Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2) (17 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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My heart was now thrashing
in uneven beats in my chest, and that exposed feeling I had from standing half naked in front of him faded into a need to have him.

I reached dow
n to the bottom of his shirt, my hands slightly trembling as I lifted the lightweight material up. Gavin’s hair caught in the shirt as I pulled it over his head. It almost seemed as though his hair fell back around his face in slow motion, and I involuntarily let out a hard breath. My eyes studied his sculpted body as I ran my hands across his defined chest and slowly down his warm, firm stomach, relishing each groove in his body.

rossing his arms behind my back, he picked me up and gently laid me on the bed. He took his time – as he’d promised – kissing my neck, slowly making his way down my chest. He pulled himself up and pushed the cups of my bra to the side, revealing my bare breasts. His fingers traced back and forth across them, the soft sensation making my nipples tighten. His hair fell against my skin, tickling me as his tongue made small circles around my nipple. He tenderly sucked my left breast and rubbed the nipple of my right with his fingertips. Reaching around my back, he effortlessly unhooked my bra, peeling it from my body and tossing it onto the floor.

hovered over me, his hard-on pushing into my thigh as his mouth made its way back up to my neck. He pushed against me harder, the stiffness of him solidifying my thought that I wasn’t leaving here any time soon.

warm lips found mine again. “Still want to leave?” he asked while his mouth crushed over mine.

I reached
down to his jeans and hurriedly slipped the button through the hole. My fingers found the metal clasp of his zipper and clumsily tugged it down. I purposefully left his boxers on because I was afraid I’d seem too desperate, plus I wanted to draw this moment out as long as I could stand.

A pleased laugh came from him. “Didn’t think so.”

Arrogance usually turned me off – but how could this be considered arrogance? He had every damn right to be full of himself and every word he uttered acted as a catalyst.

grinded against me, my body reacting by priming itself for him. I ran my hands down his back and around to the waistband of his boxers. The only thing separating our skin was our underwear and I couldn’t stand it; I pushed his boxers down. My hands couldn’t make their mind up about what part of this man they wanted to grab: they felt over his tight ass, his back, his shoulders, his sides, and finally worked up the nerve to reach around to the front of him.

y fingers trembled as they glided over the smooth head of his dick, finally wrapping my fingers around the perfect and intimidating shape. It was long, thick, and sinfully warm against my skin. I looked at him and rubbed my finger back over the silky tip. A pleased smile formed on his face, making it apparent that he knew what a perfectly amazing thing he had between his legs.

“As I said – I promise I’ll be gentle,” he
said, kissing down my stomach. Caressing my breasts with his hand, his lips trailed across the top of my thigh. His thumb ran along the edge of my panties, grazing the side of my wet opening with his fingers. Sitting up, he quickly pulled my silk thong off, dropping it to the side of the bed.

stare focused on my unclothed body, rubbing his hands over my hips before lowering his body over mine again. He kissed along my bikini line, every so often giving my skin a quick brush with his tongue. Teasing me, he never put his tongue completely on me, he only slightly licked the edge of one of my lips. My legs squirmed with each warm lick; my breasts rose with each deep, labored breath I took in.

One long stroke of his tongue across my cleft and then
his entire mouth enveloped me. The warm, wet sensation of his mouth forced me to let out a pleading whimper as my thighs fell weightlessly open. His head moved from side to side as he fucked me with his tongue, the bristles of his face scratching against the inside of my legs. He stopped, pulling away to blow soft, hot breaths on my clit.

He looked up from between my leg
s, raising his mouth off of me for just a moment to run his tongue across his lips. “Oh, God – you
good,” he panted and forced my thighs farther apart, his fingers digging into my flesh. A growl came from him before his mouth went back down on me. His words and occasional groans nearly sent me over the edge.

My breath
ing grew deeper and his movements showed me he already knew my body better than I did. Never had a man’s touch felt so pleasurable, so raw, so fucking illicit.

His hands followe
d the curves of my body; grabbing, kneading, and squeezing while he pleasured me with his mouth. I reached up, digging my nails into the head board as I tried to keep my thighs from closing around his head. His tongue flicked across my clit and I gasped. Deep, satisfied moans came from him; he was in no way trying to hide how badly he wanted me.

At that moment
I felt like I’d never be able to get enough of him. I could feel myself spiraling toward release, and I wanted to save that. I wanted him inside me when I reached that point.

eaching down, I gripped his head, grabbing handfuls of his thick hair in my fists as I pulled him up to me. I was dying to have him inside me. I wanted; needed to feel him in the worst way. Just the thought of him filling me made my pulse quicken.

His so
ft skin brushed against me as he brought his face up to mine. Leaning over me, he peered through the strands of hair falling in front of his face. The silver necklace around his neck glimmered in the faint light streaming in through the hotel window. The way he looked – was unbearably sexy.

erection swelled against my thigh and I realized that not only was I about to sleep with a man I barely knew, who just so happened to be my superior, but that neither of us had mentioned anything about protection.

learing my throat, I stumbled over my words, “Do you…” Gavin’s face was buried in the curve of my neck, his lips lighting every tender spot of my body on fire, making it difficult for me to speak, much less think clearly. I swallowed and tried again. “Do you have a condom – or something?” The embarrassment was evident in my voice.

pulled his face away and stared at me. He kept himself just far enough away that I could feel the heat from his plump head between my legs.

“Are you on birth control?”

“Yes,” I answered.

He leaned down and pressed his mouth onto mine
; his hair fell around my face and his scent possessed me.

“I don’t have anything. I wasn’t exactly planning on this
,” he said, gliding his hand across my breasts as he rubbed the tip of his head against my slick entrance.

My breath caught and I bit down on my lip
as an almost silent whimper came from me.

“I promise I don’t bite,” he whispered in a low growl
, his lips brushing over mine as he spoke. His eyes locked onto mine and all inhibitions bowed to my need for him.

scooted myself down, willing him to take me at that very moment, trying to get him inside of me, and just as I felt his head parting my lips, he backed away. One corner of his mouth pulled up as a wicked smile danced across his face. His eyes gleamed.

“I want you so badly
, Brooke,” he groaned and placed the tip on me again, sliding it back and forth over me. He pinned me down, restraining me so I couldn’t push myself down around him. The cool metal of his necklace skirted across my skin as he hovered over me.

was drawing this moment out as long as possible, making me feel him between my legs, on the very verge of penetration. He just held himself there for a moment as he panted into my ear, “Want me to stop?” I felt like I would lose control at any moment, a flood of fire warming my entire body with intense pulses.

“I’ll take your silence as a no,” he said.

I was near screaming at him to just go ahead and fuck me.

“I want to feel you,
” he whispered and lightly bit down on my earlobe; his sexy accent feverishly enhancing the erotic feeling of the moment. “I want to –” he paused, reaching down to grab my pussy with his palm. Pulling my lips apart, he slid his fingers inside me. He pumped his fingers in me for only a moment and then moved his hand away from me to spread my wetness onto him. “I want to know what it feels like to fuck you,” he growled and forcefully thrust himself fully into me.

loudly, I jerked my knees up from the initial shock of him pushing through my tightened muscles. I ran my hands along his biceps and my body clenched around him. Wrapping my legs tightly around his waist, I dug the heels of my feet into the top of his ass. I completely lost myself. I’d never felt the way he was making me feel; it was a feeling of raw and intense lust. There was no other way to describe what we were doing besides fucking – and yet he somehow made me feel like no one else in the world existed besides the two of us.

He started out slow
and hard, gradually moving faster and harder.

My hands were caressing h
is biceps when he grabbed my arm and pinned my wrist down onto the bed with his left hand. He ran his right hand along the nape of my neck, his fingers wandering through my hair; he grabbed some of it in his palm and gently pulled. Closing my eyes, I inhaled the intoxicating scent of his expensive cologne. My hands slid along his broad shoulders, the feeling of his sweat collecting under my palm deepened my arousal.

moaned loudly when he moved my legs over his shoulders. I opened my eyes and watched him; the shadows accentuated his muscles as he moved within me. A warm rush came over my entire body and my muscles contracted around him, making my peak even more intense. My back arched up and I let out a very loud, uncontrolled, long cry of complete satisfaction.

pressed his body on top of me and bent my knees against my chest, holding my legs apart with his outstretched arms. My muscles were still contracting around him when he neared his breaking point. A deep, short moan escaped his lips and resonated within my ears, almost bringing me to the point of climax again. His body stiffened and his eyes closed tightly. Moments later his facial muscles relaxed and he blew a long breath from his lungs.

My bo
dy was shaking as he lay next to me catching his breath, my hand still moving along the small of his back. I felt slightly drugged from the release of endorphins. Gavin reached over and pushed my hair behind my ear. He gave me a short kiss and then propped himself up on his arm.

“Are you okay?” he whispered
, his finger tracing between my breasts.

Oh, yeah.” I turned to look at him. I’d never had sex like that in my life, never been with a man like him. Everything about it seemed so wrong, but felt so damn good.

lay still for a moment, both enjoying what had just happened. Then Gavin rubbed his lips together. “This is quite the predicament we’ve gotten ourselves into,” he said.

A stern expression came across his face and I dreaded the words that were about to come out of his mouth.
All I could think was that I couldn’t let this end here, and I feared he was going to inform me that it would.

Drawing circles around my nipples, he said,
“We can’t very well let anyone at work know about this – or anything else we do in the future.”

I sta
red at him; the light from the window cast deep shadows over his gorgeous face. I’d never been so sexually attracted to a man in my life. I wanted more of him; my body
more of him. “How am I supposed to hide my attraction to you?” My thought accidentally vocalized itself.

Laughing mischievously, he smiled
. “I wouldn’t worry so much about that as I would just making sure we keep our hands off of one another.” He rolled over and pressed himself on top of me. “That’s going to be the problem for me. I was only able to do it for a few weeks, and now that I’ve had you,” he hesitated, “it’s going to be even more trying.”

limbing on top of me, he slipped himself back into me. I couldn’t keep myself from sighing as he moved perfectly inside me, setting a fever across my nerve endings with his touch, with the mere idea of him.

We stayed up for most of the night becoming w
ell-acquainted with each other’s bodies, finally stopping when we both reached the point of complete exhaustion.

y head fell back onto the pillow, but I was unable to drift off to sleep. I debated going back to my room to avoid the awkwardness I feared I’d experience in the morning, but I doubted that my legs would allow me to walk. I’d gotten myself into something I swore I never would, and I knew that I was in trouble. I was certain that there wasn’t a drug on this earth that could give me the high he had just given me, and I knew my body was going to crave him.

The next mo
rning I woke up and found myself curled up next to him. As I’d feared, the discomfort of finding myself naked in bed with him was overwhelming. I was still in disbelief that I’d been with him, that I’d actually allowed myself to do that with him. I hadn’t even fought it; I just gave into him without any thought or hesitation. I had him touching me and wanting me in ways I never knew existed. Crawling out of the bed, I made my way to the bathroom, still dazed from the night before. I ran water in the sink and splashed it on my face.

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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