Blood Red (85 page)

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Authors: Vivi Anna

BOOK: Blood Red
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Vivi Anna

with his mighty blade. Wolf knocked a guard into the air with one swing of his powerful ax.

Goldilocks was exchanging swing for swing of her sword with two guards. Metal clashed against metal.

It sang through the clear cool air like a ringing of a funeral bell. One guard swung down instead of up.

He sliced at her horse. The horse crashed forward and Goldilocks was thrown off. She landed in a heap on the hard ground. Two guards advanced on her.

Red charged toward her flailing her sword. She reached down and unsheathed her leg knife. She flung it at one of the guards. It hit its mark. The guard fell, the knife sticking crudely from his throat.

Goldilocks rose to her feet, blood trickling down her cheek. She raised her sword and stuck the other guard through the gut.

Red flanked her. She leaned down and offered her hand.

Goldilocks shook her head. “No. You must make it to the castle. My fight is here.”

“Mine too.” Junior rode up on Red’s other side.

Papa was beside him. “And mine.”

“Hans will clear your way.” Goldilocks knelt down and yanked Red’s knife from the dead guard. She handed it to her. “It has been an honor to battle with you, Blood Red.”

Red nodded and sheathed her knife. “And you, Golden Girl.”

Goldilocks laughed. She unsheathed a blade from her leg. She rose both sword and blade up to the heavens. “C’mon, boys, let’s have us some fun.”

She ran into the swarming guards, swinging her 168

Blood Red

blades back and forth. Junior and Papa galloped into them, projecting their swords as they rode.

Hans rode up to Red. “Follow me. I’ll get you there.” He kicked his horse and rode toward the looming castle. He swung his mace back and forth, clearing a path.

Red kicked her horse and followed him. Wolf rode up next to her. She glanced over at him. He looked at her, eyes blazing. Red knew he would go the distance with her. To the death, if need be. She realized at that moment that he had always been there with her. He had always been a part of her life. He had come into her life when she was just a girl and he hadn’t left. He had watched her grow into the woman she was. And God willing, she knew he would stay with her until she faded from this life. As the castle loomed grandly in front of them, she wondered how soon that would be.

Two guards with spears guarded the large ornate doors. They advanced, their spears held out as they saw the trio galloping toward them. Hans swung his mace, breaking one of the spears. The other spear pierced his leg and his horse’s flank. They fell sideways, crushing the other guard.

Red and Wolf jumped over the remaining guard and burst through the doors, splintering the wood.

The guard followed them in. Wolf was off his horse and swinging his ax before Red could even turn around. He quickly disposed of the guard.

Red dismounted and scanned the grand entrance.

No other guards approached them. “Why are there not more guards?”


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