Blood Mates (13 page)

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Authors: K. Grey

BOOK: Blood Mates
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She took Alfred’s hand and he lifted her fingers to his lips smiling.

“Do each of you vow from this day forward Ava is yours to protect? She is a mate to your brother. She is now a sister to each of you? One of your choosing as you chose to join the legion. One who you vow to protect as you would each other?” Lucien asked in a deep voice that carried throughout the room. “Through blood and the after? If this is your vow from this day on announce it.”

“It is my vow….” They all echoed from around the foyer. “From this day forward of my choosing.”

“As it is my vow….” Alfred said to her. Ava smiled at him. She squeezed Alfred’s hand. She couldn’t speak. If she did she would start crying and wouldn’t be able to stop. Darius stepped forward. Alfred passed her over once again. Darius led her to stand in front of Lucien.

“Finally…” Rhage grunted when Darius placed her hand in his. Lucien rolled his eyes when everyone chuckled. Lucien reached out and took the ends of red sash.

“This red sash symbolizes the legion...” Lucien began as he wrapped the ends around Ava’s arm down to where she held Rhage’s hand and continued until it reached Rhage’s elbow. “It represents you becoming a part of our family. Each one of us stands together and now we will stand with you as well. You will always be a part of us. We accept you, Ava lane Devereau, from this day forward. Do you accept this? Do you accept becoming a part of this family?”

“Yes…” she answered. “I vow this…” Alfred had already told her that those were the three words she should always use.

Lucien nodded and then reached for the ends of the black sash. He did the same as the red ones…. “This black sash represents an immortal who binds to his mate… he vows to cherish her, protect her, and honor her beyond all others from this day forward. She becomes his other half. Together they form a whole and form a connection nothing can break, but death itself. Rhage do you vow this?”

“I do…” Rhage said looking at Ava. He hadn’t taken his eyes from her. Ava hadn’t taken her eyes from his either. This man---- to her he wasn’t an immortal any more. He was a man. She never expected to find someone--- who she would ever feel so much for. Lucien had been right. This was a bond beyond anything she could ever imagine. “I vow this…” Rhage told her.

Lucien took the white sash and once again wrapped the ends around their arms. “This sash represents the first blood mate and her birth from the moon. She came to him when he needed her and she always centers him with peace. Peace of mind, body and soul. She brings light to his darkness. She vows to protect, cherish and honor her mate beyond all others. Only death can break her bonds to him. Ava, do you vow this from this day forward?”

“I do….” She spoke to Rhage. “I vow this. From this day forward it is my vow.”

“From this day forward until death separates you, you are mated in ceremony… we all stand as witnesses to------” Rhage didn’t wait for Lucien to continue. He reached out with his left hand cupping the back of Ava’s neck pulling her to him for a kiss. As Rhage kissed her the other brothers laughed and Lucien grunted. “You could’ve let me finish! I wasn’t at that part yet!”

Rhage barely lifted his head to speak. “You were taking too long….”

“You are an impatient bastard is the problem…” Talon quipped from behind him. Ava didn’t move away from Rhage she couldn’t help it. She felt the need to always be next to him and touching him. She just had to. Lucien untwisted the sashes from their arms and then despite Rhage giving him the evil eye Lucien hugged her. The brothers congratulated Rhage. Ava knew what came next. Rhage’s bonding…she still didn’t like the sound of this part even though Rhage assured her it wouldn’t be as bad as she was expecting. Rhage pulled her to him for one last kiss. “It will be over within minutes…” he told her.

“I still don’t----“

“It will be fine. I promise.”

Lucien nodded his head and took Ava’s hand to stand with her. She watched as all the brothers moved to take their places. She then noticed there was a small round table Lucien had been standing in front of.  It was covered with a black

Silk cloth. She saw three thick tall round candles burning on it along with a bowl of water and a small bowl of salt.  She watched Rhage remove his shirt and knelt on his knees with his hand at his sides. He tilted his head forward.

“He chose three brothers to perform the bonding….” Lucien told her as they stood outside the semi-circle of brothers. All the others now donned on thick heavy hooded robes except for Talon, Darius and Sloane. They still wore their ceremony attire. “It is a great honor and it shows that he trusts them enough to bond your name upon his shoulders for eternity. Each one performs an important part.”

She watched as Talon dipped the cloth into the water to wash Rhage’s shoulders clean. He then sprinkled salt across the broad area just below Rhage’s neck which mostly stuck because his skin was wet.  Ava held her breath when Darius appeared when red hot brand that spelled her name. It looked huge even though her name was only three letters. She watched Rhage and tried to sense him. He was calm and relaxed. How could he be relaxed knowing he was about to be branded with her name?

‘It won’t last long, ava…. I will barely feel it….’ he told her silently. ‘I will have it forever and I want your name on me…..’

‘then I can buy a sharpie and write it all over you every day…it won’t be painful at all…’ she heard him chuckle in her head. Then he was quiet.


Ava squeezed Lucien’s hand as the brand met with Rhage’s flesh. She heard his skin sizzle under the scorching hot metal and she could smell it. Rhage didn’t move. He didn’t even flinch. She didn’t know how he could stand it. She didn’t feel it from him at all. She had a feeling he was keeping her from knowing how bad it did hurt him. It felt like forever as it was held to Rhage’s shoulders. She was about to tell Sloane to stop when he removed it and then Talon poured the rest of the salt over it. The salt stuck to the intricate carving of her name on his skin even as blood ran down his back.

It looked like French script and not masculine against the tattoos that were already donning his biceps and the top of his shoulders.

              She sucked in a breath when she saw Rhage’s shoulders tighten. She was about to take a step toward him when Lucien squeezed her hand and whispered.

“It’s almost done, Ava….we heal fast so the salt seals it into the skin. It isn’t regular salt. It comes from the Dead Sea which holds a different kind of property that makes any tattoos or anything else to be permanent.” She nodded knowing Lucien was trying to distract her and keep her from going to Rhage. Darius then laid the black cloth over Rhage’s shoulders and Talon poured the rest of the water

Over him. When Darius removed the cloth she saw her name was on the cloth as well. It was as if the salt and blood bleached her name on it perfectly. Darius folded the cloth and placed it in a small simple black onyx box which Talon sealed with wax from the candles.

“It is done….” Darius announced. “He is bonded.”

Rhage rose to his feet and faced Darius who handed the box to Sloane.  Sloane placed it in Rhage’s hands.

“I am honored you allowed me to assist in this. It means a great deal to me, Rhage…” Sloane told him with a nod of his head. Rhage turned to Ava and held his hand out to her and pulled her to him.

“I told you it wouldn’t last long and it didn’t hurt…”

“You’re lying… it hurt like hell and you know it.”

“Just for a minute….” He pressed his forehead to hers. “Now it is done.”

“And now it is time to feast!” Lucien told them. “Alfred has a huge feast laid out. We will celebrate and then leave the two mates alone for the night.” The brothers all followed Lucien and Darius toward the great hall. Rhage slid on his shirt.

“Why did they seal it in the box?” she asked him.

“Because my blood and my vow is in the cloth. When the day comes that I do die,

It will be unsealed and the cloth will be placed in my hand where I can take my vow with me.”

“That won’t be for a damn long time right?” she smirked.

“A fucking damn long time.” He corrected before kissing her. Ava ran her hands up his arms clinging to him. Rhage molded her body to his with his hard erection poking her in the stomach…

“I’m not really hungry.” Ava whispered. “Do you think they would miss us if we skipped dinner?”

“YES!” Lucien called out from the dining room. “WE WOULD! And Alfred has a cake!”

“I can kill everybody else…no problem, but I can’t kill HIM.” Rhage told her with a smirk.

“I can hear you!”

Ava giggled before Rhage kissed her again. He took her hand and walked toward the great hall…

‘We aren’t staying long… so eat quick…’ he told her silently. Ava smiled and nodded at him. Lucien looked at them.

“Don’t even think about plotting. Dinner will last an hour. Then you can go.”

Alfred out done himself with the feast. He apologized that he couldn’t prepared it himself. He really wanted to, but he just didn’t have enough time so he had several of the best restaurants in town send their best catering dishes. Alfred had ordered everything from stuffed artichokes to lobsters.  There was also many of Ava’s favorites. And there was a three layer chocolate mousse cake with their initials in sculpted chocolate on top. Alfred even brought up bottles of champagne from the cellar which Lucien said was an appropriate occasion. They celebrated for well over the hour Lucien had asked for. Rhage and Ava left the men still sitting at the table celebrating. When they reached his bedroom she turned to him. “I want to see it now….”  He nodded and removed his shirt turning around so his back to her. Ava sucked in a breath at the way it looked now. It was completely healed and beautiful…. It was indeed French script big bold and beautiful. She reached up and ran her fingers over the swirls that fanned out spelling her name. It was unmistakable. “I thought you might use old English lettering to match her tribal tattoos…”

“No…then it wouldn’t match you. I wanted it to show who you are and how I wanted you to be on my skin. All sophisticated and beautiful.”

“Rhage….” she murmured on the verge of tears. No one had ever made her feel so special. Only him! She ran her fingers down his back. She would never get enough of touching him. He turned around to face her.


Rhage reached to untie the sashes at her waist. She trembled at his hands moving across her waist. She couldn’t help it. He made her quiver with just a simple touch or a look.

“Do you know what I’m going to do?” he asked when he untied the silk sashes. He held them in his fists and tugged her against him roughly. Ava clutched his arms and sighed. She was already wet. She could feel it.


“I’m going to tie my beautiful mate to my bed and she will be at my mercy…all night.” He lowered his head and nipped at the corner of her mouth. “I’m going to mark you in every way I can think of…..” he heard her inhale quickly and she was trembling. She liked the idea and he could smell her arousal. He knew if he slipped his fingers into her right now she would be so fucking wet. “You like that don’t you? Me marking your body as mine over and over again.”

“Yes….” Ava tilted her mouth just barely and ran her tongue over his fangs that had lengthened. Rhage growled.

“Take the dress off, Ava….if you don’t I’m going to rip it off…. “

She took a step back from him and reached for the zipper in the back. Rhage

Watched the silver silk slide down her body exposing her sweet hardened nipples first they were begging to be sucked, then her hips and then that sweet pussy was his to look at….

“How wet are you, baby?”


Rhage took a step forward and lifted her hand into his before guiding her fingers through her wet folds. She sucked in a deep breath…. He growled when her scent surrounded him.

“Yeah… you are, baby… your pussy is so wet I could drown in your cream….” He rubbed her pussy with their fingers. “Gimme your fingers, Ava…” she moved her hand, but his remained. She lifted her fingers to his mouth and he sucked them between his lips. He moaned around them as he slipped two fingers into her hard and deep. She liked it that way… deep and hard.


“I want to feel your mouth on my cock, Ava….” He told her…. “I want to cum between those sweet lips first….” She nodded and lowered to her knees in front of him. She reached for his trousers… Rhage’s head fell back when her soft hands closed around his hard thick cock. He groaned. He felt her tongue tease the underside of his head as her fingers stroked him. Her other fingers were gently caressing his balls. He could die a happy man right now. He couldn’t lie he had fucked he had no idea how many women in his life, but not one of them compared to Ava…. Just touching her made him feel more than he had in a damn long time.

His hand gripped her hair as she took him into her mouth. He opened his eyes and looked down. He liked watching her. And he couldn’t get enough of watching her while her mouth was around his cock.

“Ahhhh, ava baby… I ain’t gonna last long…” he tightened his fingers in her hair. He clenched his teeth and arched his hips forward so she would take more of him. “That’s it, baby…. Take all of me…. Make me cum hard….” He felt the back of her throat and he grunted. He held her hair in his fist as he pulled back a little. ”I’m gonna cum, baby…… here it is….”

Ava felt him cum and she groaned around him. She enjoyed giving him head as much as he did. She kept going until he pulled her away from him. Rhage pulled her up from the floor and swung her up into his arms to carry her toward the bed. When he laid her down he claimed her mouth.

“Rhage…” she whimpered when he lifted her hands from around him and lifted them above her head.

“It’s my turn….” He told her tying her wrists to the head board with the black silk sash she had worn earlier. He brushed his knuckles across her cheek and down her

Neck where his fangs had marked her…. before the night was over he planned to leave a few more places with marks. He ran his fingers across her skin until he could tease her already puckered nipple. He lowered his head to take it in his mouth grazing his teeth on her sweet skin. He gave both the same attention as his fingers teased her clit.

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