Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (118 page)

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Authors: James Bamford

Tags: #United States, #20th Century, #History

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411   "U.S. intelligence
operates what is probably": Admiral William O. Studeman, Remarks at the
Symposium "National Security and National Competitiveness: Open Source
Solutions" (December 1, 1992).

411 C-802 missile: Unless
otherwise noted, all quotations and information concerning the C-802 missile
come from documents at the National Security News Service.

411 "mighty attack
capability": House of Representatives, Committee on International
Relations, Report, Urging the Executive Branch to Take Action Regarding the
Acquisition by Iran of C-802 Cruise Missiles, 105th Cong., 1st Sess. (October
6, 1997), p. 4.

412 "clear and
danger": U.S. Senate, Committee on Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on
International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services, Hearings (April
10, 1997), p. 24.

412  phone call from Tehran: NSA,
Secret/Spoke message (July 11, 1997) (National Security News Service

413  "When you're buying
arms": This and the details on Monzer al-Kassar are from Roy Rowan,
"Pan Am 103: Why Did They Die?"
April 27, 1992, p. 24.

413 "The meeting had gone
very well": NSA, Secret/Spoke message (August 12,

1997) (National Security News
Service documents).

413 GCHQ dutifully intercepted the
list: NSA, Secret/Spoke message (September 23, 1997) (National Security News
Service documents).

413  Chinese officials told ...
U.S.  intelligence reports: DIA,  Secret/Spoke/No-forn/Orcon/Specat report
(November 13, 1997) (National Security News Service documents).

414  a letter of credit: NSA,
Secret/Spoke/US/UK/CAN/AUS Eyes Only message (November 7, 1997) (National
Security News Service documents).

415  "It is our
understanding": Department of State, Secret/Release France memorandum
(undated) (National Security News Service documents).

415  "mask    
involvement     in     Iranian     anti-ship     cruise     missile":    
NSA, Secret/Spoke/AUS/CAN/UK/US Eyes Only message (December 12, 1997) (National
Security News Service documents).

416  Jafari marched over: NSA,
Secret/Spoke message (December 12, 1997) (National Security News Service

416 While Jafari listened: ibid.
416 "policymakers": ibid.

416  "The future looked
bleak": ibid.

417  "the current situation
had already": ibid.

417 In February 1998 he learned:
NSA, Secret/Spoke message (February 20, 1998)

(National Security News Service
documents). 417 "The complaints lodged by Tehran": Department of
State, Secret/Spoke/No-

forn report (February 10, 1998)
(National Security News Service documents).

417  "According to IDF DMI,
Iran signed a contract": DIA, Secret/Noforn message (March 17, 1998)
(National Security News Service documents).

418  "Ninety percent":
interview with former government official.

418 "Recent intelligence
reports suggest": DIA, Secret/Spoke report (April 29,

1998) (National Security News
Service documents).

418 "technologically
self-sufficient": John Mintz, "Tracking Arms: A Study in Smoke,"
Washington Post,
April 3, 1999.

418 "Within Gamma they had
double G": interview with former government official.

418  "FRD": NSA, Top
Secret/Dinar intercept, "Castro Interview on with U.S." (January 3,
1964) (ARRB).

419  "ILC": Department
of Justice, Top Secret/Umbra/Comint Channels Only, "Report on Inquiry into
CIA Related Electronic Surveillance Activities" (June 30, 1976), p. 28.

419 "I looked for":
interview with former government official.

419  "They had
pictures": ibid.

420  "In order to
bring": ibid. 420 "The Agency": ibid.

420  "We'd never go in":

421  Once GCHQ intercepted: ibid.

421 French export inspectors:
Mintz, "Tracking Arms."

421   "It doesn't mean":

422  "very different":

422  "Celebrating fifty years
of successful partnership": NSA, BRUSA-UKUSA 1946-1996 plaque.

423  "There are a substantial
number of legal problems": Author's audiotape of Studeman's address to the
Baltimore/Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce (June 29, 1990).

424  "The real issue for
us": ibid.

424 "What we use the
intelligence instrument for": Tony Capaccio, "Spy Agency Is Against
Industrial Espionage for U.S. Firms,"
Defense Week
(March 20, 1995),
p. 1.

424  "We will be
definitely": Author's audiotape of Studeman's address to the
Baltimore/Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce (June 29, 1990).

425  "If we had any certain
evidence": Capaccio, "Spy Agency Is Against Industrial

425  "Yes, my continental
European friends": R. James Woolsey, "Why We Spy on Our Allies,"
Wall Street Journal,
March 17, 2000.

426  "has directed me to come
here": Carol Vinzant, "Kantor Arrives in Geneva for Japan Car
Talks," Reuters (June 25, 1995).

426 an NSA team: For NSA
involvement in the Geneva talks, see David E. Sanger and Tim Weiner,
"Emerging Role for the CIA: Economic Spy,"
New York Times,
15, 1995.

426 frequently bypassed: ibid.

426  "would be a breach of
duty": Writ between Her Majesty's Attorney General and Jock Kane, High
Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, #1984 A, No. 1116 (March 28, 1984),
p. 5.

427  "Much of the
targeting": Jock Kane, "GCHQ: The Negative Asset" (unpublished
manuscript), p. 79.

427 capable of storing 5
pages: John Mintz, "The Secret's Out: Covert E-Systems Inc. Covets
Commercial Sales,"
Washington Post,
October 24, 1994.

427  Nasser Ahmed: See "A
Blow for Secret Evidence,"
Washington Post
editorial, August 6,

428  another federal judge ruled:
Lorraine Adams and David A. Vise, "Classified Evidence Ruled Out in
Washington Post,
October 21, 1999.

429  names on its watch lists: Bob
Woodward, "Messages of Activists Intercepted,"
Washington Post,
13, 1975.

429 "MINARET information specifically
includes": U.S. Senate, Select Committee to Study Government Operations
with Respect to Intelligence Activities, The National Security Agency and
Fourth Amendment Rights, Hearings, Vol. 5, 94th Cong., 1st Sess. (1976), p.

429  "I tried to
object": interview with Frank Raven.

430  "Based on my review of
the information": U.S. Senate, Select Committee on Intelligence, Book III,
Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence and the Rights of
Americans, Final Report (April 23, 1976), p. 937, n. 45.

430 "The president
chewed": ibid.

430 "nothing less than a
heaven-sent": ibid., p. 965.

430 "NSA Contribution to
Domestic Intelligence" and "to program for coverage": U.S.
Senate, Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to
Intelligence Activities, The National Security Agency and Fourth Amendment
Rights, Hearings, Vol. 5, 94th Cong., 1st Sess. (1976), pp. 156-57.

430 "went through the
ceiling": U.S. Senate, Select Committee on Intelligence, Book III, Supplementary
Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence and the Rights of Americans, Final
Report (April 23, 1976), p. 956.

430  no one challenged Hoover:
ibid., p. 933.

431  "Well, what the hell is
this?": This conversation may be found in
Transcripts of Newly Released
White House Tapes
(February 25, 1999), Richard Nixon Library.

434  L. Britt Snider: His remarks
are quoted from CIA, L. Britt Snider, "Unlucky Shamrock: Recollections of
the Church Committee's Investigation of NSA,"
Studies in Intelligence

435  a story appeared in the
York Times:
Nicholas Horrock, "National Security Agency Reported
Eavesdropping on Most Private Cables,"
New York Times,
August 8,

436  "During the 1950s, paper
tape had been the medium": CIA, Snider, "Unlucky Shamrock."

438 "The companies had a
duty": ibid.

441  "I want to make it
clear": interview with senior intelligence official (July

2000). 441 886 eavesdropping
warrants: Letter from Attorney General Janet Reno to

House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert
(April 27, 2000).

441  "The networks have
collapsed": interview with senior NSA official.

442  "whom we may
target": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, USSID 18 Guide (April 15,
1998), p. 2.

442 United States Signals
Intelligence Directive 18: NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, USSID 18 (May 26,
1976), pp. 1-15 plus Annexes. The directive is regularly revised over the
years, including on July 27, 1993.

442 "These concerns are
legitimate": NSA, Confidential/Comint Channels Only, "USSID 18 and Its
Relevance to the Production of Foreign Intelligence" (June 1, 1999), p. 6.

442 "such as a hijacking or a
terrorist attack": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, "U.S. Identities
in Sigint" (March 1994), p. 4. See also NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels
Only memorandum from Office of General Counsel (Operations) (July 25, 1997), p.

443 "When specific,
actionable threat": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, USSID 18 Guide
(April 15, 1998), pp. 3-4.

443 "we bump into
violations": U.S. House of Representatives, House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence, Hearings, Testimony of Lieutenant General Michael
Hayden (April 12, 2000).

443 "As a general rule":
NSA, Confidential/Comint Channels Only memorandum from W9R3 to W Group
Reporting Elements (September 30, 1997), p. 1-2.

443  "Please remember":

444  "You have reason to
believe": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, "USSID 18 Questions and
Answers" (November 11, 1996), p. 4.

444 referred to by
the use of titles for senior officials of the judicial and legislative branches
does need special approval. And only the CIA director can approve the inclusion
of the names of members of Congress in Sigint reports. See NSA, Secret/Comint
Channels Only memorandum from P052 (February 5, 1993).

444 "The NSA Office of the
General Counsel ... has advised": NSA, Confidential/ Comint Channels Only
memorandum from P052 (January 4,1993).

444  names  of  United  Nations 
officials:  NSA,  Secret/Comint  Channels  Only, USSID 18 Guide (April 15,
1998), p. 6.

445  What was her status?: NSA,
Confidential/Comint Channels Only, "Status of First Lady as Government
Official" (June 29, 1993).

445 "Mrs. Clinton may be
identified": NSA, Confidential/Comint Channels Only, "Reporting
Guidance on References to the First Lady" (July 8, 1993).

445  "The current U.S.
Administration has cautiously": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only
memorandum from P052 (December 15, 1994).

446  "The direct involvement
of the Central Intelligence Agency": "Legislator: CIA  Operative 
Ordered  Guatemala  Killings,"  
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
23, 1995.

446  "any   information  
concerning   events":   NSA,   Secret/Comint   Channels Only memorandum
from Chief, Special Product Control Branch (March 31, 1995).

447  "The political parties
of the U.S. are": NSA, Confidential/Comint Channels Only memorandum from
Chief, P0521 (June 6, 1996).

447  "USSID 18 procedures for
Search and Development": NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels Only memorandum
from the Office of General Counsel (Operations) (July 25, 1997), pp. 1-9.

448  details on the briefing
memorandum: ibid.

448 "raw traffic storage
systems": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, USSID 18 Guide (April 15,
1998), p. 6.

448 "Do your research
before": NSA, Top Secret/Comint Channels Only memorandum from the Office
of General Counsel (Operations) (July 25, 1997), pp. 1-9.

448 "Americans were never
listed": interview with knowledgeable source.

449 "If the [Sigint] report
goes out": interview with a senior intelligence official involved in
Sigint (July 2000).

449 "communications
identified as domestic": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, USSID 18,
Appendix 1, "Standard Minimization Procedures for NSA Surveillance,"
Section 5 (a) (Domestic Communications/Dissemination). See also NSA,
Secret/Comint Channels Only memorandum (re: "Collection, Processing, Retention,
and Dissemination of 'Domestic' Communications under the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act") from Office of General Counsel (Operations) (February
25, 1998), pp. 1-4.

449 "significant foreign
intelligence": NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, USSID 18 Guide (April 15,
1998), p. 5.

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