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Authors: Thomas Goodrich

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, 245, 260, 294.

Ibid., 242–329.

, 41, 3:900.

Thomas Goodman,
A Thrilling Record
, 2d ed. (1868; reprint, Maryville, Mo.: Rush, 1960), 22–24, 31–33;
OR, 41, 3:455

Gray Ghosts
, 201; Garwood,
, 54, 57.

, 41, 4:356, 496.

, 268;
Kansas City Daily Journal
, Dec. 22, 1864.

, s.v. “Robinson, Charles.”

Burton J. Williams, “Quantrill's Raid on Lawrence: A Question of Complicity,”
34, no. 2 (Summer 1968): 144–45; Castel,
Frontier State
, 138.

Frontier State
, 232.

Lawrence Daily Kansas Tribune
, Apr. 12, 1865;
Lawrence Journal
, Apr. 13, 1865.

, 41, 3:548.

Bidlack, “Ladd's Description,” 120.

B. James George, Sr., “The Gregg Biography,” LKSHS, 76.

Kansas City Daily Journal
, Aug. 28, 1864.

Lawrence Daily Kansas Tribune
, May 10, 1864.


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KHC    Kansas Historical Collections
, 1887–1933
KHQ    Kansas Historical Quarterly
, 1933–78
MHR    Missouri Historical Review
WHQ    Westport
Historical Quarterly

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Atchison Freedom's Champion

Daily Advertiser

Daily Post

(South Carolina)
Daily Mercury

Council Grove

Emporia News

Junction City Smoky Hill and Republican Union

Kansas City
Daily Western Journal of Commerce

Kansas City
Weekly Western Journal of Commerce

Lawrence Daily Journal-World
1924, 1939

Lawrence Daily Kansas Tribune

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