Bloodline (14 page)

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Authors: Maggie Shayne

BOOK: Bloodline
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He moaned and pushed me forward so that my chest brushed his thighs, and his hands on my backside moved and squeezed and lifted, so I knew he was looking at me.

“Enjoying the view?” I teased.

“You're every man's fantasy, you know that?”

“Mmm, that's nice. Say it again.”

He smacked my ass lightly, teasingly, making me want more. “Don't be greedy.”

“Oh, but I am. I am, Ethan.” My hands closed around his calves, nails sinking into flesh just a bit.

He drove up into me harder, his hands sliding to my
hips to hold me down, to make me take it. And I loved it. “Okay, then,” he said. “Be as greedy as you want.”

“I intend to.”

“Thank God.”

I rode him like that, sometimes leaning forward to tease him, and myself, as well, by dragging my breasts over his thighs. Sometimes sitting upright, arching my back and pounding myself down onto him to take as much of him as I could get. And for a third time we exploded into ecstasy together.

At last I turned around and collapsed atop him. “I shouldn't be this tired, should I? Not yet. We're vampires, for God's sake.”

He smiled, pleased as hell, I thought, that I still wanted more of him. “It's the dawn, Lilith. And not even we can keep the sun from rising, I'm sorry to say.”

I drowsed as he carried me down a set of stairs into a musty storeroom that felt as if no one had been there in years. He settled us in a corner, on a pile of old tablecloths, and I felt my eyes falling closed. I quickly reached down to find him still erect. I moved until he was sliding inside me, then settled comfortably over him once again. “If we have to sleep,” I whispered, “let's sleep like this.”

“Mmm, and wake like this,” he promised.

“I can't wait.” I lifted my head to receive his kiss, and then I felt myself slide into the blackest form of slumber, with his tongue in my mouth and him buried deeply inside me.

I didn't particularly care if I never woke up again.


he was amazing and he was in trouble, Ethan thought, as Lilith sank into sleep on top of him. He didn't
to lose his life in a futile attempt to rescue those who preferred captivity. He didn't
to ever set foot on The Farm again. Had never intended to, at least not until he'd found his brother and learned all he could about the place and the people behind it. He had a plan, dammit, and he'd intended to follow it step by step.

Until now.

Now his desire for this woman had him actually considering chucking the plan and charging in there without a clue or a chance. Just because she wanted him to. God, he must be losing his mind.

She fell asleep before he did, and he assumed that was because her body so needed it. He'd been surprised that she'd even had enough energy for the frantic sex they'd just shared. Surprised—but even more delighted. Gratified. Grateful. It had been incredible. Amazing. Beyond anything he'd ever dreamed, and he'd dreamed a lot about making love to a woman. To

Dreaming about it, though, was all he'd done. Until now.

Since leaving The Farm, he'd led an almost solitary existence. He came into contact with others—humans—only when he had to. Buying feed or fence posts or other necessities meant making contact with the outside world. But aside from those essential interactions, he kept to himself. Even when searching for his brother, he was careful to avoid direct contact with others.

He'd had no idea, all this time, what he'd been missing. And he wondered, as she rested in his arms, if sex was always this way—or if this was unique, specific to the power that pulsed between the two of them. He couldn't imagine it was always this…explosive. Not even between two vampires. Surely it couldn't be. Not for everyone. There was something special and unusual happening here.

He felt the dawn creeping closer, its power siphoning the strength from his limbs, the clarity from his mind, and he pushed aside the newfound thoughts and feelings that combined to produce an avalanche of questions in his mind. He pushed aside everything except for the vital task at hand. Because he was running out of time.

Focusing on the image of his brother in his mind, he called forth the essence of James. The new one, the one he'd tasted so briefly when he'd seen him in the forest. That brief encounter had been enough to help Ethan understand why he'd been unable to contact James before now. James wasn't the same. Ethan had been focused on the old James, the mortal James, one of the Chosen. He'd been focused on the brother he remembered. Not on the vampire James had become.

Now that he'd felt the essence of the new James, he called it to mind, felt it again, filled his senses with it, and,
focused on that, he called out mentally, as he'd done a thousand times before.

James. I need you. Can you hear me?

The reply was instant, and so clear and powerful that despite the looming sleep, Ethan jumped, his eyes widening in surprise.

I've been waiting to hear from you, Ethan. Worried. I went to the place where I told you to hole up, but no one was there, and I felt a sense of danger everywhere. Are you all right? Are you
all right?

We're all right. But…James, why did you send us there? Did anyone else know about the place?

It's a place I've used in the past,
his brother explained.
A place where I'd left a supply of blood and other essentials, and a place that's always been safe.
He gave his answer without hesitation, without taking time to think about his words first.
What happened there?

Ethan hesitated, and James pressed on.

I know something did. I could feel the energy of it lingering. It felt like fear, like attack, like betrayal.

Ethan replied.
That's exactly what it felt like. It was an ambush, James. The DPI knew we were there. They came for us with choppers and weapons and troops. It was as if they knew we'd be there even before we arrived. What I didn't understand—perhaps don't want to understand—is how they knew.

He felt his brother's shock and wondered if it was genuine or manufactured, even as he berated himself for doubting his only kin.

Ethan, tell me you don't think I tipped them off. You can't believe that. I'm your brother….

You're a vampire. They create vampires to work for
them. To carry out their orders. How can I know that's not what happened to you?

There was a long pause, and when James spoke again, his words rang clearly inside Ethan's head.
I could have suspected the same of you, brother. It did cross my mind, in fact, to wonder if they had sent you out, staged your escape, only to draw me out of hiding. I wondered if you were the one they sent to kill me, Ethan, because you were the one I wouldn't suspect. But I told myself it wasn't possible. And if it was, I would rather trust you and die for it than mistrust you and be wrong. You're my brother, Ethan. You're all I have in this world.

Ethan's guilt tripled, burning in his gut. He licked his lips and forcibly squelched his suspicions.
I'm sorry, James. You're right. We're brothers. We need to stick together. It just—well, it seemed like we were set up, Lilith and I. I never should have suspected you.

Bastards must have figured out that place was one of my hideouts,
James's voice whispered in Ethan's mind.
That's the only possible answer. They were there for me, not you, Ethan.

It's possible,
Ethan concurred, then admitted,
But they might also have tracked us there. We found a tiny electronic device embedded beneath Lilith's skin. I think it was a tracking device. I think they must have begun using them after I escaped, to prevent it happening again.

What makes you think that?
his brother asked.

I've checked thoroughly, and there's nothing in me. You can feel it. Lilith's was beneath the skin of her lower back. You can check yourself to be sure. Just run your hands over the skin there. If there were anything, you'd feel the lump.

His brother was silent for a moment. Then,
You're right. I didn't find anything.

Exactly. Besides, if we'd been implanted with them, they'd have found us by now. You've been at large almost three years, and I've been free for two.

Makes sense. So…you removed the device from her?

Ethan shuddered at the memory.
It wasn't easy—or pleasant. She bled a lot, passed out.

Is she all right now?

Yes. She's all right.
He looked at her as she slept, and warmth suffused him, even as he felt his body growing heavier.
Daylight is near. I need to rest, and you do, too.

Before that, Ethan, tell me…where are you?

Ethan hesitated, then reminded himself that this was his brother, and that he'd been searching for him all this time. If he couldn't trust James, he couldn't trust anyone. Then again, not trusting anyone had kept him alive this long. But this was James. This was his

We're holed up in an abandoned church in the middle of nowhere. The only sign I saw said Leister.

I know where that is,
James replied, relief evident in his thoughts.
Wait for me come nightfall, Ethan. I'll join you there.

Ethan didn't agree or disagree. He mulled it over, but the sleep was pulling at him too heavily for him to give it any serious consideration just then. He decided to wait for nightfall and full wakefulness to discuss it with Lilith, and decide then. He thought momentarily about telling his brother of Lilith's plan to return to The Farm and rescue the other captives, but that, too, would be best saved for another time.

Rest well, James,
he said to his brother.
I've missed you.

And I've missed you,
James replied.
Sleep well, Ethan.

Ethan relaxed then, wrapping his arms more snugly around Lilith, and let the day-sleep take him.

* * *

I woke still lying on top of Ethan's gorgeous, naked body. My head rested near the middle of his chest. My left leg was lying along his side, foot against his calf, with the right one tangling with his left.

As I came awake, my body was flooded with the most luxuriant, languorous feelings I had ever experienced. My eyes felt heavy as they opened, and my body moved as if in slow motion as I stretched. I rubbed my hands and feet softly against whatever part of him was closest. My hand made lazy circles in his hair, and my hip arched against his thigh.

It was surprising to find myself acting—much less
—this way. Utterly physical. Utterly sensual. Completely female—and powerful and beautiful and…alive.

And then I forced myself to turn my attention outward, away from my own thoughts for a moment to try to pick up on his. Was he feeling as…transformed as I was this evening?

He lay on his back, his body relaxed, one hand resting in my hair. I closed my eyes against his chest and felt his fingers moving as if in the most erotic caress, though it wasn't. Or shouldn't have been. And yet it set me on fire.

His other hand moved to the small of my back, and his fingertips dragged very lightly up and down my spine, seeming to leave a trail of sparkling energy everywhere they touched. I couldn't stop myself from making a soft sound of pleasure.

Beneath my belly, I felt him growing hard, and I was eager to feel that hardness inside me yet again.

But then he lifted his head and pressed a kiss to the top of mine. “We don't have much time, Lilith. I wish we did.”

I sat up, frowning, and met his eyes. “Why not?”

“Because my brother will be here soon.”

And all at once, all the sensual pleasure I'd been feeling drained from my body more quickly than blood through a severed jugular. “Your

“Yes. I spoke to him before I slept, and he agreed to meet us here right after sundown, so—”

told him?
” I asked in disbelief. Scrambling off him, I found my clothes, wishing I had something fresh to put on. “You told your brother where we are? God, Ethan, why would you do something so stupid?”

He blinked at me, wounded, I thought, by my words. And I
been harsh, yes, but for the love of God, how could he be so naive?

“I trust him, Lilith. He's my brother. He won't betray me.” He got to his feet, as well, and gathered up his clothes, along with the small bundle he had taken from the house where we'd nearly been ambushed. He thrust it at me. “I trust him,” he said again.

“And what about me, Ethan? My life is on the line, too, and I
trust him.” I spun away from him, and untucked the ends of the bundle to discover it was a blanket with more clothing rolled inside.

I frowned as I looked through it. No fresh jeans, but there was a clean tank top, and a green button-down cotton shirt. There was even an unopened package of underwear.

I looked up at Ethan.

“He knew you were with me,” Ethan said. “He must have put those things in the house for you before he even located us. How can you doubt him?”

But then another thought occurred to me. I turned my tennis shoe over and looked at the number stamped on its sole.

“And how did he know my size?” I asked, then looked at the jeans and the shirts and added, “All my sizes. Hell, Ethan, even the underpants are the right size.”

“He's a vampire.” Ethan shrugged. “He's been one longer than either of us. He's probably discovered powers we haven't even thought of yet.”

“Yes, I'm sure every vampire can guess a woman's panty size without having seen her in over two years, and then only in passing. It's a basic survival skill, after all.” And yet I couldn't resist tearing the packet open. I examined the clothes thoroughly, including those I'd already worn, and wishing I'd thought of it sooner, just in case his elusive brother had placed another electronic tracking device in them. I checked all the clothes, and especially the shoes, which had more places to hide something like that.

“He's a refugee, just like us,” Ethan said as I examined each scrap of clothing and then got dressed. “He can help us, Lilith. He's already trying, by leaving us the clothes and supplies.”

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