Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel) (6 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel)
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I smiled at him and offered my hand for him
to shake. His puzzled look was turning into one of realization. He stiffened
his jaw as the anger came into his face. He’d tried to sabotage his friend’s
attempts at hiring me, but he had failed.


We shook hands and I smiled at him politely.
I walked out of his club, still smiling, sure that this was going to be my most
interesting job yet.


Chapter 4


An alarm cut through my sleep. I rolled over
in bed and clicked the snooze button, knowing that I was awake well before I
needed to be. I had planned to get up early and hit the gym before work to get
out some of the energy. The clock read six twenty-eight.


The night before came flooding back to mind.
The nightclub with the army of slaves and masters, all encased in leather and
carrying whips as they drank and danced with each other in ways that I wasn’t
sure I would, or could, ever understand. The smell of the nightclub was still
on my clothes and the images were still fresh in my head. It had been an
interesting night.


I stared at the ceiling. My mind painted my
memories on the white ceiling before me as though it were a screen and my mind
was the projector.


Leon Christensen looked back at me, his white
teeth sharpened through a smile. He was close, so close now that I could smell
him, despite the sweat and leather in the air. The drink in his hand was
glistening with moisture beads from the ice cubes that chilled and diluted the
expensive whiskey. It was probably single-malt. At least eighteen years old.
Maybe even older.


The light shined down on his slicked black
hair, casting shadows over the contours of his face. His jaw line the sculptured
model of perfection. I remembered studying the slight stubble that grew along
his chin, a faint five o’clock shadow that dared to be let run free towards
becoming a beard. When his thick lips parted, they showed those teeth that
longed to bite into flesh, playfully at first, and then not let go.


I got out of bed, shaking off the image of
Leon Christensen’s beautiful face. I had slept naked last night, relishing the
feel of my satin sheets again my smooth skin. I walked through my place towards
the bathroom. I started the shower, turning the water hot and then watching the
steam form on the windows.


I got in the shower and the hot water set my
skin. I could see Leon sitting beside my shower on a stool, silently watching
me as the water poured over my feminine figure. I felt that familiar urge start
to grow between my legs and my heartbeat quickened.


I washed myself slowly. The image of Leon
watched me rub the soapy suds all over my skin, paying special attention to the
nipples that he would later be squeezing and pulling. I could see his pants
grow tight as his cock turned to stone inside his pants.


I closed my eyes and shook off the fantasy.
When I opened them the image of Leon was gone and I was alone in the shower. I
rinsed off and killed the water. Yet when I got out of the shower and toweled
myself off, I almost longed for Leon’s sapphire eyes to eat up every available
inch of exposed skin.


I turned on some music in my apartment and
shook off my lustful thoughts. I’d been neglecting my own needs for a little
too long. It’d obviously been far too long since I had gotten laid. I would
shake off the thoughts of my client, and get through the day. Then I would go
out and find myself some company for tonight. I liked the idea of going to an
upscale cocktail lounge and finding someone to treat me to a drink and a good


My client, Leon Christensen. I repeated it
aloud to myself, emphasizing the part about him being a client. I had rules.
One of those rules was I never became involved with a client, not only
sexually, but personally. Yes, I would get Christmas cards and wedding
invitations, but I always declined and I never hung out with my clients once
the contract was completed. It was always strictly business. I had never slept
with a client. I wasn’t about to start now.


Leon was handsome. I could readily admit
that. There was an aura of authority to him and he seemed to command the
attention of anybody who was in the room with him.


“Would you like to know just how big my dick
is?” Leon had asked.


His voice had grown slightly harsh when he
had said dick, as though he knew that word was in itself harsh and he wanted me
to make sure I knew that he knew that. Either way, it didn’t matter how big his
dick is because I was never going to see it.


The way he had talked to me had meant to be
abrasive, but when I thought about it, I was a little turned on by some of the
things. He’d been deliberately offensive and crass when it came to certain
things, I was thinking of him obliging me on a desire for anal sex that I had
never had, but my little fantasies this morning confirmed that not everything
he said was offensive. I loved the idea of a man knowing what he wanted. A man
who would take control in the bedroom.


I shook it off. There were a thousand men
just like Leon Christensen. I’d go find someone better than him tonight. After
I resolved to do this, my lustful thoughts abated. Now, I was more focused on
the real task at hand. I had to set Leon Christensen up with a woman.


I arrived at the office a few minutes before
April. I brewed some coffee and I ordered us some food to be delivered for
breakfast. While I didn’t know much about April, I did know that while she was
always on time, she didn’t eat before work.


“Good morning, April,” I said as she walked


“Good morning, Miss Facet,” she said
brightly. April sounded happy. I wondered mischievously to myself that maybe
April had gotten laid last night. I smiled wide and genuinely hoped that she


“Look, I ordered us some breakfast, I’m
assuming you didn’t eat?” I asked. She shook her head.


“Great. We have a busy morning and there’s a
lot we need to get done before lunch. I need you to call Leon Christensen and
arrange a meeting for early afternoon. I’ve left his contact info on your desk.
That’s first.”


April sat at her desk and immediately set to
work. I put on some music in my office and took a minute to bob my head along
to a song that I had fallen in love with during high school. Memories of
drinking in the back of cars at the drive-in movie theatre and parties where we
had to run from the cops came flooding back. It was an escape from the hectic
beginnings of my day and I relished the brief escape before April interrupted.


“Miss Facet, here’s your food,” she said,
placing down a styrofoam container down before me. I thanked her and she smiled
as she turned to go back to her desk. However, before she reached her desk she
stopped and called back to me.


“Miss Facet, I called Mr. Christensen. He
didn’t pick up, but I’ll give him another ring in an hour. I left him a message


I thanked her through a mouthful of an
egg-white omelet with veggies and no cheese. I ate greedily, feeling hungry
despite having missed the opportunity to go to the gym. I would go during my
lunch break and get in a quick thirty-minute circuit.


I finished my breakfast and tossed the
styrofoam container in the trash, feeling a little guilty that my trash
wouldn’t biodegrade for a thousand years. Then I walked over to the coffeepot
next to April’s desk and poured myself another cup of black coffee. That was when
the front door to our office opened.


Leon walked in. He was dressed in a sharp
suit that was perfectly tailored to him and cut from expensive fabric. He wore
no tie, but he looked excellent. When he spotted April and I, he stopped.


“Good morning, Miss Facet,” he said, walking
forward. He extended his hand to shake mine and I took it.


“Mr. Christensen,” I began, shaking his hand.
“We haven’t arranged a time for our meeting yet. My secretary has been trying
to get ahold of you for just that reason.”


Leon turned to look at April. She immediately
began blushing. Leon walked up to her desk and leaned in close to her.


“I apologize, sincerely. It seems that while
I might have missed your call, I definitely would have loved to talk with you.”
Leon’s smile spread across his face. His eyebrows rose as he smiled and he
looked as innocent as a cat about to pounce on an unsuspecting mouse.


“It’s quite alright, sir,” April stuttered.


I felt a pang of annoyance. Leon had waltzed
in our office without any consideration for our operations. I had specifically
instructed him to arrange an appointment, and rather than follow the rules, he
just showed up when he felt like it. Now, he was flirting with my secretary.


“Mr. Christensen, please, follow me into my


Leon obliged. His eyes lingered on April for
another minute as he walked into my office, his hands in his pockets. April
turned away quickly when I looked back. Her face was beet red.


“Please, sit,” I said, motioning towards a
chair in front of my desk. Leon sat.


“Excuse my intrusion, but this was really the
only time slot I had available today. You were adamant about meeting today, but
I knew that the afternoon wouldn’t work for me. Rather than miss this
opportunity and break my promise to Stills, I decided to come in right when you
guys opened.”


I leveled my eyes at Leon Christensen and
studied him. Normally, a meeting doesn’t have to be in my office. I’m very
flexible with clients. I arrange meetings over the computer, the phone, or in
their offices. My office is often the meeting place, but it’s not a rule of
mine that I have meetings here.


With this client, I knew that I had to get
him on my turf. While he might be able to unsettle me in a nightclub with a
crazy sex show going on right in front of us, there was nothing in my office
that was going to rattle me. I was in my element.


Leon Christensen was a special case. Last
night had cemented that in my mind and now him showing up here unannounced,
which I was almost sure was deliberate, only proved my theory. His control
issues were obviously a part of his relationship problems, and the first step
to wrangling him in would be to have him relinquish some of that control. Yet
he already thwarted this attempt by showing up unannounced to my office.


“In the future, you’ll follow the rules that
I set regarding our meetings,” I said sternly. “I understand you’re a busy man
and this time I’ll make an exception. But in the future, unless it’s some type
of emergency or you’re just popping in to say hi, make an appointment.” I made
sure to open my hands to him as I spoke, as though I were truly sorry that it
had to be this way. Every word spoken was laced with a hint of sorrow, as
though it were really beyond my control and I was just following orders.


Leon nodded. He smiled again and then crossed
his legs.


“That’s very reasonable of you,” he said
slyly. He opened his hands, palms up, emulating my mannerisms. His grin widened
and I smiled back, showing him just how unfazed I was.


“We’ll begin, Mr. Christensen,” I said. I
pulled out a small tape recorder that I kept in my desk. It was an ancient
relic at this point, and almost every client made a comment about it. “I’m
going to record our conversation so that I can be more active in listening to
you, rather than transcribing your comments. If this makes you uncomfortable, I
will not record us, but I’ll still have to make notes on my computer. Are you
alright with this?”


“Absolutely, record away. Let’s create some
memories for posterity,” Leon said dryly. “Are you positive your artifact still


I smiled. Every client makes a comment. “Yes,
it is very reliable. No files get corrupted or lost in any kind of transfer.
There’s a hard copy on this little tape and it has never failed me.”


I placed the old tape recorder on my desk and
pressed the record button. The sound of the wheels turning in the little device
was audible in the room and Leon’s eyes fell on the recorder and he laughed


“Tell me, Mr. Christensen, what are some of
your general likes and dislikes? And I don’t mean sexual likes and dislikes,” I
said tonelessly.


“First, I’d like it if you called me Leon.
Mr. Christensen seems so... formal,” Leon relaxed in his chair a little bit as
he said this, “I suppose you’d like to know what type of music I listen to?
Maybe my favorite restaurants? Well, I love all types of music, but I’d have to
say the Beatles are my favorite band, right behind The Rolling Stones, as clichéd
as both of those bands are to have as your two favorites. My favorite food is Thai
food, and I could probably eat it three meals a day.”


“What do you do for fun?”


“I enjoy running my clubs, which I get to
enjoy because the pressure of failure isn’t really there. My lovely mother has
enough money to cover me if anything goes wrong, but I’ve been successful
enough to not have to put my tail between my legs and ask for her to bail me
out. It takes up a substantial amount of my time, but I do get a certain
satisfaction from it. You’ve already been to two of my clubs, but the Nova is
the typical type of club that I run. The Poisoned Lily is more of a side

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