Blood Revealed (28 page)

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Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #A Vampire Menage Urban Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Blood Revealed
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Patrick looked at Dominic and she sensed that even though he couldn’t read minds, they were both in agreement and recognized that. Then Patrick leaned forward and kissed Dominic, a short one that looked like either confirmation, or reassurance. Either way, it didn’t matter, for Dominic nodded and turned his gaze upon her.

Both of them bent their heads and at the same moment, their mouths fastened upon her breasts, right through the thin silk. One mouth was hot, the other was not and it was a startling sensation.

Their teeth scratched at her nipples through the silk and the muted feeling was enhanced by the silk itself. It was different and oh, so arousing. Her eyes drifted shut and she groaned. Her hips lifted in response and someone’s hand laid against her belly. As the fingertips moved, she realized that it must be Patrick’s big hand. The lower fingers were perilously close to her mound and that was even more inducement to squirm.

Her belt was tugged undone and the robe slithered away from her body. The air felt cool against her flesh, especially her nipples, which were heated tips. They were not left exposed for long. Both men bent their heads again and fastened upon her breasts.

Her gasp this time was almost a scream. The intensity of having two of them do this to her at the same time was almost overwhelming. Her thoughts drifted and became incoherent. She focused upon the pleasure and her empty pussy.

Her climax was already beginning. From the depths of her belly, it built. Her pussy clenched longingly and her clit pulsed.

Dominic’s fingers slipped beneath her panties. She knew it was him because of the length of the fingers and the heat that was coming from them. It was a secondary thought, far in the background. The sensation of his fingers against her mound registered first and her hips jerked in response. “Lower,” she begged in a voice that was almost unrecognizable.

“I do like making you squirm,” Patrick said. “We should do much more of this,” he told Dominic.

“Why don’t you make yourself useful,” Dominic said, “and deal with these.”

“My pleasure,” Patrick said.

She felt his hands fingers gripped the edge of her panties, then he pulled. With his natural strength, the panties stood no chance. There was a low tearing sound and the lace gave way.

Blythe shut her eyes again. The pleasure was beating at her, building. “I’m not going to last.”

“Good,” Dominic said.

Fingertips fluttered at the edge of her pussy, making it clench. She caught her breath in a quick inhalation.

“The heat of her,” Patrick murmured.

“If you like that, try inside.”

“Good idea.”

Patrick pushed his fingers into her, stroking the inside of her pussy and stretching the muscle with his big fingers.

Blythe gripped the railings on either side of her with a desperate clutch of her fingers. She was starting to shake.

Then Dominic’s fingers slid into her cleft and nudged up against her clit. She sucked in a breath at the leap in pleasure, as all her muscles tightened in one bone-deep spasm. The coming climax began to frighten her with its power. It kept building and building.

She thought it could not possibly be any more intense. Then both of them claimed a breast each again, their tongues dancing over her nipples and their teeth teasing the sides of them.

Her climax did not build to a crescendo, it spiked into an explosion of shattered nerve ends and fleeting thoughts. Raw, silvered pleasure ripped through her, tightening up every single muscle and singeing every nerve end. Blythe threw her head back and screamed. It was an involuntary sound, loud and just as intense as the incredible orgasm. It seemed to last forever, shaking her with wave after wave of incredible feelings.

When she was finally able to think straight, she realized that Patrick was holding her head to protect it. Both of them were watching her, Dominic with sleepy eyes that betrayed just how aroused he was.

“Oh,” she said weakly.

Dominic grinned. “Again,” he said firmly.

“Oh yes,” Patrick said. He lifted her head, bringing her into a sitting position and the two of them raised her onto her shaky legs. The robe dropped and fluttered to a step farther down.

“Again,” she agreed, “and I think it’s Patrick’s turn.”

Dominic’s smile grew heated. “You’re learning fast.”

He was standing three steps lower down than Patrick, so he climbed two of them and pushed Patrick higher. Blythe kept pace with him and as he bent forward to correct his balance with a hand against a higher step, she took advantage of his pause and pulled his shirt out of his trousers and unfastened the buttons. Almost impatiently, she shoved the shirt over his shoulders. With his arms leaning forward, she couldn’t remove it altogether, but that was fine, that was good, for there were acres of rounded, tanned flesh for her to play with.

She pushed on his shoulder, forcing him to stand upright, then climbed two steps higher than him, which finally brought her head higher than his.

He looked at her, his gaze running over her naked figure. “You’re teasing,” he said.

“Not yet,” she told him. She pressed her mouth against his lips, briefly. Then she moved her lips down his throat and was startled to feel a pulse. “Your heart is beating,” she said, puzzled.

“There is a point beyond which I cannot control it,” he said. “I reached that point a while ago.”

Pleased, she moved below his pulse, onto his pectoral muscles. Patrick had always been a prime specimen of a man and she knew from the gossip columns and movie news shows, that like all great actors, he worked his ass off to keep physically fit and enhance his physique for the roles he played, which were usually highly physical.

Now she was free to touch and taste and it was delightful. She licked the flat discs of his nipples and from the edge of her vision, she could see that Dominic was standing behind him, dealing with his belt. The belt slipped away and she heard it clatter on the lower steps. Then Dominic’s hands came back and worked on the fastenings of his trousers.

Blythe paused to watch Dominic work. There was a sweet anticipation in just watching. It was enhanced by Patrick’s unsteady breathing and the clenching of his hands into fists.

“It is very intense, having you watch,” he told her.

“That is how she feels about watching us, too.” Dominic said.

“And just how long have you been scheming over this?” Patrick asked.

Dominic pushed his trousers open and because they were classically styled, they slid down his hips with almost no resistance. Dominic whipped them away, taking Patrick’s shoes and socks with them and leaving him fully naked.

Blythe licked her lips. Patrick’s cock was at full attention and beating against his stomach. It was red and the flaring edge was purple. The shaft was thick and writhing in veins.

Dominic gripped Patrick’s hips. “Make him squirm,” he told Blythe.

She couldn’t help her smile, as she lowered herself to the step and settled on it. It put her at the perfect position.

Patrick clenched his fists even tighter and his breath caught as she curled her hand around his shaft. She let her head hover over the tip of his cock, so that her breath bathed it. He twitched in her hand in response.

“Jesus,” he said, his voice strained.

Blythe opened her lips and slid them over the top of his cock, sliding them down as far as she could go. Then back up again, until he almost slipped out of her mouth. Patrick was no longer cool. His cock was hot, just like any other man’s. The flesh was velvety soft against her lips. She flicked her tongue at the crease on the underside of the head and felt his hips jerk in response.

“Over you go,” Dominic said. He bent Patrick over. She leaned back as Patrick’s chest bent over her until she was lying on the stairs beneath him. She did not let her lips stop doing what they were doing.

Patrick groaned, a sound from deep in his belly.

Blythe could feel Dominic’s hands against her wrist. He was stroking Patrick’s testicles and sliding his fingers over his perineum and probably higher, up against his anus. Patrick was twitching and jerking in response. His cock seemed to swell in her hand and she knew that he was deep in the grips of the building orgasm.

When Dominic’s hand pushed up between her thighs, she almost shrieked in surprise. At the same time her muscles clenched around his fingers, almost drawing him in deeper.

She gasped around Patrick’s cock, drawing in heated air.

“Oh, God,” Patrick whispered.

He came with a surge of salty cum and his hoarse cry seemed almost as intense as her scream had been.

That tripped off a tiny orgasm of her own, that rippled along her spine, coaxed by Dominic’s fingers.

Patrick straightened up and moved to one side of her. His cock was still stiff and upright, as if he had not come at all. He bent and picked up his trousers and dug in the pocket and removed a small tube.

“Right,” he said. “Gloves off.”

He grabbed Dominic’s arm and pushed him up the steps between the two of them, to just above them. Then he turned him and looked at Blythe. “Help me make him squirm twice over as payback.”

She shivered in anticipation, wondering what Patrick had in mind.

“First, let’s get rid of these damn jeans,” he said.

Dominic hissed out a breath. He remained perfectly still, all except the rise and fall of his chest, as Blythe unfastened the button and Patrick lowered the zipper. They both pushed the jeans down his legs and pulled them off. Blythe tossed them down to the bottom of the steps.

Then Patrick turned him around, moving him as if he weighed nothing. He pushed on his shoulder, bending Dominic over.

Blythe liked the view that Dominic presented. His balls were swollen sacks, enticing.

Patrick was busy with the tube, squeezing the gel onto his fingers. Lubricant, she realized.

Her heart leapt and squeezed.

Patrick glanced at her. “You really like watching us?”

She recalled the way her entire body had caught fire, when she had watched them kiss. “I really do,”

Patrick nodded and the corners of his mouth turned up in a heated smile. There was even more heat in his eyes and that made her shiver to.

He spread the lubricant around Dominic’s ass. It was not a clinical application. Patrick used it to tease Dominic, stroking him as he spread, pressing his fingertips in against the muscles. Blythe realized his fingers were pressing gradually deeper and deeper and she wrapped her arms around herself as her excitement leapt.

“You can touch, too,” Patrick said.

Dominic groaned and his back arched, which opened him up even wider.

“Where?” Blythe said.

“Try his cock. I’ll take care of the rest.”

Madre Maria
,” Dominic breathed.

Blythe stayed where she was for a minute, watching Patrick’s fingers slide deeper, pressing inside Dominic and spreading him. When Patrick cupped Dominic’s balls and squeezed them and Dominic’s hips jerked, she climbed up level with his hips and reach beneath him. She closed her hand around his cock and stroked slowly.

Dominic hung his head. “I can’t…” He was almost panting and the words emerged thick and almost unrecognizable.

Then he threw his head back and almost roared, his pelvis thrusting forward in a hard jerk. His cock beat her hand as he came in a hot rush. The hard spasms gripped him in waves and he kept pulsing in her hand, until finally he collapsed forward, propping himself up on the highest steps.

With a groan, he turned himself around and propped his butt on the edge of the step and looked at them. “I can feel both of you,” he said. “At the same time, I can feel your pleasure.” He shook his head. “This is going to take time to get used to.”

Patrick tossed the tube in his hand, smiling. “It will take lots of practice,” he said.

Blythe laughed.

That seem to draw their attention. They were both looking at her with speculation. “What?”

For the second time, it seemed to her that they were speaking to each other silently. An understanding passed between them via their shared gaze. Then they both looked back at her again.

Dominic had the sleepy look back on his face, while the heat in Patrick’s gaze increased.

Blythe shivered.

Patrick climbed up the steps past Dominic, then held his hand out toward her. “Come with us,” he said, as Dominic got to his feet.

Her heart thudded heavily. She took his hand and Patrick drew her to the top of the stairs.

“To the right, first door,” Dominic said. It sounded like he was answering a question that Patrick had asked in his mind.

Patrick walked down the corridor, his hard, rounded ass drawing her gaze. He also had the tiny waist and broad shoulders of a man who worked his body. Dominic had more body fat, yet he also had lots of natural muscles, rounded and covered with his soft olive skin. She liked the differences between the two. She liked watching them together. She liked being with them.

Dominic growled from behind her, then drew her up against the wall, pinning her against it with his body. He was heated and his feral glow matched. “You have a wicked mind,” he said, then kissed her.

Patrick tugged on her hand, slowly drawing her out from underneath Dominic’s body. She was pulled into his arms and his big hand held her head steady as he bent and kissed her, too.

“I have no idea what he saw in your mind, but I can imagine.” He kissed her again, turning her as he did, almost as though they were waltzing. She heard her bedroom door open, giving the little squeak that she usually never heard anymore, except that this was no ordinary entry into her bedroom.

“My turn,” Dominic protested, pulling her away from him. He kissed her again and ran his hands over her body, trailing fingers, stroking her flesh, keeping her nerves twitching.

Then Patrick pulled her away again, separating them. He did not kiss her. She realized he was lowering her to the floor, using pure muscle to keep them both from tumbling to the ground. The big circular rag rug was under their feet and Patrick laid on his back and settled her over him, so that her knees were on either side of his hips. Between her thighs she could feel his cock brushing up against her cleft. Her clit pulsed, swelling and heating.

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