Blood Moon (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #5.5) (9 page)

BOOK: Blood Moon (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #5.5)
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“Thanks,” I said appreciatively, giving him a small smile.

“S’cool.” He winked, raising his chin.  “That’s some nice ink you’ve got.”

“Thank you.”  I studied his for a moment before meeting his eyes again.  “You, too.  That chest piece is sick.”

“Yeah, it’s one of my favorites,” he nodded, before tilting his head at me.  “I’m Fitz, by the way.”

“I’m Nikki.”

“I know.” He smiled at me before his eyes slid to something over my shoulder.  I noticed him take a step back from me and I spun around, concerned.

My eyes registered Dean’s presence and I immediately relaxed again.  “Hey,” I greeted him, barely above a whisper, but his eyes were still on Fitz.

“Mind if I borrow her?” he asked Fitz, his tone suggesting it wasn’t an actual question.

“She’s all yours, sir,” he said quickly.

I glanced over my shoulder to find him walking up to another woman to offer his help.

“Hey,” Dean said gently, and I turned back to him.  He was smiling now and I couldn’t help but return it.  “I was surprised to see you home so early.”

I bit my bottom lip as I tucked my dark hair behind my ear.  “Yeah, well, I’m a klutz.  I had a bit of an accident,” I said, motioning down to my leg.

“I see that,” Dean replied, his brow furrowed with concern.  He dropped down on one knee and gently put his hand on the back of my calf before looking back up into my eyes.

I swallowed hard as I registered my body’s immediate reaction to him.  My heartbeat sped up as did my respiratory rate.  I tried to ignore the tingles his gentle touch elicited, but it was impossible.

“What happened here?  Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I breathed out unsteadily as his fingers slid to the top of the bandage.  “I dropped one of the beer pitchers and…it shattered…I guess one of the shards got me.  It’s nothing serious, hardly more than a scratch.”

Dean tsked and stood, folding his corded, tattooed arms across his bare, muscled chest.  “It must be more than that if you came home,” he said with a twitch of his lips.  I think he knew the effect he was having on me and it looked like he was thoroughly enjoying it. 

Smoothing down my short black skirt, I cleared my suddenly dry throat and tried not to drown in the chocolate warmth of his eyes.  Everything Holly, DeeDee, and Jojo said earlier about Dean never giving any woman more than a passing glance came rushing back to the forefront of my mind.  I couldn’t help but watch him while he watched me, the heat bouncing between us damn near palpable. 

Get it together, girl
, I thought, mentally slapping myself.  “Uh…you know…Dan…” I stumbled lamely as I tried to force myself to look away from him and save myself some serious embarrassment. “He’s…cautious?”  It was no use; I couldn’t look away.  I suddenly felt like Icarus, drawn to the warmth and radiance of the sun.  I’d never in my life had a reaction like this to a man before.

He chuckled under his breath as a devastating smile played across his lips.  “So Dan sent you home?”

Yep, he’s definitely enjoying this
.  “Yes,” I whooshed out, a little too glad he understood my rambling.  “Dan sent me home.”

Dean full-out laughed then and I blushed, shrugged my shoulders in a ‘what can you do’ manner, and joined him. 

All too soon the smile slid from his face as his demeanor changed.  His face was suddenly serious and my brow furrowed in confusion.  “What’s wrong?”

“I need to speak with you for a moment in private,” he said soberly.

“Of course.” I nodded and followed him as he turned.  “Is everything all right?”

Dean didn’t answer, but continued to walk toward the house.  When we approached the porch, Roxy was there and she took notice that we were together.

“Can I make you a plate, sir?” she asked with fake cheer as her narrowed eyes bounced between Dean and me.

“Not now,” he said, never breaking his stride.

Following him into the house, I looked back over my shoulder and caught the evil look she was giving me.  You know the saying ‘If looks could kill’?  Yeah, well, that one was the equivalent of hacking me into tiny fucking pieces. 
Psycho bitch, much?
I internally mused.

Dean led me into his bedroom and I paused briefly just inside the door.  In the three weeks I’d been here, I’d never seen his room before, and I was surprised to find it tidy and well organized.

He perched on the corner of the bed and patted the spot beside him.  “Have a seat, toots.”

After I did, he turned his body toward mine and sighed. “Do you remember the promise I made you the night you were rescued?”

With my hands clenched and brow furrowed, I painfully thought back to that night.  “I…I don’t really remember.  A lot happened that night and some of it is a little fuzzy.”

Dean nodded his head and gazed deeply into my eyes, his face serious.  “That night, I promised you I’d find Lyric and make that sorry sack of shit pay for what he did to you.”

I took a deep breath as my heartbeat accelerated.  “I remember,” I whispered, suddenly anxious.

He reached over and held my right hand tightly as he continued.  “Last night, after you told me Lyric had been back to Drop Kick Dan’s, I sent my best trackers after him.”

“Did you…” I breathed, emotions running wild within me; I was hopeful, but fearful at the same time.  My ex-boyfriend’s name still incited the worst kind of fear within me.

“We got him,” he stated firmly, his hand reaching up to gently cup my cheek.

My eyes closed and I sighed as my body sagged.  Lyric was no longer running rampant in my city and I wouldn’t have to fear him any longer.  “You got him,” I repeated, as if saying it could make it more real.  Opening my eyes, I leaned over and hooked my free arm around Dean’s neck, embracing him tightly.  I couldn’t help it; I had to hug him.  “Thank you,” I whispered.  “Thank you.  I knew you’d find him.”

His arm went around my waist and he held me to him.  When I moved to pull back, he allowed me to, but his arm kept me close.  “There’s more.  I’ve been giving it a lot of thought, and I feel that you should be the one who gets to choose his fate.  After all, he betrayed you in the worst possible way and it’s only fair you get a say in his future.”

I opened my mouth, at a loss for words.  I didn’t immediately know how I felt about his decision.  Lyric hurt me by handing me over to those horrible vampires—by standing there, watching them drug and rape me, and by doing nothing to stop them.  I fiercely hated him for what he did to me…but there was also a part of me, the part that once cared deeply for him, that didn’t want Lyric harmed, no matter his crimes against me.  I was horribly conflicted and I couldn’t believe I felt this way.  I’d been envisioning his capture for weeks.

“I…I don’t know what to say,” I whispered, confused.

Dean nodded his head and reached up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear.  “I understand,” he said gently, his fingers lingering on my lobe.  “Deciding a man’s fate is rarely easy, and it’s a sentence one shouldn’t pass lightly.”  I nodded as he continued.

“Pack rules state the alpha has three choices that he or she may choose from.”  He sat back from me a bit as he brought his hand between us and used his fingers to count them out.  “One, Mercy.  You can choose to let the accused live,” he explained with a frown.  “If you decide to do that, I promise I’ll respect your decision, even though every ounce of my being is screaming to stomp the living shit out of him.”  I smiled at that and he continued.

“Two, execution.  The method will be left up to the pack, of course.  The third option is Fate.”

“Fate?” I shook my head, not understanding.

 “Yes, Fate.  It’s where we leave his fate in his own hands during a challenge of sorts.  The accused will be given a small head start and must cross a designated location before being caught.  In this case, it’ll be the barbed wire fence surrounding my property.”

“What happens if you catch him before he’s able to cross the fence?”

“He dies,” he said plainly, his eyes studying me closely.

I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, looking to the floor beside me.  I knew I needed to make a decision for him, but I was unsure of what I wanted.  Letting Lyric go, scot-free, was not appealing to me.  If it wasn’t for him, I would have never been kidnapped, and thus, been saved from days of torture and hell.  I didn’t think I was mature enough to forgive and forget in this situation.

Executing him without a trial, with me being his only judge, gave me too much power.  Some tiny part of me remembered the good man I thought he was, but I’d been a slave to the memories of my trauma since my release, and at this point, I was dangerously close to saying ‘fuck it’ and letting the pack have him.  I didn’t know, after all was said and done, if I’d be able to live with myself if I made that decision.  Killing a person…that would never leave me.

The third option, Fate, seemed the most appealing.  Lyric’s fate would be in Lyric’s hands alone.  If he made it across that fence, he’d live; if he didn’t, he’d die. There were two possible outcomes and I felt I could better accept this option.  If Lyric did escape, I just hoped he’d decide to go somewhere far, far away and never, ever come near me again.

Swallowing thickly, I turned my eyes back to Dean.  “I think I’ll leave Lyric’s fate in his own hands,” I said, barely above a whisper.  “I don’t want you to let him go, but I don’t think I could condemn a man to death.  Fate seems like the right choice to make.”

Dean leaned over and placed his hand on my knee, a genuine smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.  “Fate it is then.”  I nodded and he gave my knee one last pat before he stood.  “The only question left to answer is, will you be joining us tonight when I sentence him?”

My eyes rose and I stood as well.  “Tonight?  Wait…h-he’s here?”  My heart raced as sudden fear coursed through me
.  Oh, shit.  Shit fucking shit!
  I had the sudden urge to run.  Not just plain old run either, bolt the fuck out.

Noticing the change in mood, Dean put his hand on my shoulder and leaned down to look into my eyes.  “He can’t hurt you, Nik.  There are over one hundred wolves who have your back tonight.  You are completely safe here.”

“Fuck,” I breathed as I stared into his caring, dark eyes, calming down some.  “I hate how I’m still afraid.  When you said you’d caught him, I just never thought he was here.”

He gently pulled me to him, his arms going around me, and sighed, “I only brought him here so he could be sentenced, toots.  Otherwise, I wouldn’t let him within fifty miles of you again.  I don’t like the thought of him being this close to you, but it’s the only place we can have his trial.”  He gently lifted my chin with one finger as he looked down at me.  “He needs to pay for what he did to you.  My compound is the only place where we can be free to do that.”

“I know,” I whispered, nodding my head.  My arms automatically encircled his waist and I leaned into him and sighed as the tension immediately ebbed from me.  Dean had slowly become my safe place, my own fortress of strength; I now knew I could get through anything with him by my side.  He promised no one would ever hurt me again, and I absolutely believed him.

Dean hugged me tighter to him as he rested his cheek against the top of my head.  Being in his arms was so comforting, so reassuring, and I didn’t want the moment to end, but of course it had to. 

He slowly pulled away and took my hand.  “We’d better go eat while there’s still food left,” he said with a smile.

“I don’t think we’re in danger of running out,” I chuckled.  “There’s enough food here to feed a small country.”

Dean smirked over at me as he led me out the bedroom door.  “You’ve never been around a group of hungry werewolves before.”

Chapter Eleven




I watched as Nikki sat down in the grass, filling the vacant spot next to DeeDee, and accepted a plate of barbeque from her.  As she thanked her, her eyes slid up to mine and she gave me a small smile.  Her radiant aqua eyes shimmered with contentment as the wind softly blew through her long hair, picking up her sweet scent and blowing it straight toward me.  My dick started to get hard as I stared into her eyes, and I reluctantly had to look away from her.  I was about to give a speech in front of my whole pack and didn’t want to be found sporting a major chub; I knew the boys would never let me live it down.

Fuck, I’m done for, man,
I silently sighed as I scanned the faces before me, fighting the urge to look at Nikki again.  This girl was bringing out things in me I’d never felt before. 
I’m a goner.
  Truth be told, I wasn’t scared; quite the opposite, in fact.  I wanted nothing more than to make her mine, and had been fighting the primal urge to do so for weeks.  Given what she’d been through, I didn’t know if she’d ever be ready for what I was prepared to give her.

Raising my fist over my head, I signaled my pack for silence.  The heavy chatter immediately died down and I lowered my arm again.  “Welcome back, brothers and sisters,” I addressed the gathering.  “Tonight’s glorious hunt will occur under the great Sturgeon Moon, and the forecast states there won’t be a cloud in the sky to hinder the view.”  Hoops and howls sounded from a few men as the inevitable excitement started to build.   

“But, before we hunt, we have a little pack business to take care of.  First, we have a new recruit with us tonight who will be taking the Kaxaw pack mark.  You all know Gavin.” I smirked as Gavin stood up, raised a tattoo covered arm, and pumped it excitedly in the air, still clutching his sauce-covered beef rib. Cheers and laughter erupted from all as they watched him celebrate, but it came to an abrupt end with him accidentally jumping too far to his right and crashing down on top of the man next to him.

I laughed heartily and watched as Cage playfully threw him off.  “Don’t worry, Gavin,” I smiled, “coordination comes with fur.”  More laughter boomed as I prepared my next announcement.   

“Also, as some of your noses have undoubtedly picked up, we have another human on site.  This man is responsible for turning my guest, Nikki St. James, over to those Dark bloodsuckers.  I made a promise to her the night of her rescue that I’d do everything in my power to make sure he’s caught and punished.”  I raised my chin and smiled with hungry satisfaction as I scanned my pack.  “And everyone knows a Kaxaw wolf always pays his debts.”  The primal calls emanating from my men became deafening as they bayed their agreement, some rhythmically beating their bare chests with pack pride.

When the fervor finally began to ebb, I continued.  “Now, because of the grave nature of this human’s offense, and the fact that I believe Nikki should have a say, I’ve chosen to let her decide what we’ll do with him.” 

Hushed whispers spread across the crowd as heads started to shake in disagreement, but I wasn’t having any of it.  I felt my muscles involuntarily ripple in a show of dominance and my eyes change as a deep, loud growl ripped itself from my throat.  The pack went utterly silent as all eyes turned back to me.  Heads immediately bowed as their collective body language shifted into one of total submission.

“As alpha, it is
decision!” I barked.  “Those of you who were at that airfield three weeks ago, saw with your own eyes what those motherfuckers did to her.  And after the hell she’s just been through, she’s earned the fucking right to choose!  I’d give anyone, human
wolf the same courtesy.  If anyone else has anything to say about this matter, they can step right the fuck up and say it to my face.”  When no one dared utter a word, I took a few deep, calming breaths, and then let them in on her decision. 

“Now that we’re all on the same page, Nikki has decided to defer judgment and leave the human’s fate in his own hands.  The accused will run for his life.”

Heads popped up as slow smiles spread across most everyone’s faces.  If there was one thing my pack liked to do, it was hunt.  I knew they’d be happy about her decision the second she made it, and I knew they were going to enjoy having fun with Lyric.  Happy yips flowed across the pack, and I nodded my head to them and smirked.

“There’s one last piece of business before I let you all finish eating,” I said, drawing their attention again.  “I know this isn’t a popular topic, and I know that she and her kind are mostly despised by our group, but this is something I promised her I’d convey to you.  Skye Morrison, the vampire we assisted with Miss. St. James’ rescue, has asked me to give you her heartfelt thanks and gratitude for risking your lives for someone she loves dearly.”  My eyes briefly slid to Nikki’s and I saw the start of tears there.  I hoped for her sake that she was getting closer to forgiving her best friend.  I sensed they very much needed each other, even when one of them couldn’t admit it. 

Hearing a few grumbles, my eyes went back to my pack.  “I know this is a subject of contention among some, but the fact of the matter remains; we assisted her and the other vampires during a time of great need, and a promise has been sworn to us in return. If this pack ever needs assistance from the local vampires, they
be by our side, no matter what.  Rest in the knowledge that, should we need their help, your sacrifices will be repaid in full.”  A few heads nodded as some clapped.  I knew they’d accepted her thanks and were glad she’d return the favor. 

“Now, eat,” I commanded, raising my voice on a grin, “for the night is young and there’s hell to be raised.”

Listening to the excited yips and howls, I slowly made my way through the crowd.  As I turned in Nikki’s direction, Roxy stepped in front of me.

“I made you a plate, sir,” she smiled, tilting her head flirtatiously.

A section of her long, dark hair slipped over her shoulder and I watched as it came to rest between her large, full breasts, breasts that had once made my dick hard as a rock every time they were in my face…every time but now.

Disinterested, I glanced up into her deep green eyes and gave her a twitch of my lips.  “Thanks.”

“And,” she grinned toothily, motioning behind her, “I saved you a spot.”

Peering over her head, my eyes sought out Nikki again.  They found her smiling at something Reign was telling her.  She threw her head back and laughed as those around her joined in.  Looking content and at ease, I decided to let her be and turned my attention back to Roxy and the blanket she had waiting for me.  Just because I wasn’t interested in her pussy, didn’t mean I’d forgo a meal.  I was hungry as fuck…and I couldn’t be completely rude to her.  She was a pack member, after all. 

Roxy had been after me for a couple of years now, and while she was occasionally fun to fuck, I wasn’t looking to make her my mate.  She conformed too easily and never voiced her own opinions, rather going along with whatever was the popular consensus at the time.  Plus, she was generally kind of a cunt.  I wanted a genuine mouthy bitch who could keep me on my toes and one who would play hard to get when I wanted her to; someone who was a little rough around the edges, tough when she needed to be, could drink me under the table, but who could also be devastatingly sweet and caring, and a great cook. 

Someone like the old Nikki,
I thought, frowning.  I should have dragged my head out of my ass and seen what was right in front of me back when I first met her.  Maybe her being with me could have stopped Lyric’s sick ass from handing her over for torture.  If she’d been my girl, I’d have died trying to protect her.  I hoped that with time, more of the old Nikki would make an appearance.  She was in there, I’d seen peeks and glimpses during the last few weeks, but I wanted more; I wanted…her.

“Yo, boss,” Trigg called and my head snapped up.  “Old Willy’s here.  We’ve got everything set up and ready to go for Gavin’s initiation.”

Nodding my head, I tossed the half eaten plate down beside me, stood, and dusted my hands off.  “Well, let’s get this bitch started then.”  Raising my head, I took a deep breath in, closed my eyes, and howled, giving the call to assemble.

The pack parted as I made my way to the front where Gavin stood with my second-in-command, Primo.  Gavin shifted from foot to foot anxiously, his eyes focused on the ground in front of him.  I knew from the way he was amping himself up that someone had told him what was coming was going to hurt like a bitch.  I smiled when tribal yips began to sound and multiple sets of feet started beating out their rhythmic dance against Mother Earth.  I loved initiations.  Few things made me happier than when our pack welcomed a new member.

Glancing over at the newly erected, small wooden table, I spotted Willy.  Willy was one of our elders and also the pack’s medicine man.  I watched him grind fresh herbs with his ancient stone pestle and mortar, harvesting the few drops of extract which would later be mixed into the ink for Gavin’s tattoo.

“You ready?” I questioned Gavin as I turned my attention to him.  He met my eyes, his beaming determination, and nodded once.

Raising my voice so I could be heard, I started the Tonkawan chant that the pack would continue until the ceremony was complete. I closed my eyes as I tilted my head back and raised my arms to the heavens, asking Father Sky to bless his mark so that he could shift at the next full moon.  The hairs on my arms rose and goose bumps flowed over my skin.  I knew it meant Father Sky was listening; my father, the old pack alpha, had once explained the body’s reaction to me.

Lowering my arms, I asked Gavin the only question we needed answered.  “Taking the wolf’s mark is a promise you are making to every member of this pack.  You are swearing to never leave it, to protect it above all else, and to help it flourish.  Tonight you swear your allegiance to the Kaxaw pack, and to the Kaxaw pack alone.  Once the mark is given, it cannot be returned.  Death is the only reprieve from this life.  Do you deem yourself strong, unwavering, and worthy?”

Gavin gazed at me with fierce determination in his eyes.  He nodded his head once and answered firmly, “I do.”

A slow smile spread across my lips and I nodded to him before turning and nodding to Primo.  My second-in-command instructed the new recruit to take off his shirt as I deftly removed my jeans.

Standing naked before my pack, I tilted my head back and called forth my wolf.  His spirit had been antsy all day, pushing at my skin, demanding to be released.  As my bones shifted and popped, my wolf howled in triumph.  He’d finally gotten what he wanted.

Once the change was complete, I glanced up at Gavin and bared my long, sharp teeth.  He was still in a standing position, and I didn’t like that.  Primo put his foot in the back of Gavin’s knee and made him kneel before me.  I picked up the change in his heart rate as his eyes widened.  We’d never allowed him to see me in my wolf form, and I was considerably taller and wider than the others in my pack.

Stalking toward him, slow and steady, I kept my eyes on his and growled lowly.  Any show of fear from him was frowned upon and I would make him pay for it.  He steeled his features, the fierce determination I saw earlier returning.  I let my wolf take his time as he stared the new recruit down, scenting him, learning him, before finally accepting him.

Gavin leaned his head back, offering me his neck in a show of submission and obedience.  My wolf liked that and I took the final step to him, opened my mouth wide, and closed my jaws around his throat firmly, but gently enough not to break skin or cut off his airway.  When I was satisfied, I let go and turned to my pack.  The chanting was loud now as the spirits of our Lycan-Indian ancestors blanketed us. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Primo grab Gavin’s bicep and lift him up into a standing position.  It was time to give him his mark.  Pivoting quickly, I opened my jaws and latched on to his side, sinking my teeth in before jerking my head side to side, ensuring his skin tore and bled.

Gavin’s lack of cries impressed me immensely; he’d taken the pack mark like a true warrior.  Withdrawing my teeth, I let go of him and the howls that began were deafening.  The entire pack bayed, welcoming their new brother.

I turned away and prepared to shift back again.  There was one last thing I had to do before I could set my wolf free for the night.  Reluctantly, I called my wolf home.  Once on two legs again, I wiped Gavin’s blood off my face with the back of my forearm and went to inspect the mark.  Zephyr tossed me my jeans and I stepped into them as I studied my work.

“Got you good,” I smirked, fingering the skin around the deep puncture wounds.  Blood wept freely from the holes, sliding down and soaking the top part of his jeans.

Meeting his eyes, he gave me a pained grin, but he was practically beaming beneath it.  “Yeah, you got me real good.  Thank you, sir, for honoring me with it.”

I chuckled and threw my arm around his sweaty neck, leading him over to Old Willy’s table.  “You ready for that tattoo now, pup?”

“More than ready, sir,” Gavin smiled. 

Old Willy stuffed the remaining herbs from the mortar into a small, cheese cloth pouch and handed it off to our new initiate.   “You. Chew,” he commanded in his fragile, but stern voice.

Gavin stuffed the pouch in his cheek, immediately grimacing at the taste, but did as the old man bid. 

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