Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (11 page)

BOOK: Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Angered him because Raven would have taken something as precious as Samantha’s virginity by force. The more he thought about Raven, the more appealing it became to stab the bastard in the balls with his pair of compasses.

Then a fourth thing came to him, and Daniel swore under his breath. A minute ago, he’d been thinking about sinking his cock into Samantha’s creamy, wet pussy. And doing it on a picnic bench of all places!

“Daniel? Please don’t be angry with me. I know I should have told you sooner, but I could never find the right time. Or the right words.”

Daniel shook his head. “Oh, baby, I’m not angry with you,” he said, pulling her back into his arms. “I’m angry at myself.”


“To put it bluntly, and I apologize for my language, but I wanted to fuck you, right here, right now. Actually, to tell you the truth, I’ve wanted to fuck you from the moment I saw you last week. Some of my fantasies about you have been pretty wild.” He smiled at her blush. “I want to make love to you, Sammy, really, I do, but there’s no way I’m gonna do it on a picnic bench. Your first time should be special, and I’m going to do all I can to make it special. In a bed. A nice, big, comfy bed. Like the one in my hotel room. Interested?”


“Excuse me, but there’s something I’ve just gotta do.” Stepping away from Samantha, Daniel howled at the moon in jubilation, and then cartwheeled his way around the picnic bench. He stopped in front of her and grinned like a fool. He grinned when he refused to give her underwear back. He grinned when she swiped her panties from his back pocket while she chased him around the picnic bench. And he grinned as they walked back to the B and B, stopping for a few minutes so Samantha could gather some night things from home.

However, as soon as Daniel closed the hotel room door behind him, he lost the grin. Samantha stood before him, her overnight bag held in front of her, looking unsure as to what to do, and soberly reminding him that she was a virgin.

Christ. A virgin. Sure, he’d been one himself until the age of fifteen, when he’d lost his to a much older but very willing babysitter. Her name had been Julia, and instead of laughing at his clumsiness, she had spent time teaching him how to treat a girl right. But he’d never taken a woman’s virginity himself. Christ.

Somehow managing to calm the flames of passion that licked his body, Daniel approached Samantha and took the bag from her, tossing it toward the bed. He gave her a reassuring smile as he slipped the straps from her shoulders and pulled the dress down, allowing it to pool in a shimmering puddle at her feet. He bent to remove her shoes and then stood. Those flames licked hotter as his gaze roamed over, save her boy shorts, her naked body.

The blood roared through his veins, and his mouth suddenly went dry at the thought of her naked body beneath his, her pussy welcoming his cock, giving him her innocence, and then coming for him. He closed his eyes, the mental picture a whole lot better than the thought. He opened them again when he felt her hand touching his arm.

“Where did you go to?” she asked.

“Heaven. Which is where I’m now gonna take you. You’re a Leo, right?” He smiled at her puzzled expression when he turned her around. He slowly ran his index fingers down her spine to the crease of her sweet ass, then across the curve of her hips and up to cup her breasts in his hands, gently rolling the coral-hued nipples into tight peaks. He moved closer and planted a soft, moist kiss on her nape. “I’ve heard that Leos like having their backs touched. It’s a real turn-on for them, apparently.”

“Really? Where did you hear—mmmm.” She sighed when he dragged his tongue down to the small of her back. He blew air over the wet trail as he worked his way back up to her neck, and then covered the area between her shoulder blades with soft, open-mouthed kisses. “Oh, Daniel, that’s so nice.”

“Nice? Not a turn-on?”

“Well, yes, that as well.”

His laugh was muffled against her skin. By the time Daniel had finished kissing and caressing Samantha’s back some twenty minutes later, he knew she wholeheartedly agreed with him when he slipped his fingers beneath the lace of her shorts and found her pussy creamy wet.

“Can I take your hair down and brush it?”

Daniel instantly sensed his question had caught Samantha slightly by surprise. He turned her around and fixed his attention on her topknot. Reaching up with his hands, he tugged the tortoiseshell combs free and her hair tumbled to her shoulders, framing her face in a soft wave of chestnut curls.

“So beautiful. And so soft,” he said, first testing the weight of the tresses in his hand before allowing a section to twirl around and then slip from his fingers. He went over to her overnight bag and located her hairbrush, smiling as he held aloft a soft-turquoise, lacy tank top that obviously matched her boy shorts. “As sexy as this is, and as much as I’d like to see you in it, you won’t be wearing it tonight.”

Dropping the tank top back into the bag, Daniel beckoned for Samantha to stand in front of the mirrored wardrobe, where, under her attentive gaze, he proceeded to brush her hair until it shimmered and cracked with the same electricity that passed between them every time he caught her eye.

He placed the brush on top of the nearby chest of drawers and turned her around to face him, feeling decidedly short of air at the depth of desire in her sparkling green eyes. Not to mention rock hard. Her eyes then dropped to his T-shirt. “You want me to take it off?” he asked.

“Can I do it?”

“Be my guest.”

However, Daniel soon regretted Samantha removing his T-shirt. Once she’d pulled it up over his head, her fingers started dancing. And a slow and erotic dance at that. They bopped over his shoulders. They pirouetted over his chest, lingering on his nipples to within a breath of him breaking his pledge and taking her to the floor and making love to her right there and then. And they skipped down his stomach where they lingered even longer on the button fly to his jeans. If he allowed her fingers to go dancing any lower, if she touched him, touched his cock, he would almost certainly cream himself.

Daniel caught Samantha’s hand when she went to flick the buttons from their enclosures, and raised it to his mouth, where he pressed a soft kiss to the palm. “You’re playing with fire down there,” he warned softly.

“I just want to turn you on like you’ve turned me on.”

He groaned loudly when she pressed herself up against him, her beautiful breasts crushed flat on his chest. “Baby, if I get any more turned on, I’m gonna make a mess in my jeans.” He stepped away and kicked his boots off. His socks followed. Then he swept her up into his arms and carried her over to the bed. The mattress dipped as he sank down next to her. Weaving his fingers through her hair, he kissed her deeply, capturing her soft whimper when he rolled her onto her back and settled his weight on top of her, the long, firm ridge of his cock pressing against her belly.

After a while, it became a little too painful for his cock to be confined to his jeans. Not wanting to be apart from her for any longer than necessary, Daniel was off the bed, out of his jeans, and back on top of Samantha in less time than it took an Olympic sprinter to run the one hundred meters. His hard cock pressed against her drenched boy shorts, the only barrier between them. He went to kiss her again, but she put her fingers over his mouth.

“I want to see.”

“See what?”

“You know,” she said, casting a shy glance downward.

He grinned and shifted himself to sit back on his knees so she got a good look at him. He almost protested when he noticed she wasn’t looking at his hard cock but at the white band of skin around his hips. A small smile played on her lips as she trailed her fingers over his hips and thighs, before she took hold of his cock in one hand and lightly trailed the fingers of the other up and down the length of him.

Knowing with certainty he wouldn’t be able to take that for more than ten seconds, he again caught her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Like I said, you’re playing with fire.”

Her sexy pout almost made Daniel let Samantha play with fire. Almost. Removing her hand from around his cock, he leaned over her and dotted moist kisses over her shoulders, working his way down to her breasts. He loved her tits. They were so responsive to his touch. Her hands went to cradle his head, her fingers driving through his hair when he drew one of the tight nipples into his mouth. He laved the bud with his tongue, loving the soft mewls she uttered and the way she arched her back, begging for more.

He would have gladly given her more and could feast on her breasts forever, but he wanted to taste her hot pussy and pleasure her by giving her an orgasm. He moved from her breasts, dotting kisses down her belly until his head was level with her boy shorts. Then, sliding his hands under her sweet ass, he lifted her and pressed his mouth against the drenched lace between her thighs, rather liking the way she gasped when his nose butted her clit through the material.

He hooked his fingers under the shorts’ elastic and inch by inch lowered them until she was exposed to his mouth and tongue. He nudged her back down onto the bed and again butted his nose against her clit, eliciting another gasp from her.

Her musky scent filled his head. “Is that nice?” Daniel asked, surprised he could get the words past his lust-clogged throat.

“Oh, yes,” she whispered, raising her hips so he could drag her shorts all the way down her legs and off.

Their eyes locked as he repositioned himself between her thighs, and her mouth formed an O when he circled her clit with the tip of his tongue. He gave her a wink. “It’s okay. Relax and enjoy.” He bent his head to tend to what he knew would be right off the pleasure scale for both of them. He cupped her ass with his hands, and she spread her legs wider, unashamedly opening up to him. It made him feel pretty fucking spectacular that she trusted him to allow him to make love to her with his mouth.

And love her with his mouth he did. He stroked. He sucked. He licked, and he lapped, bringing her to the brink of another mind-blowing orgasm. He gave her a second respite and then he suckled her clit and drove two fingers into her pussy. On a whimper, she soared over the edge.

He loved every second of her orgasm, the sound of her whimpers, the way her thighs squeezed tight around his head, and the way her creamy cum flowed on his tongue and around his fingers. He also drove himself nuts by containing a basic need to be inside her.

Finally, though, Daniel couldn’t take it anymore, the need just too strong. He got up off the bed and removed a condom from the box in his knapsack, rolling it into place as he climbed back between her legs. His cock throbbed for her. Her beautiful features were set with fear.

“Baby, say the word, and I’ll stop.”

Samantha shook her head and reached for him, guiding and nudging his sheathed cock into her sopping pussy. He settled himself more fully onto her and, inch by inch, slowly nudged forward, stretching her tight channel and accustoming her to his length and girth. She felt so good, hot and creamy wet, but tense.

“Try and relax.” He pressed a whisper of a kiss to her forehead. “Wrap your legs around my waist. That’s it, baby,” he encouraged when her legs locked behind him, further opening her pussy up to him. “Feel good?” She gave a brief nod. Taking her hands and placing them around his neck, he shifted position slightly and thrust his hips forward. Guilt tore through him at her sharp cry. He began to withdraw, but stopped at her words.

“Daniel, please. Don’t stop. Show me how to please you.”

Daniel groaned. Her innocence was as heartrending as it was a turn-on. He couldn’t stop even if he’d wanted to. At the same time as he kissed her, trying to drink in the pain he knew she’d be feeling, he again thrust his hips forward, and the last of the restraints broke away, and he buried himself deep inside her.

Their eyes locked on each other, he moved with long, slow strokes until Samantha caught his rhythm, and he swore he could see stars as her hips rose upward to meet the increasingly harder and faster thrusting actions of his own hips. Her breathing was becoming hard and fast, too, and her trembling body told him she was close to coming.

Her eyelids then fluttered closed, shutting off the heated connection between them, but he was still going to have to watch it. One lapse in concentration and he’d be coming with her. And he didn’t want that. Before, he’d wanted to make her first time special by making love to her in a bed. Now he wanted to last as long as possible to ensure any remaining bad memories of what Mark Raven did to her were swept away.

“Sammy, baby, open your eyes.” At his request, her lids lifted and her green gaze connected with his once more. “I’m gonna lick you again. Come in my mouth. Don’t be afraid. Like before, just go with it.”

She nodded, and Daniel withdrew his cock and went down on Samantha again, making her cry out with every loving lick he administered. She arched up off the bed, her body tauter than a bowstring while she rode her climax. He almost lost control at the smell, taste, and feel of her cum in his mouth, but he managed to calm himself and rolled her to her side. Tucking himself in close behind her in the spoons position, he drew her legs up and easily entered her extremely wet pussy.

Her hand went to his hip, holding him in place while he moved his cock back and forth with slow strokes, pulling out and teasing her entrance with the tip of his cock before pushing forward and filling her to capacity. Flicking her hair out of the way and dropping gentle kisses over the slope of her shoulder, he cupped her breasts in his hands, lightly rolling her coral-hued, pebbled nipples between his fingers, making her moan and dig her fingers into his hip.

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