Bound (The Guardians) (6 page)

Read Bound (The Guardians) Online

Authors: M.J. Stevens

Tags: #Sci-fi, #young adult, #adventure, #Fiction

BOOK: Bound (The Guardians)
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On second thought, with an agenda like this, it would be no wonder if I
got to meet the Lord and Lady Guardian. I really had no idea that the Guardians were such busy people. I always envisioned fancy parties and good times with heaps of cash…not three almost overlapping board meetings with local councils. I can see no lunch breaks on here either. Plus one meeting is scheduled to run into the wee hours of the morning, insanity!

‘You are scheduled to have a consultation in the conference room downstairs in half an hour. You are to change and look presentable. A guard will come to collect you, be ready.’ Elentia clicks a button and the projection disappears. ‘Understood?’

‘What’s the meeting about?’ I ask.

Elentia gives me a smirk. ‘Twenty-nine minutes,’ she counts down, leaving the room and locking the door.  I stand there, amazed that she can leave without answering my question.


I change into my provided blue and gold dress. I pull my hair up into a high ponytail and wait at the table. Elentia’s schedule is exact. A Tower guard, dressed in all black, walks through my door right on time. He places metal handcuffs around my wrists. I follow him out of the room. I’m shocked at the security measures. It’s way too extreme. Do they honestly think I could take him by myself?

As we pass through the doorway, the opulence of the Tower appears before me. I’m expecting to look out and see a flat, normal floor. But the middle is missing and drops down.  I slow my pace and slide over to the crystal railing. I glance down. 

A long spiral balcony, with small breaks of stairs in between, is carved through the centre of Tower. It starts on the bottom level and twists around the walls to the peak. I stare upwards. There seems to be some sort of special room at the top, stopping the shape from coming to a complete point. I look back down. I can see the red carpet of the foyer below me. It makes me dizzy. This place is just as big as I imagined from the outside, but completely different inside. It’s like this giant maze. It’s a perfect home for the Guardians, simple and elegant on the outside and totally complicated within.

The guard shouts, storming back and grabbing my arm. He says, ‘Stop stalling,’ and pushes me towards an elevator on the wall not far from my door. I’m glad there are alternatives to the stairs. I’m definitely not fit enough for that. I couldn’t imagine climbing to the very top. Although, when we get inside I notice the buttons in this lift only go to four, my current level. There must be another that rises higher, surely.

The elevator makes its way steadily down. One of the walls is crystal, allowing me to see into the spectacular Tower gardens below us. There is a long path that leads to the front gate with flower beds along the sides. Around the crystal boarder of the grounds are perfectly squared, green hedges. There is even a water fountain to the left.

The elevator stops and opens on the bottom floor, the main foyer. I’m lead across the red carpet floor, passing small groups of chairs where people wait around and talk in low tones. I glance to my left and then right, trying to take it all in. This is the centre pillar, the tallest of the three. I still can’t believe I’m standing here.

To my left is the second tallest pillar and to my right, the shortest. They are both connected to the centre tower by large doors. I wonder what’s behind them. I prepare to find out as I’m veered left towards the second pillar.

We pass through the bulky wooden doors, one of which is pinned open, and I quickly face an extensive hallway. The hall has rooms on each side, all the doors made of opaque tower crystal. The roof in this tower doesn’t rise to a peak, like the main pillar. It’s flat like a normal room. I notice a gold sign with the word
and an arrow pointing upstairs. That must be why. I really want a quick peek, it must be amazing. But the guard shoots a look back at me when I pause and I rush to keep up. That’s obviously not where we are going now.

I unashamedly stare into some of the other rooms with open doors. Some have people in them, but they don’t turn their heads from their meetings. Most of the rooms appear to be for conferences. They have large desks, plenty of chairs and screens. But one unmistakably larger open entrance makes me stop. It leads down to an underground lecture theatre. Two golden chairs at the bottom of the room shine majestically, even in the dim lights. Now
is what I expect a Guardian’s meeting room to look like.

I abruptly notice there’s a figure standing before one of the chairs. It’s a woman, I can tell by the shape. The shadow turns towards me. Slowly she raises her hand in a wave.

‘How many times do I have to tell you to keep moving?’ the guard yells, his hand on a nearby door. I quickly scramble away from the shadow figure. He waits for me to stand near him before he takes off my handcuffs and lets me into a small meeting room.

My heart leaps into my throat. My parents are here. Our eyes meet. The room falls silent.


‘Momma! Da!’ I shout. I run forward and fall into their arms. We hug each other and it’s all I can do not to cry.

Momma says, ‘Someone came to the house to tell us what happened. We’ve been so worried about you!’

‘Are you all right? They didn’t hurt you or anything, did they?’ Da asks.

I shake my head.

‘Of course not, she is a bride now. We take care of our own here,’ a voice comments behind us.

We all turn our heads to the door. A tall man casually slides towards us. My eyes widen.

This man, I know him. He’s Lord Guardian Neros.

I’ve seen his picture on the news before. For some reason, meeting him in person triggers my brain to remember the picture I found a year ago. He is definitely the man in the pictures with my Da, almost twenty years ago, back when he was a water miner. Da has an angry look frozen on his face. It must be true; they do know each other.

I glance back at Lord Neros. He’s dressed rather formally, a white suit with a red tie. The way he looks in that picture, back when he was younger, is almost a carbon copy of Leo now. I feel so stupid for not seeing it.

The tall, elegant man says, ‘Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Neros, Lord Guardian of Selestia.’

My father frowns. ‘I remember. Do you think that because I’m a commoner I forget things easily?’

Neros stares back strongly. ‘Now, now… this is neither the time nor the place for old matters to be…brought back to life, so to speak. We are here to discuss your daughter.’

Lord Neros walks to a nearby chair and sits down. He offers his hand out and slowly the three of us sit on the opposite side of the table. ‘I have called you here to discuss Mellea. She is to become the bride of a Successor. As you know Successors must be united if they want a chance at becoming Lord or Lady Guardian. They
have a bride. That is the law.’

‘It’s your idiotic family’s “law” not ours,’ my father yells back. ‘I will never allow Mellea to be used so your family can live on. You’re all a bunch of backstabbing murderers.’

‘Watch your mouth,’ Lord Neros says with a frown. ‘I do not understand your anger. You should be rejoicing. Mellea is uniting with my son, Leo. He is nineteen, strong and a well-rounded young man. A young lady from a social and financial background such as Mellea’s is nothing short of blessed to be chosen by the likes of him.’

Father frowns. ‘If he’s such a wonderful kid then why didn’t he come here and meet me? Too scared to face up to what he did?’

Da makes a good point, where is Leo? Coward.

Neros replies, ‘Leo is a Successor. He has extensive duties to fulfil on a daily basis. He does not have time to sit around and wait for a group of country folk to come waltzing into our home for a casual confab.’

Da frowns. ‘Neros, why are you so determined to make this work? You’re the Lord Guardian for spirit’s sake; you could put a stop to this right now. Why bother letting this go any further? You know Mellea doesn’t belong in this world. I don’t understand why you don’t make your son pick someone else. Surely he has thousands of other girls at his fingertips.’

Lord Neros takes a breath in. ‘I would like nothing more than to do just that. But I have been trying to get my son to secure a bride for nearly
years. There have been extensive matches with young women, each from different backgrounds and situations. But not one of them has been acceptable to him. Finally, he comes to
with someone he has chosen himself, Mellea. He is very strong in his resolve to have her. I would be a fool to deny him this considering his track record. Moreover, my son does not make whim choices. I trust his judgement.’

I step in and shout, ‘Well… I don’t care about what you think or…he wants! I’ve already told Leo that I’m not going through with this! It is plain wrong! If I unite with someone, I want it to be because I love them. Not because someone tells me I have to. I haven’t said “yes” to him and I refuse to.’

‘Good girl.’ My father nods.

Lord Neros smiles and then laughs lightly. ‘Oh innocent child, you do not need to agree to the uniting. A Successor can choose whomever they want without an agreement from the other party. This turn of fate has already been set in motion. You are bound to the Guardians now.’

My eyes widen and my throat aches. I thought Leo was lying. I’m really stuck here? No! I refuse to unite with him! He’s a monster and I will never forgive him for this, even if he does let me go.

‘Do not make that heartbreaking face,’ Lord Neros says softly. ‘It is not as tragic as you are making out. Clearly you do not realise how opulent your life will be from now on. You are a lucky girl.’

Obviously he isn’t getting the message, but I have another idea. I’ll try and appeal his humanity. ‘Please, Lord Guardian, we all know I’m not suitable for Leo. I never will be. I’ll only end up making him miserable. I can understand you have expectations and Leo has his duties. But surely he can find someone better? Someone who will do your family proud, not a clumsy country girl…’

Lord Neros smirks and abruptly stands from his seat. ‘I will leave you to say your goodbyes.’

Did he seriously not hear anything I just said? He has no humanity! Like father like son.

‘Wait!’ Da yells. ‘Don’t you walk away from me again!’ 

But Lord Neros doesn’t stop, heading straight out of the room. The door is shut by the guard behind him.

I slowly turn to my parents. The room falls dead silent. With pain in my voice I utter, ‘I’m…really, really sorry.’

My mother reaches forward, holds my face in her hands. ‘Oh my sweet darling, this wasn’t your fault.’

‘I can’t believe this,’ my father says rubbing his forehead. I glance away with a sharp pain in my stomach. My whole life Da has told me that the Guardians were not to be trusted. And yet somehow, I got mixed up with them anyway. This must be his worst nightmare.

Da turns to me. His face is deep in thought. ‘Mellea, I think you should stay here.’

I stare intently at him. I can feel my eyes are stretched open as wide as they can go. I reply, ‘What? But you… you’ve always said…’

Da responds, ‘I know, I know. But I think you should stay. You can stand up to them, fight against them from within. No matter what, keep saying “no”. Eventually they will get sick of your uncooperative behaviour and let you go. I’m sure of it. And in the meantime you can learn all their secrets and we can expose them for what they are.’

‘Noran, now? Seriously!’ my mother hisses.

‘You can’t be sure they’ll release me,’ I say scrunching my face. ‘I can’t do this.’

Da replies with confidence, ‘Yes, you can. I trust you Mellea.’

I look into his eyes and then back at the table. I’m not sure about trying to uncover their secrets. But if staying is truly the
way gain unconditional freedom, then I have no choice. It isn’t like they’re going to let me stroll out of here without consequences. They’re the most powerful family in the world. This is my only shot.

I say, ‘I’ll try, but please do me a favour…call work and tell them I won’t be in for a few days. I missed my shift today. I’m sure Blade is worried.’

‘Don’t worry, I will explain everything,’ my mother says. She reaches forward and gently brushes the side of my face. She then holds me tightly around the head and my father quickly wraps his arms around me too. 

We sit there for a good few minutes before Elentia opens the door. She tells me it’s time to leave and has me pulled from my parents. As I trudge back to my room, I keep my tears locked up inside.

I told my parents I would hold on until the Guardians let me go, but I’m not sure if I can.


After the meeting with Momma and Da, the hours trickle by. One after the other, slowly and yet somehow fast. I can’t eat my lunch. I can’t eat my dinner. I feel too sick. The two trays remain on my table, plates filled with now cold food. I feel like a prisoner. The only books on a nearby shelf are on social etiquette and political negotiations. I can’t go outside. There’s no electronic entertainment and the Tower is eerily silent.

I’m so lonely.

Falling into a blurry half sleep, I jolt when my door handle abruptly rattles. The knob twists and two people burst in. They then start laughing and breathing heavy, as if they’ve been racing.

I observe the two strangers.

The person standing to left is a young woman. She seems to be in her early twenties with dyed flame red hair. She’s wearing a white top and pink pyjama pants. The other person is a male teenager, sixteen I would guess. He has short black hair and a fairly thin frame. He’s wearing a dark purple shirt and black pyjama pants to his knees. They are both, in their own ways, completely beautiful.

‘There she is,’ the young woman cries. They both make their way over with a movement somewhere in-between a walk and run. They leap onto my bed and sit facing me.

‘Um, who are you?’ I ask nervously.

The two then hold their wrists up. The girl has a gold bracelet and the boy a silver bracelet, both on their left wrists. The girl flicks her red hair over her shoulder and smiles. ‘I can’t believe you’re here, the final addition to our generation’s collection!’

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