Blue Moon (3 page)

Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Danielle Sanderson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“I will never be able to trust you; you’re a totally different man from that night when I first met you. Let go of me, I don’t need your kind of help.” I tell him annoyed as I walk ahead of him.

Walking past the men and woman that Richard calls his friends, I find it hard working out what they are; I can tell apart a few Vampires as they smile at me showing their fangs, but the others are a mystery.

A man steps in front of me with a creepy smile, flashing his fangs,

“Hello, I am William. What is your name lovely?” He asks in an English accent.

“Hi, I’m Zara, have you seen Richard?” I say looking past him. I want to find Richard and get this night over with, not make small talk.

“Richard who?” He asks, moving his head for me to look at him in the eye once more.

“Richard, you know, the arrogant Prince?”

He gives a belly laugh, making the other people around us turn their heads in our direction.

“You call him Richard? Very brave, I think I’m going to like y
ou Zara, please come with me, I will find him for you.” He tells me holding out his hand, eyeing me with approval and a spark of something that tells me not to trust him.

“Umm, no thanks, I will look myself,” I tell him and walk briskly away from him and his open mouth.


“You know you really shouldn’t piss off a Vampire,” Theo tells me as he now walks beside me.

“Theo, I get your sorry, but I got it from here, thanks.” I tell him and take a sharp turn to my left, away from him, again.

I notice a man looking at me from across the room; he is extremely handsome with short styled brown hair
, and deep blue eyes that seem to sparkle. If I feel attracted to him, he must be one of the Warriors, I’ll take my chances in approaching him.

“Hello, I’m Zara,” I say politely to him,
stopping inches away from his powerful body, so that I can get a close look at him, figure him out quickly.

“Zara, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Thomas, cousin to the Prince.” He tells me, with his head held high and a stunning smile.

“Oh, sorry my condolences, please excuse me.” I say as I turn away from him. He isn’t going to help me, anyone related to that vile man has to be evil themselves.

“Wait, why do you say that Zara?” He
asks, sounding a little thrown off.

“Your cousin hates me, I hate your cousin.” I tell him simply.

“So? I hate him too, now we have something in common.” He tells me with a smirk.

I look at him; really look at him, past the stunning face and smart suit. He seems different to everyone here, gentle in a way, but then why would he be here in a room full of cold-hearted monsters.

“Do you know where Dallah is?” I ask in desperation, and surprising him from the shocked look on his face.

“Dallah the Princess?” He asks in confusion.

I nod my head, whilst praying he will know her whereabouts and tell me.

“I don’t know Zara; I have been looking for her myself.” He tells me shaking his head sorrowfully.

“Why have you been looking for her?”

“For the same reasons as you I guess, I want to see that she is well.”

Warmth spreads through me at the thought of someone other than me, the Brothers’, Angus and Parrise caring for her.

“Will you sit with me Zara?” He
asks, holding out his hand.

I place my hand in his, as he leads me to a wonderfully decorated table.

“Why are you here Zara?” He asks not letting my hand go.

“To find Dallah, she is a very good friend of mine.”

“I take it Richard brought you here, but why do you hate him?”

“I can fill in the gaps.” Richard declares butting into our conversation, his eyes fixed on mine as he speaks. “She hates me because I took Dallah away from her, then beat her and allowed someone else to beat her, and then had a Witch repair her face and body so no one would know. Yes
, that’s about it, do speak up Zara if I’ve missed something,” He says sarcastically. “Speaking of which, you’re looking a lot better now, quite stunning in fact and don’t worry, there is no need to thank me for the dress.”

“You beat this woman?” Thomas asks in disgusted tone whilst standing to his feet to meet Richard face on.

Richard smiles at me before turning his gaze to Thomas.

“Yes, and if you have a problem with that, I will do it again right here in front of all to see.” He tells Thomas, waving his arm around the room.

I can see Thomas has a world of emotions going on inside him now, so I stand and address Richard.

“Can we get this over with? Thomas it was nice to meet you.” I tell him with a token
kiss on the cheek, but Richard pulls me away from him none too gently.

“Zara, my room is on the 2
floor no. 9, if you ever need anything ok,” Thomas tells me with a sympathetic smile.

I Nod
my head to him in understanding with a smile on my lips.

“She doesn’t need to know that Thomas, try a different whore, this one’s busy,” Richard tells Thomas and storms away from him.

“For god’s sake,” I roll my eyes as I’m pulled to follow him.

“If I find out you’ve gone to him, I will beat you in front of your wolves!”

“Why do you care?” I ask in disbelief.             

He spins to face me, holding my arms tightly as he comes close to my face.

“I do not care; I just don’t want a cousin of mine with some filthy little whore!” He spits his venom.

He really is a vile man. The day I never see him again will be too soon.

“Yep, I get it, don’t sleep with your family, I’ll try my hardest, but it has been a while.” I tell him sarcastically, and angering him further.

He snarls at me, looking down at me in disgust.


We walk again heading for the top table, where Richard takes his seat at the head, and surprisingly I’m sat to his left and Theo to my right.

The evening goes on for hours, pure misery it is sitting here listening to everyone’s mindless conversations. I can’t wait to get to bed, as Richard said I would be seeing Dallah tomorrow.

Half way through the night, men walk in with their instruments and start to play, as the plates and cutlery from dinner are taken away.

“Why didn’t you eat angel?” Theo whispers. 

“Please Theo, what’s going on? Where is Dallah, and before you say you have no idea, I know that is a lie.”

“You will see her tomorrow. Come dance with me.”

“No thanks.” I sigh.

“Oh come on?”

“This isn’t my idea of having fun Theo, surrounded by evil men and women that look at me with pure hate; I want to be with Dallah back home.” I tell him with my eyes swelling with tears, but I will never let them
fall, never will I show weakness.

“Fuck it angel, I’m sorry that you are going through this.
Tomorrow is a new day, a good day, come on.” He tries to brighten the mood.

He pulls me to my feet, and drags me forward into the clear area in front of the band. What makes it worse is that we are the only two on our feet, while a hundred people watch us carefully.

“Don’t think about them.”

“How can I not, look at the way they watch me.” I say looking around at them all.

“They are intrigued, that’s all, you’ll be the only human ever to be here and what could be so special about you that you’re here as the Prince’s guest of honor,” Theo states, looking like he wonders himself.

He takes me in his arms, and starts to dance as I reluctantly join him as to not make myself look even more stupid.

“Don’t show them fear or hurt, it’s what they want.”

“Is that what you want, for people to fear you?”

“They already do, but not you angel, I don’t want you to fear me, I want your trust.”

I don’t answer him; I just carry on dancing with my eyes

The floor fills with other couples dancing, while I just look out at them all with sadness in my heart, not in my eyes for them to see.

As a woman walks past with a tray of drinks, I stop her in her tracks; standing in Theo’s arms, I knock back two glasses of champagne.

I carry on this way, knocking back drinks, trying to numb everything just for one night. I know that drinking my sorrows away is pathetic, but I don’t care, because I’m drunk!

“Zara I think you’ve had enough.” Theo tells me gently.

I instantly think of Den, this is what Den would tell me also, but then probably join me.
God, I miss him, it’s only been 24 hours, but it feels more like a month. Then there are The Brother’s, Parrise and my lovely Angus, I miss them all dearly. I will go to Den in his sleep tonight, I just hope he isn’t dreaming of having sex with a hundred girls.

Yep, almost done, just this last one.” I say taking a glass of red wine from the tray offered to me. Just as Theo tells me not to, I gulp from the glass.

“Urh shit, urh, what the... ah that’s blood!”

I shudder while taking a glass of white wine and downing it to take the metallic taste away.

“I did try to warn you.” Theo laughs.

“Not hard enough.” I tell him back with a laugh, as I’m too drunk to care.

“So where is Mary exactly?” I ask while placing the glass of blood into a Vampires hand with a wink, and getting a laugh in return.

“She went back to my pack.”

“Why are you here instead of with them, and don’t say me, I want the real answer.”

“I have known Richard for many years, he told me about a young woman he was going to punish for taking something of his. So when I found out that you were the girl, I came here to watch over you.”

“With Mary?” I snort in disbelief.

“I didn’t know she would react that way.”

“Bullshit! She hates me for having the life she wanted with the man she wanted. She ruined my life, by taking away everyth
ing I ever dreamed of. I should have been the one torturing her!” I tell him angrily.

“I know Zara; I’m not sticking up for her.”

“No just shagging her. I just can’t trust you Theo, how do you expect me to, I don’t think even you know what the truth is.”

“I will prove it to you,” He tells me strongly.

“Because you want me to be yours?”

Yes, I do, I won’t lie, but that’s not all. I feel the need to protect you, ever since I first laid eyes on you, so that is what I will do.”

“Problems?” Richard
asks, standing beside Theo and me.

“No, everything’s just peachy. What’s up?” I ask with my tone laced
with annoyance. Why does he feel the need to keep popping up all the time?

away, Theo.” Richard tells him sharply.

Theo growls at Richa
rd loudly, and I give a sigh before I walk away from both men.

I walk straight out of the ballroom and up the two separate flights of stairs, and to my room on the third floor. All I care about tonight is getting into bed and going to see my Den.

Chapter Three



Walking into my bedroom, I throw myself into the bed excitedly, as I will be seeing Den in his dreams soon and seeing Dallah tomorrow. I rip the dress from my body and let it drop to the floor. Shutting my eye’s I’m swallowed into a drunken sleep with a smile on my face.


I find myself in the club that I work in, ‘Whites’ that Sallack owns and it is heaving with people. I’m looking around for Den but I can’t see him. Then I spot him on the dance floor, as I walk over to him everyone
disappears, leaving just Den and me, well not me, but the Zara that Den has dreamed up, and boy did he do some dreaming! I look like a freaking goddess.

“Den?” I call out.

His head whips around in disbelief just as the dream me disappears from his loving arms.

“Zara?” He asks confused
, looking from me to his empty arms.

, it’s really me! Hey, get that cute butt here.” I tell him with a joyful smile.

He rushes at me, picking me up from the ground in a tight hug.

“Where are you babe, tell me where you are? Is Dallah with you?” He asks in a rush.

“I’m safe with Dallah; I’m helping
her get through a few things.” I reassure him.

“Liar! Tell me where you are!”

“I need you to trust me Den, I promise I’m fine, nothing has happened or will happen. Richard just took me to Dallah; he just gave you a show.”

“STOP FUCKING LYING.” Den Shouts at me making me flinch.

I feel terrible lying to him, but I can’t have him starting a war with Richard and his Coven with so much at risk.

“Shit, babe, I’m sorry, I have been going crazy looking for you, we all have. Angus told us you visited him, and for him to tell us you were
ok, but I didn’t believe him, no one did.”

“Please Den; all I want to do is be there for Dallah
, she needs me more than you know.”

“Fuck it! Come to me every night, i
f there is one time you don’t, then I’m coming to you! One week, that’s all you got!” He tells me sternly. Always the bossy man I know and love.

“Ok. I have missed you Den.” I tell
him, hugging him tightly and breathing in his intoxicating scent.

“Oh babe, I have missed you so much.”

“How is everyone?”

“Not good, Julian is on a rampage, not knowing whe
re you and Dallah are, Ruk won’t speak to anyone. Mickey is stressed out, Dom just sits quietly thinking of strategies to get you back, and Sallack, well he is just Sallack, angry moody fucker! Parrise has been away doing god knows what, and Angus has spent both nights at our house with me. I really like that blood sucker, who would have thought,” He says jokingly.

When he said about Parrise being away, this worries me a lot. I wonder what he’s doing, and where he is.

“Don’t let them fall apart Den. Listen; we will be back, soon ok. I love you Den but I need to go.

“Go where?” He asks suspiciously.

“I need to get back.” I tell him as I notice him concentrating on my face.

“Den you can’t read my mind in a dream!”

“Ok, worth a shot. So how did you get here, Did Dallah send you?”

“No Den, It’s something I found out I can do, it’s called ‘Dream Walking,’ it’s where your soul can leave your body and connect
with loved ones while in a dream state. Cool, huh! Lots of people can do it.” I lie, and when he finds out the truth about everything he is going to be royally pissed off, but I’ll deal with that when the time comes.

“Cool, No excuses then, every night I want your sexy ass in my dreams, and wear this outfit again,” He tells me with a wink.

Looking down at myself, I laugh when I realize that I’m in my underwear. Well, I won’t be dream walking when I have gone to sleep naked.

“Den, I’m gunna go, I’ll see you soon.”

“Alright babe, take care of yourself there, wherever there is, and tell Dallah the same, and if you don’t sort whatever you’re there for in a hurry, I will find my way there and drag you both home!”

Looking into his stunning green eyes
, everything comes crashing down on me, losing Sallack, Dallah taken away by Richard, and my beatings from both Richard and Mary.


“I’m ok.” I tell him as exit his dream and return to my body.


Pushing myself to wake up, I look around the bedroom through teary eyes. I so nearly let my emotions take me; I need to keep it together. Jumping out of the bed to look at the time, I’m shocked when it says 3.47 am. I need to get some sleep, but there is too much going on in my mind. What I really want to do is to dream walk to every one of the Brothers’ and Parrise.


There is a gentle knock at the door, which makes me jump. Who the hell is that? I won’t answer it, as it is most likely Richard.

Again, there is a soft knock at the door,
surely if it was Richard, he wouldn’t knock, he’s not that polite.

Getting up, I slowly walk to the door, twisting the doorknob slowly, I let out a scream when the door is kicked
in my face and I fly across the room hitting the wall and falling onto the bed.

Twisting my head to look at Richard, wondering why he is doing this to me again. Except it isn’t Richard, it is the Vampire from this evening, William!

“Hello little Zara, I just popped in to see how you are.” He tells me sarcastically, while his blood thirsty eyes burn a brilliant red.

What’s going on, did Richard send him to me for another beating?

“Why?” I ask as he appears in my face, his dirty blond hair falling down on my face from where he hovers over my body, as I lay on the bed, with what feels a severely bruised back.

“Just a taste of the girl that turned every man’s head tonight,
maybe a little touch.” He says making me cringe inwardly.

He takes me in his arms and squeezes me tightly. I thrash my body against his, desperately trying to get away from him. I punch his chest and kick at his legs, but he doesn’t move, not one bit.

In the back of my mind, I can feel Angus’s anguish, but Dallah, I haven’t been able to tap into her feelings since arriving here.

“GET OFF ME!” I shout at him, but it’s too late, his fangs enter my neck. A feeling of savage pain ripples through me as he bites and sucks me like a monster. He holds my wrists above my head with one hand, while the other runs down my chest as he scratches his way down to my sex. I’m hitting him with everything I have in me, while screaming; I’m so frightened that I can’t think straight! I’m lost in my worst nightmare.


He is ripped of
f me in a blink of an eye. A Wolf has him pinned to the floor while ripping the Vampire apart. I can’t watch anymore as I hug my knees and press my face into them. I’m covered in blood and I was near raped by that monster, I won’t help him, I can’t.

All that has happened in the
space of two nights is more than I can take, I have had enough, I want this to be over, my life has changed so dramatically over the last few months.

“Angel?” Theo’s
asks his voice like music to my ears.

I look up at him as he crawls on the bed cautiously. I surprise him by jumping onto him and wrapping my body around his, and breathe deeply and shakily into the crook of his neck.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner angel.”

“Thank you,” I tell him, while holding him as if he is my lifeline.

We sit in silence for a few minutes as he strokes my hair lovingly before he speaks to me.

“Let’s get you cleaned up.” He says as he lifts me in his arms and walks to the bathroom. He places me in the bathtub gently as he turns on the taps to fill
up the bath.

“Why is this happening?” I ask him in a sigh, but show him no fear.

“I don’t know.” He sighs sadly, as he walks off back into the bedroom.

I sit in the bathtub watching it slowly fill; as I watch the water turns pink from my blood.
I am sitting in the filthy water in just my bra and thong, when Richard walks in with a frown, quickly followed by Theo.

“Was this your idea, to have a Vampire feed from her, try to rape her?” Theo shouts angrily as he walks to stand in front of Richard fearlessly.

“Leave now Theo!”

“No fucking way, I will not have anyone hurt her again, this is sick!”
Theo grows strongly.

“I will not hurt her, just go!” Richard’s voice shakes the room.


I nod my head to him, telling I will be ok. If Richard wants to hurt me then he will there is no point trying to avoid it.

Theo comes to me and kisses my forehead as he takes my chin in his hand for me to meet his eyes.

“I’m with you angel, all the way.”

I nod my head to him again, as the feeling of numbness takes me.

Theo leaves the bathroom and the bedroom, by the sound of the door closing. I look at Richard in the eye as he just stands looking at me.

“Stop this now,” I ask him in a depressed voice. I know he had something to do with this, I just don’t understand why.

“This wasn’t me; I would never let anyone try to rape you!”

“Just a good beating.” I reply with attitude.

He comes to the bathtub and kneels down to my eye level.

“I’m a monster Zara, but that is something I would never do, or allow, believe me or not, I don’t care. You can’t wash in that filthy water, come to my room, I have a shower.”

“No.” I shake my head, wanting him to go so I can be alone.

“I wasn’t asking you.” He says as he lifts me under the arms and stands me on the marble floor on shaky legs, as if I weight nothing at all.

“Come.” He tells me to follow him.

“Fine, but only because I want to, not because you order me to!”

I reluctantly follow him out of the bathroom. I need to get this blood off my skin and the smell of that dirty Vampire.

I feel so weak from the blood loss, I don’t think I can walk any further; I get to the bed and sit on the edge, breathing hard. Kicking myself for not being stronger, I look like a beaten child in front of Richard. My face is bruised, blood coats my hair, and I have a nasty bite marks over my neck.

He turns to look at me, letting out a sigh as he walks to stand before me

“Just give me a sec,” I tell him with my head bowed and breathing heavily.

His arms slip under my legs and torso as he picks me up like a baby, flinching from his close contact. I do not want him touching me, helping me; the last thing I want is for him to see me as weak.

“I won’t hurt you.” He tells me strongly.

“Put me down, now!”


If I had the energy, I would thrash against his hold, free myself and get far away from him, but I’m drained and helpless.

He carries me into his room straight through to the bathroom, which contains a humungous walk in shower. I wait for him to put me down, but he doesn’t, he walks into the shower wearing his silk pants and a white shirt with me in his arms. He turns on the water, and it pours onto my bloody skin, making me release a sigh of happiness. I look at him as he looks at me, slipping down his body I turn my back to him, no longer wanting to look into his soulless black eyes.

Jumping when his hand runs down my back, then freeze as his other hand laces in my hair.

“I won’t hurt you.” He tells me again gently.

“What’s changed?” I ask in a whisper, feeling nervous.

I need to change him, as a Charmer it’s what I am meant to do, but I feel so much hate for him, the thought is unbearable.

“I didn’t know he was in there with you.”

“Of course you didn’t.” I snort with disbelief.

He spins me to face him with strength.

“I’ll get someone to heal you.” He tells me, but makes no move on leaving. Why is he trying to take care of me after making my life a living hell?

“Ok.” I tell him, and turn away again; I want him gone so I can wash properly. I also need to be healed so when I see Dallah tomorrow she doesn’t freak out, not to mention when I visit Den in his dreams tomorrow night as I promised him.

“Richard, are you really taking me to Dallah tomorrow?” I ask in a calm tone.

“I will,” He tells me as he leaves the bathroom in his soaking wet clothes, grabbing a towel on the way out.


Stripping off my underwear, I scrub my skin until its red and saw, and wash the blood from my hair with the expensive products in the shower.


is here.” Richard tells me I a husky tone, suddenly appearing before me without warning,.

“Shit! What are you doing in here?” I screech holding my breasts, turning my head towards him in shock. He stands there staring, ignoring my question, instead he lingers, gazing at my body from head to toe.

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