Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel) (8 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel)
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“Can you describe the dynamics of the
relationship to me? How did you feel towards her?”


“Do you want to know how I felt towards her
when she was in chains and every inch of me was pushing inside of her, giving
her multiple orgasms?”


I paused to study Leon. Then I decided that
it was time to reveal some of the observations I was having.


“Leon, it’s clear to me that part of the
problem you are having with your relationships is on display right now,” I said


“Oh, and what is that?” he asked amused.


“You have a very good defense mechanism. You
are very removed from the women you involve yourself with. Even now, you are
trying to alienate me from you by regaling me with graphic details of your
sexual exploits, thinking I will be offended and close myself off to you. You
are trying to push me as far as I will go before I end our relationship.


“College provided you an out with Mrs.
Robinson. Your previous partner provided you an out with her emotional
attachment, a sentiment you did not share. While you are completely comfortable
with your sexuality, it serves as your armor. It blocks you from any closeness
and shields you from others when you choose it to do so. With the previous
partner who became too emotionally attached, this violated some type of rule
regarding your sexual relationship, thus providing you with the justification
to end it. Am I correct?”


Leon said nothing. His face gave him away,
despite his attempts to remain stoic in the face of my assertions. He was
clearly annoyed.


“The first step is to identify your triggers.
A trigger is what sets in motion your defense mechanisms and draws you towards
women that you can keep an emotional distance from. A woman sets off a trigger
and you are attracted to her, but it never translates to an emotional


“Just because I’m not in love with these
women doesn’t mean there isn’t an emotional bond there,” Leon countered.


“Perhaps, but it’s not a lasting emotional
bond. You focus entirely on the sex in these relationships, and it is clear to
me that this is the defense mechanism you are using against me, but I wonder
how much of a defense mechanism it serves with these women as well. If we can
identify your triggers, we can change them and fix your problem of emotional


Leon looked away from me and took a large
drink of his coffee, finishing it.


“Alright,” he said, his voice a little softer
than before. He was looking at me intensely now, as if there were something
there that he was seeing for the first time.


“Leon, you can stop trying to offend me.
We’re going to work together. Being honest and straightforward will only make
both of our lives easier.”


“In the vein of honesty then, you should know
that I do not believe in love,” Leon said. His voice was neutral and I could
tell he was being genuine with me. I felt a certain warming of my feelings
towards his outburst. This must be a step towards respect.


“Alright,” I said slowly. “We can identify
why and how this has affected your relationships in the past at our next
session. I’m going to do some more work on your case and when we meet again,
we’ll have a course of action to discuss. Before you leave, you can make an
appointment with April.”


Leon rose from his chair, placing the mug
down on my desk. He extended his hand and I took it. I felt a tiny bolt of
electricity when our hands met and a chill ran down the back of my spine. For
one maddening moment I wanted him to pull me towards him and kiss me. We shook
hands softly and when I let go of his hand, the vision of our embrace


“Thank you, Miss Facet,” Leon said. He turned
to walk out of my office.


“Leon,” I said. He turned back to look at me.




“You can call me Julie,” I said politely. I
motioned towards April. “And be a gentleman to her, no funny business.”


Leon laughed and raised two fingers. “I
promise, scout’s honor.”


I watched him as he made his appointment with
April, who seemed to grow clumsy in his presence, dropping papers and fumbling
with her pen. After a minute, Leon left, waving to me as he exited.


I sat back in my chair. Leon’s presence
lingered in the office, even though by now he was long gone. His mug, still
half-full with black coffee, remained on my desk. I wrapped my hand on the mug
and felt the coffee, still warm and drinkable. I drank the rest of my own
coffee and my thoughts trailed off.


Leon’s eyes staring into me as he described
his final night with his teacher. The woman who shaped Leon Christensen’s
sexuality, Mrs. Robinson. But had she really shaped him sexually, or had she
simply been a vessel? I considered this for a minute, wondering just how much
she had led Leon towards the sexual acts that he described in vivid detail to


An ocean of blue in those sapphire eyes,
penetrated my inner world.


Some of the things Leon said had sparked a
reaction. His eyes had studied me for the slightest reverberation of reaction,
and I had steadied myself so well that I had not even shown that my breathing
rate had increased.


I thought of the blindfold. Darkness
enveloping my vision as my body was enveloped in the stimuli that Leon would
allow. Everything must be given, and everything must be approved by him.


I shook the thoughts away, turning to the notes
I had scrawled down. I was supposed to research BDSM, but that could wait. With
the way my mind was going over what Leon had said, it was much safer that it
should wait. Focusing on work was going to be difficult in the wake of our
meeting, but I was a professional. I would endure.


I called the hotel heir and spoke with him
for a few minutes before I realized that I couldn’t remember anything that he
said. Recovering, I listened intently for a minute and found my bearings in the
conversation. He really was a sweet guy, and I was able to get my mind off the
meeting with Leon while we chatted about possible connections.


At the gym, I had sparked up a conversation
with a teacher who was relatively young, very pretty, and hopelessly looking
for love. When the topic of our professional lives came up, her eyes lit up
when she found out what I did. I offered her my services at a severely
discounted rate, I knew what little money teachers made, and she practically
jumped up and down in excitement. Despite my misgivings about love and
relationships, they did serve their function to make some people happy.


And who knows, there were couples who stayed
together for fifty or sixty years. Maybe I could claim to have been a part of
one of those relationships in some small way.


“What does she teach?” the hotel heir asked
excitedly when I told him about her.


I thought of a neck restraint attached to a
chain. On all fours, looking up to a shirtless Leon with his smile of
razor-sharp teeth, pleading with my eyes. The pupil was now the teacher. I was
the new student. Following the strict words of my teacher.


I snapped back to the conversation. “Special
needs,” I told him, stumbling over the words slightly.


I regained my composure and steeled myself
against the thoughts that were a villain against my professionalism. The hotel
heir and I talked for another ten minutes and I could hear the hope rising into
his voice until it was almost explosive. I assured him that I would arrange
something with him and her soon. He thanked me at least three times and hung


The hours crawled by at an agonizingly slow
rate. April had already excused herself for lunch over an hour ago and I had
barely registered that she had left.


Leon’s words were running in my head. His
sheer confidence when he described his sexual proclivities, his unabashed
acceptance of that which aroused him, had captivated me. I was vaguely aware of
the more extreme sexual practices, but to hear them described with an air of
romance to them illuminated them in a new light. I fought against admitting to
myself that my interest was more than a simple curiosity sparked by the


At this point, I was merely a voyeur to Leon
Christensen’s experience. At the club, his words had been deliberately vile and
obscene, a verbal slap to the face so I would leave. During our meeting, his
words had been a recitation of practices which he entered into without shame or


I wondered vaguely what Mrs. Robinson looked
like. A shot of adrenaline dumped into my blood when I realized that throughout
Leon’s story, I had seen myself as Mrs. Robinson.


I left the office as April was walking in. I
told her that I was off to grab some lunch, but it sounded as though my voice
were coming from somewhere far away. My thoughts were wrapped around the image
of Leon on top of me, a blindfold blotting out all light as he pushed in me
from behind. April said something that I didn’t hear and I hurried into my car.


Chapter 5


I ate a late lunch at an upscale restaurant,
treating myself to an expensive meal of oysters and a Caesar salad. The
temptation to drink a glass of wine, maybe even two, was great, but I
restrained myself in favor of visiting the gym after my meal. The feeling that
had lingered with me since my meeting with Leon would be pummeled out at the
gym. Maybe there’d be someone there who would make me forget all about him.


At the gym, I pushed myself to the absolute
limit on the treadmill, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. I still felt
restless, so I walked over to the weight rack and started to do some strength
training, not my normal routine at all. I waited in line for the squat rack and
did squats until my legs wobbled when I walked away.


I saw Dominic walk into the gym as I finished
my workout. His eyes grew wide when he saw me and I saw him start to walk over
to me. In comparison to Leon, he paled. His cutoff shirt showed biceps that
were toned and chiseled through hard work on weights. Short hair adorned his
head that was stylish and maintained flawlessly. White teeth sparkled between
his lips when he smiled. This was simply a beautiful man, yet I felt almost
nothing when I looked at him.


I walked by him and headed into the women’s
locker room. As we passed, he began to speak and I gave him a cordial hello and
a small wave, but nothing more. I didn’t turn around to see if he looked
disappointed or relieved; I didn’t care.



My muscles ached. When I walked back into my
place, my legs wobbled with every step, worn out from the punishment of running
for an hour on the treadmill and brutally heavy squats. Lifting my keys was an
exercise in itself due to my exhausted arms. I needed a shower badly but when I
got inside, I plopped myself down on the couch and laid my head back, breathing


Every fiber of my body was dancing, pulsating
energy through me as though I were plugged into the wall. Tension racked my
wasted muscles. My thoughts raced through the day and I knew that the images in
my head were not going to disappear easily.


Fighting my every impulse to remain where I
was, I rose from the couch and walked into the kitchen. I poured myself a large
glass of wine; I had earned it. There was some takeout from the previous day,
and I heated it up, knowing that I needed to refuel myself after such an
intense workout. The numbers counted down on the microwave and the aroma of
cooking food filled the kitchen. My mouth watered and I realized just how
hungry I was.


Two minutes counted down slowly as I pulled
my clothes off. I hadn’t bothered to shower off in the women’s locker room,
feeling too eager to get home and cool off. I was left in my underwear and bra
before I decided that I didn’t need the bra. It had been uncomfortable and all
my windows were closed anyway, so I unhooked it and tossed it into the pile of
clothes that lay in the doorway to my living room.


Steam rose from the food when I pulled it out
of the microwave, but I didn’t wait for it to cool. The food instantly scorched
my mouth and I cooled it down with a large gulp of wine. I stood in the kitchen,
eating ravenously as I finished the first glass of wine. Another glass filled
with wine in hand, I sat back down on the couch and turned on the television as
I returned to savaging the final remnants of my dinner.


Thoughts kept popping in my head of sapphire
eyes and wry smiles. When I looked down to my plate, it was empty. I had barely
tasted the food, but my stomach was full and I was at least at ease in this
respect. Yet even the second glass of wine was doing nothing to settle my
nerves. Every inch of my being called out for something that my mind had
already decided was forbidden.


Everything on television was boring, dull,
far away. Twenty minutes passed as I flipped through all of the channels for
the second time, no small feat considering there were about a thousand
channels, most of which were completely unnecessary or complete trash. Towards
the end of the second pass, a show caught my eye and I stopped, glass of wine
half-lifted to my lips.


A shirtless man was on screen, beads of sweat
falling around the curves of his chiseled muscles. Muscles bulged and moved as
he threw punches and kicks in the air. His abs were without an ounce of fat.
The man was shredded. I imagined the smell of his sweat as he continued to
spar, practicing some moves for what I assumed was to be an upcoming battle of
some sort. When he dropped to the ground to do pushups, I marveled at the
contours of muscles that stretched over his entire body. With his head dropped
down, the man now faceless, I knew that he looked how Leon would look


The glass of wine still hung in the air, my
arm shaking. I placed it down on the table and ran my hands through my hair,
pushing it back. I arched my back as I leaned back on the couch, pushing my
breasts forward. If someone had been there, they might have marveled at how
good they looked.


Leon would have loved how they looked.


Two glasses of wine had lowered my restraint
over the thoughts that had persisted since the meeting. Finally, they broke
through like water pushing against a levee and flooded my mind. I closed my
eyes and let the torrent wash over me, bringing me into the fantasy,
professionalism be damned.


Leon was standing before me. He was
shirtless. His muscles flexed as he crossed his arms and looked down at me. I
eyed his tight pants and drank in the sight of his toned legs. I opened my
mouth to speak, but no words came out. A subtle look came over Leon’s face as
he studied my breasts, and I arched my back further, pushing them towards him.
He lifted his hand and with one finger made a gesture for me to come to him, to
follow him into the bedroom.


Images flashed through my head that I wanted
badly to be real. My hand had fallen between my legs rubbed against the thin
panties that I still had on. I raised my hips and slipped them off. I was naked
on the couch now, alone with my fantasy of Leon.


In my mind, I followed him into the bedroom.
He faced me, looking me up and down with an approving stare. His sapphire eyes
illuminated the entire room and I fought for shallow breaths as he studied my
naked body, his for the taking.


His hand slid under my chin and his fingers
rested against the back of my ear, caressing them gently as he pulled me
towards him. Sitting on the couch, I began to rub myself harder as I imagined
Leon’s tongue gently gliding against my lips before our tongues met and
interlocked. He breathed heavily against my face as he pulled me in a little
harder, giving me no way to escape. Though I wouldn’t have tried to even if I


I stepped closer to him, pushing my breasts
against his firm chest. His soft skin teased my nipples that screamed out to be
touched. On my tip-toes, his arms wrapped around me and pulled me against him
firmly. The ground fell away as he lifted me up. His cock pulsated with desire
against my soft, waiting skin. One of his hands slowly descended down the small
of my back, rubbing my ass it continued and then stopped just under both
cheeks, cupping them as he held me up.


I moaned loudly in my living room, bringing
myself closer to finishing. I slowed down, wanting to live in my fantasy for
just a little longer. I wasn’t ready to come and have the real world swirl back
around me, robbing me of Leon’s embrace. This fantasy could only be that, a
fantasy, and I was going to make it last.


Leon tossed me on the bed and I looked up at
him, breathing heavily. My eyes burned into him and he drank up the sight of
me. His hands started at my ankles and moved upwards, covering every inch of my
skin, marking the feel of my softness into his memory. His cock was outlined in
his pants, hard with want at the sight and feel of me before him. But Leon was
patient, he was more focused on me and was intent on savoring every single
moment of touching me.


His hands slid up my outer thigh and I opened
my legs for him, but he kept moving up. Fingers danced around my belly button
before following the outline of my ribcage, protruding as I arched my back, and
then circling around the bottom crest of my breasts. I was moving like a wave
in the ocean, gyrating on the bed as the invisible circle he drew around my
nipples closed tighter and tighter until he was maddeningly close to touching


Wetness enveloped my nipples and the nerves
exploded with stimulation. I looked down abruptly and Leon was sucking on my
left nipple, his other hand working my right breast and nipple. I ran my hands
through his perfectly sloppy hair and pulled it slightly, moaning loudly. An
orgasm was growing in me now, defying me to continue on with the fantasy.


My hand became Leon’s hand as it slid in
between my legs and moved up and down on my clit, varying between hard and soft
pressure. I cried out loudly in my apartment, both in my mind and in reality. I
slowed down, but not so much that the pressure of my impending climax lessened.
Leon moved his hand on the outside of my lips before parting it gently with his
fingers and sliding his middle finger into my wet pussy. My stomach clenched
hard as he penetrated me and I bit down on my lip.


I reached out and ran my hands along his abs.
I needed to feel Leon’s cock. I wanted to hold it in my hand and feel every bit
of his lust vibrating from its hard warmth. My hand wrapped pushed past his
belt loop, breaking the button as it went, before wrapping around the piece of
flesh that had turned to stone between his legs.


I moved my hand up and down on him, feeling
the soft skin on my fingers. His cock was big and thick, throbbing with the
urge to be inside of me. My inner thighs were wet with want and the
overwhelming need to welcome his cock inside.


My hand moved furiously against my pussy as
my other hand grabbed my nipples. My orgasm was rising in me. It wouldn’t be
long now before the crescendo reached an epic climax that would shatter my
world with a powerful orgasm. I bit my lip harder and knew that it was going to
be an earthquake through my nervous system that would make stars explode behind
my closed eyelids.


Leon stood up and took off his pants, now
naked before me. He turned and reached down to the ground and when he rose,
there were a pair of fuzzy handcuffs in his hands. His cock pointed straight
out towards me, rigid and firm. I wanted him badly to grab me and fuck me with
all of his strength, but he teased me with it just hanging in the air, so close
but so far away.


I was face down on the bed, turned over with
my arms raised. The handcuffs latched around my wrists and Leon clamped them
down tightly. He pulled on them and I was raised slightly. I lifted my ass and
gave it a small shake, hoping to antagonize Leon into being so aroused that he
had to spread me and push inside.


His hand grabbed one of my cheeks and
squeezed firmly, but not too rough. When I went to open my eyes, darkness
enveloped my sight as a blindfold slipped over them. I was now completely in
his control, blind and restrained. He still gripped my ass and he lifted my ass
up until my face was pushing against the pillow. I bit down hard on the soft
fabric as I felt the open air against my wet pussy.


“Oh my god!” I moaned loudly. Leon was
sliding into me, his thick cock spreading me apart as every inch entered me.
His hips pushed against my supple ass and I felt my entire body racked with the
sensation of him inside me, causing every nerve to explode with pleasure. I
cried out again as he began to pull his hips back. Then he came back again, a
rhythm forming that made my eyes clasp so tightly that I began to feel
light headed.


I called out his name again and again,
filling the empty air of my living room with its wonderful sound. My feet
pushed against the table and rocked the empty wine glass and dinner plate onto
the ground as I envisioned Leon Christensen fucking me from behind, a blindfold
fastened tightly around my eyes and my hands cuffed behind my back.


It was all too much. I screamed out with
want, the fantasy overpowering my controlled masturbation. The orgasm rolled
over me and there was no stopping it. My legs shot out as the first climatic
wave broke and I was racked with coming. I bit down on my lip even harder, so
hard that I was vaguely aware that I might have broken the skin, and my eyes
clasped shut even harder. I raised my head towards the ceiling and my mouth
fell open as I moaned and cried out loudly.


In my mind, as I came, Leon turned me over so
I was now on my back. My legs were spread wide and he pushed his hips against
me fiercely as my orgasm peaked. Every inch of his cock was inside of me,
vibrating through my entire body. He moaned loudly and I felt his cock jump
inside me, shooting cum as I was coming. He began moving quickly in and out of me,
crying out as he did.


I badly wanted the blindfold to be taken off
so I could see the orgasm move through his stomach, causing his abs and chest
muscles to expand and contract, but all I could do was moan as my orgasm moved
through me, not caring for my desires or wants. Leon finished inside me as the
echoes of my orgasm flowed through me, and when he pulled out, I opened my

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