Blurred Truth (The Blurred Series Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Blurred Truth (The Blurred Series Book 2)
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Chapter 14

When I wake up, I’m not sure of the time, but I’m sure my hangover isn’t as bad as it should be.

I’m still wrapped around Natalie, and it’s hot as hell under these blankets. Our body heat making it that much worse, but better at the same time.

I caress Natalie’s stomach, moving my hand from there to her hip. I’m taking advantage of her still being sound asleep, but it’s all on top of the clothes, so it’s all good.


I kiss her cheek, but she still doesn’t wake.

“You’re so hot,” I whisper the double entendre in her ear.

I move my lips to her bare shoulder, and she moans the sweetest sound, making my blood rush south.

She moans again, and I can feel the sweat beading on her skin where my hand rests between her top and shorts. So I pull the covers from her body to cool her down.

“You’re hot,” I say, a little louder this time.

She moans again, and I really wish she’d stop. It’s putting things in my mind that ought not be there.

“Wake up,” I plead. “Wake up, Natty. You’re hot.”

She’s rolled onto her back now, so I see the moment her blue eyes open with a flutter of long lashes. She looks a little dazed and confused, at first. Probably unsure of where she is, having not woken up in her own bed, so I take the opportunity to kiss her shoulder again.

“I took the blanket off you. You’re all sweaty,” I say quietly, as she slowly takes in her surroundings.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, looking up into my eyes...

“This is my bedroom,” I answer with a smile, stroking a stray piece of hair from her damp forehead. “What are
doing here?”

“You fell asleep in
bed,” she says, emphasizing the word ‘my’.

“You weren’t in
bed. I got lonely,” I admit.

“When did you come in here with me?” she asks.

“I woke up at about three with a mouth as dry as the Sahara, so I drank the glass of water and took the painkillers you left me - thank you for that by the way - then snuck in here and fell asleep with you.

“I’m sorry for last night. It wasn’t my finest hour,” I confess contritely, averting my gaze.

“I’m sorry for going on a date with Elliott,” she says sheepishly, surprising me a little.

I wasn’t expecting that. Then, I have a really troubling thought.

“Why? Did you not have a good time? Did he try something?”

“No, I had a lovely time. He was a gentleman. I’m just sorry that I upset you.”

Oh, thank God.

As much as I’d like to punch Preppy Douche in the face, I didn’t really want it to come down to that, and I definitely don’t want Natty having to deal with guys being inappropriate with matter how inappropriate
might be.

I’m more than enough inappropriateness for her.

I realize now that she probably didn’t even enjoy the date as much as she should have, because she was too worried about how I was feeling about it.

I suck.

“You have every right to date, Natalie. You’re young, you’re single, and you just moved to a new town and started a new life. You should get out and meet people. Even I told you to do that, or something along those lines, when we were at the park. It would be hypocritical of me to say you can’t see anyone else,” I say, making eye-contact to show how sincere I am.

“I’m really wet,” she says, and it takes me a moment to catch on to her meaning. At which point, I just can’t not take advantage of that statement and all the innuendo available.

“Is that so? I’ve barely touched you. You must be really sensitive, or the dream you were having was extremely inappropriate.” I laugh, and when she realizes what I mean, she pulls the covers back over her head, hiding her embarrassment.

Cutest girl, ever.

“Oh, my God! That is
not what I meant!” Her voice is muffled by the cover over her face.

“Well, that’s disappointing,” I say, tugging the blanket down to her shoulders.

When her eyes are no longer covered, I smile down at her, and I realize this is one of the best mornings I’ve had in a long time, regardless of the events that led us here.

“I’m so embarrassed,” she whispers.

“Don’t be,” I whisper back. “Though, you are really cute when you’re embarrassed, so if you want to keep it up, I’m okay with that.”

My eyes wander, involuntarily, to her mouth, and I have to fight the urge to kiss her. Now that I know what her lips feel like, the need to taste them again is killing me.

“I told Elliott I couldn’t see him, romantically. We’re just going to be friends,” she blurts out, right before I give in to my urges.

Probably for the best

When I register what she just said, my eyes snap to hers in surprise and I ask, “Why?”

She shrugs, almost imperceptibly, and says, “I just think it would be better if we remained in the friend-zone, that’s all.”

“And what about me? Am I remaining in the friend-zone?” I ask, needing to know for sure.

“I think that would be the most sensible option, for now.”

And the words hit me like a punch in the gut. But then I have another thought.

“For now? I think I can live with that. It sounds...temporary. Is it temporary?” I ask hopefully.

“I don’t know, Ryan. I’m sorry.” She rolls away from me, assuming the fetal position. Why is she pulling away from me now?

“Hey,” I wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her to my chest, speaking softly in her ear. “You don’t have to apologize to me. I know your life has been turned upside down and you’re probably completely overwhelmed. I don’t want to add to that. I just want to be here for you, in whatever capacity you need.”

“I really need pancakes and coffee.”

“Then I’ll make you pancakes and coffee.”

I’m so not friend-zoned...I hope.


* * *


Over the next two weeks, I barely see Natalie or Nate. If Grayson Knight isn’t asking me to come in for a meeting about the design project, he’s sending me details of the companies he needs hacked.

Work at my own pace, my ass.

Thankfully, he’s been true to his word, regarding the hacking, at least. He’s not asked me to do any more than simply report back the true financials of each company to him.

Easy, peasy.

He also kept his word about paying me handsomely. Only two weeks into the job and I can already afford to pay off the mortgage on our apartment. But I’m going to assess the longevity of this job before I make any financial commitments.


I’m not work-shy. I love my job, even the somewhat morally ambiguous part; it’s an adrenaline rush. And, in my opinion, if these companies are feeding Knight falsified information, then they’re more morally corrupt than I am. However, the time this contract is taking up is keeping me from spending time with Natalie, and that’s putting me in a pissy mood twenty-four-seven. Along with the fact that I’m still in the
. I can’t work on getting out of it if I can’t spend any time with her!


Finally, all three of us are in the apartment at the same time for dinner, so we order pizza and just relax, enjoying each other’s company.

When Nate clumsily spills sauce on his shirt, he goes to change, leaving Natty and I alone in the living room. So I take the opportunity to fish for information.

“So, we’ve both been working a lot lately. Haven’t really had a chance to hang out. How’s Elliott?” I ask nonchalantly.

“Do you really care?” she queries.

“Not really,” I state, flatly.

“Then why’d you ask?”

“Because I want to talk to you. I’m making small-talk.”

“Well, he’s good. Almost done with the first draft of his novel, which I get to read when it’s done, and we’re still just friends.”

I really don’t care about Preppy Douche’s novel, but I do care that they’re still just friends. I’m sure I’m not hiding my relief as well as I’d like, and I know she dropped the ‘just friends’ part in for my benefit.

“Cool,” I say with a knowing smile. “Thank you.”

“For what?” she asks.

“I think you know.”

“You’re welcome.”

I’m nervous about my next question, but I need to ask it before Nate gets back from changing his shirt.

“I was wondering…I mean, seeing as Elliott got to take you out on a date, maybe I could take you out tomorrow night?” I almost want to close my eyes until she responds, but she snaps her eyes to mine and I’m frozen while she thinks of an answer.

“Just as friends?” she asks tentatively.

“If that’s what you want.”
Even though it’s not what I want.

“It is.”


“Then it will be a friend-date. So is that a yes?”

“Okay,” she answers.

And with that, I think my face lights up like a Christmas tree.

I have a friend-date with Natty. Now I just need to plan something that will turn it into a date-date.

Chapter 15

It couldn’t be more perfect if I’d had a year to plan it. In less than twenty-four hours I’ve found the perfect place to take Natty, and I can’t wait to see her reaction when we pull-up at the drive-in theatre.

It’s not the fact that it’s a drive-in theatre that’s so awesome, but the movie they just happen to be showing. By
‘just happen to be showing’
, I mean I called in a favor from Grayson Knight and now they are playing Natalie’s favorite movie, instead of whatever crap they were going to show. He did say
after all. He probably didn't expect me to ask for something this mundane.

I hope she doesn’t mind that my truck doesn’t have air-conditioning. It is hot as hell outside, but it’s an evening showing so it should cool down later.

I hope she still likes the movie.

I hope she doesn’t think this is lame.

I hope she lets me kiss her again.

I need to stop getting my hopes up like this. It isn’t going to do anyone any good.


I’m waiting in the kitchen, leaning against the breakfast bar, tapping my foot on the floor with impatient nervousness.

Where is she?

We agreed she’d meet me out here. She didn’t have a shift at the café this afternoon. What the hell?

What if she changed her mind? What if she’s having another panic attack alone in her room? What if she’s upset? Should I go check on her?

Unable to stop my feet from moving, I’m outside Natty’s door and knocking, before I can talk myself out of it.

“Natalie? Are we still on for tonight? If so, we’re going to be late if we don’t leave now.”

“Yeah, sorry! I lost track of time. I’ll be right out,” she says, her honesty apparent. I can hear the surprise in her tone, like she really didn’t know what time it was.

“Okay, cool. I’ll be in the living room. Take your time,” I say, a feeling of relief washing over me and making me instantly more relaxed than thirty seconds ago.


A few minutes later, she walks into the living room and my heart stops beating, before it remembers its job, and starts pumping the blood through my body faster than before.

She looks so gorgeous. Does she really expect me to not have a hard-on all night, looking like that?


“You look real pretty, Natalie.”

“Uh, thanks. So do you,” she responds nervously.

“I’ve been called a lot of things, but pretty ain’t one of ‘em darlin’.”

“I look...beautiful,” she tries for a second time.

“Again, not something that’s been attributed to me, but I guess it’s an improvement on pretty.”

“Uh...right. Handsome?”

“I prefer sexy, hot, god-like, et cetera, but I’ll settle for handsome,” I say, giving her a wink, full of bravado, but secretly hoping she thinks that I am all those things. “Ready?” I ask, proffering my hand for her to hold.

“As I’ll ever be,” she says, taking my hand and holding it tightly.

Best. Feeling. Ever.


“Are we walking?” Natty asks curiously and with obvious relief when we walk passed my bike.


“Huh?” She’s confused now.

“We’re driving in this,” I say, stopping next to my truck.

“Is this yours?”

“Yup,” I say proudly. I love my truck and the fact that I restored it myself. Damn right I’m proud of it.

“You told me you don’t have a car!” she says with irritation.

Well, damn.

“I don’t. I have a truck. See,” I explain, being cute and motioning to the truck. This could really go either way. I know I’m pushing my luck.

“Don’t be cute. You knew what I meant.”

She glares at me, and I think I’ve really messed up this date before it’s even started, until I see a small smile tugging at her lips.

I smile, opening the passenger door for her, determined not to be outdone by Preppy Douche. Not that I wouldn’t have opened the door for her anyway, but, you know, testosterone.

After I’ve helped her inside, I round the truck and climb into the driver’s seat.

“Please tell me this thing has air-conditioning,” she says, once I’m situated next to her.

“Nope. Sorry,” I admit apologetically.

It is really hot in this truck, but I’m not sure if it’s the weather or the girl sitting next to me.


* * *


“Oh, my gosh. I didn’t even know these still existed,” she says with awe, as we enter the drive-in movie theatre.

“It’s a temporary thing. Kind of like a travelling circus, except it’s a travelling movie theatre,” I explain, as I drive around the lot, looking for the perfect spot with the best view.

“Well, it’s pretty cool. Not in the literal sense, of course, because it’s hot as balls in here,” she states dryly.

“Did you just say balls?” I laugh.

“Maybe. Don’t make a big deal out of it.”

I hold onto all the inappropriate jokes I want to crack about what she just said, and after I find a central location to park, I ask, “Popcorn? Drink?”

“We can get that here?”

“Yeah. They have a few drinks and food carts dotted around. They’ll come by the car windows during the movie, but you have to go to them before it starts.”

“Butter popcorn and a Dr. Pepper would be awesome, thank you,” she says with a smile.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”


I make quick work of getting our snacks and beverages, and when I return to the truck, she asks, “So, what are we watching?”

“You’ll see,” is all I say, not wanting to spoil the surprise I’ve arranged for her.

When the opening credits begin, I’m not disappointed by her reaction.

“Oh, my God! This is my favorite movie, ever!” she squeals with joy, next to me.

I chuckle and say, “I know,” with the hugest smile on my face.

“How’d you know?” she asks in wonderment.

“You watched this movie constantly when we were younger. How could I

I paid attention to everything you did.


As the movie plays on, the tension is growing in the small space of the truck. I’m so thankful for the lack of console between our seats, the bench allowing me to sit closer to her than I would be able to in a more modern vehicle.

I’m not paying that much attention to the movie, too consumed by the feeling of having Natalie here right now. It played in the background at the Connor’s house so often when we were kids, I could probably recite the whole thing backwards, anyway.

I can see sweat beginning to bead on her neck and chest, which is odd since the temperature has cooled down since we got here, but I feel unusually hot, too, and can only put it down to our close proximity.

I’m trying not to keep looking over, afraid that she’ll catch me one of these times, but the urge to lick the droplets of water from her bare skin is overwhelming.

“Can you hold this for me,” she asks, snapping me out of the trance I was under, just a moment before.

When she begins to peel the light sweater from her arms, I feel my dick twitch and have to close my eyes to block out the mental images I’m having, as well as the real one in front of me. When I finally open my eyes, she peers over and catches me staring.

Jesus, fuck. How am I going to get through the rest of this damn movie?


As the movie continues, I try to focus on it instead of her. But my good intentions are scuppered when my hand accidentally touches hers, where it rests on the bench seat. Before I know it, the accidental touch has led to me holding her hand in mine, tracing patterns on the back of it with my thumb.

When our hands get too hot, I don’t want to stop touching her, so I move my hand to her thigh, over her skirt. I look at her, trying to gauge if she’s okay with this development, and when she doesn’t protest, I begin to caress her leg, just as gently as I did her hand.

Without realizing it, my hand’s movements cause the fabric of Natty’s skirt to rise, and my hand to graze bare skin. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle when I feel her smooth skin under my fingertips.

Her body tenses, but the look on her face, as she continues to watch the movie, doesn’t show discomfort. I think she wants me to keep touching her, so until she says otherwise, I will.


When the movie ends and the credits begin to roll, I can’t fucking stand not having her. It’s killing me. So I gently touch her cheek to get her attention, and say, “Natalie, I want to kiss you.”

Then she says the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard pass through those gorgeous, pink lips.

“I want you to kiss me.”

I don’t waste any time. I clutch the hair at the nape of her neck in one hand, gripping her waist with the other, and I kiss her.

The moment my tongue meets hers, I need her closer, and with her hands gripping my shoulders, I put mine under her butt to guide her on top of me.

I know she can feel how hard I am for her, but it only seems to fuel her desire.

She tugs on my lip ring with her teeth, and it makes me groan in response.

I‘m so fucking glad I decided to get my lip pierced.

When she starts grinding on my lap, I can’t think straight. It’s too much and not enough.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whisper as I move my mouth along her jaw and down her neck.

She tugs my hair and moans at the same time, and then all bets are off. I need to get us the fuck out of this crowded, public place.

“Will you go somewhere with me?” I pant next to her ear.

“What?” she asks breathily.

“I want to take you somewhere and watch the stars for a while. Will you go with me?” I ask. And I honestly did plan to take her there to watch the stars, but I’m really hopeful we’ll continue where we left off here, too.



* * *


“I come here sometimes, just to relax and think,” I explain as we pull-up in the meadow, where I’ve come ever since I started speaking with Natty online. Ever since I started healing. “Stay here for just a minute,” I tell her with a little unintentional excitement in my tone, as I get out of the truck.

When I reach the back, I hop in the truck bed and begin arranging the blankets and pillows to make somewhere comfortable for us to lay down.

I swear I didn’t plan to come here and seduce her. I just wanted somewhere nice for us to relax and talk. If we end up doing more than that, well then that’s my absolutely amazing luck, and totally incidental.


When I open Natty’s door a couple of minutes later, she looks confused and a little dubious. Without a word, I take her hand and gesture for her to exit the truck.

“Did you plan this?” she asks when we reach the back.

“Not exactly. I hoped you’d agree to come out here with me to watch the stars - maybe talk for a while. That’s it. I didn’t have any expectations. I didn’t even think you’d say yes. I just wanted to be prepared.”

“Well, I said yes. So what happens now?”

“That’s entirely up to you.”

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