Blood of the Demon (32 page)

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Authors: Rosalie Lario

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #urban fantasy romance, #Paranormal, #demons, #dragons, #Romance, #sylph, #zombies, #urban fantasy, #angels, #fae

BOOK: Blood of the Demon
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For a while there, he thought he’d never see him again. “So glad to see you, brother.”

“Me too.” Taeg clasped him in a tight embrace.

Dagan held on for a long moment, then pulled back. “Ronin?”

“He’s fine. He’s back at the hotel with Cresso.”

So they all were free, then. All except for Keegan.

“Taeg.” Brynn approached, grabbed Taeg’s arm, and turned him around to face her. “You have a plan to get Keegan out of there, right?”

Taeg exchanged a glance with Dagan. “The site is heavily guarded. There’s no way we could infiltrate it without more people. I think it’s pretty clear that we can’t expect any more help from the Council.”

Brynn shook her head. “We have to do something. There has to be a way. Maybe we can pretend to set up an exchange.”

“No.” Taeg took her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “Keegan went to a lot of trouble to make sure you were safe. We can’t endanger your life.”

“I thought you, of all people, would understand.” Brynn scrunched Taeg’s shirt in her hands in an unconscious gesture of pure desperation. Tears welled in her eyes but she blinked them back.

That simple act of bravery broke Dagan’s heart, and he knew why Keegan had fallen in love and given himself up for her. He would honor that sacrifice, if it killed him.

“I dreamt about what he did to you,” she said to Taeg. “You know Keegan’s probably going through worse than that right now. You can’t just leave him there.”

Taeg cast Dagan a frantic look, as if his resolve was wavering. Well, if it was, he would be strong for all of them. For once. “I’m sorry, Brynn. There’s nothing we can do.”

Brynn flinched and took a shuddering breath. Then she drew herself up, untangling her fingers from Taeg’s shirt. “I see I was wrong about you guys.” She wriggled out of Taeg’s grasp and backed away. “I thought you were brave, but you’re not. You’re both cowards.”

With one last death stare, she turned and stomped back to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Taeg watched her go. He turned back to Dagan, his eyes red and swollen from the tears he held back. In an uncharacteristic moment of weakness, he asked, “There isn’t anything we can do, is there?”

Dagan felt the heavy weight of his own tears pressing behind his eyelids. So pointless. Crying would accomplish nothing. He fought them as she shook his head. “Not this time, big brother. Not this time.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Brynn was surrounded on all four sides by sand, rock, and pyramids. Although it was dark, a world-class lighting system illuminated the area. Ahead of her, dozens of white tents were set up in all shapes and sizes.

This wasn’t any normal dream. She stood in the Valley of the Kings.

The canvas tents rustled in the breeze as she strode forward, farther into the camp. Other than that, eerie silence filled the open space. She headed for the largest tent, but stopped when, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a mottled tent.

No, not mottled. Stained.

From the inside.

“Oh, God.” She covered her mouth with her shaking hands. No denying what that was. It was blood. Lots of it.

“That’s the one,” said a gravelly voice.

Mammon stood directly behind her, a polite smile on his face.

“You.” She ran at him, struck him on the side of his face with her fist.

His head snapped to the side. He laughed and turned to look at her again. “That almost hurt, little Brynn.”

“Go to hell, you monster,” she spat.

“Hell?” Mammon’s lips curved even wider. “This is Hell, and I am its master. Come see.”

Brynn’s world spun, and suddenly she stood in front of the bloodstained tent. Pure dread unfurled in her stomach, rising in her throat and threatening to suffocate her.

No, she didn’t want to go in there.

But when she tried to stumble back, she couldn’t. No way to go but forward.

The tent flap rose of its own volition. Brynn swallowed hard and stepped through the doorway, fighting the urge to vomit.

She stood inside a torture chamber. Blood splattered everywhere, even on the low table that held a variety of wicked-looking devices—knives, daggers, rods, weapons her mind couldn’t even process. The tangy smell of blood permeated the air, threatening to choke her.

Keegan was there, lying on what appeared to be a gurney. Heavy iron manacles strapped his hands and feet to it, and his clothes clung to him in tatters. And in front of him stood a large demon, who lifted the knife and sliced Keegan’s stomach.

“Keegan,” she screamed.

She tried to run toward him, but she couldn’t do anything but watch as his flesh immediately wove itself back together, his guts sucking back into his body with an audible
. From the way he groaned and convulsed, it appeared the healing process was almost as painful as the wound.

“No, Keegan,” she sobbed.

He didn’t look at her, didn’t appear to hear her at all. The demon slashed again, drawing another guttural yell from Keegan.

“No, please no,” Brynn whispered. Tears rolled down her face, blinding her.

“I’m afraid he can’t hear you, dear. He’s quite lost in his pain.”

She turned her head toward the voice.

Mammon had appeared beside her.

She tried to lunge at him, but once again she couldn’t move or rake her nails down his face the way she longed to. There wasn’t a damn thing she could do to destroy him. “You monster. How could you do this to your own son?”

Mammon inclined his head toward her, giving her a speculative glance. “You can stop this, you know. You have the power. Simply turn yourself in to me, and I’ll set him free.”

“No,” Keegan cried.

Brynn whipped her head toward him.

“No, Brynn,” he said through gritted teeth. Agony was etched all over his features. “You need to stay away. Promise me. Promise—”

“Shut up,” Mammon yelled, pure rage contorting his face.

The demon put the knife down and picked up an iron poker. He lifted his hand and a ball of fire appeared in his palm.

“Fire demon,” Mammon said conversationally. “I found it fitting.”

The demon heated the poker in the fire, then plunged it into Keegan’s side. The stench of cooking flesh burnt her nostrils. Brynn turned away as Keegan screamed, choking on her own bile.

“Make him stop,” she pleaded with Mammon.

“Only you can do that, Brynn. Come to me and his agony will end. But I give you fair warning. You have no more than a couple of days before it is too late.”

“What... what do you mean?”

“Do you see that apparatus at his side?”

He motioned toward what appeared to be a sharp iron spike, digging into Keegan’s flesh. Attached to it was a red hose that snaked all the way underneath the gurney.

“What is that?” she whispered.

“Blood. Once he is fully drained, there will be no coming back. Remember that.”

“How could you—?”

“Brynn.” Keegan gave her an entreating look. “Promise me. Promise you won’t come.”

“I said be quiet,” Mammon screamed. He flew toward Keegan, and she felt the sudden sensation of being thrown backward. She flew out of the tent... and jolted awake in her bed.

“Oh no,” she moaned. “No, Keegan.”

Brynn buried her face in her hands.

She couldn’t sit idly by while the man she loved was tortured to death.

She loved him. Oh, God, she loved Keegan. Somehow, it had snuck up and smacked her on the face, but it was indisputable. The man she loved was dying. And she was the only one with the power to save him.

Brynn remembered some of Mammon’s first words to her.
That almost hurt
, he’d said. And Dagan, back on the island, had been hurt, too.

Demons were strong and powerful, yes, but they weren’t almighty. Keegan had told her demons couldn’t defeat their parents, but that didn’t mean they were indestructible.

Could she do it? Was she crazy to even contemplate it?

The odds were that she’d probably die. But she couldn’t wait in Miami and do nothing.

Decision made, she bounded off the bed.


Taeg sat slumped over on the end of his bed, facing the large wall of windows overlooking the ocean. It was a fabulous view. Why was he the one here seeing it instead of Keegan?

He was responsible for this. If only he hadn’t decided to try to get the
. He’d made so many mistakes, and Keegan was the one who’d paid for them. Deep inside, he knew the gruesome torture he and Ronin had undergone was nothing compared to what Keegan endured now. And that was killing him.

Taking a deep sigh, he buried his face in his hands. He’d gladly trade his life for his brother’s. But he wasn’t going to get Keegan out of Mammon’s grip alone, or even with his brothers’ help, and the Council would sooner destroy Brynn than help them. What options did he have?

Taeg looked up at the sound of his doorknob turning. Brynn crept inside, then shut the door behind her. She wore the same clothes as before.

“Brynn, what’s wrong?” He rose off the bed and started over to her, but she met him halfway. “What is it?”

“Listen... ” She took a seat on the side of his bed.

“Do you need to talk, Brynn, because I can—”

“I don’t need you to baby me. I’m here because I had a dream.” She looked away for a second, then back at him. “More of a vision, actually.”

“Vision?” Was she kidding? He walked back to the bed and sat beside her. “I didn’t know you had visions.”

“I think I know of a way we can save Keegan,” she continued, ignoring his comment.

“What?” Taeg’s heart broke out into a fierce gallop. “

“Keegan said the resurrection spell gives power to the person in possession of the
. Well, I’ll need to hold it in order to work the spell, won’t I?”

Taeg frowned, not liking where this conversation was headed. “So what?”

“So, when I perform the spell, I’ll have control over the army. I can order them to destroy Mammon.”

Disappointment coursed through him. “Yeah but, one, you’ll have let loose an army of zombies, and, two, what are the odds of Mammon actually letting you hold the
while you perform the spell?”

“I’ll tell him I
to hold it, and... and it also contains a counterspell. As soon as he’s gone, I can order the zombies back into the grave.” Brynn’s gaze flickered down. “I saw it in my vision.”

For one second, hope flared, but reality set in. Taeg was all for saving Keegan, but not if the risk was too great. He’d already made one foolhardy decision this week. Well, several, actually. He couldn’t afford another. “No way, Brynn. It’s far too risky. What if he gets to you before the zombies get to him?”

“He won’t.” Brynn leaned forward. “Think about it. He’s at the Valley of the Kings. Bodies are literally buried everywhere. And they’ll all do as I command.”

it works. There’s just as great a chance that you’ll end up dead and Mammon will have control over the
and the army. Keegan didn’t give himself up so you could walk into a trap.”

“But it’s not.” Brynn put her hand on his arm, her fingers digging into his skin. “It would be one thing if I didn’t already know how this was going to end, but I told you, I
it. It’ll work.”

Taeg stared at Brynn, his defenses wearing down. He wanted to believe her. “Dagan won’t go for it. Keegan has rarely, if ever, coerced him to do anything. He takes his vow to protect you seriously.”

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