yeah?”

She purrs bending to my ear. “We need a repeat of last time. Call me.” Like a pro, she hands me her number she’s pre-scribbled on a napkin beforehand.

“Mmm…” I hum. “Sure thing.” Smooth, until I remember who the hell is sitting across from me. Slowly, I look back to Paige. Her lip is curled, her eyes emotionless, and she’s clenching her jaw—she’s disgusted. Am I supposed to feel bad? It’s a wicked confliction, but I don’t. She’s the one who wants to be friends. I’m not changing. I set my own rules.

The blonde flashes Paige the stank eye and leaves with a perfect sway in her hips to show just how beautiful that ass would look bent over. Apparently, I’ve had it before. I’ll need a reminder.

Tsk-tsk, ladies. Wipe the smugness off your faces. Again, I heard the dog comment. This dog was sitting pretty when I was approached…again by a woman. I was sitting here minding my own business when opportunity knocked on the door. Don’t you answer the door when someone knocks? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

“So who was that?” Paige pops out. Was that jealousy?

“A friend,” I reply impassively.

“What’s this friend’s name?” She teethes her straw.

I lift a single eyebrow. “I don’t see where that is any of your concern.”

Her face twists in a mix of rage and hurt. Hey, as much as I dislike it, these are her rules. I’d gladly gift her with the knowledge of why it’s in her best interest to allow me into her little bubble.

“Her name is Emily,” Blain states with a knowing smile.

Ah, Emily. That’s right. Fun times in the pool.

Chapter 10


Levi has been in town all week and plans on being here for a few more. I don’t know how much more I can handle. Sometimes he’s sweet, other times he’s a pervert, then he’s a complete jerk. It irks me to know he’s out with other girls. I know, I know. It’s my decision, but it’s like he’s rubbing it in my face. I’m starting to really like him, and I do not want to. I don’t like what he’s about—sex and fights. It’s not my style. Not my life. I enjoy the thought of a strong relationship, and no matter what, Levi can’t give me that. He’s admitted it. Although difficult to control, I have to accept my decision.

He goes to the gym and trains every day. His coaches push him hard, but he pushes right back. I don’t know where he finds the energy, but he exhausts me just listening to what all he’s done and then still has the zest to go out. Blain has hung out with him and Adam a few nights, but I’ve stayed behind. I know my boundaries.

Friday nights are always busy at Tonic, and just like every weekend, I’m here with Mason. He’s pulling extra hours through the week as well since his wedding is getting closer and his pockets are getting slimmer. He said his fiancé, Krista, is going crazy over every little detail, stressing out and losing her damn mind. It’s weird hearing about it. She’s a super sweet girl. They make the perfect couple and I’m thrilled they’re getting married.

Blain told me this morning he’d stop in at some point tonight, but Lacy, Jason’s sister, is here with her friends and said that the four musketeers—Blain, Levi, Adam, and Jason—are at Levi’s hotel. All my hopes of seeing Blain went up in smoke after that. Blain has been so far up Levi’s ass, I don’t get to see him much and jealousy is starting to creep in on me.

“You look good tonight.” I snap out of my thoughts and look up to Wesley’s smile.

It’s been over a month since the last time I saw him. What the hell? “Go away,” I spout off.

“What are you doing tonight after work?”

“Going to bed.”

“Mmm, I’ve missed that. Want company?”

I jam my hand on my hip. “What part of get lost do you not understand?” I snap.

“The part where your eyes tell me something different.”

I throw my towel at his head, but he catches it laughing.

“You don’t know shit about me anymore. Get lost.” And before any more words are exchanged, I walk away.

Years ago, I missed him. Years ago, I wished things were different between us. Years ago he swore it was an accident, but cheating is cheating and I will have no part of taking him back. It wasn’t an accident. Not what I saw. The long freaking ten seconds I stood there frozen in hurt. No accident.

He’s gone by the time I get back out to the bar. Brownie points for Mason telling him to quit wishing and get lost. I’m still fuming. It takes one asshole to ruin the whole night, and he pissed me right off. How dare he come to my work and disturb me? It’s like cornering me. I can’t get away.


The night finally slowed down and now I’m wiping the cooler and bar down to try keeping my mind occupied.

“Go home, Paige,” Mason says snatching my towel from me. “I’ll finish wiping things down.”
“No. I—”

“Don’t argue with me. Go home. You’re exhausted,” he interrupts.

I sigh defeated. He’s right. I haven’t slept well in days.

The instant I push out the door for my car, I’m met by Wesley leaning against the building. “You hungry?” he asks.

I don’t look his way. “Get lost, Wesley.”

“I’m just asking for something to eat.”

“I’m not hungry. I’m tired. I’m going home.” I continue toward the car.

“Can I come?” I do not reply to his asinine line. Suddenly, he grabs my wrist and stops me, twisting me toward him. “Look I’m in town for a while. Actually, I’m thinking about moving back. I want to talk to you. You know, clear the slate.”

“There’s nothing to clear. I have nothing to say to you. I didn’t then, and I don’t now. Let me go,” I hiss yanking my wrist from his grip.

“You may not have anything to say, but I do. Will you just listen?” His brown eyes are begging, his nostrils flaring.

“There you are.” Levi steps beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist and tucking me into his side. “I was looking for you.” He kisses my cheek then looks up at Wesley. “Who’s your friend?”

“Levi, this is Wesley. Wesley this is—”

“Her boyfriend.” The words flow from his mouth and constrict the air from my lungs.

Wesley looks just as confused as I feel, except it’s like he’s been side swiped by a city bus standing on the street corner. “What’s up, man?” He pokes his chest out.

Levi laughs under his breath.

Wesley ignores Levi and smiles at me. “I’ll talk to you later, Paige.” He winks then turns striding away.

Remember when I said I know how bad boys work? Back in the day, Wesley was one. Had to be top dog at everything. Hell, he thought he was better than anyone, and for some stupid reason, I fell head over heels for the bastard.

I look up to Levi. “Thank you. I think.”

He licks his lips and grins. “You think?”

“If he’s the same as when we dated, he’ll be back with a vengeance.” Levi pulls his eyebrows together, so I take a step back, ball my fist and pound my chest. In my best caveman voice, I say, “Me man. Me want what I want.”

He throws his head back and bellows. “Me not scared of him.”

“Why are you even here?” I ask.

“Eh, I had a hunch he would be here. It’s like a sixth sense.”

“Well, thanks,” I say. “I’m going home now.”

“Yeah, about that. Can I get a lift?”

I laugh. “You didn’t drive? How’d you get here?”

“I walked,” he says facetiously. “Why would I ask for a lift if I have my own ride here?” he says putting his arms out to the side.

I double check him and scan the parking lot, but I don’t see his car. “Ugh! Get in,” I huff.

He looks enormous in my little car. I believe if I lay my back seats down, he’d be more comfortable…yeah, like a dog. I shake my head trying to stifle my snicker. Even Blain doesn’t look that big in here.

I pull my gun from my purse and place it in between my seats as Levi watches my every move with his presumptuous ass smirk. Jim allows me to carry it in as long as it stays in my purse, never to be taken out unless in a dire emergency. I turn the key and jump as the music blares from the speakers.

“Sorry,” I shout fumbling for the knob. “I was jamming when I pulled into work and forgot to turn it down,” I explain.

“Your boy was right. Your music doesn’t fit you.”

“What type of music should I listen to?” I joke.

“It could be that classical shit, either way heavy metal just doesn’t seem like your taste.”

“You’d be surprised about me. I like everything.”

He doesn’t reply and switches his view to the road in front of us. The drive is unnerving. Apparently he hasn’t ever heard the rule that the driver has control of the radio. Instead, he has freaking commandeered it. At first we had a quick hand slap contest. Every time he’d reach, I’d slap his hand, and when I tried, he’d get mine. Needless to say, he won that shit. The last slap hurt. Finally he lands on a good song.

He feels good beside me. I feel safe, completed, and oddly…cherished. I fight these feelings. Hell, I fight all the emotions I’m beginning to have for him. This is why I wanted to keep my distance. He’s charismatic, charming, and my mind and body can only take so much before everything starts to derail.

“Thanks,” he says softly before climbing out of my car. “Good night, Paige,” he hums bending to look at me.

I smile through the melting of my soul. “Good night.”

As I drive off, desolation sets in. The only thing that lingers is the ocean and woodsy smell of his cologne and an empty seat. I don’t understand why I’m at war with myself. I made my decision, I know how he is, what he’s about. It shouldn’t be this hard to stick to it. It makes no sense.

Chapter 11


My hotel room is quiet when I enter. The guys must be at the pool. It was full of some fantastic eye candy earlier. The silence doesn’t bother me. This time I need it to help gather my thoughts.

Earlier tonight, Lacy, Jason’s hot little sister, called Blain and said that Wesley was there bugging Paige. Knowing Blain was too intoxicated to drive, I offered to be the hero. Gotta look good when I can. I drove there, parked my BMW on the other side of the building and watched. If the douchebag had just let her get into the car without incident, I wouldn’t have bothered her, but instead dickhead ambushed her the moment she walked out the door. I put on my cape and came to the rescue.

I change into some gym shorts and slide into the bed pulling out my phone. I know she’s had enough time to get home.


Me: So now that I’m your boyfriend, what about a date?

Yes, I just asked for another damn date. I told you she’s getting to me, but this time she’s going to fall straight into my web.

Paige: Ha funny, but no.

Me: Tomorrow?

Paige: I have to work and I said no.

Me: Ok, ok. Hang out as friends?

Paige: That I can do.


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