Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Oh, how adorable,” Samantha exclaimed, clapping her hands while Daniel loaded their luggage into the trunk.

He winced. “Adorable? You’re adorable, baby. This bug of a car…” He slammed the trunk lid closed. “…is not.” He got in the driver’s side and pulled the seat as far back as it would go. Though he surprisingly found he had ample leg room, he still felt squashed. “I think you’re gonna have to unkink me when we get home,” he told Samantha with a teasing grin and emphasizing the

“You sleep on a rack?” she replied with an equally teasing grin. “Does it have chains and whips?”

“Hmm, I’m definitely loving your naughty side, baby, but I wouldn’t have pegged you as a Miss Whiplash.” Her face flushed a lovely pink color. “Hey, baby, you can tie me up and whip me anytime.”

She laughed and lightly rubbed his cock. “I might just do that then.”

His cock sprang into instant action. “Hold that thought, baby.”

The journey to Simi Valley was pleasant and surprisingly done without exceeding the speed limit. Pulling the “adorable bug of a car” under the carport adjoining the single-story house that he called home, Daniel alighted and went around to Samantha’s door.

He stopped mid-stride and stood stock-still. Goose bumps lifted the hairs on his arms. Somebody was watching him. The same person who’d followed him in Manila and Yellowstone, yet surprisingly not Silver Creek. He spun around and scanned the street but saw nobody.

Whoever he was—and Daniel suspected it was male—was good. In fact, as good as his father, Ray. His father might be a retired FBI agent and PI, but he hadn’t lost his tailing skills. His father could follow a person like a shadow. But why would his father follow him? He wouldn’t, Daniel swiftly and firmly concluded. The strange feeling that the stalker’s identity was familiar to him made his arm hairs raise higher.

He then jumped when Samantha slipped her hand in his and gave his arm a slight shake.

“What’s wrong, Daniel? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay, baby.” He smiled and, spotting his next door neighbor disturbing the blinds from the window they were watching from, decided to tell a little white lie in order not to concern Samantha. Knowing he had a stalker would definitely spook her. “The woman from next door is watching us. Bit of a snoop, but she’s harmless enough. C’mon, let’s get inside and join the Mile-High Club.”

Samantha’s emerald-green eyes flashed surprise and naked lust all in one blink. But it was the lovely blush that crawled up her neck and pinked her cheeks that made his cock rocket from semi-hard to rock-hard in one second flat.

“What? How?” she wondered.

“You’ll see.”

Retrieving their luggage from the trunk, Daniel took his keys from his jeans pocket, unlocked the door, and followed Samantha inside. He ushered her through the first door on his right and dropped their luggage at the foot of the large wooden bed. “This is the master bedroom. There’s a spare next door. The study is opposite. The living room, kitchen, and bathroom are at the rear of the house. It’s all earthquake-proof, you know,” he added, a certain amount of arrogance and satisfaction creeping into his tone.

“Heavens, you have a lot of books,” Samantha observed as she took in the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that lined two walls. She selected a book from the shelf closest to her. “Oceanography? I thought your vocation was geology.” She flipped the book open. “Oh, this is a library book…” Her brows lifted a fraction. “Daniel, it should have been returned six years ago!”

He shrugged in a nonchalant fashion. “Oops.” He laughed at her exaggerated eye roll, put the book back on the shelf, and clasped her hands in his. “My house, as well as the others on this side of the street, are all earthquake-proof.”

She smiled. “I thought I had a lot of books. You said you have a study. Have you any more books in there?”

He frowned. “Yes. And a leather recliner that will make the perfect plane seat. But what do you think about my house being earthquake-proof?”

“Very nice.”

“‘Very nice’?” he repeated.

“Yes, very nice. And very masculine,” she added, nodding her head toward the plain chocolate-brown comforter and half-folded green striped blanket that covered the bed. “I think it needs a woman’s touch, though. Some cushions, maybe. And a carpet,” she added, tapping her foot on the hardwood flooring.

“No, it just needs you.” Daniel drew Samantha closer to him. Multitasking, he used one hand to deftly remove her bolero, the other to tug her topknot loose. Her shoulder-length hair fell in a soft wave around her shoulders, and he swept it to one side to nuzzle her neck. The combination of her delicate, rose-scented skin and the soft mewl she uttered almost undid him on the spot. “C’mon, let’s go join the Mile-High Club.”

“Don’t we need a plane for that?”

“No, just my recliner and a little imagination.” He took her hand and led her into the study opposite. Her eyes widened at the shelves of books that lined the three out of four walls. Even beside the window, he’d knocked up a few shelves, but these contained CDs. He liked to listen to music while he tapped away on his computer. For some reason, music made his thinking clearer and his writing flow better.

Daniel smiled as he ran a hand over the top of the worn, brown leather recliner. He had rescued the recliner and the large oak desk in front of the window from a dumpster. Both had been in a sorry state, but with a little love and a lot of attention, he had breathed new life into them. The brass handles and escutcheons he’d added to the desk drawers brought out the beauty of the wood.

The recliner was old, oversized, and very comfortable, if a little rickety. Actually, Daniel didn’t realize how rickety it was until he was fully laid out on it and he’d helped Samantha to straddle him. He opened his legs to spread her thighs wide, and her dress rode up, giving him a tantalizing view of dewy-looking lace panties. Shifting slightly to get the rigid crease of his jeans out of his ass, he prayed the recliner wouldn’t collapse at an inopportune moment.


* * * *


“So, is this one of your fantasies?” Samantha asked, leaning over Daniel and dropping a kiss on his mouth. His hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs rasping her nipples through the fabric of her dress, sending a warm ripple straight to her womb. She quickly unbuttoned his shirt, bearing his beautiful chest to her gaze.

“Definitely. Fantasies are good. And fun. And I’m gonna show you just how much fun they can be.”

She teased him with a pout. “Oh, is this the fun to be had out of your bed?”

“What’s your bra size?” he asked in response.

“30DD. Why?”

He used one hand to pinch his nose. “Good evening, this is Captain Dick speaking. Welcome aboard Flight 30DD bound for Seventh Heaven. We will be coming—I mean, cruising at an altitude of thirty-five thousand feet—”

Her laughter wobbled the recliner.

“When you laugh, it makes those beautiful tits of yours bounce. And I do so love those tits. They make me hard.” To prove his point, he arched his pelvis and ground the sizeable ridge of his dick against her pussy.

“And I love your…chest. It makes me wet.” To prove her point, Samantha put a hand inside her panties, swept a finger along her damp pussy folds, and then withdrawing, boldly pressed it to Daniel’s lips. With a half-lidded look that did little to hide the hunger glowing in his amber-flecked blue eyes, he licked her finger with a soft “mmm.”

Her hands reached for and undid his jeans at the same time as his glided up her thighs. He pushed her panties to one side, and she purred when he pushed two fingers into her. He withdrew slowly and just as slowly trailed his fingers from her clit to her back passage, spreading her wetness.

“Oh,” she gasped when he lightly circled her back hole.

“You like that?”

She bit her bottom lip, surprised at how much she did. “I think I do.”

This time, he lightly pressed the tip of his finger against the puckered hole. “Would you like me to tease you there while we make love?”

Daniel’s expression was so earnest that she couldn’t help but laugh. “Daniel, it’s okay, honestly. I’m no longer a virgin, you know. And, yes, so I’m still an old-fashioned romantic, but that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to explore new things with you. I trust you, Daniel. If you do something that I don’t like, I know you’d stop if I told you to.”

“I’ll never do anything you don’t want to, baby,” he assured her. His face relaxed, and his mouth stretched into a sexy grin as he squeezed her buttocks. “One of my favorite positions is doggy style, you know, from behind? It gives me a great view of the woman’s ass. You have one sweet ass, baby. And I know I’ve got a dirty mind, and you can say ‘No, no way,’ but I’d really like to finger your ass while I make love to you.”

Yes, his mind was dirty, but what Daniel wanted to do made her pussy weep with a flood of wetness. She suddenly wondered what Ramona was doing at that precise moment. She hoped her sister wasn’t doing anything important. Since Samantha was about to have her bottom fingered, perhaps she should phone Ramona and warn her.

“However, I don’t think we’d get away with doggy style. It’s not exactly a position we can keep secret from our fellow passengers.” Daniel chuckled.

Daniel’s words brought Samantha back to their role-play, and an important realization struck her. Oh, dear. “Um, Daniel, you do know as identical twins that Mona and I share a close bond? She feels everything I do, and vice versa. It can be really embarrassing at times. Especially with orgasms.”

“You’re kidding me?” He tensed beneath her when it registered that she wasn’t. “Christ! No, you’re not kidding me.”

“Do you want to stop? I’ll understand if you do.”

He snorted. “Hell, no! I’m not stopping our fantasy for anybody, even if it is your twin sister.” He reinserted his fingers into her wet pussy, pushing them deep, and teased her back hole with his thumb. “Let her feel this. Let her feel you having an orgasm that’s gonna be right off the Richter scale.”

“Mona will definitely feel this…Oh, oh, oh, Daniel!”

Heavens, she was on fire for him. Samantha’s chest squeezed painfully, her breath coming out in hard pants when Daniel added a third finger to the two already inside her. Her thighs spread wide, sensations of vulnerability combined with excitement rolled through her as his fingers thrust deeper and scissored. The recliner creaking and wobbling, she rode his hand, rubbing her swollen clit against his calloused palm, creating a delicious friction that took her straight to the edge.

Then his teasing thumb plunged deep into her back hole. She cried out and came apart in a thousand ways, her body jerking as the intense waves of her orgasm ripped through her, even leaving her hair static to the touch.

“Hot damn, baby! You came so hard. I want to be inside you. I wanna feel you squeezing my cock while I finger your ass.”

Samantha heard Daniel, but his words wouldn’t register. How could they when she was still flying? It wasn’t until she felt him shoving his jeans down over his hips that she gained a sense of equilibrium. She looked down. The sight of his rigid dick definitely got her attention and a renewed urge to ride him overtook her. “Condoms?” she asked.

He frowned. “Damn! I forgot to replenish stocks.” A hopeful look replaced his frown. “Don’t s’pose you’re on the pill, baby?”

“No. I tried it several years ago to lessen my heavy periods, but it made me moody and sick. Even the morning-after pill the doctor prescribed after…”

To Samantha’s disgust, her voice broke. Mark Raven didn’t deserve her tears. She’d vowed never to be his victim. Daniel gently pulled her down and nestled her into the warmth of his side. The recliner protested with a creak and a wobble. She sniffed a few times, regained her composure, and then continued.

“I was sick after taking the morning-after pill. I wish I hadn’t taken it. I didn’t need to, because Mark…well, he didn’t even get my jeans off. He tried to, but I suppose he had his hands full holding me down. He really hurt me, Daniel. Several times I asked him to let me go, but he refused. He said he’d had enough of me teasing his…um, his cock, and that he was going to enjoy screwing me. That I would like it rough.”

Daniel’s tone was roughened with anger. “I’m gonna kill the bastard!”

“No, you won’t. You’ll only lower yourself down to his level. No, like myself, Ross, Matt, and the rest of our families, Rex included, you’re going to have faith in the justice system. The courts will decide Mark’s punishment.”

“And if they let him go?”

“Then they let him go. I know it’ll be hard on everyone, my family, yours, on you, but I’m the one it affects the most, Daniel. Whatever happens, whatever the courts decide, then I’ll have to accept it. And I
accept it. I won’t let Mark rule my life. I refuse to be his victim. He’s the coward, not me.”

“Samantha Anderson…” His tone was now calm and tender. “You’re one tough woman. I’m a lucky guy to have you as my girlfriend.”

Samantha tilted her face and brushed a soft kiss on Daniel’s chin. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“I know you want to make love. I do, too. But…Well, my periods are as regular as clockwork, every thirty days. Today is the twenty-first day, and we should be safe, but I don’t want to take risks. I love children, you know I do, but I don’t want to think about having my own until I have the home up and running.”

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