Blood Revealed (29 page)

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Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #A Vampire Menage Urban Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Blood Revealed
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She stared down at Patrick, realizing what was about to happen. For a moment her breath and her thoughts both stopped.

He reached up and stroked her face, then brushed his thumb across her lips. “Ready?”

She nodded. She knew what was about to come and wanted it. She raised her hips and fitted herself down over the top of his cock, so that he slid deep inside her.

Patrick gave a heavy exhalation and she groaned. The feel of him inside her was heavenly.

“There is more yet,
mi amor
,” Dominic breathed from just behind her shoulder, making her shiver.

Patrick beckoned with his finger. “Lie down against me,” he told her. “Let me hold you.”

She rested herself against his long length, her breasts pressing up against his chest. His fingers slid into her hair and the other hand stroked the back of her shoulder. He looked at her calmly. The heat was still in his eyes.

She stared back at him and for a heartbeat, she experienced a sense of unreality. She was in his arms and he was inside her. Only, this was not just to be Patrick. She had the best of both worlds. Dominic was about to take her, too.

“No,” Dominic said, “You will never have to choose.”

His fingers pressed against her slippery cleft, playing in the excess juices and she could feel that he was stroking up against Patrick’s shaft, making his cock twitch inside her.

Patrick hissed. “Careful,” he warned. “I don’t care how unmanly it sounds, but I’m at the very edge of my control here. And I don’t want to come just yet.”

“No, not yet,” Dominic said with a growl. His fingers slid upward, separating her cheeks and pressing against the ring of muscle there. It was a very different sensation and not at all unpleasant. Not with Patrick’s cock buried inside her.

Dominic stroked and teased, making nerves she didn’t realize she had respond with fizzing excitement. He was working his fingers deeper, stretching her open, just as Patrick had done with him. It felt astonishingly good.

Then his fingers were removed and his cock pressed up against her.

“Relax,” Patrick murmured. “Breathe deeply. Let him inside you.”

Blythe obeyed, deliberately letting herself relax. Her eyes drifted shut as Dominic’s cock eased inside. Then he paused and she could feel her muscles adjust around him. Very slowly, he nudged inside a fraction of an inch at a time, until he was fully seated in her. She could feel his pelvis against her.

The sensation of fullness, of being stretched open and completely claimed was something that she had never experienced before. It was exciting in a completely different way. She began to tremble. Her orgasm blossomed, deep in her belly. Just the two of them inside her at once was heady and deeply exciting.

Dominic settled over her, propping himself up on his arms. He pressed his mouth to the back of her shoulder. “This is a first for both of us, too,” he breathed.

“I can already tell you,” Patrick said, “that there is no way this is ever going to be the last time. I feel like I’m going to explode as soon as someone moves.”

Dominic gave a breathy chuckle. “I can feel you inside her, up against me.”

Patrick lifted his head and kissed her, briefly.

Then he began to rock in and out of her, just as Dominic did. They were counter timing each other, so as one pushed into her, the other slid out.

Blythe gripped the knots of the rag rug by Patrick’s head and gave a strangled cry. The top of her head was about to come off. There was no chance to even breathe. Her climax surged up from her toes, so powerful there was no way to argue with that. Driven by their two cocks, it took control of her body and her thoughts.

She might have screamed and her throat felt strained as she grew taut and clenched around both of them. It wasn’t a peak of excitement, it was a blinding, scalding ocean of pure, primal pleasure. She sank into it, unable to breathe, unable to see, not as long as the pleasure gripped her.

As conscious thought came back to her, she grew aware of Patrick’s cock thrusting in hard strokes, just as Dominic’s fingers dug into her hip. He stiffened over her, moving in tiny little spurts, then grew still as he came with the tortured groan.

That tipped Patrick over the edge. His pelvis lifted, raising both of them. His eyes closed hard and his neck strained as he gave an inaudible groan, his throat working hard.

They grew still and she listened to their breathing slow and calm. Just as hers did.

Dominic shifted over her.

“No stay,” she said quickly, “please.

“I would like nothing better,
mi amor
,” Dominic said softly. He withdrew from her and she felt regret. “I can see the clock from here. Are you aware of the time?”

Blythe looked over her shoulder at him, as he got to his feet. “What is the time?”

“It’s around three-thirty,” Patrick said beneath her. “If my time sense hasn’t totally deserted me.”

Dominic snorted. “Like a vampire would ever lose track of time,” he said dryly.

Blythe straightened up with a snap. “Three-thirty!”

Patrick steadied her, his hands on her hips. “What happens at three-thirty?” He asked. “Do I turn into a pumpkin?”

Downstairs, the front door opened and closed with a heavy thud.

“Too late,” Blythe said.

“Mom!” It was Jake’s deeper voice.

Blythe’s heart sank. Patrick must’ve seen it in her face, for even though he was still deep inside her, he rolled her onto her side so that they were eye to eye. His expression was calm. “They’re going to have to get used to it.” The corner of his mouth turned up in a tiny smile. “They’re going to have to get used to us.”

Dominic stroked her temple, brushing her hair away from her eyes. “All of us,” he said gently.

The unspoken assumption behind their words might have been presumptuous, except that Blythe felt exactly the same way.

“What is that lying on the floor?” she heard Simone say, from downstairs.

“It’s clothes,” Eloise said. “Look, that’s Mom’s robe.”

“It’s guys’ clothes,” Jake said. “Oh my God….”

Blythe pressed her fingertips to her lips, almost holding her breath. Patrick was watching her and his smile was growing broader with every passing second.

“What? Simone demanded of Jake.

“There are two pair of pants!” Jake’s newly broken voice cracked and wavered under stress.

Dominic laughed aloud. Blythe rolled back so she could see him properly. He was standing with his hands on his hips, his shoulders shaking with his amusement.

“Does that mean…?” Eloise began delicately, her voice low.

Jake spoke just as quietly but in the still house he was easy to hear. “Mom has two men in her bedroom.” His voice was still strained.

Blythe untangled herself from Patrick and Dominic helped her to her feet. She padded over to the door and cracked it open a couple of inches. “Simone, honey, would you do me a favor and bring all the clothes up here. We don’t want to shock you any more than we already have.”


“Shit,” Jake said softly. He sounded almost awed.

The twins began an intense discussion, pitched in audible whispers.

“I’m not touching those!”

“Mom said you.”

“You do it. I did the garbage this morning.”

Blythe looked over her shoulder. Patrick was sitting on the bed, his smile huge and his eyes dancing with amusement. Dominic was holding the bedpost, his head down, his laughter still shaking him.

“Oh for heaven’s sake!” Jake said roughly. “They’re just clothes. They’re not going to give you cooties.”

“Then you do it,” Simone said.

Blythe listened to Jake moving around on the stairs, picking up the garments they had strewn the length of them. Then he climbed the stairs with a heavy tread and appeared in front of the doorway, his arms full.

Blythe opened the door a fraction more and held out her hand. “Thanks so much honey.”

Jake rolled his eyes. “You couldn’t have cleaned up before we got home? Now it’s burned on my retinas forever.” He thrust the clothes at her and she passed them one by one into the bedroom and dropped them on the floor behind her.

The last item was her destroyed panties, which Jake thrust at her like he really would get cooties if he let them linger in his hand for very long.

“We’ll be down in a minute or two,” she told him. “Would you guys mind getting some coffee going?”

Jake gave a sigh, as if he was the most put upon person in the world. “I suppose…” He turned and sulked back to the stairs and she heard his heavy tread go down again.

She shut the door and rummaged in the big bureau to find a fresh set of jeans and a tee shirt, while Patrick and Dominic got dressed. She heard Dominic still laughing softly as he moved.

“It’s not that funny,” she told him sternly. “What sort of an example am I giving my kids?”

Patrick was smiling, too. “You’re teaching them that you are a fully functional woman, who knows exactly what she wants, regardless of what the world thinks. That’s a powerful lesson to teach them.”

“Especially the girls,” Dominic added softly. “This is not something they will ever forget.”

Blythe thrust her legs into her jeans, forgoing panties in order to save time. “It’s not something I’m likely to ever forget either.”

She looked up as Patrick grew still. His smile was still there and there was a warmth in his eyes as he said gently, “I have no intentions of ever letting you forget.” He glanced at Dominic. “Either of you.”

Blythe shivered. Things were moving, rushing at her. In just the last few hours, her life had radically changed.

“Mine, too,” he said gently. “And Patrick’s. I think we all feel that.”

Patrick seemed to be able to follow what Dominic had not said. “Yes,” he said, “This changes everything.”

“And no one gets to go back,” Blythe pointed out.

“Do you want to?” Patrick asked seriously.

“Do you?” Dominic asked Patrick.

She could see that he was giving it serious thought. Then he shook his head. “No,” he said slowly. “I do not want to go back.”

“Nor do I,” Dominic said.

Blythe swallowed. “I don’t, either.” And just saying the words made her chest squeeze with an unspoken fear.

She knew that Dominic had heard that, but it was Patrick who looked at her and gave her a small reassuring smile. “So then we go forward,” he said. “One step at a time. We’ll have to figure it out as we go along.”

Blythe sighed. “The first hurdle…the first
hurdles are downstairs.”

“Let’s go and face the music,” Dominic said.

Chapter Twenty-One

It still took pure guts for Blythe to open the bedroom door and head downstairs with Patrick and Dominic. Dominic squeezed her hand as they climbed down the stairs. “They’re great kids,” he said. “It’ll be fine.”

The TV was blaring in the lounge, the volume so high that Blythe knew the kids had put it on in order to drown any potential sounds they didn’t want to hear. It was still on CNN, probably the most watched channel in the household. Especially these days.

There was a petite woman with black hair and enormous black eyes being interviewed in the studio. “I know her,” Blythe said, halting.

“That’s Ilaria,” Dominic said. “She’s in England, with Marcus and Rick.”

“Yes I remember now,” Blythe said. “She’s a vampire, too.” Then she processed what Dominic had said and looked at him. “The three of them are together, too?”

“It seems to be catching,” Dominic said, with a small smile.

Ilaria was talking, her hands moving as she spoke in a typical Italian manner. “I wasn’t in the Underground on the day of the hatching,” she said. “One of my partners, Cyneric, warned me not to go under the ground that day. I was caught up in the panic afterward. It took me hours to get home. That was when I discovered that I could hear them.”

“Yes,” the interviewer said quickly, “there’s been a lot of stories about how some of the vampires can hear the Summanus and can track them down. You are saying you’re one of those vampires?”

Ilaria nodded. “Surely it isn’t so surprising, not now, when you have all learned that vampires are real and the Others are real, too. Once you accept the fact of vampires, mind reading is just a little step up.” She gave him a charming smile, her eyes lighting up.

The anchor seemed to melt, smiling back. “You are an extraordinarily talented woman,” he said. “I believe that the
newspaper has put you on their list of the top five best dressed women in England just last week. You are also a world-class sniper. Experts have ranked you in the top three in the world. And now you are a hunter with the talent that no one else can match.”

Ilaria dimpled. “It’s so nice of you to say that,” she said. “All my skills have been developed for only one reason. To help humans.” Her smile grew impish. “Except the clothes. That one’s just for me…and my partners.”

Patrick raised his brow. “Our new brand ambassador,” he said, sounding amused.

A cupboard door shut with a loud thud, drawing their attention back to the kitchen. Blythe saw that all three of her children were there. That was unusual. After school, they tended to scatter to their individual interests. Usually the girls headed straight to the bedrooms and shut the door. Jake tended to slouch in front of the laptop.

Now, all three of them were bustling around the kitchen. Simone was concentrating fiercely on the mundane task of making coffee and laying out cookies. None of them glanced in their direction, which was telling. They had been spotted.

Blythe sighed. Patrick this time caught her fingers in his and squeezed. “Go ahead.”

Jake was the first one to look up as they entered the kitchen area. His eyes widened slightly as he spotted Patrick and his whole face seemed to brighten.

The two girls froze behind the island, Simone with the milk carton in midair. Their eyes grew big as they took in Patrick and Dominic.

As one, their gazes swiveled to Blythe.

“Jake, you remember Patrick. Simone, Eloise, this is Patrick Sauvage. And you met Dominic this morning.”

“Hi,” Simone said, her voice a tight squeak.

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