Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Chapter Seven

He removed the last of her restraints and pulled her into his arms. He had an overwhelming desire to comfort her, yet he was the one who had administered the punishment. All he wanted to do now was soothe her fears away. He stroked his hands into her hair as he held her tight against his body.

“It’s okay, training is over for tonight.”

“Thank you, Master.”

He gazed down into her eyes, so open and accepting. He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip and then followed with a kiss. She felt raw, passionate, and needy. He had hoped that by using the blindfold he would be immune to her feelings, but as soon as he’d looked into her eyes, she had given him exactly what he’d needed: Her compliance, her submission, her complete surrender.

“You excite me like no other woman, Maddie.” He pulled the towel from around his waist, and allowed his hard cock to spring free at last.

He entered her swiftly as he rolled her onto her back. Immediately, she arched, her breasts thrusting forwards with ripe raspberry nipples. He plucked them into his mouth, drawing them one at a time against his teeth, until she moaned out loud. He felt powerful and manly as he thrust hard inside her. She needed to be mastered and brought into line. She had to bend to his will.

She stared mesmerized at the key hanging around his neck. He knew it excited her. This power he had over her. Her lips parted and she wrapped herself around him, taking comfort now from his closeness. It made him feel needed and wanted.

Taking a handful of her hair, he wound it through his fingers. Her head tilted back, and they kissed a deep passionate kiss. A caress so raw it seemed as though their lives depended on it.

Her body tightened around his cock as he thrust deeper and deeper. Slowing the rhythm, he kissed her lips, driving his tongue into her mouth as the first of her convulsions rippled around him. He swallowed her whimpers of ecstasy, reveling in the sheer femininity of the woman beneath him.

Her skin glowed from the lamplight—the round mounds of her breasts, perfect and womanly, the tight velvet sheath of her pussy, warm and inviting. He needed this like a drug. How would he get his fix when she finally paid him back?

Casting the thought aside, he thrust harder. His balls constricted tightly until they pumped his seed deep inside her in an intoxicating rush. Panting, he lay back against the pillows and nestled her head on his shoulder. For the moment, he couldn’t care less about the money, just the intense enjoyment of sharing such an incredible sexual experience.

* * * *

Over the past week, the creek had become a favorite spot. With her horse tethered beside her, she sat on the rock and stared at the shimmering water, noticing her own reflection. Did she recognize the person staring back? The person she thought she was had gone forever, and some strange woman had now taken her place—a stranger with feelings and thoughts that she’d never dreamed of.

Odd as it seemed, she couldn’t say she hated her time here. The days might be long and filled with waiting for news of her house sale, but the nights were packed with intense sexual excitement. She wondered what tonight would bring and shivered, knowing that every night he would raise the stakes, delving deeper and deeper into her fantasies.

It felt peaceful here, and she lay back against the rock, covering her face with her hat to shield the sun from her eyes.

If she could just sleep for a few minutes, she felt sure she’d wake revitalized and ready for anything.

Her mind drifted to her sister. Simone had trapped her in a relationship that could only end in tears. In fact, she’d taken her life from her. Her sister had it coming to her and then some.

* * * *

So this was where she was hiding. Keaton rode his stallion into the enclosed creek bed, surrounded on all sides by leafy trees. They fluttered noisily in the evening breeze, bringing the scent of hickory as the sun dipped lower in the sky.

He might have known she’d choose his favorite spot. He, too, would often come here when he had things on his mind.

Dressed in jeans and a blue blouse, she lay on a rock, her hat covering her face, her blonde hair streaming out from under it.

She didn’t rouse as he brought his stallion to a controlled halt and then dismounted. It was obvious she was sound asleep.

He felt—what did he feel other than anger at her betrayal of his trust?—a deep need to cherish and protect her. Surely these feelings were at odds with each other. But the experiences they’d shared over the last few nights had marked her indelibly on his psyche.

He had forced her to submit to his will. He had pushed her limits. He had gained her compliance and submission. By giving him those things he craved the most, he owed her at least her well-being.

He leaned down and touched her shoulder. Almost immediately, she sat bolt upright. Her eyes widened as she fought for air. In her panic, her hat fell to the ground.

He picked it up and handed it to her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She took the hat and fanned her face. “It’s okay. I was dreaming. What time is it?”

“A little after six.”

“Oh?” She looked surprised. “I must have been asleep for hours.”

He felt guilty. He’d barely let her have any sleep these past few nights. He dug into his saddlebag and pulled out a bottle of water and a wrapped sandwich. He handed them to her.

“Helena tells me you haven’t eaten any breakfast or lunch for that matter.”

She eyed his offerings suspiciously, looking first at him and then at the food and water.

“Go on,” he urged. “At least have the water. You must be thirsty.”

She stopped fanning herself and placed the hat on her head, and then took the sandwich and bottle from him.

“What’s the matter, Keaton? Frightened I might not be fit enough for tonight?”

Her accusation cut into him, but he wouldn’t be provoked. “You might not believe it, but I do care about your health. I don’t want you becoming ill.”

“No, because I wouldn’t be able to pay your money back in that case.”

“Look, Maddie. It’s eighty degrees out here. You’ve been gone all day without any water or food. You will become seriously dehydrated and ill if you don’t start acting sensibly.”


“Yes, really. Anyway, it’s out of your hands now. You’ve forced me to take action. I’ve told the staff not to let you have a horse unless you’ve got food and water with you.”

In exasperation, he picked up a handful of stones from the pebbled bank and began skimming them across the water. Just to spite him, Maddie would probably rather die of thirst.

“I haven’t done that,” she said, as she opened the bottle of water and took a sip, “since I was a child.”

He hurled another stone, watching it bounce several times, before sinking into obscurity. A trail of ripples expanded out in ever-increasing circles. “What, this?”

She nodded and swallowed more of the water.

“The secret is choosing the right stone.” He hurled another, pleased that she was at least drinking something. “The flatter the stone, the better it will skim.”

“I’ll have to have a go in a minute. I must admit I do feel a little light-headed.” She opened the sandwich and began eating. “I don’t usually fall asleep during the day. Can’t think why I should now.”

He heard the sarcasm in her voice, but when he turned to look at her, all he saw was a sexy half smile on her lips as she stared back.

“Is that so?” He nodded, letting his gaze drift over her upturned face. Such a beautiful face. He couldn’t decide if her cheeks were glowing from the heat or embarrassment. He felt sure she wanted to add to the conversation. “Go on. What’s on your mind?”

“I don’t know how much to tell you. You might use it against me later on.”

“I can’t promise anything. What we know about each other will always have a bearing on our actions.” If she confided something to him, he wouldn’t be able to separate it off. “Anyway, I have the distinct feeling that you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

“Yes, but what I can’t understand is why?”

He skimmed another stone across the water. “How do you mean?”

“It puzzles me—given the circumstances we find ourselves in—why we would get intense pleasure from each other. I mean, you hate me, and I don’t really know anything about you. You’re virtually a stranger.”

“I don’t hate you, Maddie. I’m disappointed, that’s all. As for me being a stranger, perhaps we should remedy that. I’m doing some shooting tomorrow. You’re welcome to come with me.”


“Good. Last night, you found some of your inner self. All those fantasies you’ve kept hidden inside you. I just brought them to the surface. And because I took all the responsibility, you don’t have any of the guilt.”

“I suppose, only…” She finished her sandwich and took a swig from the bottle.

“If there’s something you want to discuss, then say it now. I don’t think we should have any secrets.”

“I’m scared, Keaton. What if you did something I absolutely hated? Would you stop? Having stolen an awful lot of money, I know I haven’t got much power, but…”

Her eyes looked huge, and he felt the same emotions as when he’d dominated her into submission last night. They swamped his senses, making him feel very protective of her. He wanted to soothe her fears away.

“I know it sounds crazy given the type of relationship we have, but you’re just going to have to trust me on this one.” If she didn’t get any enjoyment from it, then he knew deep down that he would stop. Though, from what she said, he realized he hadn’t reached her sexual limits yet.

She stared at him for a moment, digesting what he’d said. “But
don’t trust

“You know why.”

After picking up some stones, she stood. “You’ll be pleased to know the house sale is progressing. As soon as I get the money, I’ll wire it to your account. It shouldn’t be more than a fortnight. Tops.”

“Fine.” He wondered what she would do when she left here. “Where will you go afterwards?”

“I have the urge to visit Cannes. There’s someone I need to see.”

“I don’t suppose you’ll be making it a long visit.”

“No.” She cast a stone into the water. “It will be the last time I see my sister. I’ll make it a reunion to remember always.”

Her words were laced with intent, and he knew she was seething inside. He almost felt sorry for her, but not quite. Two wrongs didn’t make a right. She and her sister, Simone, were like two peas in a pod, out for everything they could get. Well, criminals often came to blows with one another when there was a lot of money involved.

Just as she cast another stone into the creek, she stumbled forward, almost falling into the water. She held her hands to her head. “God, I feel dizzy.”

Chapter Eight

Keaton took hold of her arm and sat her back down on the rock. Her head pounded, and it was hard to focus. He cupped her chin and looked down into her face.

“Look at me,” he ordered.

Returning his gaze was difficult; he seemed all blurred and fragmented. A hissing noise sounded in her ears, making her head spin. She gripped a hand to her forehead. “I guess I overdid it with the sunbathing.”

“You’ve probably got heatstroke. Drink some more water.” He opened the bottle and handed it to her. “You must be dehydrated. Now do you see why you should take water with you at all times?”

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