Blood-Red Tear (15 page)

Read Blood-Red Tear Online

Authors: Donna Flynn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Vampires, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Blood-Red Tear
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“Wow yourself,” I said
, moving out of the way so she could see herself fully in the mirror.

he gasped in astonishment, staring at the mirror with the same reaction I had when I saw my own reflection, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “If this doesn’t attract Josh, I don’t know what will,” I told her.

She touched her hair absently, a blush forming on her cheeks. “Do you really think so?”

I nodded and looped my arm with hers. “He’d be crazy not to want you.”

“Let’s go
, girls,” my mother said, swooshing us toward the door.  

y father was pacing nervously back and forth across the foyer as we reached the top of the staircase. I couldn’t help but think how handsome he was in his dark-grey suit with royal blue tie that matched my mother’s dress. He stopped abruptly and looked up, his eyes never leaving my mother as she glided down the stairs, across the floor, and into his arms. They seemed to fit perfectly together and were so beautiful as a couple that one couldn’t help but envy what they had. My mother often told me that the fates had designed them explicitly for one another and I didn’t doubt it. No two could have been more suited for one another. My father kissed her full red lips tenderly and whispered something into her ear that made her laugh softly and I shook my head, amazed that after centuries of being together, they still had such a deep, genuine affection for each other. It was something I prayed that I, too, would find that one day.

As if hearing my thoug
hts, my father turned to me. A wealth of emotion ran across his face as he looked at me, realizing that I was no longer his little girl but a grown young woman. “You look beautiful,” he said, coming to my side and kissing my cheek before folding me in his arms for a warm hug.

, Dad” I whispered, hugging him back as tears fogged my eyes.

“It’s almost seven
. Your guests should be here soon, so let us get in place,” my mother said, discreetly handing me a tissue to wipe my tear-filled eyes as my father let me go.  She moved us all into position to receive our guests, and Jess and I took our places just as doorbell rang and the first guests began to arrive.

After a half hour of nonstop pleasantries, Chris walked in, late as usual, but wearing an impish grin that made it hard to be angry with him for getting to avoid all of the small talk Jess and I had to suffer through.

“Happy Birthday,” h
e said, shoving a pink paper-wrapped package into my hands, as he pulled at the collar of the dress shirt I was sure his mother forced him to wear with his other hand.

“Thank you,” I said
, trying not to laugh at how uncomfortable he looked.

“Only for you wo
uld I wear this getup,” he told me before moving on to chat with Jess, while I finished greeting the guests that had come in behind him.

The line was moving along nicely when
I heard Jess take a deep breath next to me and followed her gaze to where Josh stood in the doorway staring at her with a look of mutual longing. He was truly hot in anything he wore, but dressed in a pair of black dress slacks with an emerald-green silk shirt he was amazing, and I completely understood her reaction. He made his way through the line and handed me a gift bag absently, while staring at Jess with a hungry expression. It made me hopeful he might finally make his move with her.

, why don’t you show Josh around?” He has never been to my house before,” I prodded. She looked at me uncertainly. “Don’t blow this,” I whispered, pushing her gently but firmly toward him.

h-huh,” she murmured. Her eyes locked with Josh’s as he took her hand and escorted her toward the ballroom. Neither one of them even seemed interested in the people that surrounded them as they walked away, hand in hand, completely mesmerized by one another.

, you would think they have never seen each other before,” Chris said beside me.

“Give them a break, they have been crushing on each other for over a year
,” I said, slapping his arm playfully.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said
, eyeing a pretty little blonde cheerleader I knew had just broke up with her boyfriend and was the perfect target for his flirting. “I’ll see you later.” He took off after the female. I shook my head as he caught up to her and she stared up at him with obvious interest. I loved him like a brother, but one day I knew he was going to meet a female who wouldn’t be swayed by his flirtatious ways, and I couldn’t wait to see it.

The front door open
ed and Chad walked in, wearing a warm smile as he walked directly toward me. “You look great,” he said softly.

, you look good too.” He really was handsome, all dressed up in his suit and tie. I knew so many girls that would have been flattered by his attentions, but I just couldn’t muster the same feelings, not when I was so preoccupied with Aidan.

“Happy b
irthday,” he said, handing me a small gift-wrapped box.

you,” I said, playing with the ribbon on top, unsure what else to say.

“Can I walk you inside?” h
e asked politely.

I noted everyone else
had abandoned the hall and was already inside the ballroom, and nodded. He placed his slightly moist hand against the small of my back and gallantly led me into the ballroom. It was sweet, but his touch did not cause the riot of emotions Aidan’s did and, really, I hadn’t expected it to. Something told me that no male would ever affect me the way Aidan did.

As we walked
through the double doors, everyone broke out in a chorus of “happy birthday” and I felt my cheeks flame with embarrassment.  Chad escorted me to where my family stood, next to a monstrous cake covered in shimmering pink frosting with glittery candles burning brightly, illuminating the area around it. I waited until everyone stopped singing, blew out the candles, and my family took turns hugging me before releasing me to my friends.

converged on me at once, all eager to tell me how much they loved the decorations, the music, and the food. Even though the last thing I really wanted was a party, I had to admit my mother had done it again, and I loved her dearly for making every occasion special. Still, I could not help but feel the celebration was incomplete without Aidan there with me, and that thought made my heart ache.

Chad excused himself t
o join his friends and I stood alone on the sidelines as everyone else danced and had a good time. I didn’t mind in the least until a slow song began to play and I watched couples begin moving together to the music. It was an achingly beautiful ballad, and I felt tears welling in my eyes as the male singer’s solemn voice sang of his love for the only female he would ever give his heart to. A love like that was what I desired, what I longed for now every time I thought of Aidan.

A familiar tingle filled the air and my
heart began to race. Suddenly Aidan was there, striding toward me, his eyes riveted to mine. “Would you care to dance?” he asked, holding out his hand as he bowed in a long-forgotten courtly gesture. 

ithout hesitation, I placed my hand inside of his and he led me to the dance floor, pulling me into the circle of his strong arms. We danced as one across the floor, our bodies flowing seamlessly together in time with the music, molding together perfectly until it was if we were one. The feel of his hand on my waist, the intensity of his gaze, and the longing I felt for him was all-consuming. I knew I would never forget that moment as long as I lived, and that it would be one of my most cherished memories.

I was completely swept away, but
the music stopped far too soon. Aidan raised my hand to his lips, kissing the back before letting it fall to my side. “Happy birthday,” he said, before turning and walking out of one of the many large open French doors that led to the patio outside.

I stood dum
bfounded for a brief moment, unable to believe he was leaving so quickly. “No way,” I murmured, running out of the door he had exited, moving swiftly across the back porch, down the steps, and to the garden where I felt his presence. The guards I passed eyed me curiously, but I didn’t pay them any mind. I didn’t stop until I stood in the entrance of the garden, my breathing heavy as I surveyed the scene before me. Every tree and shrub in the area was covered in thousands of twinkle lights, decorated just as thoroughly as the house had been, and in the center of it all was the gazebo where Aidan stood, watching me with an anguished expression.

I walked quickly toward the gazebo,
pausing on the top stair and meeting his gaze with my own. “Thank you for coming,” I said softly.

He looked uncertain
, as if trying to decide if he should stay or leave. I could feel his indecision and wondered why it had to be so hard for us both when all we wanted was to be together.

“You are incredibly beautiful
tonight. It is really not fair to all the males in there.” He frowned and looked toward the house ruefully. “You should go back in; they will be looking for you.”

“I don’t care. It’s not them I
want to be with tonight.” He raised his eyebrow at my bold words but I did not regret them. I wanted him, and no amount of family, friends, or partying was going to make up for his absence.

“Katie, y
ou should go inside. It’s gotten hard to control myself around you, and I don’t want to do something that we will both regret.”

Shame filled his face
and my heart clenched with fear. Not fear he would hurt me, but the fear he would leave me again. “I don’t want this to end. I don’t want you to leave. It hurts too much,” I told him desperately, tears dancing behind my eyelids. “You have been gone only a few days and I miss you as if it has been months.”

He looked startled
by my words but covered it up quickly. “You can’t know what you’re feeling, you’re too young,” he said hoarsely.

“Don’t tell me
what I do and don’t know!” I snapped. “Until you kissed me my life was fine. I went to school and hung out with my friends, even wanted to date the guys at school. I was living the life you keep telling me you want me to have, but now since that damn kiss all I want is to be with you. I am not a child, Aidan! I know what I feel and what I want. Every instinct I have tells me that you are the one I need in my life, the one I am meant to be with. Nothing, not my family, or any amount of time, is going to change that.” I reached out and took his hand in my own, clenching it tightly. “Tell me you don’t feel anything when I touch you. Tell me you don’t feel the same way I do, and I’ll walk away right now and do my best to forget you.”

His eyes were wide
and he clenched my hand tightly. “You don’t know what you are asking,” he murmured. “There are so many things you need to know before agreeing to be with me.”

“Tell me,” I pleaded
. “Fill me in and let me decide.”

“I can’t
,” he said softly, bending his head, placing his cool lips to mine in a searing kiss that had me moving closer, pressing myself against him, desperate for more. The kiss was so different from our first one the night Scott had attacked me. That kiss had been slow and gentle, reassuring, but this kiss was hard, demanding, and a fever seemed to envelope us both. His tongue made lazy circles in my mouth and I responded eagerly. He groaned, pulling me even closer until our bodies melded together, pressing against one another, stoking the growing inferno between us until I felt as if I would be consumed by its fames. Then, as suddenly as it started, it ended. I was left standing alone, wrapping my arms around myself to ward of the chill his leaving had caused. My gaze found him immediately. He stood a few feet away, the regret he felt for being so reckless easy to read upon on his face.

“Happy b
irthday, Katie, please try to be happy without me,” he said softly.

I turned away for
just a split second when someone called my name, but when I turned back, Aidan was gone. The immeasurable joy I had felt only moments before in his arms vanished, and I felt only the ache of my heart his absence brought.

,” Chad called out, walking toward me with a worried expression. “Are you okay?”

“I just needed some air,
” I lied, looking away so he would not see the tears in my eyes and the utter heartbreak I knew must be upon my face.

“Let me walk you back in

He held out his hand
, and I took the offer like a life raft, thankful for anyone who could help me in that moment. As we approached the house, I saw a perfectly restored black, Chevy Impala with a huge pink bow tied to the hood. I looked at my parents, who stood on the front steps beaming, along with everyone else who was standing around the car looking as excited as I should have felt. It was my dream car: the one I had talked nonstop about since I saw one on a popular paranormal TV series years before. I knew it must have cost a fortune and tried to muster the appropriate response.

“You shouldn’t have
,” I told my parents.

“It was not us
, sweetheart, there’s a card on the front seat,” my father said.

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