Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel) (7 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel)
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“I’ve got a few clubs like the Poisoned Lily,
but they are under a shell company. I like to keep my name relatively clear of
those sort of operations, more for my mother’s sake. Old money tends to frown
upon BDSM,” Leon said, smiling. “If someone were to do any amount of digging,
they’d find that it was under my name, but it’s not that big of a concern
because there wouldn’t be much of a story there. The club is legal and Stills
is technically the manager.”


“Why did you decide to open up these types of
clubs?” I asked.


“I was already successful with my other clubs
and I was interested in opening up a BDSM club that was of a higher caliber. I
wanted a place where people with similar interests could come together and
enjoy an elegant environment. I was introduced to BDSM and I know that many
people who like high-class establishments also enjoy BDSM, so I recognized a
market demand and I sought to fulfill that. I’ve been very successful with that
as well.”


The tape recorder continued on, a scratchy
noise filling the silence that followed Leon’s words. I took a little notebook
and made a note to myself as well. It was only two words. BDSM - Research.


“Is a mutual interest in BDSM something that
you feel is a requirement for your partner?”


Leon raised his hand to his chin and closed
his eyes, thinking about my question. A few moments passed while I waited for
him to respond.


“I suppose an open minded attitude towards a
lot of things is necessary for me in a partner. It wouldn’t be something that I
feel the person must have already had an interest in, but they must be open to
new experiences, just as I am,” Leon said, raising his eyebrows at me, a smirk
coming across his face again. I found myself studying his face, noticing the
lines around his lips that would soon be etched in as wrinkles from the
recurrence of his signature smile. It was a sexy smile.


“Can you describe to me some of your previous
relationships? Maybe you can start with the first significant relationship you
had,” I said, shaking away the thought of how sexy that smile was.


“My first significant relationship was in
boarding school. She wasn’t my first sexual partner, but it definitely had an
impact. She introduced me to BDSM and opened up my horizons.”


“A fellow student? Younger or older?”


“Older,” Leon said, a wry look on his face.
“Not a student. A teacher.”


I nodded my head in understanding. When Leon
told me that it was a teacher that had introduced him to BDSM, I detected a
hint of pride in his voice.


“There weren’t any girls in my boarding
school. I had been in a few elite schools in Europe, but I had been asked to
leave from all of them. Apparently the administration got wind that I had
seduced more than a few of the fellow students, girls of course, and two
teachers. Although, they were all just rumors and unsubstantiated, officially,
of course. So my parents decided to move me to an all boy’s school. A school
for rich boys that was geared towards fixing behavioral problems so that these
trust-fund babies would turn out to be nice lawyers and investment bankers.
Maybe even a doctor or two.”


Leon paused. He pulled out his phone and
checked something quickly and then returned it to his pocket. He looked back up
to me and continued on as though nothing had happened.


“I was moved to the Tambor School. I was
seventeen when I first met Mrs. Robinson. A fitting name, right?” Leon asked,
shaking his head as he let out a small laugh. “The relationship didn’t escalate
to a physical relationship until I was eighteen, but it definitely began before
that. She was studying me, seeing if I could be her Dom.”


“Dom?” I interrupted.


“In a dominant and submissive relationship,
there are two roles. There is the sub, who is the submissive and the Dom, or
the Dominant. Each role is not gender specific, meaning that a woman can be
either and the same goes for men. She was a sub, and when she met me, she
already sensed something inside of me that I didn’t even know was there.


“Mrs. Robinson was beautiful. She was in her
late forties, but she had kept good care of herself. Right when I met her I had
already decided to try to seduce her. Yet she had seemed impervious and kept me
at a distance. It was only later that I learned this was a precautionary
measure for her. All of the teachers had been made aware of me, she told me
this later, and my history.


“After a class where I was admittedly being
rather disruptive, Mrs. Robinson told me to sit in my desk and wait while
everybody left the class. I thought I was about to be disciplined, but after
all the other students had left, Mrs. Robinson had simply closed the door and
walked up to where I was sitting and sat down on a desk across from me. That
was when I noticed she wasn’t wearing any panties under her dress.”


Leon’s face remained placid. An echo of his
smile crossed his lips as he dived deeper into his memory.


“She handed me a note. There was an address
and a time on it. Then she dismissed me and said nothing more. When I went to
the address that night, I saw it was her house. When I knocked on the door, she
opened it and pulled me inside quickly. She was already wearing an... outfit.


“I had been completely satisfied with the sex
that I had been having with other women. I was about to be shown that it had
been vanilla sex, but I was eighteen and any sex with a beautiful woman was
great, despite how easily it seemed to come my way. When other guys would
complain about not being able to get laid, I always wondered what their problem
was. Women love sex just as much as men do, it’s just that these men are their
own worst enemy.”


I didn’t interrupt Leon to tell him that none
of those men probably had his looks or charm. Women like sex just as much as
men do, but they are also much more guarded than men. With his looks, however,
he was easily a master at disarming women. I could see why sex came so easily
to him.


“I fell into the role of the Dom very
quickly. Soon enough, Mrs. Robinson was bending to my every wish. There was
bondage, of course, and some whipping, but it started out tame. She instructed
me how to properly spank her and what kind of choking was erotic and what kind
was simply painful. I had never thought that I would one day be instructed in
the proper art of choking a woman for sexual pleasure,” Leon said, laughing.


“Yet Mrs. Robinson was really only the start.
She opened me up for a whole new possibility of sex that I didn’t know had
existed. I had what you would call ‘regular’ sex afterwards, sure, but I always
felt a draw towards BDSM.”


Leon studied my reaction. After the previous
night, I was hardly shocked by what he was telling me. I was vaguely aware of
BDSM, but after our meeting I was going to do an entire investigation of it.
Purely for professional reasons.


I was merely nodding, a placid figure before
him. Leon must have assumed that I was going to be uncomfortable by his
admittances, but the truth was I had expected this. Other clients had admitted
“sexual prerequisites” to me before, but there was always a modesty to them. No
client ever tried to offend me. In fact, there were a few times where I had to
ask leading questions just to get the clients, both females and males, to just
come out and say what they needed, if it was really that necessary. And I understood
that sex was a cornerstone of any relationship. If a certain sexual act or
practice was crucial to a client, it had to be factored in.


“Keep going,” I said, “tell me more about
your previous relationships.”


A look came across Leon’s face that I couldn’t
quite make out. It seemed to be a mixture of interest and perplexity, as though
he didn’t know what I was feeling but he wanted to.


“May I have a cup of coffee or some tea
first?” Leon asked brightly. “If you want to know of every past relationship,
this may take a while.”


“Of course,” I said warmly. I called out to
April and told her to bring us two coffees. Leon took his coffee just as I took
mine, strong and black. April came into the office quickly and placed two mugs
down before us and stole a glance at Leon before leaving. I couldn’t blame her.
Leon thanked her politely.


“Leon, you don’t have to tell me about every
relationship, per se, I’m more interested in significant relationships. I want
to know what went right and what went wrong with them. What brought you
together and what broke you apart. What elements of the relationships were
satisfying and what left you wanting more. That way I can start establishing
exactly what your troubles have been in the past and how we can rectify those problems
moving forward.”


Leon took a sip of his coffee. His eyes were
cast downward on the cup.


“Who said I have any problems?” he asked, his
voice was cordial and polite, but I could sense a hint of annoyance in it.


“Well, we’ll try to establish if you have any
problems then. Please, continue with your relationship history.”


“Alright. I graduated from the Tambor School
and I broke off the relationship with Mrs. Robinson before I went to college.
We had one last night together that was the epitome of everything that I would
come to crave in a sexual relationship.


“The night started out with her cooking me
dinner. She was dressed in a leather corset and high-heeled black boots that
stopped just before her perfectly round, sculpted ass. She had often worked out
in front of me, and she really was strong,” Leon paused. “It’s been quite a
while since I’ve thought about her and relived these memories.”


“Does it bring up any residual feelings?” I
asked, intrigued.


“No, not any romantic feelings. Not even
nostalgia. It’s just interesting, that is all.” Leon looked at me, trying to
probe into my inner thoughts. I gave him nothing.


I made a small note in my notebook. Purely
sexual relationship, unemotional and unattached.


“She made me an exquisite meal. I ate while
she watched. During dessert, she rubbed my feet and sucked on my toes. I tied
her neck restraint tightly and I could see it was just on the brink of choking
her. While I finished off the last of the wine, I let her go down on me for a
few minutes. Of course, I made sure that she took me as deeply in her throat as
was possible. She gagged a few times, but the spit that came out felt


Leon was looking me straight in the eyes now.


“I watched her as she used some toys on
herself. I attached a chain to the neck restraint she had on and walked her up
to her bedroom, she crawled on all fours, very slowly as she had a butt-plug
in. Those can make walking a little uncomfortable.


“She begged me to whip her, and since it was
our last night together, I obliged. I was eighteen, so you can imagine how hard
it was for me not to come quickly, even I had a trigger that went off very
quickly at that age. So to calm down the events and make things go a little
slower, I had her jerk me off on her face. She really was an expert at it.”


Leon took a sip of his coffee as though he
had just told me some benign fact about the weather today. His face was calm,
composed. I listened to him, maintaining composure coolly.


“With my ejaculate still on her face, I began
to whip her. Soft at first, then harder. She cleaned up her face as I hit her,
but with her hand and tongue. I berated her. Berating is not always a factor in
Dom-sub relationships, but Mrs. Robinson took a special pleasure when I talked
down to her. I was indifferent about it so it didn’t always work; you have to
really mean it in the moment when you say it. But that night I was locked into
her so it went over quite well.


“I blindfolded her and gagged her. Her hands
were chained behind her back and I penetrated her slowly. After a few minutes I
saw her whole body shake when she came, but she was a good sub; she made no
sound. We had sex for at least two hours. It was slow. I moved in and out of
her in no rush. It was our last night together; I wanted to make it last.” Leon
shrugged when he said this.


“Did you ever have contact with Mrs. Robinson
after your final night together?” I asked quickly, catching him during a pause.


“No,” he said with a finality that didn’t
leave any room for doubt that he meant it.


“We’ve established the first significant
relationship, what was the last relationship you had?”


“When you say relationship, I assume you must
mean a girlfriend and boyfriend situation, but that’s not exactly what my last
relationship was. It was another dominant and submissive relationship. She
became too attached and I had to break it off.”

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