Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (18 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Lia smiled. “Love and live life to the full. It’s the only way.”

He held her tightly again, never wanting to let her go. After what seemed an eternity she finally pulled away. “I must pick up all these documents, Jake. I hope they’re not important?”

“No they’re just financial information for my shareholders. Boring stuff really. I need them for the board meeting tomorrow.”

Lia snapped her head in his direction. “You’re kidding me. But I’ve been lying all over them.”

Jake laughed at the look of surprise on her face. “Princess, it will give me immense pleasure as I hand them out. The thought of your naked body lying all over them, while I was inside you, administering a little correction, will give me a warm feeling of satisfaction. I won’t give a fuck when they bust my balls at the annual general meeting now.”

Lia put her head back, and roared with laughter. “I’m so glad I could help.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Six months later

Lia moved away from the doorway as yet more gym equipment arrived. She checked the box. “Treadmills go over by the window.” The delivery guy followed her instruction and wheeled the large packing crate to the far side of the room. Eventually, there would be a row of twenty-one treadmills. They were to be positioned in front of the vast bank of windows overlooking the hotel entrance. Customers would be able to enjoy invigorating views of the fountains that pumped enormous jets of water into the air as they ran six miles without moving an inch. At night, when the water display was backlit by multicolored lights, it would be even more impressive. A warm feeling pervaded her senses. She would finally be her own boss. It was an out-of-this-world dream, and something she thought she’d never be able to achieve.

Of course, it would never have happened without Jake’s help. He’d found her over twenty thousand square feet of prime Vegas floor space on the second floor of his hotel. So far she’d installed changing rooms, showers, and a sauna. Currently the gym itself was being filled with state-of-the-art equipment. In just seven days the Constantine Fitness Center would open its doors to the public for the very first time. She could barely wait.

A couple of young men began unpacking the new equipment as soon as it was in position. She called across to them, “Keep up the good work, guys. Only another twenty to go.”

One of the young men spoke. “After installing fifteen rowing machines yesterday, and now these, I know I’ll be counting treadmills in my sleep.” He laughed.

Lia smiled, as she walked toward to the bank of elevators. Jake had a guy coming to install CCTV later that day, and she needed to ask him where the cameras would be sited.

“Hi, Brady,” she said to a waiter crossing the lobby area. “How’s tricks?”

“Hi, Ms. Constantine,” he replied. “Things are just fine with me.” Lia could tell he was surprised that she knew his name.

“And how are Jackie and the kids?”

“They’re real good, too. Thanks for asking.”

Jake had instilled in her over the past few months that by remembering people’s names, you made them feel special and needed. It was the key to his success, and one she aimed to emulate. She knew the names of many of his employees at Arabian Nights now. Although she would have to remember another two thousand, if she were to have a memory as good as Jake’s.

Lia entered the elevator and pressed the button. Jake’s office was on the tenth floor. When the elevator jerked to a stop and the doors parted, she saw Madeline seated behind her desk in the reception area. A cloud of strawberry-blonde curls bobbed as she looked up from her keyboard.

“Hi, Madeline.”

She smiled. “You’ve just missed him, Lia.”

“Damn. Do you know where he’s gone?”

Madeline, immaculately dressed as always in a plum trouser suit, pointed skywards. “To the penthouse. He said he was taking the afternoon off, and I wasn’t to disturb him. Not unless it was real urgent.”

“I hope he’s not in a bad mood, Madeline. I want to discuss the finishing touches to my fitness center with him.”

“Honey, since you’ve been on the scene, the boss is a changed man. He’s a really lovely guy again. Just like he was in the old days, before Hannah died. You’ve made him live again, Lia. Before you and he got together, he was like a bear with a sore head. Boy, did that man need a lesson in manners. Now it’s like he’s been tapped with the happy stick. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. It’s certainly working, honey.”

Lia felt secretly pleased that Jake had blossomed since he’d known her. The man she loved more than life itself obviously wanted their relationship to continue.

She walked across the elegant and tastefully decorated reception area and, using the personal passkey that Jake had given her, summoned the private elevator. “Guess I’ll go up to the penthouse, and see what he’s up to. Bye, Madeline.”

“See you, honey.”

When the elevator doors slid open on the fiftieth floor, she called out, “Where are you, Jake?”

A muffled reply sounded from down the hallway. “I’m in here, princess.”

Lia made her way to his private gym. Jake wouldn’t be using the Constantine Fitness Center. There was no need. Not when he had a comprehensive selection of exercise equipment installed in the privacy of his own penthouse. He was lying on his back, bench-pressing a heavy weighted bar. Masculine sweat dripped down the sides of his face. She guessed by the number of weights, the bar was carrying around four hundred pounds. Naked from the waist up, the muscles of his chest and stomach flexed as he repeatedly raised the barbell, before lowering it to his chest again. She saw his biceps and triceps straining as he pumped the flexing bar several times before finally securing it safely to the stand.

Jake always did this to her. She’d been with him for six months now, but just the sight of his masculine body turned her legs to Jell-O. Lia leaned back against the doorway and moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. If Jake were a meal she’d want to gobble him up whole. Everything about him turned her on, from his dreamy, crystal-blue eyes, to his long fingers and big hands. He could turn her to putty at a moment’s notice. Their relationship had developed into a deep understanding, and they were barely apart. They brought life to each other’s fantasies. They confided in each other. They loved each other.

Jake grabbed a towel and began wiping the sweat from his chest and arms. His eyes held hers and a knowing smile drifted to his lips. “What’s the matter, princess? You’ve seen me work out before.” His deep voice brushed like soft velvet across her skin, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Her pussy tightened and throbbed with desire at the look he gave her. “I know it makes your pussy wet.”

Feeling mischievous and more than a little naughty, she answered, “Huh, call that a workout. A ten-year-old boy could lift more weight than you.”

Jake smiled at her deliberate jibe. Sometimes she acted like a brat just to get his attention—and boy, did it work.

Her breathing accelerated as he looked at her. “Is that so, princess?” A wicked grin spread on his lips as he rose from the bench and moved toward her. Lia pressed her back against the wall, and closed her eyes. She adored and craved his attention.

“So what would you suggest I do to turn me into a real man?”

A girlish squeal left her lips as he suddenly grabbed her wrists and held them high above her head. His still-sweaty body pressed along the length of hers—hot and exciting.

Lia slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze drifted to his sensual lips. She loved him with all her heart.

Jake raised a brow. “Cat got your tongue?”

Lia nodded. “Sorry, Sir, I’m forgetting myself,” she answered in submissive mode, hoping he would take the bait and give her what she craved most, a good fucking.

Jake leaned in and kissed her passionately. He firmly pressed a knee between her legs, forcing them open. When he pulled away she saw the smile still on his lips. His eyes twinkled from the overhead lights. “Hmm, I think my slave is trying to top from the bottom.”

“Oh, no, Sir,” she answered quickly, sensing her recklessness had achieved the desired effect. Her breathing was fast and shallow. “It was just a joke, Sir.”

Jake cupped her chin and angled her face to his. “Too late, slave. I think a little correction is required to show just who’s in charge. Don’t you?”

Lia swallowed hard. The look in his eyes made her panties moisten. “Yes, Sir.”

Jake dragged her from the wall by her wrists, and pulled her over to his exercise bench. “Now, slave. Lie on there and do exactly what I say. You need to straighten up and fly right.”

With her legs straddling the twelve-inch-wide bench, she lay back and rested her head against the padded support.

“Wait here, don’t move. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He returned a few moments later with a pair of handcuffs. “Put your hands together under the workbench, my slave.”

Lia complied, and Jake immediately secured her wrists together. The satisfying click as the cuffs locked in place only served to excite her further. The top half of her body lay tight against the bench, but her legs were wide open. At least she still had her clothes on, for now. When Jake produced a large hunting knife with a seven-inch blade, Lia knew she was in for an exciting time.

“Please, Sir, I—”

He placed a finger to her lips. “Shhh, my slave. Your Master has not given you permission to speak.”

Jake smoothed his free hand over her prone body, pressing his fingers through her clothes, making her squirm in response. He massaged her breasts and then lifted her chin with his fingers, so her neck was fully exposed and submissive. Molten fire swirled in his eyes. “What you have to realize in our relationship is that there is a natural order of things. Only one of us can be in charge, and that’s me, my slave.” As soon as he finished speaking he roughly grabbed the neckline of her top and began slicing through the material. The hunting knife was so sharp it made quick work of the T-shirt. Lia held her breath as the cold steel tip of the knife made contact with her naked flesh. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly in the tight confines of her bra. The ruined material was brushed aside. Jake leaned down and pulled at her skirt. One long, noisy cut was all that was required to remove it. Down to just her bra and panties, Jake stalked her, circling her, observing her like a predator observed its prey.

“Excellent. That’s what I like to see. Anticipation and just a little fear in my slave’s eyes.” He held up the knife in front of her. “I’m going to trail this formidable weapon all over your naked body, and you are going to lie perfectly still, because that is what I tell you to do.” When the glinting blade effortlessly sliced through the shoulder straps of her bra, she felt the cold steel sexily caress her skin. “Don’t move, or even breathe too deeply. Remember, my slave, this blade is razor sharp. So don’t even move a muscle.” To finish the effect he cut through the front of her bra, and her breasts bounced free. Jake tugged the skimpy lace from her body, and it fell ruined to the floor, joining the rest of her clothes. Her panties were quickly dispatched, too. They stood no chance against the awesome cutting force of the hunting knife.

With her arms handcuffed beneath her, Lia lay naked and exposed on the exercise bench. Her legs straddled the painfully narrow plank, making her feel vulnerable and more than a little scared.

Jake walked around in front of her. She could tell he was as aroused as she was. When he looked into her eyes, she saw power and pleasure flooding his veins. “Just to make it a little more interesting, I’ve decided to blindfold you. Remember, my slave, don’t move, or I may accidentally cut you.”

Her breathing was out of control as Jake secured a black silk scarf around her head, covering her eyes. She had every faith in him. She could trust him. She loved him.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jake carefully observed Lia for a few moments, enjoying her naked body lying prostrate on the exercise bench. Beautiful, magnificent breasts undulated as her breathing continued to accelerate. With a shapely leg lying either side of the workout bench, he could see every intimate detail of her freshly shaved, baby-smooth pussy. Fuck, he wanted to be inside her, to fill her with his hard shaft. Later, when he’d teased her a little more, then he’d get his reward.

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