Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (11 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Fabulous, Master.” She groaned as his hands found a tight knot. He smiled to himself. She had the most delectable soft skin, and the cutest butt, ripe like a juicy peach. He found it almost irresistible not to squeeze and caress it whenever he saw it. He trailed his hands down to the groove of her ass, running his fingers over her tight little puckered hole. He noticed that she clenched her buttock cheeks in complete opposition.

“Has anyone ever touched you here before?”

“No, Master,” was her short sharp breathy reply.

“Then I will get you used to the idea, but not tonight. We need to talk.” He smoothed his hands back up her spine and massaged the slender muscles of her neck. “Right, sit up now. We’ve got things to discuss.”

He propped himself on the bed and waited until she rested back against the pillows. He took the chain from around his neck and held it up. The key to the bedroom door swung on the end of it.

“This is a symbol of my control over you. When I remove it, you are free to say and do as you wish, but when I wear it, I expect your complete obedience. Understand?”

Maddie nodded. Was it relief or disappointment he saw in her eyes, as he placed it down on the bedside cabinet? To him, it seemed the most obvious way for them to understand each other better.

“What do you want to discuss, Keaton?”

“Our problem.”


“Your sister.”

“It’s not your problem. It’s mine. I can hopefully pay you back in less than a fortnight.”

“It is my problem, Maddie. As far as I’m concerned, that money is mine, and we’re allowing your sister to fritter it away. In which case, you’ll soon be left with nothing.” The idea of her being penniless because of her sister’s selfish way of life made anger flare inside him.

“What do you propose to do?”

“I think we should both fly to Cannes tomorrow. We can take my private jet. I want the money back.” He dragged a hand through his hair in irritation and corrected himself, “
money back, just as much as you do. That way you won’t be left completely destitute by all of this.”

“I appreciate your help, Keaton, but she won’t be that easy to find. I don’t even know where to start looking for her.”

“I have contacts all over the world, Maddie. I’ve already had inquiries made in Cannes. She’s been tracked down to a hotel just on the outskirts. The reports I’ve received tell me she’s living a life of luxury. And on my fucking money, too.”

“Really?” Her mouth opened in surprise. “Why are you doing this for me?”

“Because.” He paused for thought. “I don’t like what your sister has made you become.” He raised his hands and then let them drop, unable to find the right words. Whatever he said would sound harsh. “Look, I needn’t spell it out for you. We’re in this together whether you like it or not. We both want to get our hands on your sister, but not for the same reasons. I want my money back, and you want to make her pay for the trouble she’s put you through.” He knew there could be no future for them. They had both used each other, but maybe by doing this, he could at least assuage some of his own guilt. Besides, he just couldn’t bear to think of her having nothing left.

“Maddie, before we go our separate ways, it’s payback time.”

* * * *

Maddie marveled at what a difference a day could make. Within twenty-four hours, they’d flown over to France and had booked into the Hotel Martinez, located in the bay of Cannes. She stepped onto the balcony and looked up the tree-lined avenue. The palms gently fluttered in the hot sea breeze. The golden sand and azure blue sea glistened just a few hundred feet in front of her. The French Riviera would be a superb place to enjoy under happier circumstances.

She turned and stepped back into the chic hotel suite. The walls, decorated in gold and cream, complimented the dark wood furniture. The large bed, draped in the finest golden satin, looked very inviting. No expense had been spared. The bathroom boasted twin sinks, with a separate shower stall and large luxurious sunken bath.

Keaton had made all the arrangements. Nothing had been left to chance. Because of Simone’s recent arrest, they knew her sister wouldn’t be able to leave Cannes. The court case was due to be held in two days time, so there was little chance of her disappearing into the ether.

It had surprised her that Keaton had wanted to help, but she’d put it down to his controlling nature. She guessed he couldn’t bear to think of her sister spending all his money. The fact that he was helping her in the process was just a by-product. Keaton, she guessed, couldn’t think that highly of her. Surely she’d acted like a whore.

On the other hand, she was beginning to have strong feelings for him. She knew they’d be parting in just a few weeks time, and she wondered how she’d feel when the time came for them to go their separate ways. Already, her heart told her that it wouldn’t be easy. Becoming attached to Keaton was something she hadn’t counted on and certainly the last thing she’d expected.

Maybe if she’d hated every minute in his company, then it would be easy, but the man had given her untold sexual pleasure night after night. She wished she had a tough exterior, just like him.

After kicking off her shoes, she lay on the bed and waited for him to come back from his business meeting. Then the gloves would be off, and she would finally come face to face with her sister. Her hands clenched into tight fists. All this trouble they’d been put to because of Simone. Keaton was right. It was payback time. She could feel her blood begin to boil. Simone had ruined everything: her career, her relationship with Keaton. Her whole life had been destroyed. Her sister had made her into a whore. If she was a whore, then what did that make Keaton? He was an extremely handsome man who could sleep with any woman he wanted. He certainly didn’t have to pay for sex, but on this occasion, that’s exactly what he was doing.

Breathe, Maddie, breathe. Unclench your fists and breathe.
Just a few more hours and you will have your revenge

* * * *

Keaton opened the door to the hotel suite and entered the room. The light coming through the windows from the bright blue sea and sky almost blinded him, and he raised a hand to shield his eyes. The door to the balcony was slightly ajar, and the curtains swirled and fluttered in the breeze.

He saw Maddie lying on the bed. With her legs outstretched, she rested on her side. He wondered if she had a headache, but when he approached, he could clearly see she was asleep.

He smiled to himself. The jet lag had finally caught up with her. He’d become so used to having her around now that he wondered how he would cope once she was finally gone. Selfishly, he realized he didn’t want her to go, but surely there could be no future between them. Maddie herself would never agree; he was certain of that. He just had to face facts and watch the only woman he could really truly love walk away. Maybe it would be for the best.

He brushed the cloud of blonde curls away from her face, and she immediately stirred awake.

“Oh, sorry, Keaton. I must have fallen asleep.” She began to sit up, but he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“It’s okay, little one, rest for a while. Apparently, your sister doesn’t return to her apartment until evening.”

“Apartment? I thought she was renting a room in a hotel?”

“She is. Just a whole suite of them.”

“Jesus. That must cost a small fortune.”

“It does, and I’m fucking glad we came over when we did. Now we can finally put a stop to this extravagance.”

Maddie sat up. “It’s no use. I won’t be able to rest now. My blood is boiling.”

“You and I both. Would you like a drink? Maybe we could order dinner and have it here on the balcony, overlooking the bay?”

She looked up, her eyes narrowing on his, then she smiled. “Yes, why not? You choose. The only thing I don’t like is—”


She laughed. “Yes, you know me quite well now, don’t you? I think I’ll have a shower before dinner.” She slipped off the bed, and walked seductively toward the bathroom, picking up a change of clothes as she went.

He realized he knew her very well. That knowledge would only make it all the more difficult to say goodbye.

He picked up the room service menu and began scanning it. When he heard the water running from the shower, he had an overwhelming desire to join her, but now was not the time. He wondered if it ever would be again. If that was the case, then he had lost a whole lot more than just his money.

Chapter Twelve

“How are we going to handle this?” Keaton asked.

Maddie leaned back against the elevator wall as it whisked them to the top floor of her sister’s expensive hotel. She glanced momentarily at him. She wondered if he really knew what he was letting himself in for. “We’ll just have to play it by ear. I know her. She won’t want to give the money back.”

“Okay.” He rubbed a hand over his face, and she heard the stubble rasp against his fingers. At that moment, she wished she could just turn around and go back to their hotel room. A night with Keaton would be preferable to the one she knew was coming. “I’ll leave everything up to you. She’s your sister, after all.”

Maddie grimaced. “By the time I’m finished with her, she’ll wish she wasn’t.”

The elevator stopped, and the doors parted in an expensive swish.

“It’s this way,” Keaton advised as they stepped out onto the luxurious deep pile carpet of the corridor.

They walked past a number of doors until they finally came to the right one—room 392.

Maddie nudged Keaton in the side with an elbow and whispered, “Don’t say anything until we’re inside.” She raised her hand and knocked twice on the door.

“Who is it?” came the muffled reply. Maddie felt her hackles rise at the sound of her sister’s innocent answer. She took a deep breath.

“Room service, mademoiselle.”

Maddie hoped her impression of a French accent would be enough to fool her sister into opening the door. She certainly had the element of surprise on her side. The look Keaton gave her almost made her laugh, and she shrugged her shoulders. “You couldn’t do any better,” she whispered.

Anyway, her sister replied, “Just a minute.” So it couldn’t have been that bad.

When the door opened, Maddie immediately pushed inside. Simone’s face held a look of pure surprise, right up to the moment she slapped it from her, hard.

Her sister held her hand to her cheek. “You bitch. Not my face. It’s my livelihood.”

“Is that all you can think of? Don’t you have a warm welcome for your sister, Simone?”

“Go to hell.”

“That’s exactly where I’ve been. You, madam,” Maddie prodded Simone in the chest with her index finger, and she stumbled further back into the room, “are one evil bitch. Now tell me where the money is, and we’ll leave you alone.”

By the look of her sister’s wide dilated pupils, she guessed she was high. Her gaze drifted over her, taking in the expensive dress she wore, the diamond bracelet, and the perfect manicure. The unmistakable scent of Chanel perfume assailed her senses. All this had been achieved at her expense. Had her sister no shame?

Simone smirked, looking from Keaton to her, and back again. “Who’s this? He’s far too good looking for you.”

“My name is Keaton Rivers and I’m the chairman of Goldstein Rivers, lady. You’ve got my money, and I intend to get it back.”

“Hmm, I liked you better before you spoke.”

He shook his head in disbelief. “Do you have any idea the amount of trouble you’ve put your sister to?”

“Listen, Mister whatever your name is, my sister may seem all goodness and light to you, but I know the real Maddie James, and she’s no angel, I can assure you.”

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
12.28Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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