Bonded (The Raegan Mason Trilogy) (10 page)

Read Bonded (The Raegan Mason Trilogy) Online

Authors: Cheryl Courtney

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Bonded (The Raegan Mason Trilogy)
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I couldn’t manage to come up with any witty remarks.  My mind was filled with terror.  This one small bar that I was gripping onto for my life was all that stood between me and the hard unforgiving ground below.  If Kyler said much more, I didn’t hear him.  My pulse was pounding in my ears and looking down was all I could do.  I couldn’t tear my eyes away from my impending fall.  When we reached the top, Kyler rubbed my arm to distract me from the height.  “Look.” He pointed with his right hand.  “There’s the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia, and do you remember what that one’s named?”  He leaned closer to me and the heat became intense.

I shook my head.  “N-n-no?”  My knuckles were turning white from my death grip on the bar.  Kyler reached down and started prying my hands off.

“Relax, Raegan.”  He purred in my ear.  My muscles obeyed and I felt like I was floating.  It was a brief moment of floating before I felt both of his hands grab onto me firmly and pull me down hard on the seat.  “What are you trying to do, jump?”  Kyler was yelling at me.

“What are you talking about?”  I was dizzy and the ride was picking up speed.  He was turned toward me and his hands were still gripping my arms pinning me down on the seat.

“You went head first over the bar!  I almost didn’t grab you in time.”  His face was panicked and his eyes were wide with worry.  “Were you trying to jump?”

“No!  I wouldn’t do that.  I don’t know what happened.  You told me to relax and I did.  Then you grabbed me.”  My heartbeat had returned to its rapid beat and I was feeling sick to my stomach.  “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Kyler didn’t move away, but instead pulled me in closer to him and cradled my head on his chest while the ride continued going in circles.  He held my head firmly in place with one hand covering my eyes so I wouldn’t be tempted to look down again.  His other arm was planted securely around my body in a comfortable bear hug.  I listened as his own heartbeat slowly returned to a normal pace and allowed myself to relax into his arms.  The electricity flowing through us was so intense, there was no way he couldn’t feel it.  I didn’t want to move out of his arms.  He held me until the ride came to a stop.  “It’s over.  You can open your eyes now.”  He still had that worried expression as he examined my face.  He moved my disheveled hair behind my ear.  “I don’t think we’ll try the roller coaster today.”  He smiled a crooked grin revealing only one dimple.

“Thanks.” I managed to respond.  My legs were wobbly, but I was able to deal with it without looking like a fool.

We didn’t ride anymore big rides, thankfully.  There were some that were down on the ground like house of mirrors and the haunted house.  We rode one ride that spun you in circles while going even faster in a bigger circle.  That one left me nauseous, but it was fun.  We shared a huge order of chili cheese fries and a big bag of blue cotton candy.  Not the best dinner in the world, but what do you expect at a carnival?  After eating, I really didn’t want to try anymore rides so we went toward my favorite part of the carnival – the games.

There I was able to show off a bit.  My aim was deadly at darts and I was able to pop all five balloons to win a massive teddy bear.  Kyler was impressed at my accuracy.  He was equally accurate throwing footballs into a small target.  He won a stuffed Patrick from SpongeBob Squarepants which he gave to a little girl that was watching him.  It was bigger than she was and we both laughed as she carried it away.

The night ended uneventfully.  I drove him back to the Aquarium so he could get his car.  There were still a few vehicles in the parking lot, but I couldn’t tell which was his.  He opened the door, told me thanks for all the fun and “See you soon.” Then he shut the door.  He walked back toward the gated door we entered earlier and was gone in the darkness.

Jaxon was right about one thing, Kyler was weird.  His bewildering emotions made me feel like I was on that dangerous roller coaster.  Up and down, hot and cold, passionate and uninterested; I should run as fast as I could away from him, but something about him pulled me toward him like a powerful magnet.  Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about him. 



Jaxon had called several times while I was out the night before.  Aunt Sarah just told him I wasn’t available.  He called again that morning wondering where I’d been and if everything was alright.  I told him about shopping with Julie, but decided not to tell him about my time with Kyler.  For some reason, I’m sure he wouldn’t have liked that idea very much.  I told him Julie and I were going to the bonfire together in a few days, and that I’d probably see everyone there.

“So, wanna catch a movie or something?” Jaxon casually asked.

“Uh, na.  I’m not really interested in going to watch anything.  I haven’t seen anything worth watching in a long time.  It’s just a bunch of remakes.  It’s like movie producers can’t find any original material to produce anymore.”  I really just didn’t want to be alone in a dark theater with him.  Although I’d tried to make it clear we were just friends, it seemed as if Jaxon was still trying, still not giving up.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.  Want to go jet skiing?  We could go out to the reef and snorkel.”  He wasn’t going to stop suggesting things until I agreed to go somewhere with him.

“Sure, that sounds like fun.  Want me to meet you at the docks?  I’ll need to change and I can meet you there in about half an hour.”  I was still in my pajamas and needed a shower.

“I’ll just swing by in thirty minutes and we can ride together.  I’ll load up the jet skis and see you in a bit.”  I could feel his contagious enthusiasm through the phone and couldn’t help smiling.  What harm could come from snorkeling with him?

Half an hour later, Jaxon showed up at the house.  The jet ski trailer was attached to his vibrant red 4x4 pick-up.  The tires were huge.  Not monster-truck huge, but big enough that I dreaded climbing into it.  Of course, Jaxon didn’t let me attempt this on my own.  He walked me to the passenger side and ever so smoothly placed his hands around my hips to help me up.  I shuddered after he closed the door.   I’d have to make sure he still understood what “friends” meant.

Jaxon climbed in on his side and turned the key bringing the engine roaring to life.  His camouflage cap was pulled down almost hiding his crystal blue eyes.  As if reading my mind, he glanced over winking before he pulled out onto the road.  I had to roll my eyes.  At least he didn’t blow a kiss.

The ride to the dock was quiet as far as conversation was concerned, but Jaxon showed no shame singing along with the Beach Boys CD. 

“I love the colorful clothes she wears, And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair, I hear the sound of a gentle word, On the wind that lifts her perfume through the air.  I’m pickin’ up good vibrations.  She’s giving me excitations…” more winking and flashing the famous Jaxon Owen dimples.  “Good, good, good, good vibrations.” 

His steering wheel became a drum set, or maybe bongos?  I couldn’t help but laugh.  No matter how creepy his sudden attraction was for me, I was going to miss him.

Jaxon backed up the trailer on the boat ramp and eased the jet skis into the water.  He started to jump out of the truck, but turned to me first.  “I’m going to unload the jet skis.  Can you pull the truck and trailer over there when I’m done?  Just leave your stuff in here and bring the keys.  I’ll meet you at the ramp.”

I slid over into the driver’s seat when he jumped down and watched while he unstrapped each jet ski.  He’d already stripped off his shirt leaving me open jawed at the clearly defined body he’d developed.  I certainly did not remember him looking like that last summer.  I think my hormones were becoming unmanageable because all I could focus on was the way his body moved.  I had to keep reminding myself that this was Jaxon, my friend, my brother-like friend and this was creepy!  Maybe I could overlook the brother-like part?  Kyler didn’t seem interested last night, and Jaxon definitely was interested.  Plus Jaxon was leaving soon, but with Kyler there were sparks – true sparks. 

I banged my forehead on the steering wheel trying to clear my mind of all of the unnecessary worrying I was doing.  Before I could clear my mind, Jaxon was at the door.

“Raegan?  You okay?”  He’d opened the truck door and pushed the hair from my face.

“Oh, yeah, I’m great.  Sorry I wasn’t watching and I, um…I’ll just go park the truck and be down there in a second.”  I started to put the truck in gear.

“You sure you’re okay?  It’s not another headache is it?”  He looked at my forehead as if he could actually see a headache forming.

“No, I mean yes, I mean I’m good.  No headache.”  I forced a smile. 

Jaxon smiled in response and quickly planted a kiss on my forehead.  “Good.  I’ll get the life jackets ready.”  He jumped down from the step and took off jogging to the jet skis he left on the ramp.

What did I get myself into?  I pulled Jaxon’s truck into a parking spot, grabbed the keys and climbed down.  Jaxon was holding my life jacket ready to help me put it on.  Once securely fastened, we each boarded a jet ski and set out for a day of snorkeling.

Jaxon led us toward the cove.  The waves were gentle and it provided a big enough area to snorkel near the reef without getting pounded by the surf.  Plus we could let the jet skis float near us.  Jaxon pulled some bottled water from a small ice chest he had tucked under the seat in the storage area.  I was impressed he would think of something like that.  I would have been dehydrated by the time we got back.

“Here, drink up.  Then we’ll dive off and join the deep blue sea and all her treasures!”  He flashed that smile again and tipped his head back as he guzzled his water.  I couldn’t help but watch as he drank.  This brotherly love business sounded crazy at the moment.  He waited until I finished drinking so he could store the bottles in the cooler, then stood up to remove his life jacket.  He had grabbed our snorkeling gear and waited while I fidgeted with my clasps.  He had already put on his flippers by the time I escaped the life jacket.  He chuckled.  “That was
entertaining.  If you’d like to continue removing articles of clothing, I won’t object.”  He suggestively raised his eyebrows, then winked.

“Uggh, Jaxon!  Sometimes I wonder just how you’ve managed to keep any girl friends.”  I reached for my snorkel and flippers as he pulled them slightly out of reach causing me to almost fall in head first.

“So you’re my girlfriend now?”  He teased.  “If that’s the case, I deserve at least a kiss for this romantic getaway I’ve planned for today.”  He puckered his lips and made a kissy face toward me.

“Jaxon, please!”  I practically yelled at him.  If I could have stomped my foot, I would have, but all I could manage was to try to look mean and place my hands on my hips in protest.

“I love it when you beg.”  He grabbed my hand and pulled me as he jumped from the jet ski into the ocean.

I screamed as I surfaced.  “How dare you, Jaxon!  You could have, you could have…”  I couldn’t think what he could have done, I was too busy slapping his arms while he laughed.  “You jerk.”  I splashed him as I tried to distance myself from him.  I really wasn’t that mad, but to hear him laughing at me just burned inside.  Plus, I was still feeling a little rejected from Kyler and I was taking it out on Jaxon.

Jaxon was still laughing.  “I’m sorry, Rae.  You were so cute trying to unfasten the clasps on the life jacket, I couldn’t resist imagining you attempting a strip tease.”  He inched closer and I splashed him again to try and force him back.  His laughter stopped.  “Now you’re asking for trouble.”  He smirked.  He rushed me in the water as I tried to swim away laughing and splashing at him.

It didn’t take him long to catch me since he had his flippers on and I didn’t.  His strong arms snaked around me and pulled me into his chest.  He locked his eyes on mine for a moment before slowly focusing on my lips.  My mouth suddenly went dry as I tried to swallow.  His arms felt natural around me and I was torn inside trying to decide what the right thing to do would be. He treaded water for us for a moment before gradually releasing me and swimming back toward the jet skis to get my gear.

I fumbled with my flippers while trying to stay afloat for a few minutes.  The tension was thick and Jaxon kept his distance while I prepared.  Once we were under water, there wasn’t any need to talk.  We floated over the reef watching the colorful fish and plants that thrived.  Every now and then, Jaxon would tap my arm to get my attention as he pointed out new treasures.  Each touch was like a stab to my heart.  I kept hurting him every chance I got.

After what seemed like hours, Jaxon suggested we head to shore to eat.  He had packed a picnic too.  He swam toward his jet ski and took off his flippers and gear before effortlessly climbing back on his.  I on the other hand was less graceful.  I just didn’t have the arm strength to pull myself up today.

“Here.” Jaxon reached his hand out to me and I reluctantly took it.  He pulled me as I kicked and pushed with my other arm.  When I got close, he let go so I could grab the handle of his jet ski.  He reached his hands lower to help me up and I reached my other arm around his neck, finally making it up on his jet ski.  He scooted back some so I could sit sideways on the seat with him while I caught my breath.  He didn’t move his arms that gently wrapped around me.  I could feel the heat from his body inches from mine.  My breathing didn’t slow down, but instead started increasing as I felt him lean closer.  “Raegan, you are so beautiful.”  His warm hand trailed down my bare back, the other softly caressing my hip and rising toward my chest.  Definitely not brother like.

“Jaxon.”  It came out as a whisper.  His lips crushed into mine and his arms tightened around me pulling me closer.  His tongue traced my bottom lip before he captured my lips again.  I allowed the kiss to deepen and he took the lead again tangling his tongue with mine.  His hands continued to caress parts of my body with the tenderest touches, causing a fire to burn slowly in my abdomen.  His hands firmly grabbed my hips and repositioned me so that I was straddling him on the jet ski, never once breaking the lip lock. 

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