Bombsites and Lollipops: My 1950s East End Childhood (28 page)

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Authors: Jacky Hyams

Tags: #Europe, #World War II, #Social Science, #London (England), #Travel, #General, #Customs & Traditions, #Great Britain, #Historical, #Biography & Autobiography, #Military, #History

BOOK: Bombsites and Lollipops: My 1950s East End Childhood
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And even now, all those years on, I still hold the opinion that Italians are the best-dressed men on the planet …


Jacky Hyams is a freelance journalist, author and former magazine editor who has written extensively on a wide range of topics for many leading publications in the UK and Australia. Her work has appeared in
Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, New Idea, Cleo, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Evening Standard, The Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Sunday Express, Best, Bella, Now, Woman’s Own, Hello, What’s On TV, Woman & Home, Woman’s Weekly
and many other publications. She lives in West Hampstead, London.


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ePub ISBN 978 1 84358 590 9

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First published in paperback in 2011

ISBN: 978 184358 352 3

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