Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1) (7 page)

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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1)
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“Let’s go,” I pull on Blain’s shirt. He’s euphoric backed up with a massive dose of adrenaline. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy he won, excited as hell, but I’m ready to get out of here.

Blain frowns but grabs my hand leading the way out. I don’t look back, petrified that Levi’s watching me leave. Scared that although he won, his celebration is short lived as he watches me walk out.



It’s almost three in the morning when we finally arrive home. The whole ride home Blain was pumped and it hasn’t ended as he now stands in the living room fighting with an invisible opponent, ducking and weaving.

“In-fucking-sane, Paige. I’m never going to be able to sleep,” he says breathless and bounces a few more times then flops on the couch.

“Yeah, that was pretty cool,” I reply casually.

“Who are you trying to kid with your ridiculous front?” The excitement in his voice is now gone, replaced with aggravation.

I pinch my brows together. “What do you mean?”

He studies me with frustration flaring in his eyes. “I guess yourself.” He shakes his head then heads for the door to the stairs.

I jump from my seat tailing him. “What do you mean?” I repeat sliding across the hardwood floor.

“You’re not stupid,” he huffs. “Quit acting like you are. Good night.”

I’m left with my mouth gaped open staring at a wooden door as he shuts it behind him. What the hell did he mean?

Chapter 6


Oh for fuck’s sakes. Getting Paige to go on a date with me is like pulling teeth from a fucking wolverine. I hate the word no. Despise it. So when it’s said, it pisses me off. When I want something, I get it. There should be no arguing. Call me what you want—spoiled, pampered, indulgent—I’m not. I just like having things my way. It always works better that way. My way.

I had to follow her friend to his work and give him tickets hoping he’d talk her into going. I might have dropped a few hints that she should come, but the dude fell for it. I pried information and found out she had to work at the bar, so I paid her boss a visit. Money talks and don’t let anyone else tell you any differently. I offered him a price to let her off for the night. He put up a good fight. He likes her, said she was his best. I’m sure she is. But I gave him a price he couldn’t refuse on a fucking gamble that she would even show up. He eventually saw things my way and let her off. See it yet? My way—it worked.

When she walked into my room, I saw something in her as she quietly made her way to me. Her eyes held a different side from what her mouth keeps spewing. She can put up that front all she wants, but I can read her better than she thinks. What can I say? It’s a gift.

I called the restaurant where Paige works and with a little sweet-talking, the girl told me Paige would be getting off in twenty minutes. Who the hell gives that information out anymore? So, here I am leaned up against this cracker box she’s so proud of that gets her from point A to point B.

It’s not long before she comes around the corner and pauses for a beat when she sees me. Her light brown hair is up in a messy ponytail, her boobs perky in a red t-shirt, her lips slightly parted, and her eyes wide hiding joy. She’s beautiful when she’s surprised.

“You left last night.” I push off the cracker box stalking toward her.

“I saw the fight if you’re that worried about it.” She’s so smart mouthed. I know she saw it. That’s the reason Ivan got the beating he did. Yeah, you can call me a show off. Look at me—I am.

“I meant after. I sent someone to get you and you were gone.”

She swings wide to get around me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was on call.”

I step in her path. “Have I told you I like your sassiness?” Ah, that grants me a blush. “I wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch.”

“I’m tired,” she rattles off.

“I didn’t ask you for a jog. It’s lunch. You sit, eat, and talk. No energy needed.”

She can’t win. I won’t let her. I’m relentless. She stares at me for a few heartbeats then sighs, “Where at?”

I grin. “Follow me.”

Now, I know this sounds pretty cheesy, but I’m taking her back to my hotel. If we went to a restaurant, we wouldn’t be able to talk—not without interruptions from fans wanting autographs and pictures. I want to get to know her. Yeah, it confuses me too, but I’m sure it’s all about the thrill of the chase.

She gave me a little grumble as we walked into the hotel, saying something about how appealing I was. No, in all seriousness, I wasn’t listening. Normally bitchiness goes through one ear and out the other. In her case, it isn’t any different.

She doesn’t say a word standing on the other side of the elevator, nervously tapping her toe and holding her purse close. I lean against the railing watching her while she stares at the marble tiles. She bolts out once the doors slide open from our five-floor ride and turns waiting for me. She’s beautiful when she’s annoyed. Her face has a glow, and her body is tense. Oh the things I can do to help with that.

I push open the door and hold it gesturing for her to go in, but she’s frozen.

“Ladies first,” I say but she doesn’t budge. “Paige, I’m not going to do anything,” I reassure her.

She clears her throat then walks in giving me the perfect view of her tight little ass again. It’s firm, petite and protected by a gun. Yep. She’s got it holstered on her side. That shit drives me insane. She doesn’t trust me. I told her nothing would happen and I’ve meant that since it exited my mouth. I’m not a total asshole. I can be a gentleman.

She’s in awe. Her gorgeous lips gaped open and her green eyes are bright as she scans the room. “I didn’t know hotels had rooms like this,” she says.

“It’s considered a suite. Most hotels have them. You don’t get out much do you?” I chuckle at her innocence.

She twirls, sharpening her eyes at me with a hidden death threat embedded in them. “So where’s lunch?”

I grab the hotel menu from the drawer and hand it to her. “What would you like? The room service here is excellent.”

She looks at the menu in horror, then back up to me. “Room service? Oh how romantic. How will the next date ever top this?”

I know she’s being sarcastic and I don’t give a rat’s ass. What I do care about is the word “next” in that question.

I lick my lips fighting back the charge the word surges through me. “Would you rather go out and be mauled by everyone or would you rather be able to talk? Most girls like that shit.”

Her glorious green irises flash to me. “Don’t be so full of yourself.”

She likes testing the bitch waters from time to time.

“Don’t think so little of me,” I gruff testing the asshole waters.

She’s still taking in the room as I hang up from placing our orders and sit at the tall round table in the kitchen. “Care to join me?”

She doesn’t move, unsure of what to do. Her eyes slide over my arms, across my chest slowly making their way to my face. She’s a mixture of unsure and aroused. She’s completely flustered with a radiant glow, and the look on her face causes my cock to jump. This may be easier than I thought. “Do you like what you see?” I ask huskily.

Her eyes widen darting to mine.
“No,” she rushes out. “I just…did he even hit you last night?”

“He tried,” I laugh, “but I’m quick. Ivan has always been slow.”

Do you think I’m going to tell her any different? Brag on him? Hell no. I’m the one in the spotlight. “Bet you could have gotten in that ring and busted his ass.”

Her laugh is adorable. “Yeah, sure. Could you imagine?”

Sports bra, tight shorts, skin dripping with sweat—cue cock jump here. I grin. “I’d like to.”

Before she can respond, there’s a knock on the door. It interrupted the next witty thing she intended to exit her mouth. I tip the man and enter back into the kitchen finding her finally sitting and twiddling with a string on her jacket. I set the food on the table and grab two bottles of water from the fridge. I know it’s not the most romantic, but it’s all I have.

She hasn’t taken many bites and when she does, they’re small. She’s uptight with her body tense. “You’re still nervous,” I tell her shoving a carrot in my mouth.

“No, I’m not.”

Even if she hadn’t squeaked when she said that, I still wouldn’t have believed it.

“You’re not talkative. Most girls talk my fucking ear off.”

“I’m not most girls,” she says without looking up from her food.

“You’re right. Most girls don’t carry guns to a lunch date.”

She blanches and starts to say something but hesitates. “What…what makes you think I have a gun?”

I bellow a laugh. “Your face just jumped off the side of the hotel when I said you had one. Dead giveaway. Plus, I saw it when you walked in. Holstered on your side.” I point with my fork.

She rolls her eyes but I swear she just giggled.

“She laughs twice. I’m on a roll,” I joke.

She claps her hands. “Everyone please applaud Levi. He thinks he’s amazing.”

I shove another carrot in my mouth with my eyes locked onto her. I don’t have to think I’m amazing. I know I am.

After I clean off the table, we settle in the living room area. I fully expected her to join me on the couch, but nope. She decides to sit in an over-sized chair that swallows her cute ass whole.

“I don’t bite, Paige.”

“I didn’t say you did. There’s just no reason for me to sit beside you,” she says dismissively.

Fed up with her clipped shit, a hum escapes my throat. “What’s with you?”

“What? That I’m not throwing myself in your arms begging for you to spread me out on the bed or bend me over the couch? I’m sorry, but was I not clear to begin with?”

Holy fuck, the images she just gave me. I shake them out bouncing my finger. “That’s right. You don’t like to be a piece of ass, am I right? Didn’t I tell you I wouldn’t try any funny business? Why don’t you give me the benefit of the doubt here?”

“Then what happens after? You’ll expect something one way or another. You’re trying to get in my head, trying to push me to give in. I won’t just be someone’s piece of ass. I hate to share. I didn’t like it when I was a kid, and I damn sure don’t like it as an adult.”

I narrow my eyes. “Doesn’t it first have to be yours to share? Besides, I’m never in the same town more than three weeks at a time. There’s no time for relationships. I have needs and they get met.”

“I hope you’re not expecting them to be met by me,” she snaps.

I slide to the end of the cushion leaning my body toward her. “You’re telling me you’re not one bit interested in what my touch feels like? Not the slightest bit curious to feel my lips cross over yours?” I whisper thickly.

Her gorgeous green eyes heat up. Her chest rises and falls. “No,” she lies breathlessly.

I push off the couch and plant my hands beside her head leaning over her in the chair. Our lips are so close that the slightest twitch will have them pressed together. Her vanilla scent floods my senses and my dick takes complete notice of it. Her eyes glaze over with a burning pleasure.

“You sure?” I ask slowly leaning to her ear. “I see something different in your eyes.”

“You…you said you wouldn’t try anything,” she stammers.

I lean back lowering my sights to her sexy as hell lips. I can only imagine what it would be like to devour them, to taste them, to have them moan my name, but I’m a man of my word, so I only smile at my divine thoughts.

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