Read Bound to Please Online

Authors: Lilli Feisty

Bound to Please (17 page)

BOOK: Bound to Please
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“Is that what this is? Because I honestly can’t believe what I’ve let you do to me… what I’ve told you.”

“But you love it, don’t you, baby?”

She hesitated, then shrugged. “Yes. But I’m afraid of what will happen when this is over. When you go. Will I ever be able to go back to normal?”

“Why would you want to?”

She pictured James Cleaver, her “perfect” man, representing everything she’d wanted her entire life. Stability, reliability, dependability. She’d thought she’d dodged a bullet with Ash, but now she was wondering if she’d just been scared of something. Scared of what she felt now, with Mark.

“I don’t know anymore,” she whispered. “You’ve got me all fucked up.”

“Well, forget about it for now. Now, you’re mine, right?”


“I want you to give yourself to me, to trust me. Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” And she did as he said; she pushed all thoughts out of her head until it was only her and his voice, telling her what to do. Setting her free.

“Are you open for me now?”

“Yes.” Wasn’t she always?

“If I was there, I’d tie you to that chair. I’d bind your ankles wide apart, I’d have you spread open for me. Bound for me.”

She hitched a breath, her heart hammered in her chest.

“I’d tie your wrists to the arms of the chair and you’d be at my mercy. I could do anything to you then, couldn’t I, baby? I could take your breasts in my hands, pinch your nipples until you cried out. Couldn’t I, Ruby?”

“Yes,” she hissed, her breasts now heavy, throbbing.

“I could step between your legs, let you suck my cock.”

She closed her eyes and licked her lips, remembering exactly what he tasted like, how his penis had beat with his pulse, in her mouth, on her tongue. She remembered how powerful that feeling had been, and her own sex responded by getting wetter; the air was cool, hitting her between the legs, and she squirmed in her seat.

“Oh, God… I… I wish you were here,” she said.

His voice was soft. “So do I, baby. But for now you’ll just have to obey me and let me imagine you there, spread wide and open for me. Tell me again who you belong to tonight?”

“You, Mark. I belong to you.”

“Good girl. Now, I need you to take the larger cuffs and bind your ankles to the legs of that chair.”

Her fingers trembled as she lifted a large leather band and unbuckled the strap. About three inches wide, made of black leather, each restraint was lined in soft, minklike fur. They smelled like leather, like Mark. Bending, she wrapped the cuff around her right ankle and locked the buckle. Then the other ankle and she was done. Bound.

“Are you finished, baby?”


“How does it feel?”

“Soft. Good,” she said, satisfaction settling inside her.

“Good. Now I want you to take a picture with your cell phone and send it to me.”

“What?” She’d promised herself she’d never pose nude again.

“Are you questioning me?”

But this self-bondage was nothing like what she’d done with Ash. Ash had been all about the art and beauty and composition. It had never been about her at all, had it?

With Mark, no matter how submissive a position she found herself in, she realized, in the end, it was about her pleasure, about

“Come on now, baby. I wouldn’t put it past you to be faking the whole thing, being the unruly little spitfire you are. I need proof before we go any further.”

“Fine. I’ll do it.”

“Good girl.”

Holding her cell phone in front of her, she angled it as best she could to get her lower body in the frame. She pushed the button and waited for the
to tell her the picture had been recorded.

She studied the image. Was that really her? Legs open wide, bound to a chair with oversized black leather restraints, like some sort of prisoner?

Yeah, it was.

“Did you send it to me?”

She did.

A few seconds later she heard him inhale. “Oh, fuck, baby. You’re so gorgeous. You deserve your reward now. Get the vibrator.”

She picked it up off the table, held it in her palms.

“Now tell me. Are you wet?”

“I am.”

“That’s good.” Suddenly the vibrator started humming in her hands. “Feel that? I just love modern technology.”

“Oh God, I think I do, too.”

“Touch yourself now, baby. Touch your clit.”

With her gaze on her sex, she pressed the humming vibrator to the throbbing nub at the top of her pussy. She jerked, gasped.

“That’s it, touch yourself now, baby. Touch your clit, rub that vibrator around your beautiful pussy.”

Sagging into the chair, her ankles pushed against their soft restraints, she did as he commanded. She was so slick, so turned on, the jellylike vibrator slid easily over her pussy.

He upped the power and she cried out. “Oh… fuck…” Knowing he held the power in his hands, despite the distance, turned her on even more, made her buck against the back of the chair as she held the buzzing instrument between her thighs.

“That’s right, baby. Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Good… ah!” she gasped, nearly dropping the phone. “Oh, God… Mark.”

The vibrator stopped buzzing, going still in her hands. She sat there panting, dazed. “What… ?”

“You didn’t think I’d just let you get off, did you? What fun would that be?”


“This hurts me as much as it hurts you.”

She had to bite her lip hard to keep her response inside. She was so close to coming, so fucking close. Her fingers curled, itching to help relieve herself.

“Don’t you even think about touching yourself, doll.”

“I’m going to get you back for this.”

“Promises, promises. Now, are you going to behave?”

“Yes,” she ground out.

The vibrator started humming again, this time softly. “Let’s try this again. But first, tell me about your nipples.”

“My nipples?”

“Yes, those things on your breasts.”


“Are you talking back?” he asked.

“Of course not.”

“Good. So why don’t you pinch one of your nipples for me. Hard, like I would do it if I was there. I want to hear you cry out for me.”

She took her hard nipple between her fingers and pinched. Inhaled sharply. The pain shot straight to her sex, and the throbbing between her legs intensified.

“Okay, that was good. Now, put the vibrator into your pussy.”

. She kicked at her restraints as she slid the vibrating toy into her vagina, closed her eyes as it filled her. Not as good as Mark’s cock, but her pussy was hungry, needy, and her thighs trembled as she fucked herself. Still, she wished it was him there, his own body driving her pleasure.

“I can hear you breathing hard; you like this, don’t you? You like being mine, under my control.”

“Yes,” she said, angling the vibrator deeper. “Oh, yes.”

“Now, I want you to keep the vibrator inside you, but keep your hands off it. I want total control of your pleasure.”

Her entire body was quivering, needing release, but she obeyed. She placed the thrumming instrument as deep as she could and let go. It hummed softly inside her, making her moan.

He turned up the power, and she had to grasp the arms of the chair to keep from touching her clit. So close…

“You’re doing so well, baby. I wish I could reward you myself. I wish I could stand between your legs and show you how hard your obedience makes me. I’d take my cock in my hands, I’d let you watch as I stroked myself. For you.”

Was he doing that now? Masturbating? Was he lying on a generic hotel bedspread, his long, sure fingers wrapped around his erection? Pumping himself, from his soft pubic hair to the head of his cock and back again?

The image upped her desire for him, but she dared not ask what he was doing; the last thing she wanted was him to stop the lovely toy vibrating in her pussy. Because her breaths were coming quick now; her body was on fire. So close to climax… but oh, how she needed something on her clit.

Her fingers would do nicely.

She writhed in her seat, gripping the chair’s arms.

The vibrator humming inside her, he went on: “If I was there with you, I’d take your hair in my hand, wrap it around my palm and tug, just enough to make you squirm. Would you like that?”

“Yes… yes…” So close. Her clit was pulsing, begging. She looked down to that empty place between her legs. Her fingers trembled as the desire to touch herself coursed through her blood.

Slowly, she removed her hand from the arm of the chair and reached to her thigh, just touching the inside. God, her clit was so close, if she just reached over a little more…

“I have a thing for hair. I love to feel it on my skin. I love to wrap it around my dick and feel it across my balls.”

His words were too much. She touched her clit and swallowed a cry of pleasure.

“If I were there I’d take my cock and bring it to your lips. I’d let you lick the cum off the tip.”

“Yes, Mark…” She touched herself lightly, as if a soft pressure wouldn’t count as much.

“Do you want to come?” he asked, and the vibrator became faster inside her, more insistent.

“Fuck, yes. Please.”

Her clitoris pulsed, and she took the swollen piece of flesh in her fingers, pulled, pinched. Worked herself.

“With your hair in my fist, I’d hold you steady as you took me into your mouth. You wouldn’t be able to move at all because I’d have you tied to the chair. You’d squirm, but you know you’d love it. Would you like to suck my cock, baby?”

“Oh, God. Yes, Mark… oh,

She didn’t register his prolonged pause until it was too late.

The vibrator went still. “Ruby?”

“W-what?” she gasped. Her entire body was shaking.

“Are you touching yourself?”

She froze. How had he known? She jerked her hand from her body, even though it was too late.

“Ruby? Did you disobey me?”

“No, I was just helping things along.” She tried to laugh, but it sounded hollow. Desperate.

He sighed, and she could imagine him running his hand over his shiny scalp. “What were you doing? Tell me exactly what you were doing.”

“I was touching my clit. I was…” She felt her cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment, but she kept going. “I was pinching myself there. Rubbing.”

“Why? You didn’t trust me to take you there?”

“I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to feel something!” Shocked at the sting in her eyes, she quickly wiped a tear away.

“You needed to feel something?”


The disappointment in his voice nearly killed her. “And you weren’t?”

“No, Mark—it wasn’t like that! Listen to me—”

“You know what happens when you don’t follow directions. You get punished.”

She sucked in a shaky breath. “Mark. I’m sorry.”

“I bet you are. You’re all hot, turned on. Ready to come. But now you’re going to have to wait.”

One quick pulse from the vibrator inside her made her cry out. But then it stopped: He’d hung up.

Sitting on the bed, Mark stared across the hotel room. One leg bent, his fingers tapped a steady beat on his knee.

Cutting Ruby off hadn’t been easy. And he loved the disobedient side of her even as much as it frustrated him. But that unruly part of her was too much fun to mess with; he couldn’t stop himself.

And he had to admit it bothered him that she hadn’t waited for him, hadn’t trusted him to take her where she needed to go.

A good sub needed to learn patience, that patience was, in fact, a virtue. Especially a sub who didn’t want to spend an entire night on the edge of an orgasm.

Ah, but she wasn’t the only one on edge, was she? After hanging up, Mark was left with a very painful erection. His cock was full, throbbing. His balls were tight. Listening to her through the phone, hearing her breathing become heavy as she got off, was a kind of torture. He wanted to be there, see her eyes glaze over. Smell her arousal, feel her tremble beneath his fingers.

His phone displayed the image of Ruby. He couldn’t see her eyes, just those long legs, spread wide and cuffed to the metal-legged chair. And the ends of her hair, touching the tips of her breasts. It was no wonder Ash had used her as a model. She was gorgeous; made to be captured in all senses of the word.

And probably ready to kill him right about now. But she should have followed directions. That’s what subs did. There were rules to be followed, and that was what made these types of relationships work.

He tried not to picture her, one of her elegant hands tugging at her clit, masturbating as she listened to him. He tried not to picture the way her skin would flush, the way her nipples would be hard little tips.

He tried not to picture those things. And failed.

His cock was about to explode.

Throwing his phone down, he jumped up and went to the bathroom. He pulled a familiar-looking bar of soap out of his toiletry bag and held it to his nose. He’d found a few extra bars in her bathroom and, impulsively, he’d stuck one in his pocket, thinking to take it with him to the store and buy her an entire case of the stuff. Something about the scent made him go crazy with desire for her.

And now, like some kind of desperate teenage boy, he held the bar to his face, inhaled the jasmine scent deep into his lungs. He was hard everywhere, and he reached to his crotch, cupping his erection through his jeans. He was so fucking hot for her he jumped at the contact. He yanked his T-shirt off, threw it on the floor. Unbuttoned his jeans and jerked them along with his boxers down his legs. Kicked them aside.

He was going to jack off. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d done it—pussy was too easy to find to bother doing it himself. But right now? He didn’t want any pussy but Ruby’s.

He turned on the faucet. Then he unwrapped the soap and caressed the sleek bar until a foamy lather came alive in his wet hands. He took his time, letting the fragrance permeate the bathroom. It was like having a bit of her there, with him. And yeah; he was that desperate.

His hands slick with the creamy lather, he palmed his cock and slowly brought his fist up until he reached the head, already dripping cum. He turned to face the full-length mirror that hung on the back of the bathroom door.
This is what Ruby would see if she were here.
It would be her punishment. To watch him do this to himself. She would want to feel him so badly, but he would tell her no, would make her squirm for a while. Remind her who was in charge.

BOOK: Bound to Please
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