Blue Moon (22 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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              “I will always be here for you,” He tells me sincerely.

Leaning up on my elbows, I kiss along his jaw, while I stroke the side of his face.

              “Me too Ruk,” I tell him before taking his lips with mine.

I thought I knew what sex was, I didn't, I didn’t have a clue. I hate to think of Sallack while in Ruk’s arms, nevertheless, I
cannot help but compare them. Ruk knows where to touch me and when, he has dominance but also tenderness, where Sallack was all dominance. Ruk is perfection, and I want him to be mine, right now, I could die and still be the happiest girl alive. He doesn’t know it, but he has given me more than his body, he has given me a reason to smile, strength to fight Richard, strength to fight anyone or thing.

Chapter fourteen



Waking up to Ruk watching me sleep, is without doubt my favorite thing in the world.

“Hey, you want to go get something to eat beautiful?”

“Yeah, I’ll meet you down there. I’ll go to Dallah and see if she’s ready,” I tell him getting up from the bed naked, walking to the bathroom shamelessly swinging my hips, I know it’s teasing but I want more of what I got last night.

“Zara!” He scolds, followed by a laugh.

“Yeah?” I turn my body to face him, acting innocent as if I have no idea what I’m doing.

“You will kill me beautiful,” He tells me, with a hungry look in his eyes.

“No Ruk, you killed me last night and sent me to heaven,” I tell him with a seductive smile as I shut the door to the bathroom. Last night my fantasies went running wild, and he made every fantasy come to life.


Coming out of the bathroom, showered and dressed in a tight knee length dress in a dusky shade of pink, marvelling still at my new power. I walk out to see Ruk has dressed for the day in jeans and a white T-shirt, his hair brushed back perfectly. Jeez, he is something else, and he doesn’t even know it.

“I’m gunna go now,” I tell him, while picking my dress up from the floor.

“Ok,” He tells me from across the room.

“Ruk, do you regret last night?”

“No! Why would you think that? I just don’t want to make this any harder than it is Zara, I can’t tell you how much I want you right now,” He tells me miserably.

“Good, because it was the best night of my life. I’ll see you in a bit?” I tell him with a smile.

What I really want to do is spend all day and night in his arms, getting to know each other’s bodies and drown in pleasure.

              “Yeah,” He tells me and turns away from me, not wanting to see the look of wanting in my eyes.


Transporting myself to Dallah’s room, she jumps up from the vanity table with a wicked grin.

“I want to know everything!” She warns holding a hairbrush in my face.

“Ok, but you first?”

“Uh, I knew you would say that! Julian is everything I have ever wanted; I love him Zara, wholeheartedly. I want him with everything I am,” She tells me with tears brimming in her eyes.

Taking her in my arms, I hug her just like she needs, from her sister.

              “It will work out Dallah, this time next week you will be in Julian’s arms waking up from mind-blowing sex,”

“Zara! Oh wait, just like what you have with Ruk, you smell so strongly of him,” She tells me with a raised brow.

“Dallah, he is amazing,” I tell her in a dreamy tone.

“Yeah,” She tells me with a laugh.

“They are waiting for us to go downstairs, we better go before they send a search party,” I tell her with a smirk.

She takes a bottle of perfume of her vanity table and starts squirting me with it like a crazy woman.

              “Shit Dallah, I don’t smell that bad,” I shout at her with my eyes closed playfully pushing her away.

“Come on then lets go,” She says, taking my hand, but not before spraying me a dozen times again while laughing hard.

“You little Witch!” I call her while, coughing on the fumes.

“That’s not very nice!” Mickey tells me mischievously.

“Damn it Dallah, I thought we were going to walk down!”

“Yeah, I felt lazy,” She tells me shrugging her shoulders and giving me a playful wink before going over to Julian and kissing his cheek, then being pulled onto his lap for a real kiss.

Smiling at the two of them, I take a seat at the end of the table next to
Mickey, who puts his arm around my shoulders and kisses my head.

“You ok babe?” He asks me, soon followed by lots of sniffing.

“Yeah... what are you doing?” I ask with a smirk, as Mickey can be so silly sometimes.

He winks at me then looks up the table to Ruk and winks at him. As my gaze catches his, he looks away quickly.

              “You alright?” Mickey asks me as he sees my face fall. I know that Ruk doesn’t want to see me in that way, but he doesn’t have to go overboard with it.

“I’m good,” I smile up at him in appreciation for caring.

“Cool, come here, you look beautiful,” He says while grabbing my face a placing a soft sensual kiss on my lips.

Growling that near deafens me is sent our way, by no other than Ruk. Everyone at the table looks at him suspiciously, before going back to the conversations and food.

Mickey winks at me wickedly, then I realize what he has just done. He kissed me so that I could see how Ruk really feels, which going by his face right now, I would say that he wants to kick Mickey’s ass for touching me.

Looking at Mickey so pleased with himself, I can’t help but laugh aloud, that is until Den walks in with a face of thunder.

              “Hey man, come over here,” Mickey calls to him.

He sighs before he takes a seat opposite Mickey and me. Sitting with a thud, he looks up slowly meeting my gaze, still trying to work out why he is acting this way.

              “Den, what you doing today man?” Mickey asks him, and pulling his eyes from me.

“Same as yesterday. I got those triplets begging for a banging, so I won’t be down tonight,” He tells Mickey, while looking at me for a reaction.

Is he for real? Is this the way it will be now, he knows that I was in love with him, so now he will use it to torment me?
Well, fuck that.

“Oh, that’s sounds fun, hey, ask them if they have triplet Brothers’,” I say to him, pretending to visualize it, biting my lip with a mischievous smirk, getting a growl from him in response.

“You wish babe,” He tells me nastily.

“Yeah, that’s not slutty enough, Mickey would you join us?” I ask him with a wink, and in return, Den gets coffee sprayed in his face by a choking Mickey.

Well, this was great, but I have something to do, I’ll see you guys later,” I say as I get up from my chair and make my way to Dallah, “Hey, can you get me a room in this place? I can’t keep taking up all the space and your bed,”

“No, I like you with me, don’t leave me Zara,” She asks in a silent plea.

“If you’re sure. I’ll be up there all day probably, so if you need me, I’ll be there” I tell her with a nod of my head.

“Alright sweetie,” She winks at me.


Walking away from the table, Ruk calls to me, making me stop in my tracks and turn to face him,

“Zara, wait for me, I’ll come with you,” He tells me and gets up from his seat.

Smiling at him as he walks up to me, my heart skips a beat from visualising his naked body from last night.

He puts his arm over my shoulder as we walk out of the kitchen and to Dallah’s room in an uncomfortable silence.

When we walk through the bedroom door, I turn to him with a smile.

              “Ruk you know, you can look at me in front of people, I won’t jump you!” I tell him, annoyed with the way he reacted around me.

“I know that,” He tells me with a sigh.

“Do you! Because that’s what I want to do,” I tell him seductively while running my hand over his rock hard chest.

“Zara! I don’t have the will to resist you,”

“So don’t,” I tell him simply, while leaning into him and sucking his bottom lip.

He gently pushes me away and runs his hands through his hair.

              “Zara, let’s not make this anymore complicated then it has to be?”

“Ok,” I sadly reply, before I walk over to Dallah’s bed to retrieve the book.

I know he wants me as much as I want him, but some things holding him back, and I know for sure it’s not this destiny crap. Going by the bulge in his trousers, he is as turned on as me. We are adults, we make our own choices in life, so if I decide to flirt my way in, so be it.


We spend hours sitting on the bed, while I recite more of the book, I have learnt all the words now, I just need to be sure I can recite it word perfect.

As the sun starts to go down, I close the book, with blurry eyes from looking at it for so long.

“Hey sweetie, do you want to see your dress for tonight?” Dallah asks me excitedly while entering the room, with it behind her back, even though I can see half of it.

“Oh you bet,” I tell her equally excited, whilst jumping off the bed.

As she pulls it from behind her back, my hand flies to mouth in shock.

It looks like a wedding dress that has the front cut out showing a mini dress, but unlike a wedding dress being white, this is black, and it’

“OHMYGOD! I love it, it’s amazing!” I take it from her hands and look over it properly, “Dallah, if I ever get married, you will have to design my dress,” I tell her, grinning.

“Damn right I will! Ruk, the Brothers’ want to speak with you, there’re in Sallack's room,” She tells him with a sweet smile.

He gets up and kisses our foreheads before removing himself, but not before telling Dallah to keep her eyes on me.


“Ok, why did you lie?” I ask with a raised brow.

“I want to do you up so good that he will be the one lusting over you all night?” She tells me with a snort, after seeing my reaction to him this morning.

“I don’t think anything will work on him, I have been bending over in front of him all day, pressing up against him, you name it I have done it.”

“Lap dance?”

“Oh well, no not that,” I laugh aloud, “You know that’s a good idea though...”

“No it isn’t, I was joking; you would give the poor man a heart attack!” She laughs along with me.

“Hey so seriously, I am so nearly done with the book, by tomorrow evening the book will be back on Richard's shelf, not that I’m happy about it, as its mine by rights.”

“I’m sure it’ll be back in your hands some day. Come on sit down; let me work my magic on you!” She says smiling.

she is finished, I look like I have had a total makeover and to be honest my hair and make-up look amazing. My hair is straight and falling elegantly down my back, and she has made my eyes up in smoky look, my lips a delicate red. I thought I might look silly, but it really does look subtle and classy.

“You look like the Dark Princess, all dangerous and sexy!”

“Is that really the look I want to be going for?”

“Yeah, you can be the virgin tomorrow,” She laughs. “We better get going, we are already late.”

“Yeah, ok, you look stunning Dallah, Julian is a lucky man,” I tell her truthfully.

“Thanks Zara, for everything, I love you, you know that right?”

“Yeah, I do, and I love you my little Witch,” I wink at her.


Walking through the crowds of people that linger in the ballroom, a man stops me in my tracks by taking my hand. Turning to him in anger, I instantly relax when I see that it is Thomas, Richards’s cousin.

“Zara, look at you, you’re breathtaking,” He tells me before kissing my hand like a gentleman.

“It’s good to see you Thomas, how have you been?” I ask with a smile.

“I’m well, glad to see we have Princess Dallah back. It’s lovely to see the smile back on your face Dallah,” He tells her kindly, while kissing her hand also.

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