Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2) (18 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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What the hell have you done
, Brooke? That was absolutely stupid! He didn’t even wear a condom – what if he has a disease? If he did that with me, who knows how many other girls he’s done it with? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

lancing up in the mirror, I gave my reflection a disappointed look and then heard a soft tap on the door. Gavin cracked the door. “Can I come in?” he asked.

“Sure,” I said and pulled the door the rest of the way open.

He walked in, still completely naked from the night before. I found myself gawking; because his body was even more amazing in the light.

“Good morning.”
He patted my ass as he walked past me and reached over to turn the knob to the shower. He tested to make sure the temperature was just right and then pulled the lever up. Water shot out from the shower head and tiled walls. Stepping into the shower, he held the glass door open. “Come on then,” he said.

I climbed in
and he shut the door, the steam from the hot water quickly fogging up the glass. The water trickled down my body as I watched Gavin tilt his head back to run his hands through his hair to wet it. Watching him drench himself under the water made me feel like I would lose control of myself . He opened his eyes and stared at me, leaning down and tenderly kissing me. The water ran off the bridge of his nose and pooled in the crevice where our mouths met. The cold tile of the shower met my skin as Gavin pushed his body against mine and forced me up onto the wall. The slick feeling of his hands running over my body gave me chill bumps and a slight moan flew from my lips.

“You like that?” he whispe
red as he placed his hand between my legs and casually slid his fingers inside of me. He pressed me harder against the wall. His skin slipped against mine as the water poured down the places our bodies didn’t meet.

rabbing my hand, he forced it around his dick, his fingers delving deeper into me. I got brave and slapped his hand away from me. His eyes flashed as he glanced down at his hand and back up to my face. I didn’t want to fool with the foreplay; I just wanted him in me.

I placed my foot on
a tile shelf, tugging him toward me and shoving him into me. There was an instant relief from him working his way deep inside of me, giving in to the urge I had to have him. The warm sensation forced my head against the tile and he put his hand on the small of my back, pulling himself further inside of me. His hand slithered down my body and firmly kneaded my ass as his teeth raked across my neck. I let out another moan, this one a little louder and more intense than the first. Pushing himself as far as he could into me, he held himself there. The tearing sensation sent a twinge of utter want flying over my body.

!” I whimpered as my fingers clenched down into his shoulders.

He ran his hand along the back of my thigh and pulled it up to his
chest; lifting me up onto him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared down into his eyes. The water was running down his face and slowly dripping over his lips. He kissed me with a hard and passionate kiss as I moved up and down on him. The feel of our wet skin sliding against each other quickly took me to the brink of ecstasy.

I moved harder on him, still discovering how much I loved the way he felt inside of me. My nails dug into his
neck, his hair tangling between my fingers. Each time I lifted myself up on him my breast grazed his lips, rolling the plumpness of them across my flesh. The pleasurable feeling quickly escalated to a pent up need for satisfaction. My nerve endings became overly sensitive and each stroke, twitch; each hard thrust sent shocks radiating throughout my extremities. Fire traveled over me, followed by a blissful weakness. I was helpless. My sighs, gasps, and moans echoed from the tiled walls of the shower.

The feeling made me lose all inhibition. “Fuck
,” I panted out as my body trembled on him.

fell against the wall, grasping onto my ass as he released a few short groans into my ear. The hard, cold tile pressed against my back and sent shivers up my spine. His thrusts became less rhythmic and deep; his movements slowed and his hold on me tightened.

his forehead against the tile, his uneven breaths blew over my neck. He closed his eyes and inhaled. “I love fucking you. You feel amazing. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” His hands brushed down my arms and he looked into my eyes. “You truly are amazing,” he said before kissing me again.

I never wanted to leave Boston.
I wanted to stay there in that hotel room forever.


Chapter Fifteen



The water
poured down her breasts in the most enticing way. I watched as she closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair to rinse the shampoo out. To me she was incredibly beautiful; gorgeous. Fatally attractive. She opened her eyes and smiled as she stepped closer, the point of her nipple brushing against my wet skin when she brought her face close to mine. Standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips delicately against mine. She moved toward the door of the shower, pausing to stare at me as she reached for the handle. Those incredibly blue eyes of hers pierced me.

“How am I supposed to go in
to work tomorrow and look you in the face?” She laughed softly as she wrung the water from her long, dark hair. “All I’m gonna do is picture you completely naked.” She pushed the shower door open, pausing to look me over before she stepped out. “Just like this, wet and sexy as hell.” The sultry growl she spoke in tempted me in the worst way.

The corners of my mouth pulled up and I laughed. She shut the door and left me to myself in the shower. My head pound
ed as I leaned back to wet it again. What in the hell had I done? I’d let her get me drunk. I’d sat there and drank myself to the point of becoming intoxicated. I’d kissed her. I’d felt every
inch of that woman with my tongue, and I’d loved every moment of it. The taste of her was so satisfying. The feel of her
, the way she felt
, the way she tasted, the way she tempted me, the restraint I’d maintained to keep myself from slamming her up against a wall, to not yank her hair and hiss demands at her. To not drain her soul from her. To not kill her. Oh God, I wanted her in the worst way. I wanted to take this control that she was unknowingly taking away from me and place it on her. I needed to control her, the way she moved on me, the way she touched me; but above all, I had to control the way she made me feel for her.

The steam rolled out across the ceiling of the bathroom as I walked to the sink
and wiped the fog from the mirror. Staring at my reflection, I ran my hand along my jawline, inspecting the stubble that shadowed my face. I reached for the razor and turned it on, pressing it against my skin and moving it in small, circular motions across my face and neck.

Brooke leaned in the doorway and I turned the razor off.

“I’m gonna go get my stuff packed.” She looked at me. “Meet you in the lobby when it’s time to go?”

I nodded and turned my razor back on. She disappeared from the doorway and the door shut
softly behind her. Taking in a deep breath, I reassured myself I knew exactly what I was doing.

strolled out into the lobby and found Brooke sitting on a bench. She had on a t-shirt and jeans and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her lips formed into a perfectly shaped smile as I approached her, towing my luggage behind me. She stood and pulled the handle from her suitcase up. I reached down and pried her hand from the handle, pulling both suitcases behind me as we walked to the exit.

She glanced up at
me, her bright blue eyes veiled with an expression of pure innocence that shook me to my core.

So, I couldn’t be happier that I came on this trip,” she giggled. “It was much more exciting than I’d expected.” Batting her eyes at me, she nudged my side with her elbow.

llowing one side of my mouth to pull up, I cleared my throat. “Yes, it was absolutely a
very satisfying
trip.” I glanced down at her as we approached the curb to wait on a cab. “Seems I may be taking something of a souvenir back with me, aye?” I let go of the handle to my suitcase and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen loose behind her ear. My hand traced along her jawline. Grabbing her chin, I pulled her face up to mine. “I’m going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before, I’ll fuck you like no one else can, Brooke. You just wait — you’ve no idea the things I’ll do to that pretty little body of yours.”

She blushed as I stared at her.
Her eyes widened and that look of shock and simultaneous arousal at my words satisfied me deeply.

” I asked. “That easily? After last night, you’re still going to embarrass so easily?” I lowered my voice. “You weren’t blushing when I had my face between your legs last night, were you?”

The shade of red deepened as the cab pulled up.

I opened the door for her. “Interesting,” I said.

She glanced back at me with a roused expression. I shut the door and placed the luggage in the trunk, then walked to the
other side of the cab and climbed in. Brooke was staring out the window nervously biting her cuticles.

She turned her head and looked sternly at me
. “I don’t usually do things like that.”

y gaze narrowed. “Like what?” I knew what she was referencing but wanted her to say it.

Her eyes darted up to the cab driver and she
lowered her voice to a faint whisper. “Sleep with somebody like that,” she stopped momentarily and a slightly embarrassed expression washed across her face. “I didn’t even make you use protection… I’ve never done that before.” She covered her face with her hands in an effort to hide her shame from me.

ulling her hands from her face, I stared blankly at her. “You’re on birth control. No need to worry.” She shot a displeased look at me. I brought her hand into my lap and intertwined my fingers with hers, rubbing my thumb softly across the side of her hand. “It’s okay,” I glanced down at her hand. “I haven’t either. We just got a little carried away. That’s all. Nothing to be ashamed of.”

I thought about the difference
s in what we were referencing; I knew she meant she’d never slept with someone so quickly, and I was referencing the fact that I’d never fucked someone the way I’d fucked her.


Chapter Sixteen



We sat in the terminal waiting for our flight and I laid my head on his shoulder.
“So, what happens if someone finds out?” I asked.

“I guess it depends on who found out
.” Gavin’s elbow rested on my back and he reached up toward his face, his fingers tracing along his hairline. I figured he was thinking about the possible repercussions I could bring him.

“What if someone sees us out in public together?” I panic
ked realizing the mess I’d gotten myself into.

“I think it’
ll be fine, Brooke. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. After all, Nicole and Dr. Knight both still have their jobs.” He raised his eyebrows and glanced down at me.

My eyes widened and I sat up quickly
. “You know about that? How…”

“It’s not really t
hat big of a secret. It’s obviously consensual, not to say I agree with it — because I don’t.” He paused and noticed the concerned expression that had formed on my face. “I don’t agree with it because he’s
. I feel bad for his wife, so with that said, I think as long as we don’t go around flaunting the fact that we’re screwing each other, we should be fine.” He looked at me, curiosity flickering in his eyes as though he were trying to figure me out. “I always swore I’d never get involved with someone that would tempt me to bend the rules, but there’s something about you.”

They called for our flight to board and we were forced to separate.
I spent the entire trip replaying the night before in my head. I had to make a conscious effort not to moan out loud as I recounted each wonderful detail of his touch. The way he’d made me feel was indescribable. Something about it seemed utterly and deliciously wicked.

We arrived in
Atlanta that evening. Gavin and I walked to the luggage carousel and waited on our suitcases to come around. I watched the assortment of bags coming across the conveyer belt and tried to figure out how to handle saying goodbye to him. Should I kiss him, hug him, or just wave? I had no idea how to handle the pending awkward departure.

Gavin grabbed his suitcase
, standing next to me as I reached for mine. I hadn’t even pulled it completely from the belt when he grabbed the handle from me.

“I insist you let me get that
. Lucky for you that you packed a small bag. I think both of our suitcases should fit perfectly into my trunk.” He glanced back at me as he headed in the direction of the parking deck.

was momentarily paralyzed by shock and then forced my legs to start moving. I followed him, not saying a word.

“You’re coming home with me,” he said in a tone
that suggested he wasn’t asking, but telling me that I was.

“My friend’s probably already here

He cut me off and withou
t even looking at me said, “Well, I suggest you tell her you won’t need her to pick you up.” He halted his stride and looked back over his shoulder at me. “That is, unless you’d rather go back with her?”

“No,” I quickly re

The corners of his mouth drew up devilish
ly. “Um-hmmm. I thought so.”

I dug around in the bottom of my purse
, walking swiftly to keep up with Gavin. I pulled my phone out and texted Constance.

I don’t need a ride home.

I quickly
got a response.

I’m already here. U screwed him, didn’t U?!!!!!!!

Yes. Several times!!! Go home.

I want 2 see him.

We r about to walk out 2 the deck. From Delta.

As we
crossed the street I glanced over at the loading lane. I saw Constance sitting in her beat-up blue Jetta. She banged her hands wildly on her steering wheel; her car was rocking from her exaggerated movements. I couldn’t help but giggle as I watched her throw a fit in her car.

Gavin glanced back, “W


Holy Hell! He is a freaking hottie! OMG! U slut!

We walked through the pa
rking deck and stopped behind Gavin’s Porsche. He popped the trunk and carefully placed the suitcases inside, then gently shut the lid. The dark, metallic gray paint was smooth and so spotless I could see my reflection in it. Gavin walked to the passenger side and opened the door for me. The strong smell of the leather interior wafted out of the warm car as I climbed in. The entire interior was covered in red leather, even the dashboard. It was absolutely pristine on the inside. The shiny silver coating on the air conditioner vents, handles, and buttons set a sharp contrast against the blood red leather. The inside of his car was extremely sexy. I’d never seen one with such a brazen interior, it fit him,
fit him. Climbing in, Gavin shut his door. He started the car and the stereo blared loudly. He turned the volume down and scanned through his stereo. When he stopped on a song, a smile inched across his face.

“You ever heard of
this song?”

listened and then shook my head. “Nope.”

urning the volume up, he laughed. “Beautiful lyrics.
From Can to Can’t
. Corey Taylor.”

icking his sunglasses up from the console, he pushed them up the bridge of his nose. He pressed the button to let the convertible top down as we pulled out of the deck. Gavin was singing along to the radio quietly.

If he can sing I’m as good as fucked.

He came to a four way stop and glanced over at me. His voice became louder and he stared at me, almost through me, as he sang the lyrics.
His voice was raspy and tormented and damn, he looked utterly irresistible against the red and silver interior; his Versace sunglasses, his hair falling carelessly across his face – at that moment I knew – I was

The next morning I woke up in his king size bed
and stared up into the pitched ceiling of his bedroom. The large, rough-looking support beams stretched across the length of the ceiling and two large fans hung between them. His bed was made of sleek black wood and dressed with black satin sheets. A thick, pleated red comforter was crumpled at the foot of the bed. The floors were a combination of dark and light planks of exotic teak wood. Three of the walls were painted light gray and the wall directly behind his bed was covered with long pieces of dark gray stone. A large piece of abstract art displaying an array of grays, whites, reds and oranges hung directly over his bed. Numerous rectangular-shaped mirrors hung on the wall to the far right of the room. On either side of his bed were large windows stretching from the tall ceilings to the floor. Gavin’s room was like something out of a magazine.

I rose from his bed and collected my clothes, pulling them on as I made my way across his bedroom
to the French doors that lead into the master bathroom.
A deep granite tub sat in front of the large tiled shower encased in glass. At the end of the room was a large walk-in closet. The door was cracked open and all I could see was how organized Gavin kept his things. Everything was hung neatly and grouped by colors. His shoes were neatly lined up in a dark wooden shoe cabinet on the floor. The vanity was pristine. His house resembled more of a showroom than a house someone actually lived in.

alking out into his living room, I glanced through the dining room to find him sitting at the bar drinking a cup of coffee. His hair was wet from a shower and he was dressed only in his boxers.

“You want a cup?” he
asked. He rose and reached into his cabinet, pulling out a black coffee mug with a bright red rim.

“Yes, plea
se. I’m worthless without a cup in the morning.”

He poured the coffee for me and passed me half and half and sugar.

I mixed my coffee and took a sip, letting the steam swirl around my face. His back was to me as he washed his cup out in the sink. I took the opportunity to admire his muscular frame, watching with delight as he moved. My eyes inched over him, stopping when they reach the tattoo on his biceps. That tattoo in and of itself reminded me he was not at all what I’d imagined. This was too good to be true. This man was too amazing to be real.
had to give.

through his dining room into his den, I gazed out the large, arched window. There was a lush green yard stretching out in front of his house. Turning back around, I said, “I’m surprised you live out in the suburbs. I figured you’d probably have some loft downtown or something.”

Gavin glanc
ed at me from over his bare shoulder. “Well,” he responded, “I have a lot more privacy out here. Don’t have to worry about neighbors complaining about my noise… you know, about my music being too loud.” A bewitching smile framed his teeth and he turned back to his sink. “I laid a towel out for you in the bathroom. I’ll need to drop you off at your place so you can take your car to work,” he said. “I thought about just driving you in, but I’ll have to stay later than you, plus it may look a little peculiar if we ride in together.”

That’s right
. I had to go back to work. I had no idea how I’d ever be able to keep my mind on work again.

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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