Blood Mates (14 page)

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Authors: K. Grey

BOOK: Blood Mates
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“Rhage…..” she gasped arching her back… “I want---- I need to touch you.”

“Later….this is my turn, baby….” He teased her navel before moving between her legs… “Now this is what I have been waiting for….” He lowered his head and blew across her clit as he opened her thighs wide. He flicked his tongue over the nub several times.


He chuckled. “That not enough? Tell me what you want, Ava… you know I will give it to you…”

“Make me cum…”



“Tell me how, ava... Tell me what you need me to do?”

“Eat me….. Suck my clit and finger me…. Hard.” She whimpered. “Please.”

Rhage chuckled and eased two fingers into her wet heat. He gave her hard just like she wanted….hard fast and deep…. He found that one spot he knew would drive her crazy and it did… her back arched off the bed and her hips shook.

“Rhage!” she cried out. He knew by the way she was tightening around his fingers she was so damn close so he sucked on her clit hard even grazing his teeth across the sensitive area. Ava screamed his name.

“Ahhhh baby… you taste so fucking good…..” he pulled his fingers from her and began to use his tongue instead, lifting her with his hands cupping her ass; her legs were over his shoulders. Rhage didn’t stop until she was on the verge of cumming again. When he took her over the edge he turned his head and sunk his fangs into the sensitive area of her thigh. Ava came so hard that her body shook uncontrollably. Slowly she opened her eyes and felt Rhage rubbing her legs… he was also kissing her hip.

“Are you alright, baby?”

She didn’t have to look to see him smiling, she felt it. “Better than fine….”

“Good….” He raised up until he was sitting back on his legs. He rubbed the head of his cock against her swollen and sensitive clit. “Now it’s time to bury my cock in this sweet pussy…” he slid his cock up and down, teasing her by pushing inside and pulling out to rub her clit again. Ava whimpered and then hissed.

“If you don’t fuck me right now Rhage! I’m gonna hurt you… and not in a good way!”

“You want to be fucked, baby?”

“Yes… yes! Fuck me!”

“My pleasure…” he entered her hard and fast in one thrust, his balls slapping against her. He pulled out and thumped her even deeper the second time. Rhage leaned over her as he slammed her pussy harder and faster each time. Ava dug her heels into the mattress lifting her hips to meet his thrusts. “This what you want, baby?”


He lowered his head to her neck… his incisors were lengthening as his release was nearing.  “Tell me, ava…. Say it….” he commanded.

“Yours…. I’m always yours…. Now, Rhage…please….” He opened his mouth and sank his teeth into her. Ava’s body bowed and she came again when he found his own release. Rhage reached up and untied her hands and she wrapped her arms around him. He liked her wrapped around him. He would never grow tired of the feeling either. She was his and he belonged to her. He had never belonged anywhere except the legion. He belonged to her now. He would never allow anyone to take this feeling or HER from him.


Rhage ran his fingers through ava’s long hair as she laid across his chest sleeping. She needed some rest. They had made love most of the night and he knew he had worn her out. He smiled. His sweet mate gave him a damn good run for his money in stamina. She was always ready and sometimes more than eager. She demanded just as much from him as he did from her. Her long jet black hair had a slight curl to it. He liked running his fingers to it. It was so soft. She was soft all over, but yet tough as nails. She was the perfect balance of both.

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He could feel her heart beating as if it were thumping right next to his. It calmed him. He couldn’t believe he ever wanted to deny her or even thought about giving her up. He had been a fucking idiot! Talon had been right. He would never tell him that though. Talon would never let him forget it. Talon annoyed him enough as it was now.

“Rhage…” he heard Talon from outside the bedroom. “I know you are awake… you aren’t snoring. I don’t want to wake Ava, but Lucien wants to talk to you. He wants to meet with all of us before the council arrives later… I didn’t want to knock and take a chance on waking her. The meeting is in twenty minutes in his study.” Then he heard Talon walk away.

Rhage didn’t want to wake Ava so he carefully moved her onto her side. As soon as he moved away from her just an inch Ava rolled over and snuggled closer to him trying to pull him to her again. He couldn’t help, but smile.

“Rhage….” She murmured sleepily.

“Go back to sleep, baby…” he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’m gonna shower….”

“Want me to wash your back?”

He chuckled. “After you sleep another hour or two I will come back and join you in yours. I’ll wash your front…” he said against her neck. He felt her sigh and drift back to sleep. He kissed her neck where his marks were before tucking the blanket around her. He watched her snuggle down and curl up on her side. He quietly grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. When he came out she was still asleep, but she was now curled up where he had been laying hugging his pillow to her.

He didn’t want to leave her, but when Lucien called a meeting you just didn’t skip it. And for Lucien to ask him to leave Ava Rhage knew it was important. He closed the door behind him and found Talon in the hallway waiting for him. Talon was grinning from ear to ear. Rhage rolled his eyes and knew Talon was going to give him hell about something, but he didn’t care.

“Sleep well?” Talon smirked.

“Yes, I did…” Rhage walked past him and Talon fell in step next to him.

“We are gonna have to sound proof your room.”

Rhage paused and gave Talon a deadly stare. Talon quickly threw his hands in the air. “We all vacated the area. We all went down to the training rooms and crashed. I swear! We didn’t hear anything else.”

“You better not say a word to ava…”

Talon quickly made the zipper motion at his mouth twisted his fingers in the air and flicked an invisible key away. “Not a word… I just thought as your brother you might want to know.”

“How much did they hear?” he didn’t want Ava embarrassed.

“Not much moaning and groaning. More you than her.” a smirk lifted Talon’s mouth. Talon wiggled his eyebrows. “I am VERY jealous….”

“You should be jealous…” Rhage chuckled.

Talon laughed and slapped Rhage on the back. “I’m happy for you! The other brothers are only jealous because they want a mate too. They don’t want Ava, but now have hope for one…” he laughed again. “Because if you have one they know it should be easier for them because you are a pain in the ass.”

Upstairs most of the brothers had gathered in Lucien’s study already. Lucien was sitting behind his desk with a cup of coffee everyone else was scattered around the room standing or taking up what places there was to sit. Rhage and Talon joined Sloane on the other side of the room. It was only a few minutes before every one was there. When Lucien called a meeting everyone knew to be on time.

Lucien stood up with his coffee on his hand and thanked Alfred when he brought in a rolling cart of more coffee and a huge platter of sweets. Once everyone had wiped the cart clean and Alfred had taken an empty chair that was always saved for him. Lucien nodded his head.

“Now that we are ready…” Lucien moved around his desk. “As you all know the council will be here at dusk. I expect most of them to bring several of their own men.  I want each of you making sure NOT one of them is too nosy. They are to be confined to the upper house only. I don’t want them snooping in the tunnels or underground rooms what so ever.” They all knew a few of the council members had been here, but not all of them at once. Lucien usually went to the council. Lucien wanted their privacy secured. “We will go on lock down two hours before they arrive. Keypad and thumb entry only…the cameras and all of security has been amped up.” Lucien sat down on the corner of his desk. “And once they meet Ava I want her secured at all times.” He looked at Rhage.  “I just want all precautions covered. She means more to us than they do.”

Rhage nodded as everyone else echoed their agreement.

“Will any of the council be staying as guests?” Alfred asked.

“No… not this time.” Lucien trusted a few of the council members, but he didn’t trust any of them where Ava was concerned. “I plan to make sure they are long gone before sunrise. I want everyone to keep an eye on Vincent. You all know I think he is behind the nests of half breeds and I don’t have any proof. He is the one I want watched especially. I think he has pulled a few of the council members to his way of thinking.”

“Who?” one of the brothers asked.

“I just have suspicions, but I think four of them are bending to Vincent’s way. There are thirteen members as we all know and we can never allow Vincent to control the council. THAT I will never allow.” They all knew Vincent only got his seat on the council when his father had been murdered four hundred years ago. Council seats only passed from one member of the family’s house to another upon death.

“I will handle the council. Darius has a list of everyone’s duty and posts. As long as they are here we are going to stay on our toes.”

The brothers echoed their vow in agreement.  Lucien nodded. He trusted everyone in this room.


The dining room which was the largest room on the main floors had been set up as the meeting room. Lucien greeted every council member as they entered the room. Vincent was the last one to arrive, but he wasn’t late.  Lucien didn’t waste any time in getting started. He walked to the chair at the head of the table and took his seat. Each member of the council fell in step behind him.

Lucien leaned back in his chair and looked at the twelve men who filled the long table.

“Welcome to my home, gentlemen. Alfred has made sure there is food for you after the meeting… so I think we should get started.” He spoke loud and clear. “I want to start by seeing this photographs and discussing these rumors.” Each man began to pass envelopes across the table until they all were in front of Lucien.  Lucien looked at a few and found they were all the same. Same photographs of him and Ava standing together next to the crumbled brownstone. There were two up close pictures of her face. The note was the same as well. It declared Ava as a blood mate and accused Lucien of keeping her a secret from the council. It also hinted that Lucien (not directly accusing which would be treason to the king and punished by death.) could be possibly breaking other laws that secured the future of immortals. Lucien handed the stack of folders to Darius who stood nearby.

“Is it true?” Alistair Sinclair asked from his chair. “Is she a blood mate? And is she human, Lucien?”

“Her name is Ava and yes she is human.” Lucien looked around at each one of them making it quite obvious he was reading them.  Every one of them knew Lucien being the oldest could read any one. “As far as her being a blood mate she does have the mark, but nothing has been confirmed.  You all know as well as I do blood mates aren’t human.”

“Then why haven’t you turned her over to the council for determination?” Vincent grant asked from his chair. He met Lucien’s gaze head on.

“Because she is human… despite some people among us believing otherwise humans aren’t our pets. They have rights. And she was being held by half breeds. The legion found her and she needed medical attention. She was brought here and I decided she would stay. She is human and doesn’t fall under the law of blood mates.” Lucien told Vincent not taking his gaze from him. “And it is no longer an issue.”

“Why not?” Vincent demanded.  “If blood mates have evolved which is possible if a female blood mate did conceive from a human then she does fall under the law. The council has a right to determine this by law. A law which you helped create,

Lucien. Blood mates have dwindled over the years and this could be a huge thing for us.”

“I am aware of it, Vincent and I don’t need you or anyone else to remind me of the laws we live by. But it seems quite a few of you have forgotten who CREATED this council and who remains as king…” Lucien growled loud and clear. “If any of you have just cause to accuse me of breaking ANY law I decreed then say so now!” he challenged.  His gaze went to each of them and lingered until each head bowed. He glared at Vincent last who stared back. “Do you challenge me, Vincent? If so here is your chance.”

“No…” Vincent bowed his head.

Abram who sat to Lucien’s right cleared his throat. “Lucien, you said earlier that the female was no longer an issue. What did you mean by that?”

“She has been claimed by her mate. The ceremony was performed last night. They took their vows and he was bonded.” Lucien watched several of the member glance around at each other in surprise. Lucien watched Vincent the most.

“I thought you said she wasn’t a blood mate?” Alistair asked.

“Ava is completely human and you can see that for yourself in just a few minutes when you meet her, but she has developed a connection with one of the brothers and they both agreed to the vows.” Lucien didn’t think they should know how strong the connection between them were.  He didn’t feel bad or guilty about it either.

“He’s turned her?” one of the other members asked.

“Not yet. The ceremony took place last night and that would be between them.”

“Why such a hurry in a ceremony?” Vincent questioned.

Lucien shrugged. “I didn’t ask.” He smiled. “You all should know how impatient younger immortal males can be when they want something.”

“But she is completely human you said.” Another member added. “And yet she bears the mark.”

“True…” Lucien nodded. He couldn’t deny or hide that fact. He could hide some things to protect Ava, but that wasn’t one of them.

“This needs to be investigated…” Alistair began. “I mean no disrespect, Lucien, but if blood mates are evolving more to being human then it does need to be investigated. She may just be the first line to more.”

“It could be possible.” Lucien couldn’t argue with it. “But Ava is now a mated female our laws protects females above all others. She is off limits.” He stood up. “This concludes this meeting, gentlemen and ends any future discussion about Ava. This ends it right now.” He told them flatly. Most of them nodded.

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