Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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He walked to the bottom of the bed and faced her. “Hold out your hands.”

Maddie saw the soft cord held in his grip. “Please don’t tie me up, Master. I’ll do anything you want.”

He leaned forward and roughly took her hands in his. Holding them together, he began binding her wrists. “This intensifies whatever I do to you. It makes you more aware of everything. Now don’t argue with me again. Understand?”

“Yes, Master. I’m sorry, Master.”

After restraining her hands, he looped a three-foot length of rope around her bindings and secured her to the end of the bedstead.

Her heart rate increased immediately. There was no escape now. His eyes connected with hers as he tested the fastenings. A burning intensity showed in his gaze, and she had the distinct feeling he was angry with her.

“First, we’re going to watch the television. Then we shall discuss what we’ve seen. Then I will administer your punishment.”

“Punishment?” She saw the look on his face and immediately added, “Master, what punishment?”

“You’ll see.” He knelt on the mattress behind her and pulled her on to his lap. “Comfortable?” he asked, holding her possessively around the waist.

“Yes, Master,” she replied weakly, knowing he was in full and total control of her.

He flicked a switch on the remote and the television clicked on. At first, she wondered if he was going to show her a porn movie. She guessed it would be heavy with domination and submission as that seemed to be what aroused him the most. However, as soon as the screen flickered into life, she recognized her sister, Simone, being held hostage. Her whole body tensed as she watched. Strange how she could see the overacting by her sister now. At the time, she’d been convinced it was real. Even the whole set looked fake and overdone, and when the knife cut her skin, she could now clearly see it was no more than a crude magician’s trick.

The screen went dead, and Keaton remained silent. She was just aware of his heavy breathing filling the space between them.

The hairs on the back of her neck rose when he eventually spoke.

“Things could have been so different, Maddie. Why didn’t you show this to me when you came to my office?”

“I couldn’t, Master. I feared for Simone’s life.”

“You’re well aware of company policy. You should have implemented it.”

“Master, it’s different when it’s your own family. I was scared. Now that I’ve seen it again, it does look staged, but at the time I was sick with worry.”

He let out a long, slow breath. “Your sister is something else. A nasty, manipulative piece of work.”

“Yes, Master, just wait until I disown her face to face. It will be a day to savor.”

“I know you’re angry, but I’m angry with you, too.”

“Why, Master? You have the truth now. You know I didn’t steal the money for myself. I did it because I thought my sister would be killed.”

He tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “I can forgive you for the stealing, but I can’t forgive you for not trusting me with the truth. Can’t you understand that I like you? All this could have been avoided. While your sister is spending my money, I might add, we’ve been wasting a lot of time. I’m sorry, but you need to be disciplined once and for all, and then we can move on. Twenty spanks ought to do it.”

“Please, Master, you don’t have to.” Maddie was worried now at the seriousness to his voice.

He thought for a moment. “Very well. This time I will let you choose. You can have either the punishment or a lesson in self-control. If you fail the lesson in self-control, you will still receive the punishment. The choice is yours.”

The idea of receiving twenty spanks made Maddie say, “I’ll choose the self-control lesson, thank you, Master.”

Her relief was short-lived as he produced a large metal phallus. The cold steel touched her breast as he rubbed it between her cleavage, and she shivered involuntarily. It reminded her of the gun earlier in the day, and she knew then that his meticulous character meant he’d planned everything in great detail. He simply thrived on control.

As she squirmed away from the exquisite feelings, her body pushed further back into his. She could feel the masculine hair on his legs and chest rasping against her naked flesh.

“If you come before I say you can, then…I will redden your cute little bottom in no uncertain terms.”

“Please don’t, Master.”

She cried out as he trailed the sex toy down to her pussy and slowly pressed it against her clit. The cool metal made her jolt on contact, and she writhed against his torso. This was so unfair. Surely she would lose.

“No, Master. Please don’t, Master. Please don’t spank me again. I promise I’ll always tell the truth from now on.”

He trailed it back up to her breasts and circled each nipple in turn. He moved it to her mouth. “Now lick the end properly. It will make it far easier to insert this nine-inch baby between your legs.”

Maddie sucked it provocatively into her mouth as though it were his penis. It felt huge as the bulbous end pushed past her lips and pressed against her tongue. A tight coil of nervous energy centered low in her stomach at the idea of it deep inside her pussy. He smoothed the toy back down her body with excruciating slowness, lingering on her belly button, before touching it once more against her clit.

She held her breath and counted silently to herself, one—two—three—anything to keep her mind from what was happening. A cry escaped her lips as he slid it against her moist aching flesh. Her whole body arched as it entered her slowly. The coldness of the metal phallus felt in complete contrast to the unbridled heat of her aching wet pussy.

He began teasing her clit with the fingers of his other hand as he pushed the sex toy fully home.

“I’ve been thinking about doing this all day,” he whispered against her ear. “The cold steel shaft slipping so easily inside you. I just knew you’d choose the lesson over a spanking.”

A moan tore from her lips as he began moving it inside her.

She cried out, “Please, Master, don’t make me come. I mustn’t.” She panted as she tried to keep the tide at bay. Squirming away from him, she pulled on the restraints. “Help me, Master, please,” she begged, knowing that a few more strokes of his fingers would send her over the top.”

“Breathe,” he ordered, behind her. “Deep breaths. Divert your attention to another part of your body.”

All she could think of was to bite down on her lower lip hard. The pain eased the imminent climax and pushed it further back in her mind. Keaton removed his fingers from her clit and clasped her around her stomach as he held her tightly against his chest. His other hand pumped the metal phallus repeatedly inside her. Just on the point of giving in to the sensual pleasure, he pulled it from her aching pussy, and she lay gasping against him.

“Well done. For keeping control of your body, you get rewarded.”

“How, Master?” she asked breathlessly, grateful that the spanking was no longer on the agenda.

He shifted her forwards, and she felt him remove the towel from around his waist. She held her breath.

“Now grip the brass railing in front of you and hold it tight.”

She did as he asked, and almost immediately she felt his hard shaft pressing at the entrance to her pussy. Her whole body arched as his thick cock seated to the hilt inside her. Nerve endings already sensitized swelled and rippled from the delicious intensity.

Both his hands cupped her breasts, and he pulled her back, making her body arch like a bowstring as he began pounding into her. “You like that?”

“Yes, Master.”

His one hand slipped to her clitoris, his fingers sweeping across it with bold strokes.

“And that?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Maybe you prefer to be fucked harder?”

“Yes, Master. Fuck me harder, please.” She couldn’t believe she’d said it, but all her inhibitions were gone. She wanted sex with Keaton to be full on. It made her feel alive for the first time in years.

He began pumping harder, his long hard shaft sliding from tip to base over and over. With her back arched, her whole body stiffened from the most intense pleasure she’d ever known. An almost painful convulsion began to grow with each delicious inward stroke he made. Keaton was servicing her body as never before, building the moment with manly precision. His hands dipped to hold her firmly by the hips.

The wave grew in intensity until it gripped like an iron fist at her very core, sending spasm after spasm of pleasure pulsing through her body. She screamed out, “Oh, my God,” as her orgasm finally smashed through, her pussy convulsing and milking his cock with a potent ferocity that shocked her. Her climax became monumental in its entirety. On the point of collapsing against the bed, she became aware of Keaton spilling his hot seed deep inside her with a low guttural growl as he, too, gave in to instinct.

“Untie me please, Master. I need…”

Chapter Eleven

He heard the urgency in her voice, and then her words trailed away.

“Have I hurt you?” Immediately, he leaned forward and removed the restraints, noticing the reddened marks they left behind on her wrists. He rubbed his hands over them. “I’m sorry. I’ve hurt you, haven’t I?”

Her eyes lifted to his, and he felt his heart constrict. At that moment, she looked like the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Still glowing from her recent orgasm, she had a vulnerability he hadn’t witnessed before.

“No, I’m fine.” She made to turn away, but he stopped her progress. He clasped her chin with his finger and thumb and tilted her face so she would look at him once more.

“What were you about to say? What do you need?”

She shook her head and lowered her gaze. “It doesn’t matter.”

He watched her bite on her bottom lip. “Look at me.” She raised her eyes to his. “Tell me, Maddie. I want to know.”

“This relationship we have. I’m finding it difficult to know how to behave. I so wanted you to hold me afterwards. I’m sorry, Master, I forgot my place.”

He realized how selfish he must seem. She met his requirements to perfection. She was exactly the type of woman he needed. Surely, he should show her more compassion and kindness.

“Come,” he said, lying down on the bed. “I’ll hold you now.” He stroked his hand through her hair as she nestled against his shoulder. “Better?” he asked.

“Much. Thank you, Master,” she whispered, barely a sigh.

It was funny how tender he felt toward her, now that he’d found out the truth about her sister’s involvement.

“Look, things have changed between us. Now I know why you stole the money, it’s altered my opinion of you. I just wish you’d told me sooner. I want us to get along. I want you to feel free to discuss things with me.” He let out a long slow breath. “Only there’s obviously a right time and place. As you know, the control aspect heightens my sexual arousal, and I think yours, too.”

He looked down into her eyes, and she caressed the side of his face with her fingertips. “It brings me more pleasure than I could ever have imagined, Master.”

A deep satisfaction flooded his body that she enjoyed the experience, but he sensed a wariness to speak her mind. “Lie on your stomach, and I’ll give you a massage.”

She turned over and he began kneading her shoulders with his fingers and thumbs, working on the knots clearly evident there. Using his thumbs, he pressed them into the groove of her spine and smoothed them over her back in bold upward strokes.

“How does that feel?”

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
8.8Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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