Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (25 page)

Read Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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?” Sam whispered.

Kade smiled. “Thank you,
. Please lower the gate.”

“Já, herra minn.”

Kade hung up and wished he wasn’t driving. He wanted to see Sam’s face as the drawbridge lowered.

“You have a drawbridge?” She smacked his leg again as she leaned forward. “Don’t tell me you have a moat as well.”

Kade chuckled. “It’s not a full one. Just enough for the ducks to swim in.”

“Shut up!”

* * *

Samantha couldn’t believe Kade had grown up in a bona fide castle. The drawbridge lowered and Kade drove them across it and into a large courtyard where a small crowd had assembled.

“Who are all these people? Do they live here?” she asked.

“Yes. Some in the house, some on the land.”

“Really? Wow.”

He brought the car to a stop. “There’s something you should know.”

Sam shifted to face him. “What?”

“All of this is mine.”

She grinned. “I know that.”

He shook his head. “I mean, it’s my home and these are my people. I’m their chieftain…laird…so you’re going to see some things that might seem strange.”



“Like their leader?”

“Something like that, yes,” he said.

She swallowed. “So, you really are some kind of royalty, aren’t you?”

“Amongst humans, aristocracy would be more accurate.” He paused briefly and then took her hand. “I’m the Duke of Avoch.”

“Shut up.”

He smiled. “It’s a very old title…no one really pays any attention to it anymore. I’m also the Laird of Gunnach.”

“Ooh, you
avoided my question a few weeks ago, didn’t you?”

“I promised I’d explain more when we got to know each other better. I’ve been trying to ease you in.”

“You said amongst humans. Are there others like me who know about you?”

He shook his head. “The Crown recognizes me as the Duke of Avoch and Laird of Gunnach.”

“But the Cauld Ane recognize you as something else?”

“Yes.” He kissed her fingertips and smiled.

Sam groaned. “Spit it out already.”

“I’m their king.”

? How am I supposed to act, Kade?” She groaned. “Oh, crap, was I supposed to curtsy when I met you?”

Kade laughed. “Sweetheart, just be yourself…and yes, you were supposed to curtsy, but I forgave you because you were so bloody cute.”

She gave him a playful shove. “You’re a beast.”

“Come on, the kids want to say hi.”

Kade slid from the car and a group of children rushed him. He laughed and spoke to each of them briefly as Sam sat in the car and tried to calm her racing heart.

“All right, wee ones, I have to help Samantha from the car. She’s dying to meet all of you.”

I am, am I?

Kade smiled as he made his way to her side of the car and pulled open the door. “Ready, love?”

“Not in the slightest.” She slipped her hand in his and climbed out of the car.

He led her to a group of people waiting by the large front doors and settled her in front of him. “Everyone, this is Samantha. Please make her feel welcome.”

The group either bowed or curtsied in unison and Samantha found herself surrounded by children, several of them handing her bouquets of flowers, which she thought was beyond adorable.

A petite woman who looked quite a bit like Fiona folded her into an awkward hug. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“This is my mother, Alice,” Kade supplied.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Samantha said.

She was a little taken aback to find that the woman who looked no older than her mid to late forties could be Kade’s mother.

“Why don’t you come in and I’ll show you to your room,” Alice said.

“I’ll get the bags,” Kade said.

Samantha grabbed for his hand. “I’m sure the bags can wait for a bit, huh?”

Kade gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled. “I’ll be in shortly, love.”

Sam followed Kade’s mother through the double doors and into the house. She entered a roomy foyer and then was led into what Alice called the great hall. Sam turned in several circles in an attempt to take in the room that was bigger than her house at home. Three stories high, with balconies peering down from the top floors, the ceiling came to a large arch with a wooden beam running the length of the room, holding six chandeliers.

The fireplace was as tall as Kade and wide enough to fit a small army. It was lit, but it barely made a dent in the warmth of the room. Sam pulled her coat tighter and crossed her arms to keep from shivering. The room was set up in sections. A large table was off to the left, with tall chairs surrounding it. She counted twenty-four, and wondered when they’d have an opportunity to have that many seated for a meal.

To the right was a sitting area in front of the fire. Three sofas and two overstuffed chairs surrounded a coffee table that looked rather modern in the historical home. The third section housed a piano, with folding chairs propped against the wall.

“There is a garderobe just around the corner, Samantha,” Alice said.


What’s a garderobe?

Kade chuckled.


Sam forced a smile and followed her from the room.

“The kitchen is at the back of the house, but you shouldn’t have any reason to go there. Just ask one of the staff if you require food or drink.”

Sam nodded. “Thank you.”

Alice waved her hand toward the foyer. “I’ll show you to your room.”

Sam forced a smile and followed her from the room.

You are coming back, right?

I’m speaking with one of my men. I’ll be in shortly. Is Mother showing you to your room?


Good. I’ll meet you up there.

Sam pressed her lips together as she followed Alice up the staircase to the left of the foyer. They continued up the second staircase to the third floor and then to a large door fourth from the landing. Alice pushed open the door and Sam stepped inside.

A large bed was the centerpiece of the room. Ornately carved posts held a canopy draped in dark green velvet. She knew that when the fabric was pulled around the bed, it would create a pitch black cocoon. Other than the bed, the room housed a dresser and two high-backed chairs that faced a small fireplace.

“It’s beautiful,” Sam said appreciatively.

Alice pointed to the door in the right-hand corner. “That’s your private washroom, and that door,” she nodded toward the door on the left of the room, “is your closet.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll leave you to rest now,” Alice said.

“Oh. Okay. Thank you.”

Alice scurried from the room and pulled the door closed without another word, and Sam made her way to the window between the “doors.”

I’m outside your door, love.

Come in.

Kade walked in and set Sam’s suitcase next to the dresser. “Is the room to your liking?”

“It’s beautiful.”

He grinned and took her hand. “Good. It’s next to mine.”

“It is?”

“I’ll show you.”

He pushed the closet door open and Sam couldn’t stop a quiet gasp. “This is not a closet! It’s the size of my bedroom at home.”

The room housed several full-length mirrors, a vanity, and racks for shoes and accessories.

“It’s our dressing room.” He nodded to another door and smiled. “That door leads to my bedroom.”

dressing room?”

“Aye. This floor is ours. No one will bother us.”

Sam licked her lips. “Hmm. The whole floor, you say?”

Kade grinned and wrapped his arms around her, leaning down to nuzzle her neck. “The

“You are a terrible temptation, honey.”

“Look who’s talking,” he said.

“What’s the plan for the rest of the day?”

“I’d hoped to show you the grounds, but the weather’s not cooperating. Let’s unpack and then tonight we’ll have a quiet dinner with my mother. Tomorrow we’ll head out on our adventure.”

She smiled. “Sounds perfect.”

* * *

After breakfast the next morning, Sam headed to her bedroom to change for Kade’s promised tour of the grounds. Just as she arrived at her door, she overheard a couple of the maids talking.

“I don’t know why she’s in a separate room,” the older maid said.

“It’s strange, Hilda. Shouldn’t they have been bound by now?”

“Elsie,” Hilda admonished. “It’s none of our business. She’s American. Maybe they have different traditions.”

“But he’s the
! He could force her.”


Sam bit her lip and walked back down the hall to Kade’s room.

“Come,” he called after her knock. She pushed the door open just as he pulled on a T-shirt. “I thought you were going to change?”

Sam closed the door and leaned against it. “I was, but a couple of the maids were in my room and I didn’t want to interrupt them.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Is it a problem that we’re not sleeping together?”

He ran his fingers through his hair to smooth it. “Of course not. Why?”

She shrugged. “The maids were just saying that it was weird.”

Kade sighed. “I’ll deal with them.”

“No, don’t! I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. They’re confused that we’re not bound, that’s all.”

“Which is none of their business.”

“Maybe,” she said. “But the bigger question is, what am I missing?”

Kade slid his watch onto his wrist. “Nothing.”

“Honey, that’s not true. I know you’re easing me into all of this information, but I think you need to tell me what typically happens with the binding process. You know, when both people are Cauld Ane.”

Kade leaned against the bed. “When we find our mate, binding happens almost immediately.”

“What do you mean, immediately?”

“Twenty-five is the
Ár mökun
, the mating year. It’s when our hearts turn to whoever our mates are, if they’re close. If they’re not, then we wait.”

“Close, meaning proximity?”


“Do you think that’s why I ended up here just months after I turned twenty-five?”

“It wouldn’t surprise me. And the moment I opened my office door, I knew exactly who you were. It’s not something we have to guess.”

“Okay, so if mates are close, then what happens?”

“If they’re both of age, it happens within a day or so. We are bound, and the legal…human ceremony happens once the binding is done.”

Sam bit her lip. “So you have sex first and then celebrate?”

“Something like that.”

“How very Old Testament of you,” she observed.

“Aye.” He smiled. “It’s very personal and not something you’d want an audience for.”

“Why do I have visions of a large bed with a bunch of people standing around waiting for a bloody sheet?”

He chuckled. “That practice was phased out.”

“So are Angus and Fiona bound then?”

He shook his head.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not.”

“What?” she squeaked. “Seriously?”

He nodded. “Yes. If the head of the family is unbound, the rest aren’t free to complete the ceremony. For her it’s worse, because I’m laird. In rare situations, a laird can bless a couple’s union with the head of family being unbound, but she doesn’t have that option open to her.”

“Why don’t you bless it?”

“It’s a bit like a doctor treating a family member,” he explained. “It’s frowned upon and not generally a good idea.”

“How long has Fiona been waiting?”

Kade frowned. “You don’t really want to know that, love.”

Her heart dropped. “I’m so sorry, Kade. I didn’t realize my indecision was making this so hard on everyone.”

He stood and made his way to her. “Sweetheart, it’s not. All of this is an adjustment. I’ve been past the age of mating for several hundred years and thought I’d never find you. I can wait as long as you need.”

“But can Fiona?”

He pulled her in his arms and held her close. “She can. At the very least, I want to have the chance to meet your family in person. My intention has always been to talk to your father before I do anything. Fiona understands that. Angus had to ask me.”

Sam frowned. “How did that go?”

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