Blood Revealed (25 page)

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Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #A Vampire Menage Urban Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Blood Revealed
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Dominic hesitated.

Patrick didn’t need to mind read to see his indecision. “Go,” he said. Then he dredged up the same sunny mood he had used with Blythe. “You’ll need the calories tonight.”

“You’re going out with the others?”

“I am a vampire hunter for real now,” he said, letting the irony twist his tone. He had once played a vampire hunter, but that character had hunted vampires for a living. Instead, he was now a living vampire, hunting the Others.

“Be careful,” Dominic said. There was real worry in his voice. “The Summanus are tricky bastards.”

Patrick had no intention of being careful.

It was his very first night of hunting. By sunrise, he had caught and killed ten Summani and was ready for more. Only the daylight stopped him. Daylight and Sebastian and Nial dragging him back to the car.

Hunting was better than drinking, he had discovered.

And it was much better than sitting around, thinking.

* * * * *

Dominic usually parked his old Jeep outside the front of Blythe’s house whenever they went hunting together, so after the hunt, one of the local squad dropped them both back there.

The hunting tonight had been subdued and unsuccessful. Everyone had been watching out for Summarette swarms and everyone was thinking about Peter, who hadn’t survived the hatching.

Just after midnight, when they congregated at the front of the sub-station, a common meeting place for them after splitting up into pairs, Blythe sighed. “We should probably call it a night. No one really has their mind on the job tonight, including me.”

There was a small silence. After the injuries from the hatching had grounded some of them, the group now consisted of five beside Dominic and Blythe. There was a husband and wife team, Angela and Bruce Davidson. Peter’s next door neighbor, Sarah, was good with a long knife and she was short enough to duck under a Summani’s swinging elbows and jab upward. She had partnered Peter most nights. Tonight she was moving stiffly, recovering from the bites she had gotten before Peter had shoved her into a nearby car.

Blythe’s next door neighbors, Harry and Jim, worked together, too. They were the most inexperienced out of everyone, so they were training during the day, determined to make a difference.

Everyone looked at the ground, shifting on their feet, at the oblique reminder of Peter’s death.

Then Sarah looked up. “Peter’s wife wants to join the squad.”

Dominic glanced at Blythe. He knew she was uncomfortable with any analogy to military ops. Calling this loose knit group a squad was a sure way to irritate her.

Blythe merely shrugged. “If she thinks she can handle his sword, she’s welcome. She knows the risks better than any of us.” Even Blythe sounded tired.

“We need more people,” Dominic reminded her. There had been fifteen people out hunting last night, under Peter’s directions.

Blythe shook her head. “After the hatching last night, recruits will be hard to find.”

Dominic suspected that she was wrong, He didn’t refute her in front of the others.

Blythe pushed her knife back into the scabbard in her boot with a decisive thrust. “Let’s all get a good night’s sleep and meet back here at nine tomorrow night. Does that suit?”

There was a murmur of agreement and everyone started to drift away. Jim glanced at the two of them over his shoulder. “Would you like a ride back to your house?”

And so Jim and Harry had delivered them back at the house just shortly after twelve-thirty. They had stood upon the sidewalk, Blythe staring down at her feet, a deep frown bringing her brows together. She had been pre-occupied all evening. Dominic had stopped himself from prying or asking direct questions. Yesterday and the day before, he would not have asked. Tonight, he could not ask, either. That was the deal.

Now that it was the time when he would normally leave, huge reluctance kept his feet planted on the sidewalk. He couldn’t even reach for his car keys, tucked in the interior pocket of the light coat he was wearing. The coat had replaced his leather one, which he found almost impossible to put on, now.

It was a balmy night, one of the slightly cooler nights that reminded Angelinos that they lived between a desert and an ocean. A coat wasn’t really necessary, although all of them had learned to wear tough cotton or denim coats to protect their arms against Summanus thorns. A coat with lots of pockets was a useful weapons and tools carrier.

Dominic looked up at the stars that were very clear tonight. The street lights had been switched off at midnight and the street was quiet, shadowed and peaceful.

A long way away, Dominic could hear the traffic on the freeway, which never slept. Just overhead and louder, was the soft whisper of the wind in the tops of the old jacarandas and oaks lining the street.

He remembered nights like this in Santiago. Rare nights, when there were no people around. The silence had been like a song all by itself.

No one gets to go back.

He let out a breath and dug out his keys. “I guess I should go.”

Blythe gave a soft exhalation, as if she had made up her mind. She stepped closer. Her lips met his.

It was impossible, after that, not to gather her up in his arms and pull her against him. He had wanted to do something like this all night. He had been fighting against the impulse to touch her, even in a small way. A stroke of her hand. A kiss on the cheek. To brush the long locks that fell over her eyes out of the way and let his fingers linger after that.

He had carefully stayed out of her mind, only listening to the superficial echo of her voice. He had made himself avoid sampling even her mental mood.

So now he returned the kiss with a rush of hot need and longing that surprised even him. He couldn’t get close enough to her, even though they were pressed together from knee to chest.

Blythe pulled open the two big studs holding his coat closed and slid her hands inside and around him. She pressed herself up against him once more, without the filled pockets getting between them. She was warm and soft against him and his body tightened.

Dominic couldn’t let her go. He dropped small kisses on her face, wherever he could reach, then came back to her lips once more.

“Dominic,” she breathed against his mouth.

He closed his eyes and made himself stop. All except his hand, which stayed in her hair, sampling the incredible softness of it. He let out a heavy breath, then another one.

“You should come inside,” Blythe said.

His heart squeezed. “But…” He swallowed. “Your children.”

“They’re old enough. I mean, they know that….”

She was frowning again and he pressed his thumb against the furrow, to smooth it away.

“Read me,” she said shortly.

Startled, he dipped into her thoughts. They were chaotic, as most adults were. At the forefront was the knowledge that things
changed. Something had shifted in her, so that now she couldn’t stop thinking about that afternoon and not just the sex, which had been great, but all of it, what it might mean.

And she was afraid. That was why she was frowning, why she had kept her distance all night and been careful not to indicate even indirectly that anything had shifted between them. He had been so quick to assure her that nothing would change that now she was afraid
wanted it that way.

Yet she needed him. The glimpse of the degree of her wanting startled him and made his body stiffen even more and his cock stir. It wasn’t simple lust. It was much more complicated than that and she wasn’t able to analyze it. She didn’t have the courage to try to tease out exactly what this huge, amorphous lump of feelings was.

Yes, things had changed. She didn’t think that was a bad thing.

“Thank god,” Dominic muttered and kissed her. This time he let himself express all of his wanting and desire. He didn’t hold himself back. He kept her head steady and plundered her mouth with his. She tasted so sweet. She was so unexpectedly soft for such a strong woman….

When he ran out of breath and really had to breathe once more, he released her—just her mouth—but kept his lips near hers.

The night around them had become brighter. Clearer.

“We’ll get arrested,” she murmured. “Out here on the street.”

“Your kids will read much into this, if I come inside.” For just behind her fear and her longing had been the knowledge that if he came with her, then it was for the night. She had no intention of kicking him back out the door in an hour or so, his boots in his hands and his clothing only half-on.

In part, that was where the fear came from. Tomorrow morning would be a minefield of speculation and teasing from Jake and the twins.

“They’ll just have to handle it,” she said firmly. “The whole world is changing. This can change, too.” Surrounding her words were years of abstinence, of making her children the priority over even simple companionship.

She stepped away from him and the air that rushed in to replace where her body had been against him was cool in comparison. “Will you come in?” This time, she was asking. In her mind, he could see that she already knew he would agree. She wanted to make it formal. Official.

He picked up her hand and squeezed it. “Very well.”

Pleasure rippled through her and an almost school-girl-like giddiness.

He couldn’t help smiling. “If we’re caught, I will not hide under the bed, okay? Just so we’re clear.”

She didn’t laugh aloud. Instead, humor bubbled up in her mind and mixed with her heady happiness, like a mental champagne.

* * * * *

They moved silently into the bedroom. Sneaking in didn’t bother Dominic at all. Her thoughts explained that she was only concerned about waking the girls and Jake, for all of them were short on sleep lately, especially Jake. There was no sensation that she was trying to hide the fact that he was here.

When the bedroom door closed, she flowed up against him, all her defenses down.

Dominic realized that he was trembling with anticipation and his hands shook as he removed her clothing and his. When they were bare, he pulled her up against him once more. The softness of her, the feminine delight of her…he didn’t think he could get enough of it. He wanted to inhale her. She was so unlike—

Abruptly, he realized where his thoughts were leading and blanked them out, smothering them with denial. Instead, he concentrated on the taste of her mouth and how much it pleased him.

And it did. It was as if they had not made love that afternoon—and even calling it “making love” seemed proper and correct. It fit with the harmony building inside him. It might have begun as sex, but it had not ended that way. His instincts had recognized that even as she had laid in his arms afterward, even though it had taken him until now to consciously understand.

Yet he wanted her with a strength that beggared the last few weeks of silent, unacknowledged yearning. He wanted her

He picked her up and rested her back against the door and against the silky robe hanging from it, placing her to one side of the hook. She gripped the hook, holding herself up, as he spread her thighs with his hands and lowered her onto him. She was slippery, more than ready. The heat of her was astonishing.

Her pussy tightened around him, caressing his shaft. His breath shuddered in response. Her legs wrapped around him.

Coherent thought shattered after that. He drove himself into her, a purely physical creature, driven by his need. Blythe’s breath became uneven and soft moans slipped from her. He could feel the walls of her pussy squeezing him as his pelvis pressed up against her folds. He could feel her pleasure building, in his mind.

It drove him onward, racing for the release they both wanted.

Their climax was mutual and for a moment his heart stopped under the pressure of it.

Even as the waves of pleasure dissipated, he could feel the need still in the pit of his belly. And hers, too.

So he lifted and carried her over to the unmade bed, then claimed her again. She reached for him as he slid back inside her. His cock was still throbbing, his balls aching. He needed more.

And even the next climax did not drain him.

He couldn’t get enough of her. He tried. Blythe seemed as hungry as he, reaching for him sometimes even before he knew he wanted her again. Her act of reaching would prime him and he would take her.

They were both human and eventually, sleep tugged more heavily than need, yet he still could not let her go. He wrapped his body around hers and she curved willingly inside his arms and torso, her back against him.

And that was how they woke, a few hours later. Neither of them had moved.

Until Blythe stretched like a cat on her side, kicking back the sheet and dislodging the pillow on that side of the bed that she had not used.

Dominic kissed the back of her shoulder.

She rolled over to look at him, her gaze only inches from him. “Shall we face the jury?” she asked softly. The corners of her mouth lifted and he could feel the simple happiness welling from her core. She was ready to face anything today, including the judgment of her children, as long as he was with her.

Dominic couldn’t think of anywhere better to be than right next to her.

Chapter Nineteen

“This is Dominic, Jake. He’s been hunting with me a few weeks now.” They were simple words. Dominic knew the casual air and words were a mask for the sudden fear Blythe was feeling as she confronted the first of her children to appear for breakfast.

Jake understood immediately. That was very clear, as he looked at Dominic with sharp curiosity. There was a ‘wow, really?’ sensation coloring his understanding. Close on the heels of it was puzzlement.

He kept looking from one of them to the other.

Blythe cleared her throat and opened the fridge. “Waffles, Jake?”

“But…” Jake said, then pressed his lips together. “Sure,” he said and sat at the far corner of the table from Dominic. He pulled the laptop over toward him and raised the lid.

Dominic caught what Jake was thinking almost without trying. Like his mother, he was very easy to read. The puzzlement was not because his mother had openly started a relationship, but because Dominic was not—

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