Blood Mates (11 page)

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Authors: K. Grey

BOOK: Blood Mates
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“Did you recognize any of them?”

“No…, but the leader had a scarred up face. I didn’t know any of them.”

“Are you sure they were immortal?”

“Yeah…” Rhage grunted.

“We will search for them or their remains.” Lucien told him. “You two just sit tight. We will have you out soon. I’m going to send some of the boys over to that house on Lincoln now just in case they headed back there.”


“So how did Lucien take care of all the people up there?” Ava asked as they sat there. “That has to be a lot of people to compel all at once. Can he do that?”

Rhage chuckled while rubbing her back. He found he liked touching her. He felt relaxed when he did. “Lucien is old enough to do whatever he wants… he probably compelled some of them and used the old FBI thing on the rest.”

“FBI?” Ava questioned looking at him again with one eyebrow raised. “Really? That works? None of you look like FBI agents. People are stupid if they buy that.”

“Talon is offended.” Rhage told her when Talon complained from above.

“He most definitely doesn’t look like one…how does anyone believe that? He doesn’t even sound like a cop. He looks like a surfer bum.”

“He thinks he carries it off very well…”

“Then he’s delusional.”

Rhage chuckled when Talon scoffed. Rhage reached down and tilted her head up so he could kiss her softly. “Remember what I said earlier?” he whispered so no one above them would hear him. He watched her slowly smile.

“About what?”

“Play that game…if you want, baby…see what happens…”

Ava giggled and snuggled closer to him. He kissed the top of her head.

The sun had set by the time the brothers had managed to remove the debris on top of them. Rhage had kept the duster over her as little pieces and dust fell down around her. She coughed a few times. He even bent over her as Talon and Darius lifted the beam from over them. He didn’t want anything hitting her. He could take it, but she couldn’t. They opened a space big enough for them to get through.

“Come on, baby… time to go…” he told her standing up and stretching his legs and back. Lucien was standing above them to reach for her.

“I got her, Rhage….”

Rhage nodded and lifted her by the waist until Lucien could reach her. Lucien placed her on solid ground and then helped Rhage up from the hole. Lucien turned and looked at Ava just as Darius did. Talon just stood there grinning. Sloane stood with his hands in his pockets.

“What?” Ava said. “I know I look bad… I was just in an explosion…, but you don’t have to stare at me like I have three heads or something.”

“We’re staring at the beacon on your neck, ava…” Talon waved his finger in the general area in the air. She gasped and slapped her hand over it.

“STOP STARING! It’s rude!” she snapped. “And none of your damn business!”

Lucien turned to look at Rhage. His face was stern. “She doesn’t have any family to claim her blood as theirs… I’m doing that right here and now. In front of witnesses, I declare Ava as my family. From this day forward and beyond she is my family and mine to declare. She will be my line to the future. As such I vow.” He pulled a dagger from his boot and slashed his palm. He squeezed his hand until blood dripped on the ground. “In my blood I make it final.”

Ava stood stunned. “Lucien….” She whispered. She was so touched that it brought tears to her eyes. NO ONE had ever stood up for her like he just had. Her adopted family had loved her and she felt a part of them, but this…. This was so much. Lucien turned to her and smiled.

“From this moment on you are a part of my family, ava… which means you and I will be linked forever…”

“I love the idea more than you know.”

“Do you three witness and decree my vow?” he demanded of Sloane, Talon and Darius. The three men nodded and then repeated the slash to their own palm dripping blood on the ground as well. They also repeated the words: ‘in my blood I vow’. Once they finished Lucien turned back to Rhage.

“Now that she is my family, are you claiming her, Rhage? As your mate?” his tone was almost menacing.


Rhage stiffened. He knew Lucien would be the one person who could deny him Ava. Lucien was his king. He had served the legion and his king faithfully for centuries and yet Lucien could deny him what he wanted most.

“Yes…” Rhage told him. “I am claiming my mate. Ava is mine.”

“And you will claim her in ceremony… wear the bond? And vow to take care of her for your entire life?”

“Yes…” Rhage said.

              Lucien fell silent for a moment. Rhage was afraid he was about to deny it. Then Lucien nodded. And quickly Lucien embraced him slapping him on the back.

“It couldn’t have happened to a better brother..., Rhage…” he moved away from Rhage and toward Ava. He hugged her.

“You scared me….” He told her. “And I don’t scare easily, Ava.”

She leaned back looking up at him. “I’m sorry, Lucien. I was stupid to fall for it and Jill paid for it.”

“I’m sorry about your friend… I know she meant a lot to you… when her remains are found I will see that she is taken care of.” He brushed her cheek with his

Knuckles. Lucien heard Rhage growl behind him. Ava leaned around Lucien to look at him. She knew he didn’t mean it, but she could feel he didn’t like it.

“Really?” she asked.

Lucien chuckled. “He can’t help it, Ava… it’s a male thing. An immortal male can’t stand any other male near his mate before the bond is cemented.” Lucien squeezed her closer laughing. “And I know he wouldn’t dare to hit me…”

Ava shook her head and hit Lucien on the arm. “He might not, but I will! Behave!” Talon, Darius and even Sloane congratulated Rhage. “I’m glad you all are happy, but can we go home now? I need a bath. I have inches of dust in my hair.”

“Yeah…” Lucien nodded as Rhage moved to be next to Ava. Lucien smiled when Rhage led her toward the SUV keeping his arm around her. Talon and Sloane followed behind them. Darius fell into step next to Lucien.

“I didn’t see that coming did you?” Darius asked.

“Not really.” Lucien sighed. “And I guess that validates she is indeed a blood mate.”

“Yep… he must’ve known…”

“Apparently he lost that battle of fighting it.”

When they arrived at the house Alfred was at the door waiting for them. He quickly hugged Ava tightly.

“I was worried. I knew Lucien and the boys would find you…”

“I’m sorry I worried you, Alfred…”

“Well I kept supper warm for you… I will set it all out.”

Before Ava could say anything Rhage scooped her up. She gasped as he looked at Alfred. “Ava wants to scrub the dust from her head… then she needs rest. She has been through enough for one night. And she isn’t ALLOWED to leave the house again.” Rhage then walked past Alfred and toward the tunnels.

“Allowed?” Ava echoed. “We are going to have to discuss your cave man tendencies, Rhage. “ Alfred watched them until they disappeared and then he turned to Lucien. “What did I miss?”

“Ava is Rhage’s mate, Alfred…” Lucien smiled. “And from this night forward Ava is my family. A Devereau, by my decree.”

Alfred smiled. “Well… now this deserves a celebration….I will get that bottle of cognac you have been saving for no reason.” “No, Alfred…I’m saving it” Lucien told him, but Alfred was already out of ear shot.

“Dammit... He never listens to me.” Lucien grunted shaking his head.

Rhage carried Ava downstairs to his bedroom. He kicked the door shut behind him and headed toward the bathroom. He didn’t stop until he sat her on the counter. Ava looked around the room as he pulled towels from the closet and turned the shower on. Everything was so neat. His toothbrush lay on the counter next to the tube of tooth paste which was neatly rolled from the bottom. Both rested on a bath cloth folded neatly in half. Two rolls of toilet paper sat on the back of the toilet. Otherwise the room was bare and completely dull.

“Where do you keep your dirty towels?”

Rhage turned around to look at her. “What?”

“Your pile of dirty towels? Where are they?”

Rhage opened the closet door and showed her a plastic basket beneath the shelves where his dirty towels were. “Why?”

“Because you are so neat…. I leave mine on the floor.”

Rhage chuckled as he moved to stand between her legs. “You can leave them where ever the hell you want to, baby... Drape them on the ceiling fan if you want.” He reached for her shirt and pulled it over her head revealing a black satin bra.  Her nipples puckered. “Now I didn’t get to play with these sweet things earlier…” he grazed them with the back of her fingers. Ava sighed. “, but I will once you have eaten and I have tucked you into bed, baby…”

He popped the clasp in the front and groaned at the sight... he had to focus or he would fuck her right on the counter… Ava smiled.

“After the shower on the counter would be nice….” His eyes shot up to her face. “I can’t read your thoughts, ,but you were projecting that so damn loud I heard it in my head…---- this whole connection thing is going to take some getting used to.”

He chuckled. “I agree…shower first.” he lifted her from the counter and she peeled off her jeans. Her inner thighs were sticking from their love making earlier and she didn’t mind it. She looked at Rhage up and down.

“You’re dirty too. You gonna strip? Because you aren’t getting in bed with me covered in dust and getting me covered in dirt again.”

Rhage tossed his jacket and shirt aside. He moved toward her undoing his jeans, his shoes were already gone that fast. “And what do you want to be covered in, baby?” he glanced down at her thighs. He could see his dried cum still on her skin. He reached her, letting his jeans fall and he kicked out of them. Ava reached out running her hands up his chest. She had to stretch to run her hands up to his shoulders. Rhage lowered his head to meet her half way.

“I want you covering me… inside of me and everything else in between...” she whispered before she kissed him. Rhage groaned and growled when her tongue ran over his fangs which had lengthened.

Rhage had decided showers were now his new past time and he would never take a shower without Ava again. He gave her one of his t-shirts to sleep in and he tucked her into bed. Alfred had placed a tray outside the door for them. He settled on the bed and they ate together.

“What did Lucien mean earlier about a ceremony and a bond?”

“When an immortal male claims his mate he declares himself in front of others which would be the legion, my brothers. I state my vow to you openly so there are witnesses. Kind of like a human marriage ceremony.”

“And that makes the bond?”

“No… the bond is where Lucien as your family would brand your name across my shoulders.”

“What?” she gasped.  “Brand as in hot poker?”

“Yeah sort of….” He nodded. He saw the worry and concern for him on her face. “It will heal fast and your name will be on me forever.”

“Can’t you just put on a ring or something? Or a sign maybe. Anything less painful.”

“It is a male’s way of showing his mate he can bear the responsibility of taking care of her and how proud he is to have her as his mate.” Rhage never understood

The logic behind it until now. He wanted everyone to know she was his. “I want your name on me… I want everyone to know you are mine.”

“I just don’t want you in pain…”

“It will only last a minute or two. That’s all.”

She shook her head. She didn’t like it. She finished eating and yawned. Rhage moved the tray and she crawled under the sheets. Rhage eased in beside her and she snuggled into his warm body. He felt her shiver. The rooms below were kept cooler for them because they could regulate their body temperature.


“Not really… just a little chilly….”

Rhage curled around her pulling the sheet tighter around them. She sighed. “Better?”

“Much….” Her head was tucked under his chin and within a couple of minutes she was asleep. Rhage ran his fingers up and down her back listening to her sigh and make little noises in her sleep. He liked it. He liked having her in his bed and sleeping in his arms. He saw the marks on her neck. He traced them with his finger.  “Rhage….” She murmured in her sleep.

“Right here, baby….” He nuzzled her hair.


Ava was wide awake and she didn’t want to wake Rhage up, ,but she couldn’t keep laying here. She needed to get up and go help Alfred. She moved slightly and Rhage pulled her back into the curve of his body. She smiled at his action. He mumbled something and buried his face in her neck.

“Where are you trying to go?” he murmured against her neck. “Sleep, baby…”

“I’m wide awake….” She knew it was well past breakfast. She wasn’t use to sleeping during the day like he was.

“You want to go help Alfred…. You always like to help him.”

“He has been good to me. He is sweet and caring. I adore Alfred.”

“Alfred is a good man…”

“Why doesn’t Lucien turn him? I mean I know it can be done and yet not done lightly, but Lucien cares about him like he is family.”

“Alfred’s family has worked for Lucien for several generations. Lucien wanted to once, but Alfred is from a rare human linage. One that can’t be turned. Lucien tried to turn Alfred’s grandfather when he was seriously wounded and it nearly killed him.” he told her.

“So he is allergic kind of?”

“Yeah… I guess that’s a good way to put it….” he lifted his head and cupped her chin. He kissed her slow and tender. “Good morning…”

She giggled. “Good morning.”

“Go help Alfred…and stay in the house!”

She rolled her eyes and slipped from the bed. She slipped on a pair of his jogging pants to head upstairs to get dressed. Rhage was snoring again by the tie she slipped out of the room. As she walked down the hall she noticed the light was on in Sloane’s office. She decided to say good morning. She reached the door and slightly knocked. She smiled when Sloane opened it.

“Good morning…you’re still awake…”

“Come in...” Sloane motioned for her to come inside.  “Yeah. I was going to turn in in a few minutes.”

“Sorry I missed breakfast.”

Sloane chuckled. “Well it’s understandable… you needed rest after being in the house explosion last night and then being mated.” He looked at her. “How are you handling that? It can be overwhelming.”

“I’m trying to get used to it. It feels weird. I can feel Rhage and know it isn’t me.”

“You will get used to it… you do realize you started feeling him when you first met. The connection started then.”

“I figured that out.” She nodded. “I had worried I was going crazy with everything going on. Then I remembered what the book Lucien gave me to read about blood mates said.”

“So you don’t doubt it?”

“With everything that has happened? I mean how can I dispute it?” she shrugged. “I can feel Rhage… like right now he is sleeping. He’s resting like he should when someone sleeps. He doesn’t usually do that. He’s restless. I don’t know why though. It’s not like I can read his thoughts or his mind, but I know what he feels. He is a good man even though he likes everyone to think he is a hard bastard.”

Sloane chuckled as he leaned back in his chair. “He would argue that point.”

“I know.” she nodded with a smile. She wouldn’t tell Sloane Rhage was sweet thoughtful and gentle. He would definitely get pissy about it. “Lucien said fate determines it all. I’m still debating that one, but----“she paused.


“I was abandoned as a baby, Sloane. I should’ve died that night in the snow. I survived. I was adopted by a wonderful older couple who showed me love. Then

When they died I was alone again…” she smiled softly. “Then my life was completely turned upside down one night by some insane half breeds and now I have all of you…” she chuckled when he rolled his eyes. “So I think I have been lucky so far…”

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